Show trial tonight

You come across as being surprised, but I'm not sure why.

It's been almost two years since the election and they still believe the it was "stolen," despite there being no actionable or reliable evidence. What do you expect from a group of people who defend or deny what happened on January 6th and still worship their little brown skidmark on history?
I've spent the last six years trying to understand the psychology and sociology behind this disaster. Why? Well, I don't know. Who knows what attracts people to what.

How can I be surprised by anything any more? It's only because I always hold out a little hope regarding human nature, but I do have to admit that it's fading fairly rapidly. I want to believe America is better than this, but what I'm seeing every day tells me I've been wrong.

THAT has been difficult. And that's my own fault.
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Focuses on what the committee feels Trump should have done that he did not do,
Never ever never thought America would stoop to such histrionic speculation. They are also very giddy to announce that the dog and pony farce will continue All Year!!!
This is a lie.

The hearings are not a ‘trial.’

More baseless whining from the right in a reprehensible attempt to defend Trump’s effort to overturn a free and fair election and destroy America’s democracy.
This one was a fail. They went for the Trump was derelict in duty (which we already knew), but the message picked up by the media was, Jan. 6 committee has outtakes of Trump’s message to supporters

Big fuckin' whoop. :icon_rolleyes:
His refusal to act should have been the whole thing. That was more than enough.

An American "President" refusing to act while the nation's capitol is under attack. The attack was what he wanted, and he protected it. Period.
But on the 6th... when he saw what was happening... why didn't he make a call then for more troops?
because the president can’t unilaterally send the military into an american city
You'll notice they're attacking the committee but not the testimony. The sworn testimony.

That tells you all you need to know.
They're following the lead of vile human beings like Trump, Jordan, Hawley, Fox News goons & other right wing hacks who have them brainwashed to the point of no return.

I'll say it again. Trump wanted Pence dead. If he isn't prosecuted it will be the biggest miscarriage of justice in the history of this Country.
They're following the lead of vile human beings like Trump, Jordan, Hawley, Fox News goons & other right wing hacks who have them brainwashed to the point of no return.

I'll say it again. Trump wanted Pence dead. If he isn't prosecuted it will be the biggest miscarriage of justice in the history of this Country.
I'm in the financial world, and I tell people that most folks don't know how close we came to literal collapse in 2008.

I'm getting the same feeling right now.
I'm in the financial world, and I tell people that most folks don't know how close we came to literal collapse in 2008.

I'm getting the same feeling right now.
Trump & his goon squad have accomplished in six years what our enemies couldn't do in 75.

Nice job.
This one was a fail. They went for the Trump was derelict in duty (which we already knew), but the message picked up by the media was, Jan. 6 committee has outtakes of Trump’s message to supporters

Big fuckin' whoop. :icon_rolleyes:

My wife was watching the hearing and I walked in the room to talk to her just about when they were playing the tape of Trump taping his message. It highlighted two things to me. First he did not believe a word he was saying and 2nd, while people rightfully comment on Biden's diminished mental capacity, that video showed Trump is not too far behind
The fake show trial has done zero for Xidens popularity and most Americans don’t watch or care

The hearing was not about Biden, why would it impact his popularity?

That makes no sense at all
Trump & his goon squad have accomplished in six years what our enemies couldn't do in 75.

Nice job.
It's like we're in a movie. I guess a movie would have some kind of virus that had infected these people, instead of lies from a blatant, anti-American con man.

This just wouldn't be a very believable film.
My wife was watching the hearing and I walked in the room to talk to her just about when they were playing the tape of Trump taping his message. It highlighted two things to me. First he did not believe a word he was saying and 2nd, while people rightfully comment on Biden's diminished mental capacity, that video showed Trump is not too far behind
What happened, and is still happening, is now clear.

Now I'm trying to get my head around why it's still happening.
Not me. The country is in the toilet and we do not need fascists telling us what to think. That shit works on you and it is nothing to be proud of.
If you were thinking you wouldn't be defending Trump. The evidence is clear that Trump was hell bent on engaging in a coup.

Trump & his goon squad were willing to blow the whole thing up to keep him in power. You don't know how lucky we all are that they failed.

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