So Herr Mueller will investigate a 150k about a guy who gave millions to the clintons


Assorted posts deleted because of personal attacks, lack of content, trolling.

This is Zone 2.

some of you either don't know the rules, or you are ignoring them.

This would be a good time to change your ways.

aw come on will - you know my "brown eyes" comment was a joke ...

sheesh ...
Pinchuk is a key player in this soap opera. Not only has he given millions to the Clintons, he finances the Atlantic Council with other anti Putin Ukrainian oligarchs.

Now why is this important? Because the co founder of CrowdStrike sits on the same boards as Pinchuk at the Atlantic Council. Dmitri is the one who claims that the Russians hacked the DNC.

You'd be amazed how many dots you can connect just by investigating Pinchuk. Take his investment in Iran. He made $$$$$$$$$$$$$. He got his authorization from

.......drum roll........Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Just shows what a fucking dirty cop Mueller is.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

The fourth richest man in Ukraine, Pinchuk owns Interpipe Group, a Cyprus-incorporated manufacturer of seamless pipes used in oil and gas sectors.

Rest of the story at link:

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran

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