Should politicians be able to change the demography of a nation without the peoples consent and without legal charges?

The United States is not unique.

I understand that if you visit England, for example, you will see areas with many people from all parts of the world.

And that now also goes for Sweden.

Hungary is criticized because its attitude is: "If any country wants a 'diverse' population, more power to it! But we Hungarians prefer to live in a country where everyone has the same cultural and ethnic background. Something like Japan. We do not criticize you, so please kindly refrain from demonizing us for wanting to be a homogeneous society."
I agree. All baby boomers should be prosecuted for changing the demographics of the nation. Come to think about. Everybody who can't prove they stepped of the Mayflower should go to jail. Better yet if your not Native American jail for you.
yea that will work.....geezus....
The United States is not unique.

I understand that if you visit England, for example, you will see areas with many people from all parts of the world.

And that now also goes for Sweden.

Hungary is criticized because its attitude is: "If any country wants a 'diverse' population, more power to it! But we Hungarians prefer to live in a country where everyone has the same cultural and ethnic background. Something like Japan. We do not criticize you, so please kindly refrain from demonizing us for wanting to be a homogeneous society."
Those countries embracing a multicultural population will be crushed by the weight of their own diversity.
Just go down to the border. You will see poor quality vermin crawling across the border right now.
Why do you consider them "poor quality?"
Perhaps a better question is how do you define good or bad "quality" in human beings?

Is it similar to the way the Nazi's did it in the 1930's?
You know, the "master race" thing where the "undesireables" got eliminated in gas chambers?
Why do you consider them "poor quality?"
Perhaps a better question is how do you define good or bad "quality" in human beings?

Is it similar to the way the Nazi's did it in the 1930's?
You know, the "master race" thing where the "undesireables" got eliminated in gas chambers?
Or, just deport the undesirables. This kind of illegal immigration is actually not survivable by any nation.
Hahaha…poor tards don’t even know that America was founded in 1776….why do you hate our Declaration Of Independence? Why do you hate our right to sovereignty?
What part of Mexico are you from Gustavo?
The part of Mexico the US took by force of arms.
It wasn't a country so could not be invaded.
You probably mean colonized which is correct. That's why you believe it is proper that we be colonized by present day invaders.¹⁸
Did you notice? Four white guys, all bank robbers.
I would not see a pervert like you. After all teachers today have to have a perv card to be around children.
Freak ^^^^ has serious problems. :rolleyes:
Wow. I would love to see your definition of "poor quality human beings"

While you go search for a mirror, you can try this one for starters.

Ted Cruz says he goes down there often, along with lots of other MAGAs.

Just what is a "MAGA?" An American? A republican? Or just someone who actually just wants to see his country made better again?
Only possibility I can envision to truly enforce an immigration quota is a non-cash economic system with electronic money transfers within the country being limited to those who are legally here. It would say to foreigners attempting to enter illegally: "No dough, no go".
Why do you consider them "poor quality?"
Perhaps a better question is how do you define good or bad "quality" in human beings?

Apparently with libturds, quality of a human is determined by ballot choice. If you vote republican and support Trump's set of pro-American policies, apparently you are lower than pond scum.
More than you would think. Hungary, Poland, Japan China. You don't hear much about internal strife out of them.
You should have known that when the US annexed territory of Mexico after the war it changed the demographic conditions. Why have you not petitioned to repatitriat that area to make the US more white(non-Hispanic)?
Apparently with libturds, quality of a human is determined by ballot choice. If you vote republican and support Trump's set of pro-American policies, apparently you are lower than pond scum.
MAGAt Trumptards are lower than pond scum for sure.
More like sewage sludge.

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