So Systemic Racism Ended in the 1980's LMAO!

That is a ridiculous analogy. But your statement is typical of what hateful racists do to perpetuate the MYTH that Systemic Racism is still prevalent today. If anything, the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction with the American 'System' bending over backwards to make opportunities for Black people and other minorities. For example academic standards for college entrance have been lowered and standard achievement test scores have been eliminated in order to accept under-qualified Black applicants. I know this for a fact since my wife is a University professor. I've read the email directives and the new screening policies.

You and IM2 can lecture and scream Racism all you want, it's a bunch of nonsense all designed to make Black people the perpetual victims and White people the perpetual oppressors.
This is so true, although racists will deny it. I worked in admissions, and you wouldn’t believe the hoops they jumped through to justify admitting lesser-qualified blacks over better-qualified whites (and now, increasingly, Asians).
Spot on. The only "proof" we will ever see of this mythical Systemic Racism is minorities stopped by cops more often that white people. As I have written multiple times, I am totally convinced that is true since my black and hispanic friends have all told me they have been stopped multiple times. As you stated, that is NOT systemic racism. Those are racist individuals asserting their authority incorrectly.
True. Systemic racism would be if there were two different standards for stopping blacks and whites as part of policy; i.e, pull blacks over going 10 above speed and whites at 15. If individual cops are on the “lookout” more intensely for blacks, that’s on them.

Systemic racism is real and must be addressed​

For those who genuinely want to address systemic racism, America’s true history must first be acknowledged: one that has perpetuated racist policies since its formation.

I, for one, would welcome my child being taught about the Tulsa race massacre of 1921, and that the land we currently live on was seized from myriad tribes who lived here first – the Utes, Navajo, Arapaho, Cheyenne and others. We cannot begin to make right our past wrongs if we don’t acknowledge them. Self-reflection is painful and necessary.

As Te-Nehisi Coates states, “An America that asks what it owes its most vulnerable citizens is improved and humane. An America that looks away is ignoring not just the sins of the past but the sins of the present and the certain

And anyone who cannot see this is hiding their heads up their asses.
Are you asking me would I live my life over again as a Black person or just become a Black person now?
I lived in Oakland, California for many years in some of the most mixed neighborhoods in America. My next door neighbors were black, the folks across the street were Asian, and no one race of people predominated. People were friendly towards one another and there was none of the seething hostility towards white people that we see in this forum on a daily basis.

Most of what people are calling racism is just their own hostility being returned to them. If they were to live in a mixed neighborhood and project friendliness towards their neighbors, instead, they would not see racism is absolutely everything.

Systemic racism is real and must be addressed​

For those who genuinely want to address systemic racism, America’s true history must first be acknowledged: one that has perpetuated racist policies since its formation.

I, for one, would welcome my child being taught about the Tulsa race massacre of 1921, and that the land we currently live on was seized from myriad tribes who lived here first – the Utes, Navajo, Arapaho, Cheyenne and others. We cannot begin to make right our past wrongs if we don’t acknowledge them. Self-reflection is painful and necessary.

As Te-Nehisi Coates states, “An America that asks what it owes its most vulnerable citizens is improved and humane. An America that looks away is ignoring not just the sins of the past but the sins of the present and the certain

And anyone who cannot see this is hiding their heads up their asses.
You state systemic racism is real and then immediately reference a 100 year old racial tragedy. Are you a student of IM2? He is the resident Black historian who dedicates his life to keeping hate alive and perpetuating Black victim hood.
You state systemic racism is real and then immediately reference a 100 year old racial tragedy. Are you a student of IM2? He is the resident Black historian who dedicates his life to keeping hate alive and perpetuating Black victim hood.
So true! The OP opened the thread saying how systemic racism did not die in the 1980s, and as “proof” we have posters giving us examples from 100 years ago.
That is a ridiculous analogy. But your statement is typical of what hateful racists do to perpetuate the MYTH that Systemic Racism is still prevalent today. If anything, the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction with the American 'System' bending over backwards to make opportunities for Black people and other minorities. For example academic standards for college entrance have been lowered and standard achievement test scores have been eliminated in order to accept under-qualified Black applicants. I know this for a fact since my wife is a University professor. I've read the email directives and the new screening policies.

You and IM2 can lecture and scream Racism all you want, it's a bunch of nonsense all designed to make Black people the perpetual victims and White people the perpetual oppressors.
^ Bravo.
It certainly has been around for a long time, but the vitriol coming at White people today hasn't been this bad since the Black Nationalist movement of the 60s.
Yup. It’s really ramped up in recent years to the point where screaming racist Is meaningless. It’s also concerning because this will be the strategy used if and when Harris, a totally unqualified woman, becomes president and starts pushing even more of the Marxist agenda. Anyone who doesn’t march lockstep behind her will be called a white supremacist.
The Bell Curve is racist bullshit and for 200 years dumb whites were given jobs and didn't have to take tests. Dumb whites are still being hired while racist whites talk about lowered test scores That's what systemic racism looks like.
WTF do you always bring up 200 years of shit? This is 2022. Talk about things happening NOW. You NEVER address the test scores you just turn it around and blame whites. How is it racist to try to accomodate everyone?
You live in a white country.


He didn't say all racism. He was referring to systemic racism. Systemic means within the system and that system now gives black people every advantage in the world.
If you wouldn't be willing to live as a Black person in the USA, that means you know SYSTEMIC racism is alive and well.
If you truly believe Black people are receiving all these great advantages, why don't you want to be Black?
If you wouldn't be willing to live as a Black person in the USA, that means you know SYSTEMIC racism is alive and well.
If you truly believe Black people are receiving all these great advantages, why don't you want to be Black?
When did I ever say I wouldn't want to be Black?

It would be GREAT to not have to apologize for the color of my skin or having people who absolutely hate my race be able to do so with complete impunity.

Plus, with my brain, I would have recruiters everywhere vying for the opportunity to hire me
Proof that systemic racism still exists: The January 6th insurrection.
If that had been Black people attacking the Capital that day, they would have been killed on sight.
This cannot be denied.
Proof that systemic racism still exists: The January 6th insurrection.
If that had been Black people attacking the Capital that day, they would have been killed on sight.
This cannot be denied.
I hope you are never in a court trial.

The judge would die of laughter if you tried to use something that exists only in your imagination as some sort of "proof".
Are you new here? I have posted many times that INDIVIDUAL RACISM still exists among some people of every skin color. When discussing the explosive subject of 'racism' it is vital to define exactly what you mean. SYSTEMIC RACISM ended during the 70s.
Are you asking me would I live my life over again as a Black person or just become a Black person now?
If you could live your whole life over as a Black person, you would KNOW systemic racism still exists.
If you could live your whole life over as a Black person, you would KNOW systemic racism still exists.
Like, when countless police forces across the country were ordered to stand down when BLM was burning and looting for months on end?

Yeah, I guess there is always that.
If you wouldn't be willing to live as a Black person in the USA, that means you know SYSTEMIC racism is alive and well.
If you truly believe Black people are receiving all these great advantages, why don't you want to be Black?
Men get more perks than women, for the most part, but I don’t want to be a man. Some people like themselves.

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