Should There Just Be a Re-Vote?

With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?

This ain't golf, and you don't get a Mulligan in the Presidential Election.
You get the results as certified by the States, and you settle any opposing litigation.

However, if you are truly upset, not with the outcome, but with the process or undeniable appearance of impropriety ...
Do what is necessary to encourage/demand better election laws and processes within your State Legislatures.

It's safe to say we screwed the pooch on this one, but we don't get do-overs.
The Constitution is specific on how the election should occur and who is responsible for the election law.

`Well, that's where President Trump has mounted evidence before the election happened. We have to remember that President Trump dictated about legal votes. Even if they are considered mail in ballots. This is where the Supreme Court will step in on Monday or Tuesday. There's no court sessions that happen Saturday or Sunday.

They're not gonna do shit, sir.
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
Come and take it.
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?
What corruption?

Show me some.

Not speculation, not innuendo, not tweets, not hearsay, show me something real.
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
Come and take it.
Now you're changing the subject to guns?
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?
What corruption?

Show me some.

Not speculation, not innuendo, not tweets, not hearsay, show me something real.
They can't show what they don't got.

(And Newsmax and Breitbart definitely don't count)
`Well, that's where President Trump has mounted evidence before the election happened. We have to remember that President Trump dictated about legal votes. Even if they are considered mail in ballots. This is where the Supreme Court will step in on Monday or Tuesday. There's no court sessions that happen Saturday or Sunday.

The Constitution doesn't give President Trump the power to decide election law.
If the President has a case, then the Supreme Court can accept it, and all litigation should be settled.

The Founding Fathers were smart enough to foresee complications and allotted time to address concerns.
There's nothing to argue with, because the rules in the Constitution are simple to understand.
The only time people have trouble understanding the Constitution is if they want it mean something it doesn't mean.

Whatever happens, our confidence in our election system has been shaken.
It won't get better until Democrats become concerned, instead of ignoring the appearance of impropriety ...
And the mainstream media stops trying to make excuses to cover it all up.

There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
Come and take it.
Now you're changing the subject to guns?

Why are you trying to pretend I am?
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
Come and take it.
Now you're changing the subject to guns?

Why are you trying to pretend I am?
What am I supposed to come and take?
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
Come and take it.
Now you're changing the subject to guns?

Why are you trying to pretend I am?
What am I supposed to come and take?
Well what were we talking about?
You think that man's gonna go without a fight?
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
Come and take it.
Now you're changing the subject to guns?

Why are you trying to pretend I am?
What am I supposed to come and take?
Well what were we talking about?
You think that man's gonna go without a fight?
Well, he can "fight" all he wants.

He still lost.

Got a feeling just barricading himself in the Oval Office won't work out well for him.
`Well, that's where President Trump has mounted evidence before the election happened. We have to remember that President Trump dictated about legal votes. Even if they are considered mail in ballots. This is where the Supreme Court will step in on Monday or Tuesday. There's no court sessions that happen Saturday or Sunday.

The Constitution doesn't give President Trump the power to decide election law.
If the President has a case, then the Supreme Court can accept it, and all litigation should be settled.

The Founding Fathers were smart enough to foresee complications and allotted time to address concerns.
There's nothing to argue with, because the rules in the Constitution are simple to understand.
The only time people have trouble understanding the Constitution is if they want it mean something it doesn't mean.

Whatever happens, our confidence in our election system has been shaken.
It won't get better until Democrats become concerned, instead of ignoring the appearance of impropriety ...
And the mainstream media stops trying to make excuses to cover it all up.


Are you ready for the challenge on these election results to last past Thanksgiving? Get ready.
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.

So no investigation needed, in your opinion?

Nah, not really. You just need to accept reality.

Or not. It really doesn't matter.

You know why? Because you MAGAts lost.
Did we?

We voted an outsider in because the establishment didn't care what we wanted.

This turn of events certainly validates our opinion, doesn't it?

No, it really doesn't. You assholes managed to get that Orange POS in because the majority didn't have its shit together 4 years ago. We were much more united this time. Your opinion is shit, basically, and this time it got outvoted.
Being wrong in large numbers doesn't make you right, you do understand that, don't you?

I do. Good thing we're not..

Unlike you wingnuts.

So what's your plan for when tptb decides to run someone worse than Trump in a few years?

You have given up on the idea of free and fair elections, so how do you intend to stop them?

We kinda haven't given up on them. That's pretty much my point. That idiot wingnuts such as yourself keep insisting that doesn't make it true.

But hey, you knew that, right?
Then shouldn't you be insisting on a thorough investigation to prove there was no wrongdoing?

Why aren't you?

Because there hasn't been evidence presented that it's warranted. You guys just want to gum up the works.
If you fear scrutiny, it's because you know their actions won't BEAR scrutiny.

Nah, you got nothin'. Time to move on.

Make way for 46.
Come and take it.
Now you're changing the subject to guns?

Why are you trying to pretend I am?
What am I supposed to come and take?
Well what were we talking about?
You think that man's gonna go without a fight?
Well, he can "fight" all he wants.

He still lost.

Got a feeling just barricading himself in the Oval Office won't work out well for him.
I think we're going to get that thorough investigation that you really seem to want to avoid and I think you're not going to like what is found.
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?

.....a revote is like the second worse outcome behind armed conflict

revote = total breakdown of the system
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?

.....a revote is like the second worse outcome behind armed conflict

revote = total breakdown of the system
I'm not sure if it would be legal but it might be the only way to restore faith in the process.
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?

.....a revote is like the second worse outcome behind armed conflict

revote = total breakdown of the system
And it sure as hell wouldn't be as bad as armed conflict.
Are you ready for the challenge on these election results to last past Thanksgiving? Get ready.

This election is not my primary concern, because I already don't trust the outcome.
My objections have nothing to do with the candidates, but more precisely with the utter disaster at it's core.
However this election turns out after litigation, more than 70 million Americans in the electorate will be disenfranchised.

It doesn't matter which side wins, because the other side is going to feel cheated, and like their vote was meaningless.
No matter who wins ... That outcome is unacceptable in my book ... :thup:


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