So...raising the minimum wage will put busineses out of business..who have thunk it.......

We have been raising minimum wages for decades. The sky does not fall in, business does not fail, workers do not get fired

The market adjusts and we move on

No one has ever raised the minimum the amount your side wants. And again, the labor they do is simply not worth $15 an hour.
Then why not raise minimum wage to $100 dollars an hour??? MORE MONEY FOR EVERYONE!!!!

We are talking $15 dollars. Stop being silly. Sorry but the sky will not fall.

Once again a point goes over your head, you must get tired of the breeze.

No you just are trying to exaggerate because your points have made little sense.

I rest my case. You are rapidly reaching SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED levels of stupidity in your posts. Not an achievement you should be striving for.

And you continue to post with no substance. You clearly have no real arguments.

I can keep this up as long as you wish to, oxygen thief.
You have no arguments to counter, just silly little ideas with no backing and relevance. Your understanding of economics, like your understanding of 2nd amendment rights is basically zilch.

Yet I clearly know far more about economics than you. And borderlands not closing proves it.

No, you don't.

The why is borderlands not closing now? You said they would have to.

We are talking about Comix Experience, the shop in the OP. Why do you keep bringing up borderlands?

If you read the article in the OP, borderlands claimed they were going to close. They changed their mind. Comix never said they were closing. And trust me, they won't.

Only because of crowdfunding, and how long do you think that can last? And Hibbs plan is a band aid at best. When people start realizing what its costing them they will back out, and there goes the buisness.
We have been raising minimum wages for decades. The sky does not fall in, business does not fail, workers do not get fired

The market adjusts and we move on

No one has ever raised the minimum the amount your side wants. And again, the labor they do is simply not worth $15 an hour.

Its not happening overnight, it is phased in
Most will be to make up for wages that haven't increased in many years

Businesses deal with increasing costs all the time. Rent, raw materials, energy, taxes, insurance
It is only when it is suggested that labor costs increase that conservatives threaten business collapse
Just so the comic store crowd will understand


More class warfare bull from the biggest plopper of bull from the left on this site.

Sad but true

The taxpayers supplement the income of low wage workers while their employers profit from sub standard wages

if they had made better life choices, they wouldn't be in the low wage position for long. and they get paid what their labor adds to the overall value of the product or service.

Minimum wage increases are much better than the government subsidizing low income with welfare.
Yet I clearly know far more about economics than you. And borderlands not closing proves it.

No, you don't.

The why is borderlands not closing now? You said they would have to.

We are talking about Comix Experience, the shop in the OP. Why do you keep bringing up borderlands?

If you read the article in the OP, borderlands claimed they were going to close. They changed their mind. Comix never said they were closing. And trust me, they won't.

Only because of crowdfunding, and how long do you think that can last? And Hibbs plan is a band aid at best. When people start realizing what its costing them they will back out, and there goes the buisness.

As income increases for customers so will sales. The talk of closing is just right wing sky is falling drama.
Which shows you have zero understanding of anything involving economics whatsoever.

The do tell what is wrong with the numbers.

Well by 2018 inflation will increase the amount needed over $80,000, and in a niche market like comic books and collectibles, how do you fathom an increase in $120 a day actually happening?

And lots of comic book people are actually high income (especially in San Francisco), so your premise of an increased income from low end people buying more comic books is wrong.

Here is a hint, people working minimum wage type jobs, even with the $15 an hour, usually aren't the type with comic book designated disposable income.

Any others inflation would happen regardless of the min wage increase. We have to look at just the $80,000. Are you still living in a world where comics are 10 cents? They are rather expensive now. It's probably not that strange for one sale to be over $120. And yes many min wage types spend money on comics.

All suppositions, no facts. and he isn't saying he has to sell $120, his sales have to increase by $120 a day.

Do you really think this guy just want's to give up his business?

Its a simple fact that the job the people are doing for him cannot justify a $15 an hour wage, and thus he has to call it quits.
This comic book seller has more than one store. He cannot raise prices because the price is set by the publisher. What he should do is expand what merchandise he sells and include more products. Close the lowest earning stores and end employee support services. If he has a janitorial service stop that and require employees to do the cleaning themselves. Then he could squeak by.

Yes...I am sure after all his work that he really wants to just squeak by......what don't the lefties get...well...everything.....but it is amazing watching them say he should just sell more comics.....
All suppositions, no facts. and he isn't saying he has to sell $120, his sales have to increase by $120 a day.

Do you really think this guy just want's to give up his business?

Its a simple fact that the job the people are doing for him cannot justify a $15 an hour wage, and thus he has to call it quits.

Selling and sales are the same thing. One $120 sale increases the days sales by $120. Between now and 2018 he just has to increase sales by $120 a day with many customers who will be getting a raise. If he can't do that he was probably going out of business without a min wage increase.

he was actually probably doing just fine. Your lame attempts at justifying this are noted.

Then he will continue to do just fine. Your lame attempts to counter my arguments are noted.

How is he going to do just fine if he has said he has to give up the business?

Also it looks like borderlands books has decided to stay open. What a shocker.

Borderlands Books Used New Science Fiction Fantasy Horror

So they are taking charity to stay that is a great business model.........and once those sponsors get tired of propping up a business...they will close....
Just so the comic store crowd will understand


this is, of course, crap.....a business has no business as a social welfare program.......the model you are referring to in this cartoon is called SLAVERY....where the owner of the property (in this case you would call him the employer) takes care of all the needs of his slaver (you would call him the employee).......

it is also the employees responsiblity to get the training and education they need to get better jobs....if they don't...why is it the purpose of a business to provide all of their needs for them...

We prefer the model where the business owner and the employee are free to choose to work or not work, employ or not employ is called freedom....

I don't know why you think it is the employers job to see to every need of their workers......
Selling and sales are the same thing. One $120 sale increases the days sales by $120. Between now and 2018 he just has to increase sales by $120 a day with many customers who will be getting a raise. If he can't do that he was probably going out of business without a min wage increase.

he was actually probably doing just fine. Your lame attempts at justifying this are noted.

Then he will continue to do just fine. Your lame attempts to counter my arguments are noted.

How is he going to do just fine if he has said he has to give up the business?

Also it looks like borderlands books has decided to stay open. What a shocker.

Borderlands Books Used New Science Fiction Fantasy Horror

So they are taking charity to stay that is a great business model.........and once those sponsors get tired of propping up a business...they will close....

Sounds like this wage increase is making them a better business. Sales will increase with wages. Stop all the silly drama already. It doesn't even increase to $15 till 2018. They just went on a right wing rant when they never really intended to close.
You really are an oxygen thief, you know that?

So far you offer no counter of value to my arguments. Now you are down to lame insults?

You have no arguments to counter, just silly little ideas with no backing and relevance. Your understanding of economics, like your understanding of 2nd amendment rights is basically zilch.

Yet I clearly know far more about economics than you. And borderlands not closing proves it.

No, you don't.

Then why is borderlands not closing now? You said they would have to.

They aren't closing because some rich people or a lot of people with extra cash are just going to give them money to stay as a business model will not last......
Just so the comic store crowd will understand


this is, of course, crap.....a business has no business as a social welfare program.......the model you are referring to in this cartoon is called SLAVERY....where the owner of the property (in this case you would call him the employer) takes care of all the needs of his slaver (you would call him the employee).......

it is also the employees responsiblity to get the training and education they need to get better jobs....if they don't...why is it the purpose of a business to provide all of their needs for them...

We prefer the model where the business owner and the employee are free to choose to work or not work, employ or not employ is called freedom....

I don't know why you think it is the employers job to see to every need of their workers......

As you should have learned from reality, if the employer doesn't the government will. I prefer it's the employer.
So far you offer no counter of value to my arguments. Now you are down to lame insults?

You have no arguments to counter, just silly little ideas with no backing and relevance. Your understanding of economics, like your understanding of 2nd amendment rights is basically zilch.

Yet I clearly know far more about economics than you. And borderlands not closing proves it.

No, you don't.

Then why is borderlands not closing now? You said they would have to.

They aren't closing because some rich people or a lot of people with extra cash are just going to give them money to stay as a business model will not last......

Yes as income of customers increases so will their sales.
Just so the comic store crowd will understand


More class warfare bull from the biggest plopper of bull from the left on this site.

Sad but true

The taxpayers supplement the income of low wage workers while their employers profit from sub standard wages

if they had made better life choices, they wouldn't be in the low wage position for long. and they get paid what their labor adds to the overall value of the product or service.

Minimum wage increases are much better than the government subsidizing low income with welfare.

Neither are good.....getting the skills you need with 12 years of free public education plus easy to get financial aid to go to easily defeated by poor life choices....not getting the High School diploma, getting involved in crime and getting a conviction, having children before you are married and stable and have a good job....

Those are the reasons that you only get minimum wage......those are the problems that need solutions.....
Just so the comic store crowd will understand


More class warfare bull from the biggest plopper of bull from the left on this site.

Sad but true

The taxpayers supplement the income of low wage workers while their employers profit from sub standard wages

if they had made better life choices, they wouldn't be in the low wage position for long. and they get paid what their labor adds to the overall value of the product or service.

Minimum wage increases are much better than the government subsidizing low income with welfare.

Neither are good.....getting the skills you need with 12 years of free public education plus easy to get financial aid to go to easily defeated by poor life choices....not getting the High School diploma, getting involved in crime and getting a conviction, having children before you are married and stable and have a good job....

Those are the reasons that you only get minimum wage......those are the problems that need solutions.....

If we didn't have lots of crony capitalism we wouldn't need either. But since I see no other solutions coming this is the better option.
More class warfare bull from the biggest plopper of bull from the left on this site.

Sad but true

The taxpayers supplement the income of low wage workers while their employers profit from sub standard wages

if they had made better life choices, they wouldn't be in the low wage position for long. and they get paid what their labor adds to the overall value of the product or service.

Minimum wage increases are much better than the government subsidizing low income with welfare.

Neither are good.....getting the skills you need with 12 years of free public education plus easy to get financial aid to go to easily defeated by poor life choices....not getting the High School diploma, getting involved in crime and getting a conviction, having children before you are married and stable and have a good job....

Those are the reasons that you only get minimum wage......those are the problems that need solutions.....

If we didn't have lots of crony capitalism we wouldn't need either. But since I see no other solutions coming this is the better option.

We don't have crony capitalism we have crony socialism.......big businesses buying politicians and using them to hurt their enemies and protect themselves.......
Here is a story from the successful war to raise minimum wage and hurt everyone.....

When Minimum-Wage Hikes Hit a San Francisco Comic-Book Store National Review Online

‘I’m hearing from a lot of customers, ‘I voted for that, and I didn’t realize it would affect you.’” So says Brian Hibbs, owner and operator of Comix Experience, an iconic comic-book and graphic-novel shop on San Francisco’s Divisadero Street, of the city’s new minimum-wage law........

But that may not last. Hibbs says that the $15-an-hour minimum wage will require a staggering $80,000 in extra revenue annually. “I was appalled!” he says. “My jaw dropped. Eighty-thousand a year! I didn’t know that. I thought we were talking a small amount of money, something I could absorb.” He runs a tight operation already, he says. Comix Experience is open ten hours a day, seven days a week, with usually just one employee at each store at a time. It’s not viable to cut hours, he says, because his slowest hours are in the middle of the day. And he can’t raise prices, because comic books and graphic novels have their retail prices printed on the cover.

Screw him...the capitalist pig.....he deserves to go out of business for exploiting the workers......

Workers of the world...stop buying comic books, and luxury items....and food, and stuff.......

Here's the reality, raising the min wage is a win win for everyone. Yes there will be casualties, but in the long term, people will have more spending capital to spend and we all know....WHEN WAGES GO UP, THE EMPLOYER ALWAYS ALWAYS PASSES THE COST ON TO CONSUMERS......AND GUESS WHAT, WE ADJUST AND BUY THE SHIT!!
Here is a story from the successful war to raise minimum wage and hurt everyone.....

When Minimum-Wage Hikes Hit a San Francisco Comic-Book Store National Review Online

‘I’m hearing from a lot of customers, ‘I voted for that, and I didn’t realize it would affect you.’” So says Brian Hibbs, owner and operator of Comix Experience, an iconic comic-book and graphic-novel shop on San Francisco’s Divisadero Street, of the city’s new minimum-wage law........

But that may not last. Hibbs says that the $15-an-hour minimum wage will require a staggering $80,000 in extra revenue annually. “I was appalled!” he says. “My jaw dropped. Eighty-thousand a year! I didn’t know that. I thought we were talking a small amount of money, something I could absorb.” He runs a tight operation already, he says. Comix Experience is open ten hours a day, seven days a week, with usually just one employee at each store at a time. It’s not viable to cut hours, he says, because his slowest hours are in the middle of the day. And he can’t raise prices, because comic books and graphic novels have their retail prices printed on the cover.

Screw him...the capitalist pig.....he deserves to go out of business for exploiting the workers......

Workers of the world...stop buying comic books, and luxury items....and food, and stuff.......

Here's the reality, raising the min wage is a win win for everyone. Yes there will be casualties, but in the long term, people will have more spending capital to spend and we all know....WHEN WAGES GO UP, THE EMPLOYER ALWAYS ALWAYS PASSES THE COST ON TO CONSUMERS......AND GUESS WHAT, WE ADJUST AND BUY THE SHIT!!
You have just articulated why raising the minimum wage doesn't really help people. The rise in wages is passed on to the consumer who just happens to be the person who just got the raise. The effect is that the very people who just got the raise are now paying for the raise they just got.

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