Show trial tonight

Thanks for admitting that the truth doesn't matter. But we already knew that the truth means nothing to you Trump cultists.
The truth is that you cult jerkwads have nothing. The truth is the last thing you morons care about.

It isn’t the truth that threatens Trump or his supporters. It’s this shitshow of irrelvancy your fellow cultists in Congress have been putting on and the lapdog media has been “reporting” as though it was “news.”

It isn’t. 😎
Trump sold the country snake-oil.

Telling people to take hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin as a cure / preventative for COVID.

We have the advantage of time to realize what Trump said was pure bullshit.
That is exactly what they are.
Trump should have told security to not open doors and welcome the citizens inside
Your lame ass story of police welcoming the citizens inside is just as effective as a KO in the first round of a heavyweight boxing match with 100 punches thrown in the first round, and you focus only on the seconds when no punches were actually thrown.

That's have effective your story is.
It's a weak ass lame story.
Trump sold the country snake-oil.

Telling people to take hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin as a cure / preventative for COVID.

We have the advantage of time to realize what Trump said was pure bullshit.
Trump is the ultimate con man. As disgusting as I find his followers, I feel sorry for them. I think many are desperate, looking for hope. They are ripe for a con like Trump. Trump cons them with fake hope and uses a façade of patriotism,
Looking forward to hear Trump supporters to counter the testimony from the Jan. 6th hearing.
Trump, initially, told his supporters to not to participate in the hearing. He has changed his mind. Trump has requested his supporters to counter the testimony of his former staff members during the Jan. 6 hearings.
The Trump supporters who could defend the President have refused to testify or took the 5th amendment.

This site provides a small forum for his supporters to counter what we have heard from witnesses. Please provide us the counter arguments, Trump wants us all to hear.

What "testimony"?. All I saw for the two minutes I watched was a bunch of idiots opining about what Trump should have done.

Big whoop.
The truth is that you cult jerkwads have nothing. The truth is the last thing you morons care about.

It isn’t the truth that threatens Trump or his supporters. It’s this shitshow of irrelvancy your fellow cultists in Congress have been putting on and the lapdog media has been “reporting” as though it was “news.”

It isn’t. 😎
More coming in September. Excellent.

This one was a fail. They went for the Trump was derelict in duty (which we already knew), but the message picked up by the media was, Jan. 6 committee has outtakes of Trump’s message to supporters

Big fuckin' whoop. :icon_rolleyes:
he tried to get the guard there, days before the 6th…nancy and the dem mayor refused

haven’t you been watching the hearingss?

But on the 6th... when he saw what was happening... why didn't he make a call then for more troops?
Focuses on what the committee feels Trump should have done that he did not do,
Never ever never thought America would stoop to such histrionic speculation. They are also very giddy to announce that the dog and pony farce will continue All Year!!!
The fake show trial has done zero for Xidens popularity and most Americans don’t watch or care
Funny zero fake committee on the 700 plus leftist Khmer Rouge riots where many were injured and killed

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