Simple solution to the Gun problem and fears without violating the 2nd amendment.

Firearms are only a means to an end; those whose HATE defines them will find OTHER MEANS: MCCVEIGH, BUNDY, ROLLINS, et. al.
Firearms are only a means to an end; those whose HATE defines them will find OTHER MEANS: MCCVEIGH, BUNDY, ROLLINS, et. al.

Henry Rollins?

cause that guy has been an assault on my sanity for decades!
Firearms are only a means to an end; those whose HATE defines them will find OTHER MEANS: MCCVEIGH, BUNDY, ROLLINGS, et. al.

Henry Rollins?

cause that guy has been an assault on my sanity for decades!

Danny Rollings actually, he used knives, decapitated one victim. The true number Bundy killed may never be known, he did not use firearms, nor did Jim Jones.
It is no accident that some of the cities and states with the toughest gun laws also have some of the highest gun crime.

The more the government tries to regulate and control something that the people consider an unalienable right; i.e. the right to self protection and defense of one's property and loved ones, the more the black market in illegal guns and ammunition will flourish.
The problem is, most gun owners want the ability to stockpile guns and ammunition for eventual showdowns with the government, WITHOUT the government knowing about it.
What happened to the revolutionary spirit of the left?

In the Sixties, you'd never find a leftist supporting the government.

Now, you want the government to make all your decisions for you.

Abbie Hoffman is rolling over in his grave. :cool:

What I said makes no indication that I want the government to make all my decision for me. I absolutely do not want the government to make all of my decisions for me. I do understand however the role of government in protecting the civilian base from people seeking to acquire firearms. I believe firmly in the role of regulation with many things.

Our food is regulated, I see no problem with firearms purchases and ownership being regulated.
So, you have no problem with government deciding what we can eat, and who can buy weapons.

So, yeah, you want a nanny state.

No, thank you. I can make my own decisions.
First, make all online sales for guns, gun accessories/add ons, and ammo ILLEGAL! Most of these rampage shootings get their ammo online anonymously.

Second, HEAVILY REGULATE ALL AMMO! Make them sign a shit ton of documents and whatnot so the authorities know whats up. You should buy this stuff IN PERSON and in limited quantities!


Guns are like cars. They need ammo to shoot, just like how cars need gas to drive and go.
If you target all the ammo, then you solve the problem without bringing up conflicts on the 2nd amendment because they will have nothing to bitch at you about.
You have the right to free speech as guaranteed by the Constitution.

However, the government should monitor your phone conversations and internet activity, and you should have to fill out applications before you have any in-person conversations.

But, hey, your free-speech rights aren't being infringed, are they?

Who's to say that the government doesn't already monitor your phone calls, internet activity, financial transactions, books you check out at the library, groceries you buy, etc? They probably know more about you than you do yourself.

But we must not infringe upon the rights of nutjobs. They must be free to shoot up our schools, churches, theaters, and restaurants. To hell with the rights of their victims. want to create more laws that will NOT deter those intent on mass murder, and will ONLY disarm their victims.

Murderers, rapists, thugs, and thieves thank you for your help in making their jobs safer.
Firearms are only a means to an end; those whose HATE defines them will find OTHER MEANS: MCCVEIGH, BUNDY, ROLLINGS, et. al.

Henry Rollins?

cause that guy has been an assault on my sanity for decades!

Danny Rollings actually, he used knives, decapitated one victim. The true number Bundy killed may never be known, he did not use firearms, nor did Jim Jones.

But wouldnt you agree that theres a difference between serial rapists/killers and spree shooters?

And I fuilly expect to one day find Henry Rollins all over the news for some violent crime he commited.

I hope not though. I wish he'd just go away. I hate that guy!
The problem is, most gun owners want the ability to stockpile guns and ammunition for eventual showdowns with the government, WITHOUT the government knowing about it.
What happened to the revolutionary spirit of the left?

In the Sixties, you'd never find a leftist supporting the government.

Now, you want the government to make all your decisions for you.

Abbie Hoffman is rolling over in his grave. :cool:

Abbie Hoffman was a fraud and a joke.

As far as reasonable legislation, the problem with guns in this country is that the nutjobs look just like the rest of us. They can go off any minute without any real warning.

We have a choice.

ban all guns ( which I oppose )


Accept the consequences.

If we choose the latter ( which I support ) , the least we can do is be humble about it.
The Aurora and Oak Creek shooters bought their weapons legally. Any attempt to try to keep crazies from getting guns will ONLY affect law-abiding citizens. It can only disarm victims.
You have the right to free speech as guaranteed by the Constitution.

However, the government should monitor your phone conversations and internet activity, and you should have to fill out applications before you have any in-person conversations.

But, hey, your free-speech rights aren't being infringed, are they?

Who's to say that the government doesn't already monitor your phone calls, internet activity, financial transactions, books you check out at the library, groceries you buy, etc? They probably know more about you than you do yourself.

But we must not infringe upon the rights of nutjobs. They must be free to shoot up our schools, churches, theaters, and restaurants. To hell with the rights of their victims. want to create more laws that will NOT deter those intent on mass murder, and will ONLY disarm their victims.

Murderers, rapists, thugs, and thieves thank you for your help in making their jobs safer.

I'm sure all the victims in the scores of mass shootings around the USA applaud your support for the proliferation of more and more guns. If only there were more guns everywhere, we would all be safe. Guns + more guns + crazy people with guns = peace.
While this could be argued to be an infringement on your constitutional right, you are half right, in a way.

This is to regulate, not to ban.
As for what type of gun you have or what it's capable of, I don't give a damn. I think everyone should have a right to any type of weapon/ammo. But I do think that this shit needs to be monitored and documented for whoever bought it. Ban ALL ONLINE SALES. While I am for respecting privacy, this issue is just too much to rule in favor of anonymity when buying stuff. Identify yourself, provide proper paperwork and licensing, document that you bought x amount of guns and supplies (get the exact model, make, etc), and please be responsible with your weaponry.

If it was online and electronics, I would vote for anonymity, but this is guns, where alot of these perpetrators have seeked anonymity with getting their supplies and have gotten it. I mean 6,000 rounds for a full auto assault rifle for someone who lives in a city should set off a red flag of some sort and someone should ask if everything is alright and whatnot.

While my views are disagreeable, I stand firmly behind them with the safety of others and the rights of gun owners in mind.

You do know that to order online, you need to provide a credit card, a mailing address, and a form of ID. To order at a gun store or a wal-mart all you need to do is walk up, point to the boxes, pay cash and walk out without the clerk even asking your name.

The colorado shooter could have just as easily bought his stuff at a wal-mart, and buying 1000-2000 rounds would not have raised an eyebrow. People like to buy ammo in bulk when the price is right.

He also shot about 100 rounds, so the other 5900 basically sat in his bag and his apartment.

its not that your views are disagreeable, its that your proposed "solution" doesnt do anything.
Who's to say that the government doesn't already monitor your phone calls, internet activity, financial transactions, books you check out at the library, groceries you buy, etc? They probably know more about you than you do yourself.

But we must not infringe upon the rights of nutjobs. They must be free to shoot up our schools, churches, theaters, and restaurants. To hell with the rights of their victims. want to create more laws that will NOT deter those intent on mass murder, and will ONLY disarm their victims.

Murderers, rapists, thugs, and thieves thank you for your help in making their jobs safer.

I'm sure all the victims in the scores of mass shootings around the USA applaud your support for the proliferation of more and more guns. If only there were more guns everywhere, we would all be safe. Guns + more guns + crazy people with guns = peace.

and disarming law abiding citizens, thus making criminals able to ply thier trade with impunity as long as there is not a police officer around will create all sorts of peace.
First, make all online sales for guns, gun accessories/add ons, and ammo ILLEGAL! Most of these rampage shootings get their ammo online anonymously.

Second, HEAVILY REGULATE ALL AMMO! Make them sign a shit ton of documents and whatnot so the authorities know whats up. You should buy this stuff IN PERSON and in limited quantities!


Guns are like cars. They need ammo to shoot, just like how cars need gas to drive and go.
If you target all the ammo, then you solve the problem without bringing up conflicts on the 2nd amendment because they will have nothing to bitch at you about.

Are you lefties nuts? You think regulating ammunition is the solution? The stuff is out there to reload billions of rounds and if the attorney general is an example there is a whole new world of ammunition and arms just waiting to cross the border. You can make Black Powder ammuniton in your basement. If the left was serious about the gun control issue it would consider that the Columbine kids were doped up and probably insane long before they committed that terrible act. The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy as a loon and everyone knew it but nobody wanted to do anything about it. The Tucson shooter was a nut case known to the local Sheriff but his family were contributors to his campaign. The Psychiatrist for the Batman shooter warned schools that his patient was dangerous but nobody listned. So what do you think? Maybe we should control crazy people instead of protecting their "rights" to murder citizens?

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