So Systemic Racism Ended in the 1980's LMAO!

No denial is occurring with me. You, well thats a different story.


Even in your accusations there's proof of what you deny to yourself.



Kinda busy here. how about ONE hot video break per race thread. OK??? Damaged Eagle
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Not really concerned about your opinion. I posted a title, then said when I read the comment that is what this thread is named for, I laughed. Then I posted several links to articles you have not read about current systemic racism.
I was being conservative, actually Systemic Racism was over during the 70s as busing, affirmative action and a slew of other laws got rid of our racist past. Unfortunately IM2 thinks it's 1960.
I read that and laughed.

Is There Evidence of Systemic Racism in the U.S.?

Systemic racism refers to the structure, organization, and rules of society. It indicates that society favors or gives advantage to one race over another. Systemic racism manifests itself in justice, employment, wealth, housing, health care, and education. To investigate the existence of systemic racism, we’ll look at a variety of indicators within these areas, make determinations as to their statistical relevance, and decide if evidence of systemic racism exists on a national level.

Does “Systemic Racism” Exist?​

Systemic racism does not primarily refer to overt acts of racial hostility, but to ideologies and policies that produce racial disparities.​

a concise definition of “systemic racism” would be something like “systems which create or perpetuate racial disparities.” In contrast to a traditional understanding of racism, which focuses on individual acts of racial prejudice and animosity, “systemic racism” would produce racial disparities even in the absence of personal, individual bigotry. The connection between racial disparities and systemic racism explains why discussions of “systemic racism” will immediately turn to the abundant evidence of racial disparities in wealth, education, incarceration, and health care to show that “systemic racism” is an undeniable reality.

26 simple charts to show friends and family who aren't convinced racism is still a problem in America​

Extensive academic research and data collected by the federal government and researchers has documented numerous ways that Black Americans experience life in the United States differently from their white counterparts.

It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement.

You just keep mocking the Zone 1 rules.

If you dont like the poster or the topic -- boycott the threads. MarathonMike
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It's your behavior language and morals. You are the gypsies of the USA. Has nothing to do with race.
This type of behavior:

It is a race morale. No one has to ask what color the smash and grabbers are. It's not your color that is unacceptable...

There is no such thing as systemic racism. Systems are set up to serve a purpose. Ford set up a system that allowed his factories to function to the best of it's ability. It didn't create racism. It helped him flourish in his business. You live in a white country. That set up a system to best serve it's population, but did not restrict other races from entrance.
We did not change our system to a new system because of a potato famine, or slavery, or Jewish persecution. We did however insist that they all should have the same rights that our system affords. It did not happen instantaneously, but it did happen. We are all welcome to reap the benefits of hard work. Women can even vote now...
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26 simple charts to show friends and family who aren't convinced racism is still a problem in America​

Extensive academic research and data collected by the federal government and researchers has documented numerous ways that Black Americans experience life in the United States differently from their white counterparts.

It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement.

Hey new flash Doc. NONE of those "26 charts" UNVEIL THE HIDDEN AND MYSTERIOUS "systemic racism". THose are the OUTCOMES -- not in any WAY a cause.

Usually, when outcomes ARE THAT BAD -- there are MANY CAUSES for them.

I'm still waiting for Systems and Institutions that practice racism TODAY. Can you just name them and provide a simple list? And no killings by police are NOT SYSTEMIC anything. They are the individual occurrences that they are.

Even TRAFFIC stops have more than one explanation of "racism" to them. Could be more broken tail lights in the hood or expired tags. You want these things to be A 'GIVE ME" when the rest of us have the same rules?
The Bell Curve is racist bullshit and for 200 years dumb whites were given jobs and didn't have to take tests. Dumb whites are still being hired while racist whites talk about lowered test scores That's what systemic racism looks like.

You certainly do have a penchant for failing basic logic tests.

Either the bell curve is bullshit, which would mean blacks certainly do not require lowered standards for being accepted to school, or it is very much real, which would then necessitate lowering standards for blacks out of a regard for equity (as opposed to equality).
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You certainly do have a penchant for failing basic logic tests.

Either the bell curve is bullshit, which would mean blacks certainly do not require lowered standards for being accepted to school, or it is very much real, which would then necessitate lowering standards for blacks out of a regard for equity (as opposed to equality).

Or the concept that academic excellence is just TOO WHITE OR it's not IQ AT ALL -- but lack of motivation and lowered PERSONAL discipline of the children. OR its hard to focus if you're HUNGRY or can't sleep at night because a parent comes back intox'd or high.

LOTS of possibilities worthy of discussion there. And the TEACHERS DO KNOW the "backstory" on most of their kids. The question is -- how to convince the kids that knowledge and skills are here and now and if you blow it off -- you're pretty much doomed.
Is this Zone 1? Needs a new name, IM2 Whining Zone.

What does racism look like? Blacks can't pass a test, test score requirements are lowered, and blacks still cannot pass so test scores requirements are lowered again and on and on and on. Finally, blacks still cannot pass so toss the test. Society suffers.

Hint: The Bell Curve.

Not Zone1 compliant material struck. Excaliber
Apparently, the rules required for flying for the airlines have changed. According to a news story aired just today, Delta Airlines finally capitulated and removed it's requirement for a 4 year degree, the last of the airlines to do so.

There have also been discussions of lowing the 1500 hours of flight time to obtain an ATP certification (airline transport pilot) and raising the mandatory retirement age from 65 to 67.

You think the FAA is lowering testing requirements, again & again & again?
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I was being conservative, actually Systemic Racism was over during the 70s as busing, affirmative action and a slew of other laws got rid of our racist past. Unfortunately IM2 thinks it's 1960.
You are wrong again. Racism exists now. Unfortunately, you live in an imaginary America.
Or the concept that academic excellence is just TOO WHITE OR it's not IQ AT ALL -- but lack of motivation and lowered PERSONAL discipline of the children. OR its hard to focus if you're HUNGRY or can't sleep at night because a parent comes back intox'd or high.

LOTS of possibilities worthy of discussion there. And the TEACHERS DO KNOW the "backstory" on most of their kids. The question is -- how to convince the kids that knowledge and skills are here and now and if you blow it off -- you're pretty much doomed.
No there are not lots of worthy discussions based on your model. No one but racists believe that education is too white and IQ? Look, a persons intelligence can't be based on filling in dots for 8 hours in a room on one or 2 days per year.

Now how about you drop the racist assumptions or just recognize it is the kind of things you assume that are assumed by many other whites about people of color, blacks in this discussion, that is the problem. How about assuming kids are hungry or can't sleep because parents are working multiple minimum wage jobs? Do things like this cross your mind ever?
Poster's point is that collectivism, group think and identity politics DO MAGNIFY group differences. Today's Democrat Progressive is more concerned about RACE and invented Genders and WELCOME anything else that SEPARATES Americans. Slicin' and Dicin' their way to POWER !!!!!
The poster has no point. You guys only talk that collectivist crap when wrongs by whites are shown. Other than that it's right wing groupthinkpalooza. Today's democrats didn't invent anything. The founders did and whites have used it pretty much to create a caste system in this country. Republicans are the prime ones using race to keep people divided then try pulling this gaslighting garbage that you've just done blaming d2mocreats because they call it out. You individualism bs ignores the history of group preference for whites and until the damage that cause is fixed you can take that silly individualism garbage and stick it. You right wingers operate with a serious case of either psychosis or amnesia. I'm not going to play into your learned forgetfulness and fake theories. So drop the gaslighting and face the reality of what has been done and how it continues to be done.
I read that and laughed.

Is There Evidence of Systemic Racism in the U.S.?

Systemic racism refers to the structure, organization, and rules of society. It indicates that society favors or gives advantage to one race over another. Systemic racism manifests itself in justice, employment, wealth, housing, health care, and education. To investigate the existence of systemic racism, we’ll look at a variety of indicators within these areas, make determinations as to their statistical relevance, and decide if evidence of systemic racism exists on a national level.

Does “Systemic Racism” Exist?​

Systemic racism does not primarily refer to overt acts of racial hostility, but to ideologies and policies that produce racial disparities.​

a concise definition of “systemic racism” would be something like “systems which create or perpetuate racial disparities.” In contrast to a traditional understanding of racism, which focuses on individual acts of racial prejudice and animosity, “systemic racism” would produce racial disparities even in the absence of personal, individual bigotry. The connection between racial disparities and systemic racism explains why discussions of “systemic racism” will immediately turn to the abundant evidence of racial disparities in wealth, education, incarceration, and health care to show that “systemic racism” is an undeniable reality.

26 simple charts to show friends and family who aren't convinced racism is still a problem in America​

Extensive academic research and data collected by the federal government and researchers has documented numerous ways that Black Americans experience life in the United States differently from their white counterparts.

It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement.


Hey new flash Doc. NONE of those "26 charts" UNVEIL THE HIDDEN AND MYSTERIOUS "systemic racism". THose are the OUTCOMES -- not in any WAY a cause.

Usually, when outcomes ARE THAT BAD -- there are MANY CAUSES for them.

I'm still waiting for Systems and Institutions that practice racism TODAY. Can you just name them and provide a simple list? And no killings by police are NOT SYSTEMIC anything. They are the individual occurrences that they are.

Even TRAFFIC stops have more than one explanation of "racism" to them. Could be more broken tail lights in the hood or expired tags. You want these things to be A 'GIVE ME" when the rest of us have the same rules?

I get a headache talking to dumb obtuse people. There is systemic racism in every institution that makes this country go. Now tell me what in the world makes you think no systemic racism exists?. Because it doesn't happen to you? Or are you still looking for the no blacks signs?
Only white right wingers deny systemic racism. All communities of color know it exists. So like I ask flacaltenn, what makes you guys believe no systemic racism exists? Because it doesn't happen to you? Or are you guys conflating racism today with old time Jim Crow style racism? Lee Atwater told you about that.
I was being conservative, actually Systemic Racism was over during the 70s as busing, affirmative action and a slew of other laws got rid of our racist past. Unfortunately IM2 thinks it's 1960.
How do you get rid of a virus that has infested an entire system? And how do you keep the system from being reinfected?

Yeah, systemic racism was eliminated by the passage of laws, just like the laws we have against murder prevented the last two mass shootings in May 2022.

You do realize that EVERYONE has the option to comply with a law or not? No one can make anyone comply, there is only punishment after the violation has occurred and in many cases not even that.

There are people on this message board who have bragged about discriminating against black people as managers and other personnel in positions of authority. They would not have been able to get away with this for as long as they have if the systems put into place based on white supremacist beliefs weren't there, even though they have been technically "turned off".

Wh1en you terminate a person from a company, you don't just prevent them from going back to their desk and accessing their computer, you go through a procedure that allows you to view the audit trail associated with their account and then you permanently disable their user account. That's what racism is like, still being able to cause harm after you've been shown the door.

I've worked on jobs where the previous contractor was still able to access the company network and log in because his credentials were still live. True he no longer worked there, and also true, he had no legal right to access this company's assets (like the passage of the Civil Rights Act made racial discrimination unlawful in the U.S.) but there was NOTHING preventing him from doing so except his own good will. The same with racism. Some law abiding citizens whether they hold/held racist beliefs or not complied with the law, but there are far too many that still adhere to those same white supremacists beliefs that the institutional racism system was built upon and had/have no intentions on doing anything other than what they want, which is to continue to engage in racist acts based on their racist beliefs. If the system wasn't still in place that facilitates this, then they couldn't continue to get away with it, but it is and they do and this will continue to happen until the system no longer works in their favor and in fact works to their detriment.

So unless you're prepared to deny reality and the fact that just within the last 30 days a racist asshole, payton gendron shot and killed as many black people as he could in Buffalo New York based on the racist beliefs that the United States was created for white people and that white people are being replaced, and he needed to do something about it, then you're delusional.
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