Show trial tonight

Focuses on what the committee feels Trump should have done that he did not do,
Never ever never thought America would stoop to such histrionic speculation. They are also very giddy to announce that the dog and pony farce will continue All Year!!!
You know you have no actual case when you're reduced to what if's & should have's but the DC Kabuki Theatre show must go on before the sheeple wake up in Oceania.

This episodes big witness: Captain Hindsight

Bombs awaaaaaaaaaaaay.

[Whistling sound of bomb dropped from height as it falls faster and faster downward] ….

Thud! [Bomb impacts earth.]

Soft thhhfft sound as bomb proves to be yet another dud.
Mr. Pottinger resigned cuz he didn't like what happened.

Film at 11.........................

I've got much more important things to do than watch a primetime kangaroo court by the democrats. More wasted money. The grandkids are calling, my turn to play tiddlywinks.
The rubes really were surprised and disappointed that Pence did his duty. They really thought this was real. Fucking incredible.

You come across as being surprised, but I'm not sure why.

It's been almost two years since the election and they still believe the it was "stolen," despite there being no actionable or reliable evidence. What do you expect from a group of people who defend or deny what happened on January 6th and still worship their little brown skidmark on history?
Is it one of Wile E. Coyote's purchases from Acme?
The Democrap Parody’s Congresscreeps have spouses who purchased calls on ACME stock before the contracts to buy the bombs was entered into. Inside info perhaps; but a Congressional perk apparently. Just ask Mr. Pelousy.

Now they have to use that shit, did after dud.
You come across as being surprised, but I'm not sure why.

It's been almost two years since the election and they still believe the it was "stolen," despite there being no actionable or reliable evidence. What do you expect from a group of people who defend or deny what happened on January 6th and still worship their little brown skidmark on history?
Trump wanted Pence DEAD. Dead people can't certify an election.

It's as simple as that.

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