Should Traitors Or Enemies Be Honored?

"What's wrong with splitting up the US?"
Am presuming it is merely a rhetorical question.
But, I'll play.

First though, in order to set the scene for interesting exchanges:

  • Why split it?
  • Is there a better alternative to splitting it?
  • What would that alternative look like?
  • And just how is the good poster Leroy suggesting it be split?
Am presuming it is merely a rhetorical question.
But, I'll play.

First though, in order to set the scene for interesting exchanges:

  • Why split it?

I was talking about the Civil War era, but I guess it applies just as well to the current US. Why split it? Because multiculturalism is inconsistent with healthy society, hence the current disaster of the US.
  • Is there a better alternative to splitting it
    • What would that alternative look like?
Killing all the commies, commie sympathizers, and commie enablers (sorry Libertarians but you get the rope too). I still don't see it as a permanent solution, but it would improve the situation.

  • And just how is the good poster Leroy suggesting it be split?
Preferably by mutual agreement. The US could be split into roughly 10 different countries, along cultural lines. Details would have to be hammered out by representatives. Culture is a spectrum so the 10 number isn't set in stone. There's bound to be other considerations like access to resources, for example. There are historical examples of peaceful separation. In fact Southern secession had been peaceful until Lincoln refused to remove Yankee soldiers from Confederate territory.

Realistically peaceful separation looks less and less likely with each passing day.
No kidding? 10?
Which of the 10 do you wanna end up in?
Why there.....and not any of your other 9?
It sounds interesting.
Depends on how they're divided. Somewhere in the current West Virginia would be nice. I currently live in New England and can hardly wait to get away from all the liberals. West Virginia has warmer winters without the sweltering summers. It avoids Hurricane Alley and Tornado Alley. Very White population. Low crime.
Forced segregation is actually worse.
Forced segregation is unnecessary because people naturally self-segregate. Forced integration is much worse than forced segregation. Forced integration puts people together who don't want to be together, which causes conflict and social discord.
Forced segregation is unnecessary because people naturally self-segregate. Forced integration is much worse than forced segregation. Forced integration puts people together who don't want to be together, which causes conflict and social discord.
Some of us thrive on conflict and social discord. You do you.
Lefties think that those who fought in the civil war are traitors and should not be honored in any way and should be cancelled in every way possible.
Only the rebels shouldn't be honored. The Federals most definitely should be.

Jan 6th protesters shouldn't be honored either and, in fact, should be arrested just for being there, even if they didn't do much of anything.
The January 6th insurrectionists are also traitors. And you are lying through your teeth when you say they didn't do much of anything.

The flag should also not be honored and we should kneel down in front of it due to social injustice while being forced to listen to our racist National Anthem.
As retired military, I believe our ensign should be respected and honored. But I also believe someone who burns the flag is entitled to do so under the First Amendment even if every fiber of my being wants to beat the living shit out of them.

I vowed to serve and protect the Constitution, so I just have to live with these ungrateful fucks.

All of that and then I read the following story and I wonder how the left feel about this. It is one of those "feel good" stories I found in the media. In fact, I must confess, the story made me feel good. But, the gist of the story is that we are helping honor an enemy who tried killing us and who fought against us to overthrow our democracy. So, I ask the lefties again how they feel about this feel good story. How can you reconcile being against those who fought in the civil war, etc. while "feeling good" about honoring this enemy who tried or even may have accomplished killing us, regarding a flag, nonetheless? Should we help him be honored? Was it the right thing to do?

That's easy. I would give the enemy dead a decent burial as a gesture of respect to a fellow combatant.

But you won't see me building any statues honoring Tojo, mm-kay? Does this answer your question?
Somewhere in the current West Virginia would be nice. I currently live in New England ....West Virginia has warmer winters without the sweltering summers. Very White population. Low crime

Now this is just me, others may view it differently, but.....but if one wants to live in West Virginia, well then, move there.

America is good about folks crossing State borders for a whole bunch of reasons, including a residential move. Trust me. The bride and me when we were climbing our career ladders moved about 11 times across 7 states. Never had a problem with border security personnel or passports.

To bust up the United States of America's 50-states and several territories because one doesn't like to live in New England because of neighbors seems, to me, a bit of over-kill.

Now this is just me, others may view it differently, but.....but if one wants to live in West Virginia, well then, move there.

The issue is that I need to save up enough money to afford land and an off-grid home. Unfortunately, many parcels have covenants built into them which preclude off-grid homes or at least home of the size I can currently afford.

America is good about folks crossing State borders for a whole bunch of reasons, including a residential move. Trust me. The bride and me when we were climbing our career ladders moved about 11 times across 7 states. Never had a problem with border security personnel or passports.

To bust up the United States of America's 50-states and several territories because one doesn't like to live in New England because of neighbors seems, to me, a bit of over-kill.

Me wanting to bust up the US is based on sociological and political conditions, not my desire to move. I think the break up is inevitable though the timing is hard to predict. The US is an empire in decline and the foundations are too rotted for it to be rescued with cosmetic repairs. Either the house collapses or it's demolished.

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