So Liberals Will Never Divulge Their Most Feared Conservative Or Ticket. So Who Are The Cowards Now?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:
Not sure about Ted Cruz, but Rand Paul is just as crazy as his dad. The only thing I fear is him getting in office and fucking our country with his ideological nutjob bs. The only thing he really has going for him is that he isn't okay with killing babies, which should be the norm anyway.

From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

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From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

right, they know Hillary has a shot against Jeb, but they sure seem to fear Ted Cruz, but now the Dem's have to explain their support for Irans Nukes. thats not going to help Hillary.

From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

right, they know Hillary has a shot against Jeb, but they sure seem to fear Ted Cruz, but now the Dem's have to explain their support for Irans Nukes. thats not going to help Hillary.
Yeah, I really don't think they fear Cruz.


From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

Hillary committed a felony and lied about it in a news conference. I am not sure how much bigger a scandal there could be.
Oh, they tell ya. You just have to read between the lines. The candidate they attack most in the primary is the one they are most afraid of, and the one they want to run against is the one they promote the virtues of in the primary, then savagely attack in the general election.
Oh, they tell ya. You just have to read between the lines. The candidate they attack most in the primary is the one they are most afraid of, and the one they want to run against is the one they promote the virtues of in the primary, then savagely attack in the general election.
yup, and this week they will be pouncing on Rand, but how can the left pounce on the other two Latino Candidates? they are Hispanic? therefore too dumb to run?

From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

You really think a silly little scandal could stop this woman's inevitable election? She let our ambassador die and had it all cleaned up real pretty for her. She lied about taking enemy fire before Brian Williams made it cool and it vanished from the news as quickly as it came. I'm not saying you're a dumbass if you vote. I'm just saying that it's an utter waste of time because everyone in the electoral college already knows who they're voting for and knows that their votes don't really decide who wins any more than yours does.

From what I've seen, the Democrats would least want to run against Jeb, and they don't seem to be exactly shaking over him.

My guess is that their biggest worry is what could happen to a Hillary campaign, some kind of meltdown or over-the-top scandal.

You really think a silly little scandal could stop this woman's inevitable election? She let our ambassador die and had it all cleaned up real pretty for her. She lied about taking enemy fire before Brian Williams made it cool and it vanished from the news as quickly as it came. I'm not saying you're a dumbass if you vote. I'm just saying that it's an utter waste of time because everyone in the electoral college already knows who they're voting for and knows that their votes don't really elect anyone any more than yours does.
Depends on when it happened.

If it happens during the nominating process, she could lose. But once she's in the general, she'd pretty much have to be found eating someone's spleen, on video, for the media to react.

i dont think Hannity will ever get a straight answer from any of his liberal guests. then again, he never gets straight answers from liberals on any simple question.
Depends on when it happened.

If it happens during the nominating process, she could lose. But once she's in the general, she'd pretty much have to be found eating someone's spleen, on video, for the media to react.

Change spleen to brain and I'll agree with you.
anyone remember when time to time Sean Hannity would ask a liberal "What is a fair tax,or flat tax"? and none of them would answer? or was it the maximum they should tax the middle class.
I think the candidate they fear the most is their own--Bill Clinton's bogus wife.

They have seen enough out of the Clintons to be very wary of what is liable to hit the fan next---the Media doesn't seem as inclined to cover for her as they are for Obama; and they really need that, because she is an extravagant and picturesque liar...and that won't change.
:cow::dunno: Has anyone till this day actually seen any liberal answer this question yet on cable or radio? Has anyone asked? Actually Sean Hannity asked a Liberal today on his radio show and the woman refused to answer. What? are they all afraid to admit that their panties are in utter angst over Ted Cruz and Rand Paul? Let's just wait and see if and when they are asked this question on hopefully all the cable news channels. Then again does anyone think they will ask "Who Do You Fear The Most" on MSNBC?:omg:

I don't fear any conservatives because they can't win.

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