SNAP capitol is white and conservative

I want to see a statistical link, other than the ones liberals pull out of their assholes, that proves this Kentucky community is 99.22% "conservative". Put up or shut up.

It's close. According to the census bureau it's 98.5% white. Or, "white alone," including 1.1% Hispanic. That makes for a 97.4% "white, non Hispanic" population.
That socio-economic factors transcend race in creating and sustaining poverty.

One town of 5K people's tells you that? What does our oatmeal for breakfast tell you, that there is extraterrestrial life?
That you disagree is meaningless.
That you drew such a ridiculous conclusion from one data point is not
The ridiculous conclusion is that you don't see it.

One data point, one town of 5K people tells you: That socio-economic factors transcend race in creating and sustaining poverty? And you think that's not retarded?


no wonder it took fakey so long to come up with what his thread meant, he couldn't figure out a good answer to his lame conclusion
One town of 5K people's tells you that? What does our oatmeal for breakfast tell you, that there is extraterrestrial life?
That you disagree is meaningless.
That you drew such a ridiculous conclusion from one data point is not
The ridiculous conclusion is that you don't see it.

One data point, one town of 5K people tells you: That socio-economic factors transcend race in creating and sustaining poverty? And you think that's not retarded?


no wonder it took fakey so long to come up with what his thread meant, he couldn't figure out a good answer to his lame conclusion
Oh, you poor Yurt.

Tom, you are a racialist, and you have Yurt backing you, which means you better turn around quickly.
so jake falls back on his usual trollery

you're a racist

you're a dildo loving man

anything to avoid the actual topic about RACE and food stamps that he started

And here is Yurt taking a selfie. Yup, you are that stupid.

Not to worry, Yurt... our friend here is a few nuggets shy of a Happy Meal.

nah, no worries, he is so delusional he thinks people actually believe he is a republican and that he speaks for the entire board. he can't stand on his own, he needs to make believe the entire board is behind him and that he is a true republican.

but a quick look at his thanks/agrees and one can quickly tell that only far lefties thank him...and as he once said, those are who you hang out with and those are who agree with, thus, you are them....

poor jake, hung up on his own petard once again
The demographics of entitlements is a useless, irrelevant staistic. Only an idiot like Fakey Jakey would try to make anything out of it. Look, very few people are as clueless as Starkey, but let me 'splain something here:

If, for a minute, we ignore the false assumptions made from the stats, since so many people have pointed them out already, let's assume that conservatives make up a majority of the people receiving welfare of any type. We then MUST assume one of two things:

1. That the left wing mantra that "the GOP wants people receiving food stamps and such want them to starve" is another in a long series of left wing lies.
2. that despite so many conservatives being on assistance, those same conservatives have the honesty and integrity to know and do what is right, even if it hurts them.

To avoid using percentages is intellectually dishonest in the extreme and a perfect illustration of why partisan ideologues have zero (0) credibility, none.

It's also another example of how the PC Police deflect for blacks, further excusing, defending and enabling bad behaviors.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police, what a goddamn shame.


One are a one trick pony, and a REAL asshole.
I'm surprised you two braindead racists haven't pointed out that the coal is black yet.

That would be an argument a brain dead racist will make...justifying not hiring amy black coal miners because the coal was black and you can't tell if the Negro is working because they blend in with the soot.
And the image of a Clipper Ship on the original Snapple Iced Tea label was actually a "slave ship"...Yeah we get it... Under every bed, behind every piece of furniture, there resides a racist.....
Have you ever read the racist posts of Tipsy?
No..Which ones?
You can look for yourself...but I do believe your hero is an admitted KKK member. I could be confusing the racist pussy with someone else...but I think it was her.
Hero?....WTF are you yammering about?
Don't you concern yourself with wearing out the race card? Seeing that you play the stupid thing on every one of your posts
The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.
So repeal policy negative to those industries. Problem solved. Next....
I was beginning to wonder if anybody had seen those figures...

Percentage of Whites on Food Stamps = 9%

Percentage of Blacks on Food Stamps = 39%

Percentage of Hispanics on Food Stamps = 17%

So in other words the Democratic party gobbles up the vast majority of SNAP even in Red states...doesn't that basically destroy the OP's premise?
This is beyond stupid. Led Zeppelin wants their avatar back.

You mad bro? I realize this destroys one of the lying puke left's favorite talking points, sucks to be you.
There's nothing on here worth getting mad about but it does show an interesting slice of American stupidity.

Yeah yeah we get it, liberal playbook page 1 when confronted with facts that destroy the liberal talking point counter with personal insults. Again blacks and Hispanics largely vote Democrat and they consume the lions share of SNAP even in red states, hence this liberal talking point is busted.

Here's your probe
Oh, I don't try to convince people like you of anything.

It's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist on the streets of the Middle East.

You're a true believer. No light gets in.


A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
Oh, so I'm a racist.

There it is.

You make this too easy.


Your words not mine bud. Good self reflection tho
Get this through your liberal skull. Call us racist. We don't give a fuck....The label no longer works.

Oh, when you are talking as a racist, as you do, it surely does work.
Here's the problem. I don't care about your labels. No effect.
I know the truth. You can't handle the facts. So you lash out with stupid labels.
You cannot impugn me. You have no effect.
You only insult yourself.
So you may continue to screech "you're a racist!!" all you like. Doesn't matter. Tough shit....
The democrat axe huh? Whatever. In most of the hard hit areas of this country, the culprit is outsourcing and the results are the same. No jobs available in the area. So I'll ask again, should we further decimate the safety net?
In the area now under discussion nothing was outsourced. The jobs were destroyed by democrat policies. There is another discussion. That discussion is about outsourcing. Until democrats cease their hostility towards business every company has an obligation to outsource whenever and wherever possible. Devastate the economy. Punish hostile politicians by taking jobs and money from them. Put the outsourcing screws to them until they start being reasonable.
What specific policies led to the loss of those jobs?
That is the same sort of nonsense such as "ACA kills jobs."

The far right corporatists are fucks, pure and simple, who hate everybody who does not agree with them.
Oh sure.....Jake, you are phony as a three dollar bill.
That is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.
FAIL....Now is there something else you'd like to discuss?

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