So proud of black people now....its about time!!

If basketball-American crybabies are so wonderful then please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and MORE PEACEFUL, when a bunch of you black malcontents moved in. I've noticed that so far on this thread, not one person can name a black-majority society on this planet with a civilized respect for rule of law and human rights. And also tell me which of these two races split the atom, put men on the moon, invented the car, airplane, lightbulb, computer chip -- hell, most of today's modern machinery.
Your post if full of cave monkey nonsense. Nothing you mentioned occurred without Black people helping you. From the foundations of knowledge all the way to actual participation in the events you named.
If basketball-American crybabies are so wonderful then please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and MORE PEACEFUL, when a bunch of you black malcontents moved in. I've noticed that so far on this thread, not one person can name a black-majority society on this planet with a civilized respect for rule of law and human rights. And also tell me which of these two races split the atom, put men on the moon, invented the car, airplane, lightbulb, computer chip -- hell, most of today's modern machinery.

LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
typical conservative bullshit.....dude, educate yourself next time...not all blacks are slow and stupid and etc, etc etc....Jezus does the stereotyping ever end with you nuts

Your spelling and grammar strengthen the stereotype.

......and yet you always always always manage to seek me out and respond.
He cant help it. It makes him feel superior if he points out he knows his white english language better than another race.
We have racism in the UK.It is generally the preserve of the poor and the poorly educated.
Historically it has always been Jewish people. After the war it became people from the Caribbean and then Asians from India and Pakistan.
I am old enough to have witnessed this crap in my own home town.
After the Asians the focus moved on to Eastern Europeans and more recently the target has become Muslims,generally from the Middle East and Pakistan.
People always seem to need someone to blame and seem to be happy to percolate in their own bile.
Black Americans have been oppressed since they landed in America. I cant see how anybody can deny that.

It would be nice to think that things were getting better but judging by some of the froth on here I have to question that.

These are some recent postings.

No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.

Who will keep me from speaking for murdered children! Reveal yourself. Tell me from your delusional, cultish mind how having Whites and negros coesist is worth the lives of tens of thousands of White children. With more yet to be murdered. Tell me of your solution that doesn't include White people trying even harder to kiss negro ass. Tell me why you are willing to risk the murders of tens of thousands more White children to see if that plan will work. And where does that give justice to those who were already murdered.

These are the outpourings of the foulest minds imaginable and yet it is possible that they could hold down positions of influence in schools and so on where they can quietly go about their hate agenda.

There still seems a long way to go .
Tiger, you need to go back to the fucking plantation if you are too stupid to see how far your race has come over the past 50 years and have appreciation for it. It is like you are still living in the 1960s.
We have racism in the UK.It is generally the preserve of the poor and the poorly educated.
Historically it has always been Jewish people. After the war it became people from the Caribbean and then Asians from India and Pakistan.
I am old enough to have witnessed this crap in my own home town.
After the Asians the focus moved on to Eastern Europeans and more recently the target has become Muslims,generally from the Middle East and Pakistan.
People always seem to need someone to blame and seem to be happy to percolate in their own bile.
Black Americans have been oppressed since they landed in America. I cant see how anybody can deny that.

It would be nice to think that things were getting better but judging by some of the froth on here I have to question that.

These are some recent postings.

No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.

Who will keep me from speaking for murdered children! Reveal yourself. Tell me from your delusional, cultish mind how having Whites and negros coesist is worth the lives of tens of thousands of White children. With more yet to be murdered. Tell me of your solution that doesn't include White people trying even harder to kiss negro ass. Tell me why you are willing to risk the murders of tens of thousands more White children to see if that plan will work. And where does that give justice to those who were already murdered.

These are the outpourings of the foulest minds imaginable and yet it is possible that they could hold down positions of influence in schools and so on where they can quietly go about their hate agenda.

There still seems a long way to go .
Tommy, your is the most racist post ever.
Tiger, you need to go back to the fucking plantation if you are too stupid to see how far your race has come over the past 50 years and have appreciation for it. It is like you are still living in the 1960s.
Weve taken a step back. We were duped into believing that having equal rights meant we should abandon spending our money in our communities
If blacks are sooo intellectially equal to whites, then someone please name me the African equivalent to an Einstein, a Shakepeare, a Newton, a Darwin, a daVinci, a Michaelangelo, a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Curie, a Fermi, a Bach, a Beethoven, a Plato, a Socrates (& moving along to this country), a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Lincoln, a Poe, a Hemingway, an Edison, a Bell, a Wright Bros., a Ford, a Susan B. Anthony, an FDR, an Armstrong....get the drift?
If basketball-American crybabies are so wonderful then please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and MORE PEACEFUL, when a bunch of you black malcontents moved in. I've noticed that so far on this thread, not one person can name a black-majority society on this planet with a civilized respect for rule of law and human rights. And also tell me which of these two races split the atom, put men on the moon, invented the car, airplane, lightbulb, computer chip -- hell, most of today's modern machinery.

LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.
Thank you. Whites generally have a problem with you loving yourself. They call it racist for some odd reason.
I'm just pleased that finally black people with voices are speaking up. I get so tired of hearing from them after the limelight has faded. Dude breaking the chains, that shit made me cry. For too long, the chains of success and white acceptance has held so many of our artist from speaking what is real in this country and thank God with the way they've treated Obama, "some" blacks in this country are realizing that love them white folk gave....came with a price...that all are finding isn't worth it.
Bill Cosby spoke up and look at what happened to him!!!! Funny
If blacks are sooo intellectially equal to whites, then someone please name me the African equivalent to an Einstein, a Shakepeare, a Newton, a Darwin, a daVinci, a Michaelangelo, a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Curie, a Fermi, a Bach, a Beethoven, a Plato, a Socrates (& moving along to this country), a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Lincoln, a Poe, a Hemingway, an Edison, a Bell, a Wright Bros., a Ford, a Susan B. Anthony, an FDR, an Armstrong....get the drift?
I get your drift. Without Black people those guys you named would still be wildin out in the caves of europe eating each other. Wake me when one of them can top the first multi genius Imhotep. Basically anything those guys did has to be credited to the knowledge they got from Black people in Africa.
If basketball-American crybabies are so wonderful then please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and MORE PEACEFUL, when a bunch of you black malcontents moved in. I've noticed that so far on this thread, not one person can name a black-majority society on this planet with a civilized respect for rule of law and human rights. And also tell me which of these two races split the atom, put men on the moon, invented the car, airplane, lightbulb, computer chip -- hell, most of today's modern machinery.

LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
they don't want to know the facts, they just want to pout and whine and demand equality, which they have, but don't choose to use.
If basketball-American crybabies are so wonderful then please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and MORE PEACEFUL, when a bunch of you black malcontents moved in. I've noticed that so far on this thread, not one person can name a black-majority society on this planet with a civilized respect for rule of law and human rights. And also tell me which of these two races split the atom, put men on the moon, invented the car, airplane, lightbulb, computer chip -- hell, most of today's modern machinery.

LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
Wedlock has nothing to do with families. White statistics have no validity.
If basketball-American crybabies are so wonderful then please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and MORE PEACEFUL, when a bunch of you black malcontents moved in. I've noticed that so far on this thread, not one person can name a black-majority society on this planet with a civilized respect for rule of law and human rights. And also tell me which of these two races split the atom, put men on the moon, invented the car, airplane, lightbulb, computer chip -- hell, most of today's modern machinery.

LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
they don't want to know the facts, they just want to pout and whine and demand equality, which they have, but don't choose to use.
White facts have no validity. When you can prove that being married is the only indicator of what a family is then I will listen to see if you know what you were talking about.
If blacks are sooo intellectially equal to whites, then someone please name me the African equivalent to an Einstein, a Shakepeare, a Newton, a Darwin, a daVinci, a Michaelangelo, a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Curie, a Fermi, a Bach, a Beethoven, a Plato, a Socrates (& moving along to this country), a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Lincoln, a Poe, a Hemingway, an Edison, a Bell, a Wright Bros., a Ford, a Susan B. Anthony, an FDR, an Armstrong....get the drift?
I get your drift. Without Black people those guys you named would still be wildin out in the caves of europe eating each other. Wake me when one of them can top the first multi genius Imhotep. Basically anything those guys did has to be credited to the knowledge they got from Black people in Africa.
If blacks are sooo intellectially equal to whites, then someone please name me the African equivalent to an Einstein, a Shakepeare, a Newton, a Darwin, a daVinci, a Michaelangelo, a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Curie, a Fermi, a Bach, a Beethoven, a Plato, a Socrates (& moving along to this country), a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Lincoln, a Poe, a Hemingway, an Edison, a Bell, a Wright Bros., a Ford, a Susan B. Anthony, an FDR, an Armstrong....get the drift?
I get your drift. Without Black people those guys you named would still be wildin out in the caves of europe eating each other. Wake me when one of them can top the first multi genius Imhotep. Basically anything those guys did has to be credited to the knowledge they got from Black people in Africa.

I rarely watch videos. If you have a reply please type it. I know spelling may be hard for you but give it a try. I know you can do it.
If basketball-American crybabies are so wonderful then please name me ONE neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and MORE PEACEFUL, when a bunch of you black malcontents moved in. I've noticed that so far on this thread, not one person can name a black-majority society on this planet with a civilized respect for rule of law and human rights. And also tell me which of these two races split the atom, put men on the moon, invented the car, airplane, lightbulb, computer chip -- hell, most of today's modern machinery.

LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
Wedlock has nothing to do with families. White statistics have no validity.

Well, I have to use white statistics since Blacks don't own any type of business that collects statistics.
LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
Wedlock has nothing to do with families. White statistics have no validity.

Well, I have to use white statistics since Blacks don't own any type of business that collects statistics.
No you dont have to use white statistics. See? You roll over and believe anything white people tell you. What did you do before whites told you what to think?
LOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, a race, ie blacks who have had white america for centuries deny them access to education, is now being compared to the innovators of society???????? Imagine if you will had we the educational access of the Atom, Nasa, automotive, arospace, etc, how much we could have contributed to this country? And yet...if you were to google our contributions dispite the paths we were given, I'd say, we did damn good for ourselves and this country.

The educational opportunity is there. My grandkids attend school right alongside Black kids. What you have lost is the family unit and the desire to stay in school.
Thats weird. I have a large family unit as most Blacks I know do. We also have an intense desire to stay in school and succeed.

Statistics show otherwise. 70% of your children are born out of wedlock. Most of your homes are single parent homes. Your school drop out rate is the highest among all ethnic groups. Your unemployment rate among your males is the highest. Look it up for yourself.
they don't want to know the facts, they just want to pout and whine and demand equality, which they have, but don't choose to use.
White facts have no validity. When you can prove that being married is the only indicator of what a family is then I will listen to see if you know what you were talking about.

Could you point us to where we might find a company that provides statistics gathered by their Black employees?
If blacks are sooo intellectially equal to whites, then someone please name me the African equivalent to an Einstein, a Shakepeare, a Newton, a Darwin, a daVinci, a Michaelangelo, a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Curie, a Fermi, a Bach, a Beethoven, a Plato, a Socrates (& moving along to this country), a Franklin, a Jefferson, a Lincoln, a Poe, a Hemingway, an Edison, a Bell, a Wright Bros., a Ford, a Susan B. Anthony, an FDR, an Armstrong....get the drift?
I get your drift. Without Black people those guys you named would still be wildin out in the caves of europe eating each other. Wake me when one of them can top the first multi genius Imhotep. Basically anything those guys did has to be credited to the knowledge they got from Black people in Africa.

Oh, get over your delusions. It's an historical FACT than in medieval times whites were thousands of years ahead of blacks in every societal development that requires brains. I noticed that you couldn't factually refute any of my points, you just went into your Al-Sharpton-delusions that blacks were somehow magical super-beings before "whitey" started oppressing them. Classic sour-grapes argument tactic.

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