Simple: Do you fear a PEnce Presidency?

Simple: Do you fear a Pence Presidency?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • no

    Votes: 18 69.2%

  • Total voters
If Trump resigns or is impeached, Pence will have very little power as President. Like Gerry Ford, he will be on a tight leash

I doubt if he can win an election on his own. Other Republicans.......Cruz, Rubio, Kasich have more support.

After Trump, Kasich would be a good.......We aren’t batshit crazy anymore, candidate
Republicans would be wise to tone it down and be more moderate than the pence or cruz’.

Rubio choked two times running for President. That tells me he doesn’t have what it takes. He’s a fake. Sure he might have a better performance in 2020 but I won’t forget he’s acting.
If Trump is impeached or forced to resign, Republicans will need to rebrand themselves

Fiscally responsible, strong foreign policy, willing to embrace social policies

Return to the party of Eisenhower
And really bad decision making. This whole focus on if he is likeable crap has to go. The difference between the level of suck with Mitch Daniels and the level of suck with Mike Pence is Pence was a bit more inept and truly did not give a crap.

Naw, the real problem with Pence is that he's a religious nut.

True, I'd feel a little better because unlike trump, he's not a crazy person.

That's how broken our Democracy is right now.

Because he is the mirror image of neoliberalism.
Simple: Do you fear a Pence Presidency?

If so why?

If not, would you like to see it or not?

You have at least two threads of people flipping out over Karen Pence taking a job at a Christian school.

He has a lengthy track record. But, when it comes right down to it....the Democrats would prefer one more inept radical president as long as his personality is not as bad as Trump and he doesn't use twitter.

These are just a few.

Mike Pence Packs His Baggage - Indianapolis Monthly

The Radical Crusade of Mike Pence – Rolling Stone

With Pence gone, fellow Republicans undo his work in Indiana

There has never been any question that Pence hates gays. We saw what he did as Governor

I don’t think he hates Muslims, Mexicans and poor people as much as Trump does

You wouldn't know that from his policies.......
Simple: Do you fear a Pence Presidency?

If so why?

If not, would you like to see it or not?

It depends on what you mean by a Pence Presidency. do you mean one where he gets elected in 2024 after Trump has spent 8 years demolishing American Democracy and Decency... I think the country would be too far gone by then.

Or do you mean one where Trump is removed for his mental issues or corruption? That would be a lame duck presidency filling out the rest of Trump's term, and Pence would be seen as complicate in the debacle.

Neither scenario would be good.
I don’t think Pence is capable of being elected to President.
He has faded into the background as VP and has nothing memorable to point to. He is totally lacking in charisma
The only memorable quality he has is a vague creepiness.
Simple: Do you fear a Pence Presidency?

If so why?

If not, would you like to see it or not?

It depends on what you mean by a Pence Presidency. do you mean one where he gets elected in 2024 after Trump has spent 8 years demolishing American Democracy and Decency... I think the country would be too far gone by then.

Or do you mean one where Trump is removed for his mental issues or corruption? That would be a lame duck presidency filling out the rest of Trump's term, and Pence would be seen as complicate in the debacle.

Neither scenario would be good.
I don’t think Pence is capable of being elected to President.
He has faded into the background as VP and has nothing memorable to point to. He is totally lacking in charisma
The only memorable quality he has is a vague creepiness.

He does have a creepy vibe

Unelectable and will bear the Stink of Trump
Simple: Do you fear a Pence Presidency?

If so why?

If not, would you like to see it or not?

As much as I dislike Trump there is no way I want Pence as President!

If you go nuts over Trump childish tantrums just wait for Pence and his religious way of life...

So just focus on beating Trump in 2020 and do not give us Pence!
It’s interesting! The left has absolutely no problem bashing Christians and fearing their leadership but just let someone on the right voice concerns about Muslims in politics and the left bashes that person as an islamaphobe, homophobe, islamaphobe, xenophobe. Isn’t it fucking neat how they pigeonhole those on the right?
It’s interesting! The left has absolutely no problem bashing Christians and fearing their leadership but just let someone on the right voice concerns about Muslims in politics and the left bashes that person as an islamaphone, homophobe, islamaphobe, xenophobe. Isn’t it fucking neat how they pigeonhole those on the right?

The whopping Two Muslims in Congress are in no danger of imposing Sharia law on the whole country.

I worry less about Christians and more about how they bring in anti-worker policies that serve the One Percent.
It’s interesting! The left has absolutely no problem bashing Christians and fearing their leadership but just let someone on the right voice concerns about Muslims in politics and the left bashes that person as an islamaphone, homophobe, islamaphobe, xenophobe. Isn’t it fucking neat how they pigeonhole those on the right?

The whopping Two Muslims in Congress are in no danger of imposing Sharia law on the whole country.

I worry less about Christians and more about how they bring in anti-worker policies that serve the One Percent.
^so you hate Christians and wealthy people. What should your labels be? Christianophobe, wealthophobe?
It’s interesting! The left has absolutely no problem bashing Christians and fearing their leadership but just let someone on the right voice concerns about Muslims in politics and the left bashes that person as an islamaphobe, homophobe, islamaphobe, xenophobe. Isn’t it fucking neat how they pigeonhole those on the right?
Pence has already demonstrated his willingness to impose his radical Christian ethics on the public
Pence is a religious zealot who will put his church in front of his country.
Pence has already demonstrated his willingness to impose his radical Christian ethics on the public

And Ginsburg actually did impose her radical LGBT cult ethics on the public (advertising she would beforehand). Are you saying she also isn’t fit for Office?
I don’t fear Pence as President, but I have never feared any Presidency. If anyone does fear a Presidency they have serious life issues.
It’s interesting! The left has absolutely no problem bashing Christians and fearing their leadership but just let someone on the right voice concerns about Muslims in politics and the left bashes that person as an islamaphobe, homophobe, islamaphobe, xenophobe. Isn’t it fucking neat how they pigeonhole those on the right?
Pence has already demonstrated his willingness to impose his radical Christian ethics on the public
Which radical Christian ethics!
Simple: Do you fear a Pence Presidency?

If so why?

If not, would you like to see it or not?
No. His silly religious views are so much at odds with the current views of Americans that he would have very little political power to implement his theocratic fantasies. And he would lose a presidential election by a wide margin, IMO.
No. His silly religious views are so much at odds with the current views of Americans that he would have very little political power to implement his theocratic fantasies. And he would lose a presidential election by a wide margin, IMO.
Well that all depends on if he works as closely with the new Conservative Court as Obama did with the leftist-activist Court prior.

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