Should the next Republican president use his executive PEN to outlaw abortions?

If the liberal media ever filmed a documentary about the murder of full term infants turned in the birth canal to show what they used to call a breach birth where the feet emerge first instead of the head in a painful and invasive procedure for the mother, people would be outraged and angered. Sadly the procedure is necessary in order to make it "legal" to murder an infant while it kicks and silently screams and it's head is still in the birth canal. The obscene murder of the unborn is technically "legal" because two freaking inches of the baby's head are still in the birth canal and it is technically not born. The killer technicians move in and do their job. They turn the baby's face around and stab it in the back of the head while the feet squirm with no anesthesia and the knife has a device connected to a frankenstein machine that sucks the living creature's brain out while it squirms and the face shrinks and looks like a "cabbage patch doll". The technicians throw the body in the burn barrel or the bin marked "sale of body parts". It's such a freaking horrific procedure that only nazis would support it.
Why would the liberal media film whatever it is you are talking about?

If you want to play the game of "if", how about:

If Republicans cared about children the way they cared about a fetus, we could cut crime in half.

If those who chose to do what it took to produce kids then had them would support their own, we'd increase personal responsibility in that area by 100%

Your ignorance regarding the reasons why women have abortions is painfully obvious. If they can't afford to support and raise those kids then the responsible thing to do is to have an abortion. Too bad your emoting prevents you from being able to think for yourself.

The responsible thing is to accept the results of the previous choice that produced the result.
If the liberal media ever filmed a documentary about the murder of full term infants turned in the birth canal to show what they used to call a breach birth where the feet emerge first instead of the head in a painful and invasive procedure for the mother, people would be outraged and angered. Sadly the procedure is necessary in order to make it "legal" to murder an infant while it kicks and silently screams and it's head is still in the birth canal. The obscene murder of the unborn is technically "legal" because two freaking inches of the baby's head are still in the birth canal and it is technically not born. The killer technicians move in and do their job. They turn the baby's face around and stab it in the back of the head while the feet squirm with no anesthesia and the knife has a device connected to a frankenstein machine that sucks the living creature's brain out while it squirms and the face shrinks and looks like a "cabbage patch doll". The technicians throw the body in the burn barrel or the bin marked "sale of body parts". It's such a freaking horrific procedure that only nazis would support it.
Why would the liberal media film whatever it is you are talking about?

If you want to play the game of "if", how about:

If Republicans cared about children the way they cared about a fetus, we could cut crime in half.

If those who chose to do what it took to produce kids then had them would support their own, we'd increase personal responsibility in that area by 100%

Your ignorance regarding the reasons why women have abortions is painfully obvious. If they can't afford to support and raise those kids then the responsible thing to do is to have an abortion. Too bad your emoting prevents you from being able to think for yourself.

The responsible thing is to accept the results of the previous choice that produced the result.

You don't get to make that decision for anyone else.

Bizarre cognitive dissonance of those those who claim to support individual rights but at the same time want to deny women their individual rights. :cuckoo:
If the liberal media ever filmed a documentary about the murder of full term infants turned in the birth canal to show what they used to call a breach birth where the feet emerge first instead of the head in a painful and invasive procedure for the mother, people would be outraged and angered. Sadly the procedure is necessary in order to make it "legal" to murder an infant while it kicks and silently screams and it's head is still in the birth canal. The obscene murder of the unborn is technically "legal" because two freaking inches of the baby's head are still in the birth canal and it is technically not born. The killer technicians move in and do their job. They turn the baby's face around and stab it in the back of the head while the feet squirm with no anesthesia and the knife has a device connected to a frankenstein machine that sucks the living creature's brain out while it squirms and the face shrinks and looks like a "cabbage patch doll". The technicians throw the body in the burn barrel or the bin marked "sale of body parts". It's such a freaking horrific procedure that only nazis would support it.
Why would the liberal media film whatever it is you are talking about?

If you want to play the game of "if", how about:

If Republicans cared about children the way they cared about a fetus, we could cut crime in half.

If those who chose to do what it took to produce kids then had them would support their own, we'd increase personal responsibility in that area by 100%

Your ignorance regarding the reasons why women have abortions is painfully obvious. If they can't afford to support and raise those kids then the responsible thing to do is to have an abortion. Too bad your emoting prevents you from being able to think for yourself.

The responsible thing is to accept the results of the previous choice that produced the result.

You don't get to make that decision for anyone else.

Bizarre cognitive dissonance of those those who claim to support individual rights but at the same time want to deny women their individual rights. :cuckoo:

Do I have the individual right to tell that mother who chose to have kids she couldn't support no when it comes to providing for her kids?

You show a bizarre cognitive dissonance when you claim a woman has a right to make a choice then think it's OK for her to expect someone else to fund the results of something she said was no one else's business. If I don't get to make the decision for her, she doesn't get to expect someone else to fund hers when she can't. I'll give her the choice as long as I get the same one with MY money.
Not my place to support the results of someone else's choice.

But it is your place to support denying someone else a choice?


Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.
Not my place to support the results of someone else's choice.

But it is your place to support denying someone else a choice?


Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

Of course you do. You pay your taxes and get to vote for your representative to decide how it is spent

Is this a great country or what?
Not my place to support the results of someone else's choice.

But it is your place to support denying someone else a choice?


Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

Of course you do. You pay your taxes and get to vote for your representative to decide how it is spent

Is this a great country or what?

That you don't recognize her individual choice is on a much different level is yet another example of the failed educational system in this country.
Obama set the standard for creating law with the executive pen & phone after all.

What say you?
When? Around 2050, maybe? You guys cannot get your act together. Fighting each other harder than the Dems.

I fully doubt if Republicans will elect another President in my lifetime

Their ability to reach 270 EVs is nearly gone
Obama set the standard for creating law with the executive pen & phone after all.

What say you?
How about helping children already born? Is that too novel an idea?

Here's a novel idea. How about those who chose to have those kids support their own?

How about we help those who need helping?

That is what great societies do

Individually and voluntarily.

Great societies don't force one person to fund the results of someone else's choices. Great societies give those now being demanded to pay the same level of choice with their money that they want to give a woman with her body.
Obama set the standard for creating law with the executive pen & phone after all.

What say you?
When? Around 2050, maybe? You guys cannot get your act together. Fighting each other harder than the Dems.

I fully doubt if Republicans will elect another President in my lifetime

Their ability to reach 270 EVs is nearly gone

I fully expect Democrats to continue to pander to all sorts of groups to buy votes. Minorities, fags, illegals, sluts, LGBT freaks, and the list goes on.
Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

You really don't get it, do you?

If a pregnant women wants an abortion (maybe because she feels she isn't in a position to support kids) you want to deny her that choice but at the same time you refuse to pay to support those kids that you force her to have.

And somehow you don't see anything wrong with that way of reasoning.....

Not my place to support the results of someone else's choice.

But it is your place to support denying someone else a choice?


Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

Of course you do. You pay your taxes and get to vote for your representative to decide how it is spent

Is this a great country or what?

That you don't recognize her individual choice is on a much different level is yet another example of the failed educational system in this country.

You are a member of a society. As a society, we are much stronger than you are as an individual. We contribute to society and decide as a group what we will spend our money on. Some of those things you may like and some you may not like
Not my place to support the results of someone else's choice.

But it is your place to support denying someone else a choice?


Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

Of course you do. You pay your taxes and get to vote for your representative to decide how it is spent

Is this a great country or what?

That you don't recognize her individual choice is on a much different level is yet another example of the failed educational system in this country.

You are a member of a society. As a society, we are much stronger than you are as an individual. We contribute to society and decide as a group what we will spend our money on. Some of those things you may like and some you may not like

So are those who constantly get handed someone else's money. When are they going to contribute anything to society. Aren't they a member of it, too?

WE don't contribute to society. Some of us contribute and others leech off our hard work.
Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

You really don't get it, do you?

If a pregnant women wants an abortion (maybe because she feels she isn't in a position to support kids) you want to deny her that choice but at the same time you refuse to pay to support those kids that you force her to have.

And somehow you don't see anything wrong with that way of reasoning.....

He makes it easy for her to decide to abort.

I can't support this child.....So I will end the pregnancy
Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

You really don't get it, do you?

If a pregnant women wants an abortion (maybe because she feels she isn't in a position to support kids) you want to deny her that choice but at the same time you refuse to pay to support those kids that you force her to have.

And somehow you don't see anything wrong with that way of reasoning.....


In the current way the law reads, she can get an abortion. That means if she has kids she can't afford, it's due to a choice she made NOT to have an abortion.

You make it out, as of NOW, she was required to have the kids she can't afford. She isn't. That means because SHE made the choice, SHE gets the cost. If she can't, tough shit. Her kids that she made a choice to have under the CURRENT situation isn't anyone else's responsibility.
But it is your place to support denying someone else a choice?


Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

Of course you do. You pay your taxes and get to vote for your representative to decide how it is spent

Is this a great country or what?

That you don't recognize her individual choice is on a much different level is yet another example of the failed educational system in this country.

You are a member of a society. As a society, we are much stronger than you are as an individual. We contribute to society and decide as a group what we will spend our money on. Some of those things you may like and some you may not like

So are those who constantly get handed someone else's money. When are they going to contribute anything to society. Aren't they a member of it, too?

WE don't contribute to society. Some of us contribute and others leech off our hard work.

We help those who need help.

We are the wealthiest country on earth. We are not Calcutta where the poor are begging in the street for scraps. We are fully capable of taking care of those who need it.
Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

You really don't get it, do you?

If a pregnant women wants an abortion (maybe because she feels she isn't in a position to support kids) you want to deny her that choice but at the same time you refuse to pay to support those kids that you force her to have.

And somehow you don't see anything wrong with that way of reasoning.....

He makes it easy for her to decide to abort.

I can't support this child.....So I will end the pregnancy

The problem is many choose not to abort then demand someone else fund a choice that had another option.
Do you support me having the choice with MY money when it comes to not supporting her kids? That's the problem with people like you. You expect the woman to have the sole choice with her body yet when she can't afford the results, it's OK for her to demand others fund something they were told to butt out of when it was happening. I don't care if she has 20 kids as long as I don't have to support a damn one of them for a choice she made.

Of course you do. You pay your taxes and get to vote for your representative to decide how it is spent

Is this a great country or what?

That you don't recognize her individual choice is on a much different level is yet another example of the failed educational system in this country.

You are a member of a society. As a society, we are much stronger than you are as an individual. We contribute to society and decide as a group what we will spend our money on. Some of those things you may like and some you may not like

So are those who constantly get handed someone else's money. When are they going to contribute anything to society. Aren't they a member of it, too?

WE don't contribute to society. Some of us contribute and others leech off our hard work.

We help those who need help.

We are the wealthiest country on earth. We are not Calcutta where the poor are begging in the street for scraps. We are fully capable of taking care of those who need it.

No WE don't. SOME of us do and the rest leech off those of us who do.

You're free to help anyone you deem worthy of your money. You're not free to deem MY money does it. If a woman has the sole choice with her body, something you support, I have the sole choice with MY money.

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