Should Trump be impeached?

Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .
Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .
That could be one of the reasons Pelosi isn't so quick to play the impeachment card.
Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .

~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological
liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.
Trump is single handily destroying the republican Party

By selectively declassifying materials that don't implicate him and hiding the rest. Charlie Kirk isn't very bright, is he?
Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .
That could be one of the reasons Pelosi isn't so quick to play the impeachment card.
Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .
That could be one of the reasons Pelosi isn't so quick to play the impeachment card.
Pelosi is finished.
Who knows what you're talking about? He did say what he found.

The 10 instances of possible obstruction in Mueller report
Pitiful little weak bitch.

Your concession is accepted.
You don't like being falsely accused, do you. Sniveling little bitch. We're all wondering just how many children's lives you've ruined.

Who knows what you're rambling about now? You appear completely unhinged. :cuckoo:
Funny, a Democrat accusing someone of being unhinged.

Oh look, a rightard stretches its mighty wit to its absolute limits only to come up with the equivalent of, I know you are but what am I.

Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .
That could be one of the reasons Pelosi isn't so quick to play the impeachment card.

Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .

That could be one of the reasons Pelosi isn't so quick to play the impeachment card.

Pelosi is finished.

For the Record:

Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.

From the LINK:

"House Democrats are passing bills at a rapid pace, while Trump complains they’re “getting nothing done.”"


"Trump is objectively wrong; House Democrats haven’t been squandering time. In addition to their investigations, they’ve been passing legislation at a rapid clip. In all, the House has taken up 51 bills, resolutions, and suspensions since January — 49 of which they’ve passed. This includes a slate of bills to attempt to end the longest government shutdown in history, the result of a protracted fight between Trump and Congress over border wall funding.

"Ironically, over the past two weeks, the House has passed bills to address most of the issues Trump mentioned in his tweet. They recently passed a bill to lower prescription drug prices, and another one to protect preexisting conditions. The House also passed nine bills on veterans issues this week alone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi noted at her weekly press conference. On Thursday, Democrats tried to present Trump their infrastructure plan before he walked out of their meeting."

Pelosi is finished.
This responsibility resides with "The House of Representatives"

The is not a question directed to the public, the vast majority, it’s a question directed to The House of Representatives.

& Let the chips fall wherever they may,

If a Republican Senator supports what Trump is and has been doing then let this Republican Senator stand up and vote, Ya or Ney

What say you—

let this Republican Senator stand up and vote—

Ya or Ney

For all to see


By selectively declassifying materials that don't implicate him and hiding the rest. Charlie Kirk isn't very bright, is he?

By selectively declassifying materials that don't implicate him and hiding the rest. Charlie Kirk isn't very bright, is he?

It is only "selective" in the demented minds of you stupid Moon Bats afflicted with the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .
That could be one of the reasons Pelosi isn't so quick to play the impeachment card.

Every day Trump is in office he hurts the Republican party. and I'm sure many Republicans are aware of that hurt, but what can they do? .

That could be one of the reasons Pelosi isn't so quick to play the impeachment card.

Pelosi is finished.

For the Record:

Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.

From the LINK:

"House Democrats are passing bills at a rapid pace, while Trump complains they’re “getting nothing done.”"


"Trump is objectively wrong; House Democrats haven’t been squandering time. In addition to their investigations, they’ve been passing legislation at a rapid clip. In all, the House has taken up 51 bills, resolutions, and suspensions since January — 49 of which they’ve passed. This includes a slate of bills to attempt to end the longest government shutdown in history, the result of a protracted fight between Trump and Congress over border wall funding.

"Ironically, over the past two weeks, the House has passed bills to address most of the issues Trump mentioned in his tweet. They recently passed a bill to lower prescription drug prices, and another one to protect preexisting conditions. The House also passed nine bills on veterans issues this week alone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi noted at her weekly press conference. On Thursday, Democrats tried to present Trump their infrastructure plan before he walked out of their meeting."

I don't blame him for walking away. Lying jackals.
Bills they know the Senate will reject and Trump will not sign.
Thus, they are getting nothing done.

Wrong, every time a Republicon votes for Trump's agenda the people who got that Congressman in office will see it and believe me that Congressman will not win another term.
I am fully aware of what happened today, what Trump did, what Trump said. Trump is begging to be impeached, which is exactly my point.

The worst mistake the Democrats could make is to impeach Trump!

In the first place, heading into the 2020 Presidential election, Democrats should not do exactly what their main rival wants them to do.

In the second place, what exactly would be accomplished by impeachment? Some naive congressmen and women think impeachment is an end onto itself. It is not. Impeachment is merely an indictment. The trial takes place in the Trump Republican held Senate where conviction will only happen when pigs can fly. Trump would become a martyr, a victim of Democratic overreach. Why do you think Trump wants to be impeached?

In the third place, these immature lawmakers who think Trump should be impeached should look back on 1998 and the failed impeachment of Bill Clinton which was led by the Republicans. After Clinton was vindicated he became more popular. The pending election was a disaster for the GOP. The Speaker, Newt Gingrich, first lost his post. Months later, he was booted out of the House. That is what impeachment accomplished for the Republicans, and Pelosi and others with more experience remember it well.

In the fourth place, a recent poll showed that only 37% want Trump impeached, probably mostly Republicans. It is Trump's only chance. 60% of Americans oppose impeachment. When asked should Trump be reelected, 60% said no, 37% said yes. Twice in the last two days, two different federal courts have ruled against Trump and in favor of the House Democrats.

What does this mean? It means the Democrats are already winning. Taking into consideration 1998, why risk throwing the election in favor of Trump?

OLC, Tlaib, Omar and others calling for impeachment say that it is a Constitutional duty for the House to impeach Trump. Consider this. The worst possible threat to our Constitution is another four years of the Trump Presidency.

This was illustrated in living color today.
In answer Does a bear shit in the woods?
I am fully aware of what happened today, what Trump did, what Trump said. Trump is begging to be impeached, which is exactly my point.

The worst mistake the Democrats could make is to impeach Trump!

In the first place, heading into the 2020 Presidential election, Democrats should not do exactly what their main rival wants them to do.

In the second place, what exactly would be accomplished by impeachment? Some naive congressmen and women think impeachment is an end onto itself. It is not. Impeachment is merely an indictment. The trial takes place in the Trump Republican held Senate where conviction will only happen when pigs can fly. Trump would become a martyr, a victim of Democratic overreach. Why do you think Trump wants to be impeached?

In the third place, these immature lawmakers who think Trump should be impeached should look back on 1998 and the failed impeachment of Bill Clinton which was led by the Republicans. After Clinton was vindicated he became more popular. The pending election was a disaster for the GOP. The Speaker, Newt Gingrich, first lost his post. Months later, he was booted out of the House. That is what impeachment accomplished for the Republicans, and Pelosi and others with more experience remember it well.

In the fourth place, a recent poll showed that only 37% want Trump impeached, probably mostly Republicans. It is Trump's only chance. 60% of Americans oppose impeachment. When asked should Trump be reelected, 60% said no, 37% said yes. Twice in the last two days, two different federal courts have ruled against Trump and in favor of the House Democrats.

What does this mean? It means the Democrats are already winning. Taking into consideration 1998, why risk throwing the election in favor of Trump?

OLC, Tlaib, Omar and others calling for impeachment say that it is a Constitutional duty for the House to impeach Trump. Consider this. The worst possible threat to our Constitution is another four years of the Trump Presidency.

This was illustrated in living color today.
Pelosi just openly accused Trump of a black letter crime. Trump's had it with all the lies and has directed that EVERY part of the Federal government fully and completely comply with AG Barr's declassification of the entire Democrat farce. Pelosi started this fight, she might as well push for impeachment because she isn't going to stop the declassification train that left the station with her latest poorly considered outburst. She is the damn Speaker of the House and she accused the President of The United States of committing felonies, implied that the man who carries the Nuclear Football is mentally unstable and in need of "intervention" from his Staff and Family.

Well, Trump's had enough, he would rather govern that fight, but she is The Speaker and despite the complete lack of evidence to support the wild theories the Left has been spinning to explain Hillary's loss, she refused to let it go, so, it's on!

Soon the American People will have all the facts about how we came to this point, a sequential revelation, so that Democrats can all go on record with their lies and spin before the next wave of released information sweeps that away as obvious lies, followed by Dems and anti-Trumpers spinning even more lies, that will again be swept way by the next set of revelations.

We will see who looks like they need an "intervention", Trump or the Democrats and the anti-Trumpers.

By selectively declassifying materials that don't implicate him and hiding the rest. Charlie Kirk isn't very bright, is he?

By selectively declassifying materials that don't implicate him and hiding the rest. Charlie Kirk isn't very bright, is he?

It is only "selective" in the demented minds of you stupid Moon Bats afflicted with the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I don't know whether it was selective or not. I was just addressing Kirk's empty argument. It makes no sense. One can easily orchestrate a cover up by hiding some information, even while revealing other information. He's probably not this stupid, but he thinks YOU are.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.

If that were true, Muelpler would have said he exonerated trump of obstruction. He didn't.

Prosecutors have a binary choice, to charge or not, he didn't charge. Nuff said.


Mr Mueller was an investigator. As an investigator, he was charged with writing a report which can be exculpatory or not; consider it tantamount to a police report with the added ability to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation under (b) (i), (ii), or (iii).

See: Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel

So you admit he WAS as prosecutor, now you can STFU. The report was to contain his decisions to prosecute or not, nothing else. Read the fucking law.


I posted the document, you're either a LIAR or too dumb to comprehend the written word.

Of course he was given the authority to investigate federal crimes, which he did and in which he prosecuted and either convicted or received guilty pleas to six former Trump advisers.

Maybe there is someone who can help you read the appointment letter.

I've read the appointment letter, obviously you haven't and obviously you haven't read the law about a Special Counsels Report.


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