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So blacks want 14 trillion bucks

We already gave $14 trillion to blacks, problem is Dems took the money and spent most of it on whites.
Nobody gave 14 trillion to blacks.

It was spent trying to help them, but until they decide to help themselves no amount of money will work.
I'm black and until you help yourself from making ignorant ass white racist comments don't say shit to me. There has been no 14 trillion spent trying to help us.

so who exactly was the war on poverty aimed at? who was LBJ trying to help?

Trillions have been spent on the war on poverty. But if you look at what Dems actually spent the money on only a small fraction was actually spent on blacks. Dems used the rest to purchase votes to stay in power.
Republicans and Democrats spent the money and blacks are owed way more than 14 trillion.
They are owed nothing. That money would come out of my pocket, and I have never done anything to any black person. My ancestors were not even in this country when slavery existed.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. The government will take reparations out of my hide over my dead body.
Ah, the war on poverty and the great Lyndon Baines Johnson who once said " Ill have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years" Your hero, right?
The war on poverty had nothing to do with Johnson signing the voting rights act.

No, I never said it did, Johnson started the "war" on poverty. Democrats tried to fillibuster the civil rights act in the 1960s, which Johnson finally signed when republicans passed it in congress.
Yawn. Here comes that one again. Tell that lie to your kids junior.
Those are facts, moron. Unlike libtards, he doesn't lie to his kids everyday.
No, they aren't facts. Southern democrats filibustered and northern democrats didn't. The majority of both parties voted for the civil rights act. Both southern democrats and republicans opposed it. As did 1964 republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.
In other words, it's a fact. Most of the votes against it were Dim votes. Goldwater opposed it only because it was a huge federal intrusion into our freedoms.

Though he opposed forced segregation,[47] Republican Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona voted against the bill, remarking, "You can't legislate morality." Goldwater had supported previous attempts to pass civil rights legislation in 1957 and 1960 as well as the 24th Amendment outlawing the poll tax. He stated that the reason for his opposition to the 1964 bill was Title II, which in his opinion violated individual liberty and states' rights.
Leading Democrats opposed it, not just so-called "conservatives."
Democrats and Republicans from the Southern states opposed the bill and led an unsuccessful 83-day filibuster, including Senators Albert Gore, Sr. (D-TN) and J. William Fulbright (D-AR), as well as Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), who personally filibustered for 14 hours straight.
These men were considered to be liberals.

The old Dim spin doesn't wash.
But it’s OK Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act, they’re Democrats!
Republicans and Democrats spent the money and blacks are owed way more than 14 trillion.

And there it is folks.
14 Trillion is an arbitrary number......

There is NO AMOUNT that will satisfy the thirst for reparations.
If it is ever started, it will NEVER end.

That said, I fully expect our Congress to draft a plan to do so since
much or most of that money will land in designated elite hands....and they aren't black.
And if you agree to that AT ALL, it will NEVER end

You see, blacks in the next generation will also want THEIR reparations and on and on and on and on

Just like the statute removals
Just like whites from every generation want to keep benefitting from programs and policies when we put money in the pot too?
What money did you ever put into "the pot?"
I say we give every American $1 Million! Now everyone is rich! WOO HOO!
Republicans and Democrats spent the money and blacks are owed way more than 14 trillion.

And there it is folks.
14 Trillion is an arbitrary number......

There is NO AMOUNT that will satisfy the thirst for reparations.
If it is ever started, it will NEVER end.

That said, I fully expect our Congress to draft a plan to do so since
much or most of that money will land in designated elite hands....and they aren't black.
How much money have whites made off our backs over these 400 years? When you get the figure, let me know.
Republicans and Democrats spent the money and blacks are owed way more than 14 trillion.

And there it is folks.
14 Trillion is an arbitrary number......

There is NO AMOUNT that will satisfy the thirst for reparations.
If it is ever started, it will NEVER end.

That said, I fully expect our Congress to draft a plan to do so since
much or most of that money will land in designated elite hands....and they aren't black.
How much money have whites made off our backs over these 400 years? When you get the figure, let me know.
Send you the bill for freeing your sorry ass.
And if you agree to that AT ALL, it will NEVER end

You see, blacks in the next generation will also want THEIR reparations and on and on and on and on

Just like the statute removals
Just like whites from every generation want to keep benefitting from programs and policies when we put money in the pot too?
What money did you ever put into "the pot?"
I paid sales tax for over 50 years. I paid payroll taxes for 40 years. I paid income tax for the last 35 years. That's what I put in the pot boy.
Republicans and Democrats spent the money and blacks are owed way more than 14 trillion.

And there it is folks.
14 Trillion is an arbitrary number......

There is NO AMOUNT that will satisfy the thirst for reparations.
If it is ever started, it will NEVER end.

That said, I fully expect our Congress to draft a plan to do so since
much or most of that money will land in designated elite hands....and they aren't black.
How much money have whites made off our backs over these 400 years? When you get the figure, let me know.
Send you the bill for freeing your sorry ass.
You didn't free me. Blacks have fought and died in every war.
And Another Thing......

Who gets to decide WHO is "Black" ?

Does being "black" mean your skin has to be jet black?
does Black mean you are Colin Kapernick ?
Does someone qualify as "black" if they are 25% black? 10% black?

There are probably 150 million Americans who have SOME black in them, even if they look anglo white.

Trust me, radicals will claim the right to decide who would get the reparations and millions of blacks
would be denied by those radicals.

This is a guaranteed train wreck that should never leave the station
I fail to see how giving people who have been complacent to live on hand outs, more hand outs will suddenly make them a productive, functioning member of society.

I would almost agree with giving Black folks their "reparations" if it came with a contract wherein they agreed to never complain about oppression, slavery, systemic racism, white privilege and all that other nonsense again...or else they have to give the money back.

If the money will stop the incessant whining from the black community and turn them into happy citizens, than I wouldn't mind some reparations being paid out.

I however think if you give these folks an inch.. they will take a mile, as we have seen recently. Once you start catering to the mob mentality of the social justice whackadoos (like we have been doing this past generation) you get cities on fire and a nation in chaos.

So, I don't honestly believe "reparations" would do any good.
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Republicans and Democrats spent the money and blacks are owed way more than 14 trillion.

And there it is folks.
14 Trillion is an arbitrary number......

There is NO AMOUNT that will satisfy the thirst for reparations.
If it is ever started, it will NEVER end.

That said, I fully expect our Congress to draft a plan to do so since
much or most of that money will land in designated elite hands....and they aren't black.
How much money have whites made off our backs over these 400 years? When you get the figure, let me know.
I haven't made a dime off of your back, dumbass.
Republicans and Democrats spent the money and blacks are owed way more than 14 trillion.

And there it is folks.
14 Trillion is an arbitrary number......

There is NO AMOUNT that will satisfy the thirst for reparations.
If it is ever started, it will NEVER end.

That said, I fully expect our Congress to draft a plan to do so since
much or most of that money will land in designated elite hands....and they aren't black.
How much money have whites made off our backs over these 400 years? When you get the figure, let me know.
Send you the bill for freeing your sorry ass.
You didn't free me. Blacks have fought and died in every war.
You were never a slave, moron.

However, the citizens of Union states freed the slaves, and 400,000 of them died doing it.
Lets say we agree to give them the 14 trillion bucks. What would be the best and most effective way to pull them up and to maintain a higher standard of living for the black community. The two choices, but you can add in others if you wish.
A) Hand a check to each black in America(Lets say there's 50 million blacks so 14 trillion/50 million = $280,000 dollars in the mailbox or directly deposited into your bank account.)
B) Put the money into business loan programs that are directly aimed at the African american business owner and indivuals that wishes to start a business, jobs programs, innercity schools, etc?
I think we have "given" enough money, and it still doesnt work. Stop giving them money, they either work, or be shot for trying to steal other people's property, end of story.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Reparations my ass. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as hell don't know anyone who owned a slave.

Neither do any of the current African Americans. What a load of horse shit.
Now be fair...

Just pay them for every day they can PROVE they were a slave!!!

LOL I wish them good luck with that.
Lets say we agree to give them the 14 trillion bucks. What would be the best and most effective way to pull them up and to maintain a higher standard of living for the black community. The two choices, but you can add in others if you wish.
A) Hand a check to each black in America(Lets say there's 50 million blacks so 14 trillion/50 million = $280,000 dollars in the mailbox or directly deposited into your bank account.)
B) Put the money into business loan programs that are directly aimed at the African american business owner and indivuals that wishes to start a business, jobs programs, innercity schools, etc?
I'd give them a swift kick in the ass and that's all. Maybe a bill for all the shit that has been given them over the last few decades.
I fail to see how giving people who have been complacent to live on hand outs, more hand outs will suddenly make them a productive, functioning member of society.

I would almost agree with giving Black folks their "reparations" if it came with a contract wherein they agreed to never complain about oppression, slavery, systemic racism, white privilege and all that other nonsense again...or else they have to give the money back.

If the money will stop the incessant whining from the black community and turn them into happy citizens, than I wouldn't mind some reparations being paid out.

I however think if you give these folks an inch.. they will take a mile, as we have seen recently. Once you start catering to the mob mentality of the social justice whackadoos (like we have been doing this past generation) you get cities on fire and a nation in chaos.

So, I don't honestly believe "reparations" would do any good.

We've seen this movie before.

  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
    2. "The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."
      These searing words about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address.
    3. On Dec. 7, 2012, liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof offered an unexpected concession:
      “This is painful for a liberal to admit, but … America’s safety net can sometimes entangle people in a soul-crushing dependency. Our poverty programs do rescue many people, but other times they backfire.”
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How much money have whites made off our backs over these 400 years? When you get the figure, let me know.
Just as soon as you calculate the cost of hundreds of thousands of human lives lost to destroy slavery as an
I assume we have a good idea how much LBJ's "Great Society" (the most ironically named government approved hoax ever created) has cost us over the last fifty plus years.
Hint: it's $22 trillion dollars plus in today's dollars
EDITORIAL: The not-so-Great Society turns a rickety 50
$22 trillion dollars! Add that to the $14 trillion dollars, which I assume was pulled out of thin air, and that's a lot of money for basketball shoes, I Phones and weed!

Especially for people who have been beneficiaries of the War on Poverty and the Great Society to begin with!
You just keep on being an advocate for the parasite class.
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