So now, BUSH caused ISIS?


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
Boooosh caused my 'roids, and killed Joan Rivers too.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.
They were there, maybe by a different acronym.

Doesn't matter what you call them, it is all the same war.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
There was and is much more than just Saddam that needed to be dealt with. However, I am not about to rehash Iraq for the 35,000 time with people who have already made up their minds.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.
They were there, maybe by a different acronym.

Doesn't matter what you call them, it is all the same war.
Well, according to the left, there was only one bad guy (Saddam) in Iraq and he was allegedly contained.

People need to start getting their stories straight.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

That's what I'm saying. Sorry my words seem to have been misinterpreted there... I meant that I see what the left is trying to say. You're making my point, Bush as well as everyone who supported the War on Terror and the War in Iraq, all said that pulling out was a huge mistake. Even further, that our not going after terrorists elsewhere was a mistake as well.

We are at war with these people whether we like that or not. They declared it, they are fighting it, and we better wake the fuck up. This doesn't go away because your guy got elected and Bush's reputation was destroyed.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.

War is not about tax dollars. We embarked on a carefully considered plan of attempting to create an Arab democracy... first time in history. The rationale behind this was, a democracy is more stable and doesn't tend to start wars with other democracies. There is more individual freedom under a democracy as opposed to a kingdom or dictatorship. There are fewer human rights issues. Generally, the people are happier and better off.

The idea was to change hearts and minds through realization. You can't defeat an ideology any other way, and that is what we are fighting, a war rooted in ideology. But all that went out the window because we abandoned it.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.

War is not about tax dollars. We embarked on a carefully considered plan of attempting to create an Arab democracy... first time in history. The rationale behind this was, a democracy is more stable and doesn't tend to start wars with other democracies. There is more individual freedom under a democracy as opposed to a kingdom or dictatorship. There are fewer human rights issues. Generally, the people are happier and better off.

The idea was to change hearts and minds through realization. You can't defeat an ideology any other way, and that is what we are fighting, a war rooted in ideology. But all that went out the window because we abandoned it.

And that was a really dumb plan cause we got none of that. Seems you can't force democracy.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.

War is not about tax dollars. We embarked on a carefully considered plan of attempting to create an Arab democracy... first time in history. The rationale behind this was, a democracy is more stable and doesn't tend to start wars with other democracies. There is more individual freedom under a democracy as opposed to a kingdom or dictatorship. There are fewer human rights issues. Generally, the people are happier and better off.

The idea was to change hearts and minds through realization. You can't defeat an ideology any other way, and that is what we are fighting, a war rooted in ideology. But all that went out the window because we abandoned it.

And that was a really dumb plan cause we got none of that. Seems you can't force democracy.

We got none of it because we abandoned it.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.

War is not about tax dollars. We embarked on a carefully considered plan of attempting to create an Arab democracy... first time in history. The rationale behind this was, a democracy is more stable and doesn't tend to start wars with other democracies. There is more individual freedom under a democracy as opposed to a kingdom or dictatorship. There are fewer human rights issues. Generally, the people are happier and better off.

The idea was to change hearts and minds through realization. You can't defeat an ideology any other way, and that is what we are fighting, a war rooted in ideology. But all that went out the window because we abandoned it.

And that was a really dumb plan cause we got none of that. Seems you can't force democracy.

We got none of it because we abandoned it.

No because Iraqis wont fight for it. They throw down their weapons and run away.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.
How long have we been in Japan, Germany, S. Korea?

BTW......defending our interests abroad is a long term task. On the order of "As long as we exist as a nation" kind of thing....
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.
How long have we been in Japan, Germany, S. Korea?

BTW......defending our interests abroad is a long term task. On the order of "As long as we exist as a nation" kind of thing....

How many troops die each year in those countries? Why is it out interest? I don't think Iraqis even like us.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
You kidding. The moronic left are attempting to prove that the Bush family invented a time machine, killed all of the dinosaurs for oil.

Hell, they already claim that capitalism is the reason there is no life on Mars.



Anyway, you get the point. The left are that stupid, that pathetic, that much of a waste of your time. Their time will come. Right now they ought to be celebrating. They are getting everything their way. Their time will come. Take joy in that.
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
Boooosh caused my 'roids, and killed Joan Rivers too.
There is a creme for that and Joan was old, she had to die of something at that age..and get diapers, your about there also....
But as far as radical Islam, eh, just another human ready to die for their cause.......

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