Should Islamic Marriages be recognized in the US?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Considering marriage in Islam is often just a "contract" between the man and his wife/wives, and sometimes those marriages are only temporary, should they be legally recognized?

Especially considering polygamy is illegal in the US, how can any government, Federal or State, give recognition to such "marriages"?

In these "contracts" the Muslim woman essentially gives up all her rights. She doesn't need to be present for a wedding or a divorce, and adultry commited by the man is not considered grounds for divorce on the woman's part. In fact, in Islam a married woman cannot technically be raped, she must have sex with the husband whenever he wants it.

To top it off, there is no age limit in Islam for marriage. It is perfectly legal to marry under-aged girls. Their great Prophet, Muhammed, in fact married a 6-year old.

Islamic Law of Marriage

Is this what liberals will be pressing for once they get "gay marriage" fully recognized?
Well some of those things don't sound like she has much consent to the contract. If she signs a document of her own free will that says she can't terminate the marriage if the hubby is chasing after burkas with higher thread counts, that's her deal.

The argument for gay marriage has been about two consenting adults, which rules out a mentally-retarded vegetable child in a toaster, or whatever slope the opponents try to conjure up. If there are elements of Islamic marriage law that ignore or prevent consent from either party, I don't believe those elements should be recognized by our courts.
Well some of those things don't sound like she has much consent to the contract. If she signs a document of her own free will that says she can't terminate the marriage if the hubby is chasing after burkas with higher thread counts, that's her deal.

The argument for gay marriage has been about two consenting adults, which rules out a mentally-retarded vegetable child in a toaster, or whatever slope the opponents try to conjure up. If there are elements of Islamic marriage law that ignore or prevent consent from either party, I don't believe those elements should be recognized by our courts.

The "arguement for gay marriage" has never been that its about "two consenting adults". If that were the case then why wouldn't "three consenting adults" have their poligamy marriages recognized? Or for that matter "five consenting adults" as can be found in Islam?
I don't see why their marriage shouldnt be recognized as long as they comply with the laws of the state as with everyone else.
I don't see why their marriage shouldnt be recognized as long as they comply with the laws of the state as with everyone else.

They don't comply with our laws for the reasons I listed and many more.

For some reason it is very difficult to find information on this, but it seems that many courts as of now do not recognize the "contracts" between Muslim men and their wives, especially since most of those 'marriages' are done overseas in the middle east.

I think this is an important topic because I believe this is how Muslims and their liberal apologists will push for Sharia Law to be recognized in our courts.
Why not? We allow marriage between same-sex couples, so why not just throw out all the rules and be done with it? Wanna marry your horse.... Go right ahead. Wanna marry 4 other people.... Go right ahead. Wanna marry your 12 year old cousin who you've never met..... Go right ahead.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything; and that's where I think we are on the marriage issue here in the United States at this point.
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Islam inside our boarders must follow our laws.

so more than one wife it out
under 18 is out
rape is out
as well as anything else that would break our laws

Our laws may void an islamic marriage if it occured outside our boundreis, if they came here to live.

It would be nice if islam would move into the 18th century so we would have a better chance of getting along.
Why not? We allow marriage between same-sex couples, so why not just throw out all the rules and be done with it? Wanna marry your horse.... Go right ahead. Wanna marry 4 other people.... Go right ahead. Wanna marry your 12 year old cousin who you've never met..... Go right ahead.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything; and that's where I think we are on the marriage issue here in the United States at this point.

We have contract laws. And one of those laws is the ability to consent. Basically you must be able to fully understand what's going on.

So horses are out, but many wives are in.
I don't see why their marriage shouldnt be recognized as long as they comply with the laws of the state as with everyone else.

no no no... They are muslim and, thus, their ****** practices aren't valid. come on.
Considering marriage in Islam is often just a "contract" between the man and his wife/wives, and sometimes those marriages are only temporary, should they be legally recognized?

Especially considering polygamy is illegal in the US, how can any government, Federal or State, give recognition to such "marriages"?
with the exception of polygamy that sounds exactly like marriage in the US.
In these "contracts" the Muslim woman essentially gives up all her rights. She doesn't need to be present for a wedding or a divorce, and adultry commited by the man is not considered grounds for divorce on the woman's part. In fact, in Islam a married woman cannot technically be raped, she must have sex with the husband whenever he wants it.

To top it off, there is no age limit in Islam for marriage. It is perfectly legal to marry under-aged girls. Their great Prophet, Muhammed, in fact married a 6-year old.

Islamic Law of Marriage

Is this what liberals will be pressing for once they get "gay marriage" fully recognized?

none of that matters. marriages in the us require the signatures of both parties, the signatures of witnesses, and there are laws about how old a person must be. further, just like any other contract, a marriage contract entered into under duress is not valid.

rape in the us is rape - religion has nothing to do with it. besides, that 'must have sex with her husband' thing is certainly not unique to islam - and the same can be said about the grounds for divorce.

i'm also not aware of any rules in christianity or judeaism that set an age limit for marriage - but i may just be showing my ignorance here.
Why not? We allow marriage between same-sex couples, so why not just throw out all the rules and be done with it? Wanna marry your horse.... Go right ahead. Wanna marry 4 other people.... Go right ahead. Wanna marry your 12 year old cousin who you've never met..... Go right ahead.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything; and that's where I think we are on the marriage issue here in the United States at this point.

Lol all I can do is laugh anymore when people STILL try to equate gay marriage to pedophilia.

Good ol' fashioned 1930's style fearmongering.
The author of this thread has no idea what he is talking about.

The Islamic "Marriage Contract" gave women rights 1400 years ago. Rights that only have existed in the West for maybe 100 years.

Here is how it really works and not like the nonsense in the OP.

First the prospective couple go to an Islamic Scholar that specializes in writing beautiful calligraphy on Vellum paper. He will then write down everything that both perspective are wanting in their marriage.

The woman can list such things as how much per month clothing allowance. How many vacations that they take a year. How much money he is to give her per month. Whether are not she will work our attend school. In essence anything that she wishes to list on this document.

The man does the same thing. Such things as how many children he would like to have. Whether she will work or be a stay at home mom. etc.

Thus both partners go in to the marriage knowing what each other's expectations and limitations are.

Then the bride and groom take the document to the Imam who is going to marry them. Then he asked them to swear by God that they have read it and agree to it. Once they have acknowledged that they agreed to it he will then proceed with the marriage ceremony.

The breaking of any part of this Marriage Contract can be grounds for divorce by either partner.

Many Muslim couples will frame the contract. And hang it in their bedroom as a reminder to what they have vowed between themselves and God.
Considering marriage in Islam is often just a "contract" between the man and his wife/wives, and sometimes those marriages are only temporary, should they be legally recognized?

Especially considering polygamy is illegal in the US, how can any government, Federal or State, give recognition to such "marriages"?

In these "contracts" the Muslim woman essentially gives up all her rights. She doesn't need to be present for a wedding or a divorce, and adultry commited by the man is not considered grounds for divorce on the woman's part. In fact, in Islam a married woman cannot technically be raped, she must have sex with the husband whenever he wants it.

To top it off, there is no age limit in Islam for marriage. It is perfectly legal to marry under-aged girls. Their great Prophet, Muhammed, in fact married a 6-year old.

Islamic Law of Marriage

Is this what liberals will be pressing for once they get "gay marriage" fully recognized?

Right on, and soon marriage between a man and an animal; maybe even between man and a rock. It's a slippery slope out there!
The author of this thread has no idea what he is talking about.

The Islamic "Marriage Contract" gave women rights 1400 years ago. Rights that only have existed in the West for maybe 100 years.

Here is how it really works and not like the nonsense in the OP.

First the prospective couple go to an Islamic Scholar that specializes in writing beautiful calligraphy on Vellum paper. He will then write down everything that both perspective are wanting in their marriage.

The woman can list such things as how much per month clothing allowance. How many vacations that they take a year. How much money he is to give her per month. Whether are not she will work our attend school. In essence anything that she wishes to list on this document.

The man does the same thing. Such things as how many children he would like to have. Whether she will work or be a stay at home mom. etc.

Thus both partners go in to the marriage knowing what each other's expectations and limitations are.

Then the bride and groom take the document to the Imam who is going to marry them. Then he asked them to swear by God that they have read it and agree to it. Once they have acknowledged that they agreed to it he will then proceed with the marriage ceremony.

The breaking of any part of this Marriage Contract can be grounds for divorce by either partner.

Many Muslim couples will frame the contract. And hang it in their bedroom as a reminder to what they have vowed between themselves and God.

In bold; Those contradict each other.

And of course, the husband is free to rape his wife as often as he chooses. You made that more than clear yourself.
The author of this thread has no idea what he is talking about.

The Islamic "Marriage Contract" gave women rights 1400 years ago. Rights that only have existed in the West for maybe 100 years.

Here is how it really works and not like the nonsense in the OP.

First the prospective couple go to an Islamic Scholar that specializes in writing beautiful calligraphy on Vellum paper. He will then write down everything that both perspective are wanting in their marriage.

The woman can list such things as how much per month clothing allowance. How many vacations that they take a year. How much money he is to give her per month. Whether are not she will work our attend school. In essence anything that she wishes to list on this document.

The man does the same thing. Such things as how many children he would like to have. Whether she will work or be a stay at home mom. etc.

Thus both partners go in to the marriage knowing what each other's expectations and limitations are.

Then the bride and groom take the document to the Imam who is going to marry them. Then he asked them to swear by God that they have read it and agree to it. Once they have acknowledged that they agreed to it he will then proceed with the marriage ceremony.

The breaking of any part of this Marriage Contract can be grounds for divorce by either partner.

Many Muslim couples will frame the contract. And hang it in their bedroom as a reminder to what they have vowed between themselves and God.

In bold; Those contradict each other.

And of course, the husband is free to rape his wife as often as he chooses. You made that more than clear yourself.

And the husband merely has to say "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you" and the marriage is over.
In Islam there is no such thing as a wife being raped by her husband.

Both partners have rights to each others body that cannot be withheld or denied.

btw Impotence is legal grounds for divorce by the woman in Islam

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