So a good stock market is owed to Trump but a bad one is non-political?

Trump told us he was responsible when it went up

Which is true. The market saw that President Donald Trump would drastically reduce unnecessarily crippling regulations and reduce taxes.

Now, with all the economic good news, we have investors fearful of inflation and sharp increases in the interest rates.

The market is stabilizing and going up again.
Regulations are stabilizing. Removing them can be destabilizing. That’s in contradiction to your hollow claim that drove the market up.
Trump told us he was responsible when it went up

Which is true. The market saw that President Donald Trump would drastically reduce unnecessarily crippling regulations and reduce taxes.

Now, with all the economic good news, we have investors fearful of inflation and sharp increases in the interest rates.

The market is stabilizing and going up again.
Regulations are stabilizing. Removing them can be destabilizing. That’s in contradiction to your hollow claim that drove the market up.
faun don't you know dirty air dirty water filthy coal is good for america? Why keep America safe ?
Another poorly informed moron think that Presidents control the economy. Lol! Don’t these children get tired of making up lies?
Listen well pap The moron, the ah in the wh ,took it upon himself to state how great the economy was under his presidency LIVE by the sword DIE by the sword

And Obama took credit for the economy in December, so you tell me who the hell the morons are. Live by the sword die by the sword? Just because people make stupid statements doesn’t mean we believe them, unless you are as stupid as the person making the statement.

Sorry but economies don’t live and die because of a President, if you nuts want to play the game then fine, I don’t care it’s just childish. But the left and right partisans seem dumber than my 6 year old granddaughter.
I don't recall Obama pounding his chest like an idiot taking credit for the DOW under his presidency ,,He might have mentioned it as one of the good things happening in his 8 years BUT nothing like what the moron trump is doing now Are Dems guilty of treason too ?

Obama took credit and you don’t remember? Lol! How convenient. Google December of 2017, Obama was still taking credit.

Obama and Trump have little to do with the stock market. The main issues are the bonds and the increase in wages, that caused the market to correct itself. It seems reality doesn’t fit your bent agenda.

Treason? More partisan BS. Don’t you nuts ever get tired of hyper partisan BS? Seems you nuts on the left and the right get dumber and dumber every day. I’m trying to figure how moronic people are going to get before this country decides that you nuts are the problem in America.

He was making a joke. Trump said anyone not clapping at the sotu was committing treason Papa!!!

Oh, and Trump has tweeted about the stock market (bragging) 63 times. Did Obama take credit for the stock market? I do a google search and find nothing.

Why do you continuously ignore Trump's stupidity?

‘The president clearly set himself up’: Trump’s stock market miscalculation

Why do you continue to play into Trump's hand, he has liberals twisting everyday.

Trump is a mouth and he doesn't have a filter, something other Presidents had. I don't think his ego is any bigger than other Presidents, they just used a filter. I just don't pay attention to the crazy stuff, the investigations, the constant BS of what one discovery means or the other.

The stock market has little to do with Presidents, again, it was the bond market rising and then the wages increasing that sent the market into the tailspin.
Another poorly informed moron think that Presidents control the economy. Lol! Don’t these children get tired of making up lies?
Trump told us he was responsible when it went up.

Obama said he was responsible, yet you believed Trump over Obama? Interesting that you believed Trump over Obama, sounds like you are easily duped.
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
Trump told us he was responsible when it went up.

Obama said he was responsible, yet you believed Trump over Obama? Interesting that you believed Trump over Obama, sounds like you are easily duped.
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
didn't do badly with world leaders ,,,,how's drumpf doing?
Trump told us he was responsible when it went up.

Obama said he was responsible, yet you believed Trump over Obama? Interesting that you believed Trump over Obama, sounds like you are easily duped.
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
think god could get along with the vile pub leaders ,,,the ones who pledged to take him down? btw hows the diplomat trump doing?
Obama said he was responsible, yet you believed Trump over Obama? Interesting that you believed Trump over Obama, sounds like you are easily duped.
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
didn't do badly with world leaders ,,,,how's drumpf doing?

I didn’t know who Obozo was nor do I know who drumpf is.
Obama said he was responsible, yet you believed Trump over Obama? Interesting that you believed Trump over Obama, sounds like you are easily duped.
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
think god could get along with the vile pub leaders ,,,the ones who pledged to take him down? btw hows the diplomat trump doing?

Trump isn’t doing any better with the vile Dem leaders that have pledged to wake him down.

I’m not expecting anything from Trump just as I didn’t expect shit from Obama
The rapid rising of the stock market was a reflection of the exuberance of a great economy. But then, I feel it was almost "too good to continue" and people were waiting for a shoe to drop. All the experts have been saying there has to be an explosion for it was rising too much and too fast.

So, the jitters gave way to investors crying "There it is! The explosion...I have to get out." But now it's wavering back and forth. Investors just don't know what to do.
Trump told us he was responsible when it went up

Which is true. The market saw that President Donald Trump would drastically reduce unnecessarily crippling regulations and reduce taxes.

Now, with all the economic good news, we have investors fearful of inflation and sharp increases in the interest rates.

The market is stabilizing and going up again.
And it will go down again.

I'm not surprised that the stock market goes up when trump gives corporations billions in tax breaks. Bush had to do that too to save himself from a recession, which he eventually still fell into.

Obama went slow and steady and nothing close to a recession happened.

Lets hope Trump's economy doesn't go off the tracks. I'm counting on it.

I'd rather be wrong and have more money than be able to tell you again that I told you so. But remember even when we told you so during Bush, you denied he sucked and put us in a recession. But if we went into a recession under Obama you sure would have blamed him and not McConnell and Ryan.
Listen well pap The moron, the ah in the wh ,took it upon himself to state how great the economy was under his presidency LIVE by the sword DIE by the sword

And Obama took credit for the economy in December, so you tell me who the hell the morons are. Live by the sword die by the sword? Just because people make stupid statements doesn’t mean we believe them, unless you are as stupid as the person making the statement.

Sorry but economies don’t live and die because of a President, if you nuts want to play the game then fine, I don’t care it’s just childish. But the left and right partisans seem dumber than my 6 year old granddaughter.
I don't recall Obama pounding his chest like an idiot taking credit for the DOW under his presidency ,,He might have mentioned it as one of the good things happening in his 8 years BUT nothing like what the moron trump is doing now Are Dems guilty of treason too ?

Obama took credit and you don’t remember? Lol! How convenient. Google December of 2017, Obama was still taking credit.

Obama and Trump have little to do with the stock market. The main issues are the bonds and the increase in wages, that caused the market to correct itself. It seems reality doesn’t fit your bent agenda.

Treason? More partisan BS. Don’t you nuts ever get tired of hyper partisan BS? Seems you nuts on the left and the right get dumber and dumber every day. I’m trying to figure how moronic people are going to get before this country decides that you nuts are the problem in America.

He was making a joke. Trump said anyone not clapping at the sotu was committing treason Papa!!!

Oh, and Trump has tweeted about the stock market (bragging) 63 times. Did Obama take credit for the stock market? I do a google search and find nothing.

Why do you continuously ignore Trump's stupidity?

‘The president clearly set himself up’: Trump’s stock market miscalculation

Why do you continue to play into Trump's hand, he has liberals twisting everyday.

Trump is a mouth and he doesn't have a filter, something other Presidents had. I don't think his ego is any bigger than other Presidents, they just used a filter. I just don't pay attention to the crazy stuff, the investigations, the constant BS of what one discovery means or the other.

The stock market has little to do with Presidents, again, it was the bond market rising and then the wages increasing that sent the market into the tailspin.

Then how do you judge if Trump is doing a good job as POTUS or not?
Trump told us he was responsible when it went up.

Obama said he was responsible, yet you believed Trump over Obama? Interesting that you believed Trump over Obama, sounds like you are easily duped.
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
You must have had your head buried in the sand when Obama took office. Don't you remember the GOP got together and pledged that their number one goal was to make Obama a 1 term president?

I know what you are going to say. The Democrats probably made that same pledge against Trump.

And you can think every president was as arrogant as Trump but you have nothing to base that on. I can show you quotes from Trump that would prove he's a meglomaniac.

Donald Trump: "I think I'm much more humble than you would understand"
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
think god could get along with the vile pub leaders ,,,the ones who pledged to take him down? btw hows the diplomat trump doing?

Trump isn’t doing any better with the vile Dem leaders that have pledged to wake him down.

I’m not expecting anything from Trump just as I didn’t expect shit from Obama
Then stop voting.
Obama went slow and steady and nothing close to a recession happened.

Translates to mean malaise.

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

President Bush’s and the Administrations Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs – Fannie and Freddie dating back to 2001
Just the Facts: The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

By Elliot Blair Smith,
Fannie Mae to pay $400 million fine

Franklin Raines was Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Clinton and returned to Fannie Mae as its CEO in 1999. Raines is not a “chief” economic adviser for President Barack Hussein Obama but has advised the administration on mortgage and housing matters. Obama had hired another former Fannie CEO, Jim Johnson as a member of Obama’s V.P. search committee and who was forced to quit under fire.

Bloomberg News -
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis -

Democrats in their own words covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis

From the New York Times
New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Published: September 11, 2003 WASHINGTON,

Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

Read more: New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
think god could get along with the vile pub leaders ,,,the ones who pledged to take him down? btw hows the diplomat trump doing?

Trump isn’t doing any better with the vile Dem leaders that have pledged to wake him down.

I’m not expecting anything from Trump just as I didn’t expect shit from Obama
And you probably expected nothing from gwb and Bill? You're just an all around disliker of politics?
And Obama took credit for the economy in December, so you tell me who the hell the morons are. Live by the sword die by the sword? Just because people make stupid statements doesn’t mean we believe them, unless you are as stupid as the person making the statement.

Sorry but economies don’t live and die because of a President, if you nuts want to play the game then fine, I don’t care it’s just childish. But the left and right partisans seem dumber than my 6 year old granddaughter.
I don't recall Obama pounding his chest like an idiot taking credit for the DOW under his presidency ,,He might have mentioned it as one of the good things happening in his 8 years BUT nothing like what the moron trump is doing now Are Dems guilty of treason too ?

Obama took credit and you don’t remember? Lol! How convenient. Google December of 2017, Obama was still taking credit.

Obama and Trump have little to do with the stock market. The main issues are the bonds and the increase in wages, that caused the market to correct itself. It seems reality doesn’t fit your bent agenda.

Treason? More partisan BS. Don’t you nuts ever get tired of hyper partisan BS? Seems you nuts on the left and the right get dumber and dumber every day. I’m trying to figure how moronic people are going to get before this country decides that you nuts are the problem in America.

He was making a joke. Trump said anyone not clapping at the sotu was committing treason Papa!!!

Oh, and Trump has tweeted about the stock market (bragging) 63 times. Did Obama take credit for the stock market? I do a google search and find nothing.

Why do you continuously ignore Trump's stupidity?

‘The president clearly set himself up’: Trump’s stock market miscalculation

Why do you continue to play into Trump's hand, he has liberals twisting everyday.

Trump is a mouth and he doesn't have a filter, something other Presidents had. I don't think his ego is any bigger than other Presidents, they just used a filter. I just don't pay attention to the crazy stuff, the investigations, the constant BS of what one discovery means or the other.

The stock market has little to do with Presidents, again, it was the bond market rising and then the wages increasing that sent the market into the tailspin.

Then how do you judge if Trump is doing a good job as POTUS or not?

I judge him like every other President, if they don’t affect my personal life, I’m good.
Obama said he was responsible, yet you believed Trump over Obama? Interesting that you believed Trump over Obama, sounds like you are easily duped.
It pains me to say this Pap but I believe that is an outright lie Obama saying he was responsible??

December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
You must have had your head buried in the sand when Obama took office. Don't you remember the GOP got together and pledged that their number one goal was to make Obama a 1 term president?

I know what you are going to say. The Democrats probably made that same pledge against Trump.

And you can think every president was as arrogant as Trump but you have nothing to base that on. I can show you quotes from Trump that would prove he's a meglomaniac.

Donald Trump: "I think I'm much more humble than you would understand"

That is your opinion and I have mine. Obama made big promises and then blamed Bush and Republicans for every bad thing that happened until he left office. If you aren’t arrogant you shouldn’t be President.
December 2017 Obama takes credit for the economy. Just google it.

You mean after he left office? OMG! Trump is bragging while he's in office. Obama didn't act like a child when he was POTUS.

Yes he did, he made lots of really stupid statements, I ignored Obama's BS as much as I ignore Trump.

Obama was very arrogant when he took office, had he been a better diplomat he would have been able to work with Republican leaders better. IMHO.
think god could get along with the vile pub leaders ,,,the ones who pledged to take him down? btw hows the diplomat trump doing?

Trump isn’t doing any better with the vile Dem leaders that have pledged to wake him down.

I’m not expecting anything from Trump just as I didn’t expect shit from Obama
Then stop voting.

I can vote for who I want just as you can.

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