So Systemic Racism Ended in the 1980's LMAO!

This type of behavior:
View attachment 652593

It is a race morale. No one has to ask what color the smash and grabbers are. It's not your color that is unacceptable...

There is no such thing as systemic racism. Systems are set up to serve a purpose. Ford set up a system that allowed his factories to function to the best of it's ability. It didn't create racism. It helped him flourish in his business. You live in a white country. That set up a system to best serve it's population, but did not restrict other races from entrance.
We did not change our system to a new system because of a potato famine, or slavery, or Jewish persecution. We did however insist that they all should have the same rights that our system affords. It did not happen instantaneously, but it did happen. We are all welcome to reap the benefits of hard work. Women can even vote now...
Your post is a classic example of delusion. This is not a white country. Systemic racism does exist.
Only white right wingers deny systemic racism. All communities of color know it exists. So like I ask flacaltenn, what makes you guys believe no systemic racism exists? Because it doesn't happen to you? Or are you guys conflating racism today with old time Jim Crow style racism? Lee Atwater told you about that.

I cant BELIEVE in SYSTEMIC ANYTHING if it's not quantized with illustrations. How many times do I have to say this. You can DIE from systemic infections. We have the tests and cell cultures and maybe the DNA of how that appears symptomatically. You've done NOTHING to identify it specifically enough to TREAT THE INFECTION.

And there's the THIRD reference to Politics. You can let it all it out. Tell me who is more racist? White Democrats or White Republicans? Are all these systemic racists closeted Republicans? Any Democrats LEFT in the "southern strategy" are Democrats because their great-grandpappy fought for the Confederacy and their Grampa supported Maddux or George Wallace. And their Pa just inherited the legacy of Jim Crow and doesn't want that to change so HE KEPT those clowns in office until damn near the 90s..

Lee Atwater had no plan. It took 40 more YEARS to PRY the last segregation supporting Democrats out their Southern chairs.

Good news is I'm not a denier on racism anymore. I'm now JUST denying systemic racism. NOT that systemic racism doesn't present itself in individuals and communities and maybe journalists and academic teachers and maybe the basis of white leftist guilt. .

THat's progress.
The system is the problem.
So you want a Marxist-Leninist revolution, to have the people seize the means of production, and the STATE redistribute all wealth, and tell everyone what their role in society is going to be, that it?

Again, I say those things are caused by racism because I am black and have lived with facing racism and know what it can do. You are white and want to deny the existence systemic racism even as you see it all around you. So you are incapable of looking at the issue deeply. I said racism happens in every institution. You want to argue about a few individuals.

You say things that in your mind make sense but actually they are as DAF for example:

I KNOW there are racists. Most of them aren't out to harm people.

Do you think before you hit the button? See this is the difference between somebody who has to face racism and one who doesn't.

You want to get specific names because you don't want to accept that it is the whole American system. 2 or 3 people can make company policy that is still enacted after they are gone. This is the problem with obtuse white people. You stay stuck on a silly belief and actually think it makes sense. The constitution was created by 55 white men. They created a system based on white preference. Today whites like you refuse to accept this truth. To change the attitude that will continue perpetuating this is not a matter of firing 3-4 people who then get replaced with 3-4 more with the same attitude. This is about a change in mindset.

You are always quick with the simple white opinion thinking you can come forth with the quick easy white answer. I said that every institution has a problem, which means we can't just go ride up at dawn and get rid of a couple of people and all will be well. Naming names does no good when the next hire continues doing the same thing or worse. This is not a matter of individual actions, this is a societal problem based on a belief in white entitlement. To end that belief, the first thing that must be changed is the teaching of white superiority in our schools. That's why teaching things like the 1619 Project is so important. But whites like you with the entitlement mentality believe its unfair for white kids to be taught that whites made mistakes and white kids can't be made to think they are human instead of entitled deities.
When someone tries to deny racism you can always know what they are.
No, the problem here, stems from implicit bias.

. . . and the behavior of individuals, and the loyalty of in-groups.

I have just posted a video, of implicit bias, as an example of, as you say, systemic racism. It is undeniable that wide spread implicit bias, still exists, and may exist forever. Is this what we are defining as systemic?

Folks have a knee jerk reaction, in that. . . they wish to say, "NO," it does not exist, because, when you bring up, that indeed, it DOES exist. . . they feel like, you are blaming them. No on wants to be blamed for the decisions of other INDIVIDUALS, even if they are beneficiaries of advantages for their IN-GROUP, and they have to do nothing to do to solve a problem, that will continue to exist, if they do nothing, and don't even recognize it exists.

. . . and the only reason that politicians on the left even acknowledge it? IS for political gain. Most of them don't really even give a shit. MLK has said this, Malcom X has said this. Glen Ford was famous for pointing out the problem with the "black mis-leadership class," as being more a hindrance than a boon to black America.


The majority of Biden's cabinet are either Jewish, or Rhodes Scholars, and Rhodes himself was a loathsome monarchist, and a eugenicist. He felt any other race than northern Europeans were inferior. As long as the American Republic is so closely bound up to the English common-wealth, it will still struggle with systemic racism, THAT IS A FACT, JACK.

Blacks and minorities in the English and monarchist systems, are no better than others, subjects. Subjects are property of the crown.

The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency​

While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes.
One moment, please...


Only problem I have with that statement that bias is ingrained is that BIAS is a full spectrum of thoughts and actions. From prejudging to avoidance to hate to virulently radicalized.

I think the prejudging (prejudice) is just reflexive and harmless. Like see a mighty big spider and then realizing it's pretty harmless. It's based on the fear porn that passes for NEWS and maybe stuff that gets said on Discussion Boards. :biggrin: That milder form of prejudging MAYBE "systemic", but stuff farther up the hater spectrum is ON PURPOSE and calculated.
Only problem I have with that statement that bias is ingrained is that BIAS is a full spectrum of thoughts and actions. From prejudging to avoidance to hate to virulently radicalized.

I think the prejudging (prejudice) is just reflexive and harmless. Like see a mighty big spider and then realizing it's pretty harmless. It's based on the fear porn that passes for NEWS and maybe stuff that gets said on Discussion Boards. :biggrin: That milder form of prejudging MAYBE "systemic", but stuff farther up the hater spectrum is ON PURPOSE and calculated.
I'm going mostly with the sociological/psychological definition here. Not just "bias," but the social science, technical definition - to explain interactions between IN-Group & OUT-Group dynamics. More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

Here is that paper that was quoted back in 2020 on inter-group relations;
Excellent read from a (Now Yale Professor.)

"Attitudes, both favorable and unfavorable, that are activated without awareness or intentional control and that are different from and sometimes in contrast to explicit, self-reported beliefs.

A large body of social science evidence has shown that unconscious, automatically activated, and pervasive cognitive associations related to race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, and other identities can impact decision-making and judgments without our awareness. These research findings have serious, far-reaching implications for individuals in a wide range of sectors.

These biases result from normal human cognitive processes are therefore applicable to everyone. They develop across the life course as a result of socialization and exposure to certain messages within a culture.

Implicit bias can affect behaviors and can result in discrimination, or the differential treatment of individuals based on their group membership. Implicit bias can also be internalized by those being targeted and can affect their performance as well as psychological and physical health.

As is the case with attitudes generally, implicit bias is malleable, and new attitudes can be learned that replace or override previously learned associations."

And a quick video on how implicit bias operates on our roles in inter-group behavior, by the co-author of that paper.

(As you can guess, while I am on this forum, IMO, I believe we should emphasize our common group memberships, or, at the least, since it is, USMB, United States group memberships. . . )
The Left is doing incredible damage by continuing to advance the lie of “systemic racism” and the pattern of calling everyone who disagrees with their narrative a racist. It is a cruel and obvious way to strong arm political opponents into yielding to their beliefs.

Are there people who are racist? Certainly, just as there are people who are antisemitic. But just as antisemitism is not “systemic,“ neither is racism.

The problem is that by falsely claiming systemic racism, the response has become overblown and, ironically, racist itself. We see that throughout the spectrum - from the company that recently said, in effect, “whites need not apply,” to the president of the United States saying the same thing when filling the SCOTUS seat. Anyone objecting to these race-based decisions is met with the predictable accusations of racist, and increasingly, white supremacist.
The Left is doing incredible damage by continuing to advance the lie of “systemic racism” and the pattern of calling everyone who disagrees with their narrative a racist. It is a cruel and obvious way to strong arm political opponents into yielding to their beliefs.

It's all about intimidation being used to establish privilege.

If a person does not hate white people with sufficient vigor, they are called a racist, which then allows those who hate white people increased privilege to indulge in the hatred. We see it in society at large and we see it in little microcosms of society like this place, here.
It's all about intimidation being used to establish privilege.

If a person does not hate white people with sufficient vigor, they are called a racist, which then allows those who hate white people increased privilege to indulge in the hatred. We see it in society at large and we see it in little microcosms of society like this place, here.
Yes. The venom with which “racist” is shouted at those unwilling to denigrate whites is apparent.

It’s not entirely new, as this was always the case among the far-left extreme. (The difference is that it has been adopted by the mainstream Democrats.) It was more than 20 years ago that I had a blind date with a guy who selected a movie where the whites were mistreating others. Afterwards, he complained to me about how awful “we” were, and I didn’t say much. (I was less assertive back then.)

The next day I got the report from the woman who fixed us up: he told her that I wasn’t sufficiently guilty enough for what whites did, and he didn’t think we were a good match.
Yeah, systemic racism was eliminated by the passage of laws, just like the laws we have against murder prevented the last two mass shootings in May 2022.
That is a ridiculous analogy. But your statement is typical of what hateful racists do to perpetuate the MYTH that Systemic Racism is still prevalent today. If anything, the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction with the American 'System' bending over backwards to make opportunities for Black people and other minorities. For example academic standards for college entrance have been lowered and standard achievement test scores have been eliminated in order to accept under-qualified Black applicants. I know this for a fact since my wife is a University professor. I've read the email directives and the new screening policies.

You and IM2 can lecture and scream Racism all you want, it's a bunch of nonsense all designed to make Black people the perpetual victims and White people the perpetual oppressors.
Hey new flash Doc. NONE of those "26 charts" UNVEIL THE HIDDEN AND MYSTERIOUS "systemic racism". THose are the OUTCOMES -- not in any WAY a cause.

Usually, when outcomes ARE THAT BAD -- there are MANY CAUSES for them.

I'm still waiting for Systems and Institutions that practice racism TODAY. Can you just name them and provide a simple list? And no killings by police are NOT SYSTEMIC anything. They are the individual occurrences that they are.

Even TRAFFIC stops have more than one explanation of "racism" to them. Could be more broken tail lights in the hood or expired tags. You want these things to be A 'GIVE ME" when the rest of us have the same rules?
Spot on. The only "proof" we will ever see of this mythical Systemic Racism is minorities stopped by cops more often that white people. As I have written multiple times, I am totally convinced that is true since my black and hispanic friends have all told me they have been stopped multiple times. As you stated, that is NOT systemic racism. Those are racist individuals asserting their authority incorrectly.
Yes. The venom with which “racist” is shouted at those unwilling to denigrate whites is apparent.

It’s not entirely new, as this was always the case among the far-left extreme. (The difference is that it has been adopted by the mainstream Democrats.) It was more than 20 years ago that I had a blind date with a guy who selected a movie where the whites were mistreating others. Afterwards, he complained to me about how awful “we” were, and I didn’t say much. (I was less assertive back then.)

The next day I got the report from the woman who fixed us up: he told her that I wasn’t sufficiently guilty enough for what whites did, and he didn’t think we were a good match.
It certainly has been around for a long time, but the vitriol coming at White people today hasn't been this bad since the Black Nationalist movement of the 60s.
The Bell Curve is racist bullshit and for 200 years dumb whites were given jobs and didn't have to take tests. Dumb whites are still being hired while racist whites talk about lowered test scores That's what systemic racism looks like.
Thank you. That is EXACTLY what systemic racism looks like.
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I was being conservative, actually Systemic Racism was over during the 70s as busing, affirmative action and a slew of other laws got rid of our racist past. Unfortunately IM2 thinks it's 1960.
If you truly believe all racism in the USA has ended, would you be willing to live as a Black person in this country?
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If you truly believe all racism in the USA has ended, would you be willing to live as a Black person in this country?
Are you new here? I have posted many times that INDIVIDUAL RACISM still exists among some people of every skin color. When discussing the explosive subject of 'racism' it is vital to define exactly what you mean. SYSTEMIC RACISM ended during the 70s.
Are you asking me would I live my life over again as a Black person or just become a Black person now?

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