Should There Just Be a Re-Vote?

There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?
Is there time? If not the State Legislature may just have to subtract the vote counts from the precincts that openly operated illegally for the purpose of selecting electors.



Maybe we should talk about how the postal service defied a court order to sweep postal facilities for any undelivered ballots. There meeds to be a criminal investigation. There is no evidence they were not counted fairly. It is sad that Trump supporters feel the need to attaqck ordinary citizens doing their job.
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?
No, the Legislatures of the States need to select electors and give them instructions to vote for Trump to dissuade cheating in the future.

We should arrest them for treason. This wouold be a REAL coup.
A "recount" will not offset several techniques the democrats used to attack our democracy with voter fraud. Either a complete redo or taking the totals Tuesday night in which President Trump won.
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?

The thing is what you claim isn't true.

If it was trump would have had his lawyers present those facts with the honest evidence to judges in his court cases.

He has not.

Two of those cases have been thrown out because trump presented zero evidence to back up his lies.

So your lies are just that. Lies.

When trump has honest and credible evidence that he and his lawyers have presented to a judge and the judge accepts it as true and credible, then I'll actually consider the cries of fraud and all the rest.

As it is right now, zero credible, honest and factual evidence has been presented.

You won't get your revote. The vote stands. No matter how many hissy fits and lies you post.

You need to get this through your empty head. You don't matter. What you say doesn't matter. What you want doesn't matter. What you think doesn't matter. No one cares what you think or want. Nothing you post matters. What you want or think will never be heard by those who can make things happen. All people in authority will do is laugh at you as they dismiss you for the lying fool you are.

trump lost.

Get used to saying President Biden.

You're going to brag about winning a rigged game?

Who is the loser here?
You, because like the rest of the whiny wingnuts on here... lost.
There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.
Well. whatever. I am seeing generations of clueless morons our democrat liberal educational system has produced. We tried to be nice, this is what we get. A generation of clueless idiots. Gay marriage? Check the box. Abortion, Check the box. Illegal immigration? check the box. What's next? Cannibalism? The cannibal rights group hasn't spoken out yet. This is what democrats do, pander to anything/one. This is why I left the Democrats . Discrimination isn't the problem its blindly being indiscriminate of anything or anyone that is the Democrats problem. That is their Achilles heel eventually
Well. whatever. I am seeing generations of clueless morons our democrat liberal educational system has produced. We tried to be nice, this is what we get. A generation of clueless idiots. Gay marriage? Check the box. Abortion, Check the box. Illegal immigration? check the box. What's next? Cannibalism? The cannibal rights group hasn't spoken out yet. This is what democrats do, pander to anything/one. This is why I left the Democrats . Discrimination isn't the problem its blindly being indiscriminate of anything or anyone that is the Democrats problem. That is their Achilles heel eventually
What do the cannibals have to bitch about?

When the rest of us are starving like the Venezuelans, they'll be getting fat.
With all the corruption that went on. From the faulty machines. To the illegal votes being harvested. Should we go the route of doing a re-vote or have a run off election on these crucial states?

Yes a revote with feds doing it...if they can be trusted. But dems won so no revote. Dems got all the power unless court ordered.

Hey, hold on a mean if we don’t like the results of an election we should get a re-vote? If so, I’d really a re-do of 2016 please.
If Biden won this election fair and square, ok fine. I used to be democrat. Now? put on the brakes, guys. I see a party that as sold itself out to the the highest bidder. I left because they sold us out. Please. The party that "fights" for civil rights suddenly does a u turn and sides with anarchists suddenly? The Chinese funding didnt have anything to do with that?
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There will be no revote. There will be some recounts but none are expected to change the outcome.

Face it. trump lost. He lost big time. Biden got more votes than anyone has ever gotten in an American election in all of the history of our elections.

Get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Hopefully most of the damage caused by trump and his followers can be repaired. It will take time and work but we are Americans. We can do it.
Think about that for a minute; Biden, the guy who sniffs underage girl's hair, has dementia, and rarely left the house to campaign, got more votes than anyone in history?

More than Hillary?
More than Obama????

Biden did that?

If that ain't a huuuuuuge red flag that something is fucked up, then you're blind, deaf, and retarded.

I think that it's probably an indication of how disliked and polarizing Trump has been. There were a lot of votes against Trump, rather than truly for Biden, IMO. Americans are pretty comfortable with the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm, so most of those who didn't want Trump re-elected would see no choice but to vote for Biden.

And don't forget, Trump ALSO got more votes than anyone else in history prior to this election. Trump received close to 71 million votes when I last checked, plenty more than Obama's 69.5 million in 2008.

This election had the largest voter turnout ever. Part of that may have been due to so many people using mail-in ballots. Part of that may have been due to the various issues facing the country, which have been controversial and caused a great deal of unrest. I don't think record numbers of voters voted for Biden because he is so beloved, though.
I noticed that you don't give a seconds consideration to the idea that maybe it was because of massive fraud.
Just saying.

May have something to do with you nutbags not having shit to prove that with.

You lost, IOW.


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