Snail eaters Macron and Treadue vow to confront President Trump over tariffs.

They will all trade with each other and we will sit here pretending the rest of the world does not exist all because we elected a 5 year old in a man’s body as president and his sheep will gladly follow him off the cliff...yelling MAGA as they fucking die

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The bottom line is, we are negotiating from a position of strength, and we finally have a President that knows he has the best cards, and is willing to play them.

Of course the rest of the world is going to whine.

Fuck 'em. They piss and moan when we give them free shit, so let them piss and moan when they find out security and freedom has a price.

They will all trade with each other and we will sit here pretending the rest of the world does not exist all because we elected a 5 year old in a man’s body as president and his sheep will gladly follow him off the cliff...yelling MAGA as they fucking die

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The irony is that our trade sanctions are only relevant because we don't have tariffs. Further the only reason the dollar is the reserve currency is that we are the largest market .... everything eventually is turned from something to dollars and back to something. What the Russians want is world economy that includes them as free traders (with not totally open markets) and not the US.

Media wogs say "Donald Trump really believes in tariffs." That's not really true. What he believes in in trade agreements that benefit one guy and not the other guy, e.g. he has a sole right to build a casino in X country.

Trump may really believe the US has gotten the shaft in world trade since 1976 or something. But what's also true is that in real dollars we get better vodka and better cars and bigger houses .......
They will all trade with each other and we will sit here pretending the rest of the world does not exist all because we elected a 5 year old in a man’s body as president and his sheep will gladly follow him off the cliff...yelling MAGA as they fucking die

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Goofy Gayturd is a real piece of work huh?

It's amazing how in the face of widely reported prosperity even the NYSlimes can't ignore, bed wetting parasite libturds can do nothing but lament it.

Protectionist tariffs are a liberal labor union lackey thing. No wonder the New York Democratic limousine liberal has a hardon for them.

And just as predicted, the pseudocons are marching into the left wing camp behind him.

Macron and Trudeau vow to confront Trump on tariffs

We don't need their shit ... or the Germans. Trump will give then shit. Who will they trade with? China, Russia, Iran? .... fuck em
What's wrong with eating snails? I like escargot


Macron and Trudeau vow to confront Trump on tariffs

We don't need their shit ... or the Germans.
And they don't need our shit.

The US is less than 5 percent of the world's consumers.

List of largest consumer markets - Wikipedia
Population US: 320 million

Population Earth: 7600 million

We are 4.2 percent of the world population.

We are I believe the largest consumer of goods.
They will all trade with each other and we will sit here pretending the rest of the world does not exist all because we elected a 5 year old in a man’s body as president and his sheep will gladly follow him off the cliff...yelling MAGA as they fucking die

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Who you callin' sheep, turkey?

They will all trade with each other and we will sit here pretending the rest of the world does not exist all because we elected a 5 year old in a man’s body as president and his sheep will gladly follow him off the cliff...yelling MAGA as they fucking die

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Goofy Gayturd is a real piece of work huh?

It's amazing how in the face of widely reported prosperity even the NYSlimes can't ignore, bed wetting parasite libturds can do nothing but lament it.


It is because is that prosperity that I am so pissed that Trump and his sheep are trying to fuck it up.

You sheep talk on one side if your face about being screwed over and out the other side about record breaking prosperity.

And you are too fucking stupid to know that the two things do not mesh

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Macron and Trudeau vow to confront Trump on tariffs

We don't need their shit ... or the Germans.
And they don't need our shit.

The US is less than 5 percent of the world's consumers.

List of largest consumer markets - Wikipedia
Population US: 320 million

Population Earth: 7600 million

We are 4.2 percent of the world population.

Thanks. That really cleared things up.


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