So after the two Sheriff officers are shot, Joe Biden wants to ban Assault Rifles and large cap magazines.

the problem is - trump won the last election and this is what they chose to do about it. whine like little bitches who's pacifier fell out demanding someone else pick it up and make their booboo's better.

that will not change is trump wins again. they will get worse. a lot worse.
I personally have not one fuck to give about how they react. I hope they set themselves on fire, attack armed citizens and get shot, or leave the country. I seriously despise these pieces of shit at this point.


“Weapons of war have no place in our communities,” Biden said in a tweet. “We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
But Joe, the prog black thug who shot the two officers used a hand gun...This is how fucking stupid the left is.

You are the one who is fuckin stupid. Military style weapons should be banned as they seem to be the mass-shooter's weapon of choice.
It's official, Biden is a rat bastard POS who does nothing but spew the liberal narrative. Some lowlife Dem thug ambushes a former librarian, shoot her in the face with a pistol, and Biden's solution is to band rifles. Someone tell that asshole to shut his stupid liberal puke mouth!
Foaming at the mouth while few spewing nonsense again, I see. LOL.

“Weapons of war have no place in our communities,” Biden said in a tweet. “We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
But Joe, the prog black thug who shot the two officers used a hand gun...This is how fucking stupid the left is.

You are the one who is fuckin stupid. Military style weapons should be banned as they seem to be the mass-shooter's weapon of choice.

So why are you worried about mass shooters when mass shootings happen so infrequently?


It can not be more obvious than ever, from the race riots in the late 60's when the democrook party once again did their best to disarm blacks specifically, the decades of senseless murders in inner cities, and now bed wetters murdering innocent Americans and attacking people at restaurants. Leftists deliberately create chaos and violence, and then demand government disarm everyone who follows the law.

We can not let these pieces of shit win.

The ignorance of the anti-constitutionalist. Weapons of war are already highly regulated and require special licensing to own. Civilians can not legally purchase any of these weapons manufactured after 1986. This makes them rare and prohibitively expensive.
Biden is a fucking moron because the firearm used in the shooting is a handgun not a rifle. Never let a crisis go to waste.

You ignorant pieces of trash are trying to use the hardship of two cops being shot and their families to make a political point. You should be ashamed of yourselves but you won't be.
and Joe Biden is trying to push a ban on semiautomatic rifles because two cops shot with a handgun by a person who may or may not have been legally able to possess the handgun Maybe Biden and his supporter should be ashamed for pushing a sham

It can not be more obvious than ever, from the race riots in the late 60's when the democrook party once again did their best to disarm blacks specifically, the decades of senseless murders in inner cities, and now bed wetters murdering innocent Americans and attacking people at restaurants. Leftists deliberately create chaos and violence, and then demand government disarm everyone who follows the law.

We can not let these pieces of shit win.


The Shooting was done with a semi-auto handgun which are legal. The only reason both cops are alive is that it wasn't done by an AR. Of course, the AR would have been harder to conceal so it probably wouldn't have been so easy to get that close. But the shooter wouldn't need to get that close. I agree that the AR is a weapon of war but that has nothing to do with this shooting. You filthy rumpers will use anything to try and make points for your orange deity.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the two cops and their families and I thank God that they are going to be okay.

"The Shooting was done with a semi-auto handgun which are legal. The only reason both cops are alive is that it wasn't done by an AR."

Bullshit. My 10mm and my .450 SMG are both handguns and both pack more ballistic energy point blank than my AR15 in .300 BLK with subsonic ammo. Hell, even a .45 ACP with +P ammo will turn your head into pink mist with a side of brain soup at point blank range. Do you consider those "weapons of war"? Please say yes
Bolt action rifles are weapons of war. deer hunters should be careful they may loose their rifles
Not me, Pete
Got him on IGNORE

Same with me, did it over a year ago. Couldn't stand reading the same shit over and over and over. Been a delight since then.
he keeps repeating the shit because people have him on ignore. Maybe we should go after the piece of shit gang up on his ass and run him off.
It's official, Biden is a rat bastard POS who does nothing but spew the liberal narrative. Some lowlife Dem thug ambushes a former librarian, shoot her in the face with a pistol, and Biden's solution is to band rifles. Someone tell that asshole to shut his stupid liberal puke mouth!
Foaming at the mouth while few spewing nonsense again, I see. LOL.

I'm calling out the left's asshole Joe Biden who abused this young mother who was shot in the face by a Biden/Dem thug then Biden, being the asshole that he is typical of many Dems tried to spin the horror towards gun control. Dems really are the scum of the earth.

“Weapons of war have no place in our communities,” Biden said in a tweet. “We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
But Joe, the prog black thug who shot the two officers used a hand gun...This is how fucking stupid the left is.

You are the one who is fuckin stupid. Military style weapons should be banned as they seem to be the mass-shooter's weapon of choice.

I've fired every weapon from a .22 revolver all the way up to and including heavy machine guns I can not go to my local gun store and purchase a "military style" weapon.

“Weapons of war have no place in our communities,” Biden said in a tweet. “We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
But Joe, the prog black thug who shot the two officers used a hand gun...This is how fucking stupid the left is.

You are the one who is fuckin stupid. Military style weapons should be banned as they seem to be the mass-shooter's weapon of choice.

You are one retarded individual. Just like in the video of the two cops being shot, it is the pistol that is the weapon of choice in most murders/suicides. Do we ban those also?
No, they don't really want the police armed, either. So just criminals and private security hired by leftist elites.
Private security are not going to die for a paycheck. If things go real south for the liberal elite no amount of money will buy real professional gunfighters because when the shit hits the fan money won't be worth a fuck.

If anything the rich leftist elite will be taken hostage by their "paid protection" so that they can negotiate with the mobs and escape.

Bolt action rifles are weapons of war. deer hunters should be careful they may loose their rifles

Any real center fire rifle with a scope can be termed a "Sniper Rifle", and banned just as easily. The fact that there are a fuckton of them in the hands of people who are very familiar with their surroundings lends pause to anyone who understands guerrilla warfare.


It can not be more obvious than ever, from the race riots in the late 60's when the democrook party once again did their best to disarm blacks specifically, the decades of senseless murders in inner cities, and now bed wetters murdering innocent Americans and attacking people at restaurants. Leftists deliberately create chaos and violence, and then demand government disarm everyone who follows the law.

We can not let these pieces of shit win.

Fake news. Biden wanted to ban them in 2019. Not just after these cops got shot.
Here's 2019. Delete your fake news thread.

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