Simple: Do you fear a PEnce Presidency?

Simple: Do you fear a Pence Presidency?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • no

    Votes: 18 69.2%

  • Total voters
Well that all depends on if he works as closely with the new Conservative Court as Obama did with the leftist-activist Court prior.
The difference being, most people wanted some form of healthcare reform that covered more people. This is an important fundamental difference that you conveniently ignored.
Fear Pence?


Now a Hillary presidency would definitely to be worthy of fear.

However.....a Hillary/Pelosi mud-wrestling match for the presidency would be downright hilarious!

Well that all depends on if he works as closely with the new Conservative Court as Obama did with the leftist-activist Court prior.
The difference being, most people wanted some form of healthcare reform that covered more people. This is an important fundamental difference that you conveniently ignored.

Moochers get a job, pay for your own health insurance its not rocket science.
Pence has already demonstrated his willingness to impose his radical Christian ethics on the public

And Ginsburg actually did impose her radical LGBT cult ethics on the public (advertising she would beforehand). Are you saying she also isn’t fit for Office?
I am willing to admit that RBG is one of the most respected Justices on the court
Well that all depends on if he works as closely with the new Conservative Court as Obama did with the leftist-activist Court prior.
The difference being, most people wanted some form of healthcare reform that covered more people. This is an important fundamental difference that you conveniently ignored.

Moochers get a job, pay for your own health insurance its not rocket science.
How about pay your taxes and get health insurance
you goof balls sure use the word ''fear'' a lot
??? hahahahahaha
LMAO right you are the "majority" yet you failed to win control of the Senate and lost the White House
Right, despite the majority of the popular vote in both 2016 and 2018. So, what exactly are you masturbating about, here? The fact that you hillbillies have rigged the game? Good for you, and please continue pointing it out. As loud as you can, to everyone you can. That will be a great help in addressing it.
LMAO right you are the "majority" yet you failed to win control of the Senate and lost the White House
Right, despite the majority of the popular vote in both 2016 and 2018. So, what exactly are you masturbating about, here? The fact that you hillbillies have rigged the game? Good for you, and please continue pointing it out. As loud as you can, to everyone you can. That will be a great help in addressing it.

President Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Hillary won California by 4 million votes, but that state is infested with millions of illegals.
By all means tell us, who should work overtime to pay for free healthcare for moochers?
You already do that. At inflated prices. Did you not know that? Did you not know you pay higher medical bills and insurance premiums, due to indigent care? Damn son, you aren't even in possession of the most basic facts of this topic. I mean, even all the conservatives 25 years ago who were screaming for what became Obamacare were able to wrap their minds around this simple fact.

And then president Blackenstein came along and ate their lunch, and they got all gwumpy and decided they didn't like their own ideas anymore.

Furthermore, even people who work all their lives and have insurance can be devastated by medical costs. It's the number one cause of bankruptcy in this country. And guess who covers those costs?

YOU do, dumbass.
so you hate Christians and wealthy people. What should your labels be? Christianophobe, wealthophobe?

I despise greed, which is a sin according to you Christians.

You just mocked the vast majority of people on earth. Are you a leftist godless heathen?

Totally. But you bring up an interesting point. No matter what religion you belong to, most of the rest of the world is wrong.
so you hate Christians and wealthy people. What should your labels be? Christianophobe, wealthophobe?

I despise greed, which is a sin according to you Christians.

You just mocked the vast majority of people on earth. Are you a leftist godless heathen?

Totally. But you bring up an interesting point. No matter what religion you belong to, most of the rest of the world is wrong.
How would ewe combat greed?
By all means tell us, who should work overtime to pay for free healthcare for moochers?
You already do that. At inflated prices. Did you not know that? Did you not know you pay higher medical bills and insurance premiums, due to indigent care? Damn son, you aren't even in possession of the most basic facts of this topic. I mean, even all the conservatives 25 years ago who were screaming for what became Obamacare were able to wrap their minds around this simple fact.

And then president Blackenstein came along and ate their lunch, and they got all gwumpy and decided they didn't like their own ideas anymore.

Furthermore, even people who work all their lives and have insurance can be devastated by medical costs. It's the number one cause of bankruptcy in this country. And guess who covers those costs?

YOU do, dumbass.

Should we buy you groceries and pay your cable tv bill too? /mocking sarcasm
By all means tell us, who should work overtime to pay for free healthcare for moochers?
You already do that. At inflated prices. Did you not know that? Did you not know you pay higher medical bills and insurance premiums, due to indigent care? Damn son, you aren't even in possession of the most basic facts of this topic. I mean, even all the conservatives 25 years ago who were screaming for what became Obamacare were able to wrap their minds around this simple fact.

And then president Blackenstein came along and ate their lunch, and they got all gwumpy and decided they didn't like their own ideas anymore.

Furthermore, even people who work all their lives and have insurance can be devastated by medical costs. It's the number one cause of bankruptcy in this country. And guess who covers those costs?

YOU do, dumbass.
So when ewe talk about free healthcare what you are saying is that everyone working in the medical field provides you free service?

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