So Systemic Racism Ended in the 1980's LMAO!

This type of behavior:
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It is a race morale. No one has to ask what color the smash and grabbers are. It's not your color that is unacceptable...

There is no such thing as systemic racism. Systems are set up to serve a purpose. Ford set up a system that allowed his factories to function to the best of it's ability. It didn't create racism. It helped him flourish in his business. You live in a white country. That set up a system to best serve it's population, but did not restrict other races from entrance.
We did not change our system to a new system because of a potato famine, or slavery, or Jewish persecution. We did however insist that they all should have the same rights that our system affords. It did not happen instantaneously, but it did happen. We are all welcome to reap the benefits of hard work. Women can even vote now...
Why are you using a photo of criminals to try to make a point about black people?
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How do you get rid of a virus that has infested an entire system? And how do you keep the system from being reinfected?

Yeah, systemic racism was eliminated by the passage of laws, just like the laws we have against murder prevented the last two mass shootings in May 2022.

You do realize that EVERYONE has the option to comply with a law or not? No one can make anyone comply, there is only punishment after the violation has occurred and in many cases not even that.

There are people on this message board who have bragged about discriminating against black people as managers and other personnel in positions of authority. They would not have been able to get away with this for as long as they have if the systems put into place based on white supremacist beliefs weren't there, even though they have been technically "turned off".

Wh1en you terminate a person from a company, you don't just prevent them from going back to their desk and accessing their computer, you go through a procedure that allows you to view the audit trail associated with their account and then you permanently disable their user account. That's what racism is like, still being able to cause harm after you've been shown the door.

I've worked on jobs where the previous contractor was still able to access the company network and log in because his credentials were still live. True he no longer worked there, and also true, he had no legal right to access this company's assets (like the passage of the Civil Rights Act made racial discrimination unlawful in the U.S.) but there was NOTHING preventing him from doing so except his own good will. The same with racism. Some law abiding citizens whether they hold/held racist beliefs or not complied with the law, but there are far too many that still adhere to those same white supremacists beliefs that the institutional racism system was built upon and had/have no intentions on doing anything other than what they want, which is to continue to engage in racist acts based on their racist beliefs. If the system wasn't still in place that facilitates this, then they couldn't continue to get away with it, but it is and they do and this will continue to happen until the system no longer works in their favor and in fact works to their detriment.

So unless you're prepared to deny reality and the fact that just within the last 30 days a racist asshole, payton gendron shot and killed as many black people as he could in Buffalo New York based on the racist beliefs that the United States was created for white people and that white people are being replaced, and he needed to do something about it, then you're delusional.


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Only white right wingers deny systemic racism. All communities of color know it exists. So like I ask flacaltenn, what makes you guys believe no systemic racism exists? Because it doesn't happen to you? Or are you guys conflating racism today with old time Jim Crow style racism? Lee Atwater told you about that.
And they want to claim someone else doesn't understand logic.
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When people talk about smash and grab.


Now how about discussing the damn topic. Every time a black person starts a thread some idiot starts talking about crime as if whites never commit any. And when they are shown that whites commit the most, we get excuses. There are more of us. There are more whites playing football, but the NFL is mostly black.

Systemic racism does exist. For example, look at your boy trump. He signed checks that got another man sent to prison but he stays free. Had two black men done that, they both would be in prison.

Every year whites are arrested almost 3 times more than blacks, but prisons are mostly filled with black men. And we are increasingly seeing black men who have spent the majority of their lives in prison getting released because they were innocent, but the system put them in prison anyway. We don't see that happening much to whites. That is an example of systemic racism.

On multiple occasions, I have posted a study done by Citigroup that showed blacks lost 16 trillion dollars because of discrimination in earnings, access to higher education, and home and business loans. These are examples of systemic racism. So if you're waiting on Bull Connor and some dogs, you're living in the past. We live in the era of modern racism whereby whites can claim they are not racist, but deny the impact of 200 plus years of racist public policy by telling blacks how our problems are self-inflicted and what we say based on living facing the racism can't be the problem, the problem can only be what whites say it is.
I get a headache talking to dumb obtuse people. There is systemic racism in every institution that makes this country go. Now tell me what in the world makes you think no systemic racism exists?. Because it doesn't happen to you? Or are you still looking for the no blacks signs?

Why didn't you just EXPOSE these then. Why horse around with stats on poverty, education, etc that are results of MANY things. NOT just racism. I KNOW there are racists. Most of them aren't out to harm people. But this "systemic" thing is as vapid as a Hookah.

Name a racist restaurant chain. A racist AIRLINE. A racist hospital. A racist mortician maybe? How about banks? there's a possibility if they all aren't LOCKED UP for violating equality laws by now.

WHERE IS IT? Just tell us. We'll ride at dawn and fix it.
You said EVERY INSTITUTION... Is it REALLY EVERY INSTITUTION or a handful of individuals in that institution with power. NAME them.
I read that and laughed.

Is There Evidence of Systemic Racism in the U.S.?

Systemic racism refers to the structure, organization, and rules of society. It indicates that society favors or gives advantage to one race over another. Systemic racism manifests itself in justice, employment, wealth, housing, health care, and education. To investigate the existence of systemic racism, we’ll look at a variety of indicators within these areas, make determinations as to their statistical relevance, and decide if evidence of systemic racism exists on a national level.

Does “Systemic Racism” Exist?​

Systemic racism does not primarily refer to overt acts of racial hostility, but to ideologies and policies that produce racial disparities.​

a concise definition of “systemic racism” would be something like “systems which create or perpetuate racial disparities.” In contrast to a traditional understanding of racism, which focuses on individual acts of racial prejudice and animosity, “systemic racism” would produce racial disparities even in the absence of personal, individual bigotry. The connection between racial disparities and systemic racism explains why discussions of “systemic racism” will immediately turn to the abundant evidence of racial disparities in wealth, education, incarceration, and health care to show that “systemic racism” is an undeniable reality.

26 simple charts to show friends and family who aren't convinced racism is still a problem in America​

Extensive academic research and data collected by the federal government and researchers has documented numerous ways that Black Americans experience life in the United States differently from their white counterparts.

It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement.

Militant white supremacy is now America's biggest security threat according to the FBI.
Wh1en you terminate a person from a company, you don't just prevent them from going back to their desk and accessing their computer, you go through a procedure that allows you to view the audit trail associated with their account and then you permanently disable their user account. That's what racism is like, still being able to cause harm after you've been shown the door.

What harm then does that terminated employee pose to THAT company. Access to the company server is not a good analogy for INNATE racial bias. You're right you CANNOT turn it off (if it's on at all).. But to be SYSTEMIC implies it's EVERYWHERE. IM2 constantly describes this shadowy nix on our country's ethics and morals as BEING EVERY INSTITUTION. Institutions have power for sure, but they also have the fear of god in them about being CAUGHT doing ACTUAL racist no-noes. So they in the corporate world HAVE been "switched off" pretty much entirely.

You can tell because you cant see a TV ad that does not feature mixed race families that look awkward as hell or a DISPROPTIONATE number of black, asians, browns in their ads. It's AWKWARD because it's virtue signaling. And all of that is PURPOSELY awkward. Akin to groveling.

SO -- it's really down to neighborhoods and individuals. Or if you believe it -- the police or math or hand-dryers. It's gotten REALLY HARD to find white neighborhoods that FEATURE race bias. They may exist -- but they are marginal. And as the number of ULTRA SUCESSFUL black individuals and families INCREASE -- you see integration on ECONOMIC parity in those neighborhoods.

While voluntary segregation is all the NEW rage in colleges and in the urban center black neighborhoods; If you JUST ARRIVED in America -- you'd THINK these people are ALL CONFINED THERE involuntarily -- but they are not anymore. Probably some good propaganda on Pravda or RT about how these people cannot escape the hood because of "systemic racism".

White people can easily identify the ACTUAL racists and we know their stupidity is a dead give-away. But WHERE IS this "systemic" racism? I THINK the ONE place I see it is in Journalism and Education. Where these victims aren't taught to teach or investigate or report but to be activists on the issues that minority POC can NOT defend themselves. IM2 NEVER gets angry with these on his political side that are white and solving "black issues". NEVER tells them not to speak to black issues.

Or their kids are so challenged, they have to cut academic expectations to the bone. THAT is systemic racism. SO MUCH empathy (see the dingbats on "The View") that they literally SAY they are defending people who CANNOT defend themselves or educators who basically GIVE up on educating black children because they are "ALL" (the racist kind of all) NOT CAPABLE of excelling academically.

When's the last time you thought of one America? Where you only make judgements on INDIVIDUALS and NOT group identities? Because that was where we were heading between MLK and the "woke". And that's where we SHOULD return. To racial reconciliation, not group identity politics conflict.
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Only white right wingers deny systemic racism. All communities of color know it exists. So like I ask flacaltenn, what makes you guys believe no systemic racism exists? Because it doesn't happen to you? Or are you guys conflating racism today with old time Jim Crow style racism? Lee Atwater told you about that.
No, the problem here, stems from implicit bias.

. . . and the behavior of individuals, and the loyalty of in-groups.

I have just posted a video, of implicit bias, as an example of, as you say, systemic racism. It is undeniable that wide spread implicit bias, still exists, and may exist forever. Is this what we are defining as systemic?

Folks have a knee jerk reaction, in that. . . they wish to say, "NO," it does not exist, because, when you bring up, that indeed, it DOES exist. . . they feel like, you are blaming them. No on wants to be blamed for the decisions of other INDIVIDUALS, even if they are beneficiaries of advantages for their IN-GROUP, and they have to do nothing to do to solve a problem, that will continue to exist, if they do nothing, and don't even recognize it exists.

. . . and the only reason that politicians on the left even acknowledge it? IS for political gain. Most of them don't really even give a shit. MLK has said this, Malcom X has said this. Glen Ford was famous for pointing out the problem with the "black mis-leadership class," as being more a hindrance than a boon to black America.


The majority of Biden's cabinet are either Jewish, or Rhodes Scholars, and Rhodes himself was a loathsome monarchist, and a eugenicist. He felt any other race than northern Europeans were inferior. As long as the American Republic is so closely bound up to the English common-wealth, it will still struggle with systemic racism, THAT IS A FACT, JACK.

Blacks and minorities in the English and monarchist systems, are no better than others, subjects. Subjects are property of the crown.

The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency​

While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes.
One moment, please...

Why didn't you just EXPOSE these then. Why horse around with stats on poverty, education, etc that are results of MANY things. NOT just racism. I KNOW there are racists. Most of them aren't out to harm people. But this "systemic" thing is as vapid as a Hookah.

Name a racist restaurant chain. A racist AIRLINE. A racist hospital. A racist mortician maybe? How about banks? there's a possibility if they all aren't LOCKED UP for violating equality laws by now.

WHERE IS IT? Just tell us. We'll ride at dawn and fix it.
You said EVERY INSTITUTION... Is it REALLY EVERY INSTITUTION or a handful of individuals in that institution with power. NAME them.
Again, I say those things are caused by racism because I am black and have lived with facing racism and know what it can do. You are white and want to deny the existence systemic racism even as you see it all around you. So you are incapable of looking at the issue deeply. I said racism happens in every institution. You want to argue about a few individuals.

You say things that in your mind make sense but actually they are as DAF for example:

I KNOW there are racists. Most of them aren't out to harm people.

Do you think before you hit the button? See this is the difference between somebody who has to face racism and one who doesn't.

You want to get specific names because you don't want to accept that it is the whole American system. 2 or 3 people can make company policy that is still enacted after they are gone. This is the problem with obtuse white people. You stay stuck on a silly belief and actually think it makes sense. The constitution was created by 55 white men. They created a system based on white preference. Today whites like you refuse to accept this truth. To change the attitude that will continue perpetuating this is not a matter of firing 3-4 people who then get replaced with 3-4 more with the same attitude. This is about a change in mindset.

You are always quick with the simple white opinion thinking you can come forth with the quick easy white answer. I said that every institution has a problem, which means we can't just go ride up at dawn and get rid of a couple of people and all will be well. Naming names does no good when the next hire continues doing the same thing or worse. This is not a matter of individual actions, this is a societal problem based on a belief in white entitlement. To end that belief, the first thing that must be changed is the teaching of white superiority in our schools. That's why teaching things like the 1619 Project is so important. But whites like you with the entitlement mentality believe its unfair for white kids to be taught that whites made mistakes and white kids can't be made to think they are human instead of entitled deities.
Finally a concrete example and as expected -- it's more political than racial.
No flacaltenn, it is more racist than political. You believe a load a malarkey brother. You really nned to drop trying to tell black people what racism is or isn't and listen. We face it, you don't. And whats worse is you want to deny it. You have seen systemic racism up close and personal but you will deny its existence. I can only shake my head.
This is truth you don't want to admit. It's easier for you guys to make blacks unqualified but the concept of a dumb white getting hired for a job based on his race is something you guys deny while doing it.

How do you "MAKE" anyone UNqualified? Forge their resumes? Ask them to count jellybeans in a jar as a qualification test? Dumb is dumb. Not a big labor market for the severely dumb. Besides, one of the NEW safeguards is all those H.R. and D.E.I. nags that now MONITOR all of that. They'd raise holy hell if they got a whiff of bias. All of them usually trained in group identity think by the best of professional brainwashers.

And what's with the "you guys"? This is like right out of a black cult movie where the white guy walks into the room and says something about "you guys really like chicken and waffles? lol...

I've never SEEN a black candidate refused a job they were qualified to do. 30 years in Silicon Valley, they all were snapped up. I recruited "on the side" for these companies and did A LOT of the approvals for tech/engineering/science positions. Of course, the qualifications were VERY high, and we weren't interviewing Dumb and Dumber.
What harm then does that terminated employee pose to THAT company. Access to the company server is not a good analogy for INNATE racial bias. You're right you CANNOT turn it off (if it's on at all).. But to be SYSTEMIC implies it's EVERYWHERE. IM2 constantly describes this shadowy nix on our country's ethics and morals as BEING EVERY INSTITUTION. Institutions have power for sure, but they also have the fear of god in them about being CAUGHT doing ACTUAL racist no-noes. So they in the corporate world HAVE been "switched off" pretty much entirely.

You can tell because you cant see a TV ad that does not feature mixed race families that look awkward as hell or a DISPROPTIONATE number of black, asians, browns in their ads. It's AWKWARD because it's virtue signaling. And all of that is PURPOSELY awkward. Akin to groveling.

SO -- it's really down to neighborhoods and individuals. Or if you believe it -- the police or math or hand-dryers. It's gotten REALLY HARD to find white neighborhoods that FEATURE race bias. They may exist -- but they are marginal. And as the number of ULTRA SUCESSFUL black individuals and families INCREASE -- you see integration on ECONOMIC parity in those neighborhoods.

While voluntary segregation is all the NEW rage in colleges and in the urban center black neighborhoods; If you JUST ARRIVED in America -- you'd THINK these people are ALL CONFINED THERE involuntarily -- but they are not anymore. Probably some good propaganda on Pravda or RT about how these people cannot escape the hood because of "systemic racism".

White people can easily identify the ACTUAL racists and we know their stupidity is a dead give-away. But WHERE IS this "systemic" racism? I THINK the ONE place I see it is in Journalism and Education. Where these victims aren't taught to teach or investigate or report but to be activists on the issues that minority POC can NOT defend themselves. IM2 NEVER gets angry with these on his political side that are white and solving "black issues". NEVER tells them not to speak to black issues.

Or their kids are so challenged, they have to cut academic expectations to the bone. THAT is systemic racism. SO MUCH empathy (see the dingbats on "The View") that they literally SAY they are defending people who CANNOT defend themselves or educators who basically GIVE up on educating black children because they are "ALL" (the racist kind of all) NOT CAPABLE of excelling academically.

When's the last time you thought of one America? Where you only make judgements on INDIVIDUALS and NOT group identities? Because that was where we were heading between MLK and the "woke". And that's where we SHOULD return. To racial reconciliation, not group identity politics conflict.
There has never been one America to think about. How about you quit denying the entirety of American history to push a right wing lie of individualism that is only going to continue white privilege?

You say white people can see racists right away but you cannot even see your own laissez-faire racism. You want me to tell white people who actually see the problem instead of denying it, blaming blacks for it, calling us racists for pointing it out, tell us how we're blaming whites for our problem, that we need to get jobs, go to school, and do something about out of wedlock children, and all the garbage I hear from the right, how they are not to help solve a problem whites created,.

We can't cuss here but every time one of you right wingers try using Dr Kings one sentence it pisses me off. Dr. King the original woke. You don't even really know what woke is. You repeat race baited garbage about it. Thats the identity politics your side plays. It's time whites like you understood that you alone don't get to determine reconciliation. We have tried that and all we get is white racism morphing into another form. It's time you listened, that's what Dr. King did, he made whites listen. So stop repeating that one sentence because that is not all he said and before he was murdered he was pretty pissed at the lack of progress from whites.
Again, I say those things are caused by racism because I am black and have lived with facing racism and know what it can do. You are white and want to deny the existence systemic racism even as you see it all around you. So you are incapable of looking at the issue deeply. I said racism happens in every institution. You want to argue about a few individuals.

The WHOLE institution or INDIVIDUALS? Commit to one choice. You and I have been at this for years now. YOU KNOW that I've experienced mind-warping bias. Like the teachers in an ALL CATHOLIC PUBLIC school (about 90% catholic) asking the 10 year old Jewish boy to tell the class about the latest Jewish Holiday. AS IF -- that would make me LESS conspicuous or something. On one occasion, the kids started asking questions about "why Jews bury their dead standing up"? and nonsense like that. Teach didn't step in. I had been to a funeral so I knew that wasn't true, but other questions were more hateful and weird.

Not the only time I felt the horror of being a minority. You're NOT the only one. The deed to my old Cali house still had covenants in there never removed for "no blacks and no Jews". Or when Santa Claus asked me if I was Jewish. (Just kidding). I was excluded from grants and scholarships in College. You have NO MONOPOLY on haters. THey come in all kinds and colors.

Do you think before you hit the button? See this is the difference between somebody who has to face racism and one who doesn't.

Oh PLEASE -- I've confronted dozens of Jew haters on USMB. Pretty much annihilated every weird and ignorant thing they threw at me. THEY are largely harmless. It's the ORGANIZED VIOLENT ones that can hurt you. They are a small fraction of the world of haters that range from "leave me alone" to "ONE of us has to leave". It's the same for ALL haters of any color/creed.
You want to get specific names because you don't want to accept that it is the whole American system. 2 or 3 people can make company policy that is still enacted after they are gone.

Yes I want SPECIFIC examples. Cant' discuss the existence of "systemic" ANYTHING if you cant identify it specifically and in detail. NOT MY PROBLEM that you cannot do this without equivocating. WHO ARE these 2 or 3 people that put the "poison pills" into the institutional rules and policies that CANNOT be removed or litigated away with all the PROTECTIONS that are now there for equality?
You are always quick with the simple white opinion thinking you can come forth with the quick easy white answer. I said that every institution has a problem, which means we can't just go ride up at dawn and get rid of a couple of people and all will be well. Naming names does no good when the next hire continues doing the same thing or worse. This is not a matter of individual actions, this is a societal problem based on a belief in white entitlement.

First of all, it's embarrassing to pretend there is "white opinion". Where is this white opinion lexicon written? You gotta a link? The next hire is gonna have a FEDERAL EOC inquistion chewing on his hindparts. The "next hire" WONT MAKE IT THRU THE GAUNTLET OF DEI and H.R.

THis sounds a lot like conspiracy theory with the mysterious "skull and bones" conspirators mucking up the whole world.
Don't play stupid. And you guys are you right wingers.
I'm not playing stupid, but I do play a stupid white on TV.. LOL.. But you just validated what I've always said. MOST of your problem with whites is that they DO NOT VOTE as you do. It's not racism -- the majority percentage of your hate is political.

I'm NOT -- a right winger. I'm proud to be American and troubled as hell at the same time to see it "go to corners" here on race. I want both party finish their slow suicide and die. We should be thinking independently and RUNNING AND SUPPORTING independents. THat's my politics now for your info...
The WHOLE institution or INDIVIDUALS? Commit to one choice. You and I have been at this for years now. YOU KNOW that I've experienced mind-warping bias. Like the teachers in an ALL CATHOLIC PUBLIC school (about 90% catholic) asking the 10 year old Jewish boy to tell the class about the latest Jewish Holiday. AS IF -- that would make me LESS conspicuous or something. On one occasion, the kids started asking questions about "why Jews bury their dead standing up"? and nonsense like that. Teach didn't step in. I had been to a funeral so I knew that wasn't true, but other questions were more hateful and weird.

Not the only time I felt the horror of being a minority. You're NOT the only one. The deed to my old Cali house still had covenants in there never removed for "no blacks and no Jews". Or when Santa Claus asked me if I was Jewish. (Just kidding). I was excluded from grants and scholarships in College. You have NO MONOPOLY on haters. THey come in all kinds and colors.

Oh PLEASE -- I've confronted dozens of Jew haters on USMB. Pretty much annihilated every weird and ignorant thing they threw at me. THEY are largely harmless. It's the ORGANIZED VIOLENT ones that can hurt you. They are a small fraction of the world of haters that range from "leave me alone" to "ONE of us has to leave". It's the same for ALL haters of any color/creed.

Yes I want SPECIFIC examples. Cant' discuss the existence of "systemic" ANYTHING if you cant identify it specifically and in detail. NOT MY PROBLEM that you cannot do this without equivocating. WHO ARE these 2 or 3 people that put the "poison pills" into the institutional rules and policies that CANNOT be removed or litigated away with all the PROTECTIONS that are now there for equality?

First of all, it's embarrassing to pretend there is "white opinion". Where is this white opinion lexicon written? You gotta a link? The next hire is gonna have a FEDERAL EOC inquistion chewing on his hindparts. The "next hire" WONT MAKE IT THRU THE GAUNTLET OF DEI and H.R.

THis sounds a lot like conspiracy theory with the mysterious "skull and bones" conspirators mucking up the whole world.
The system is the problem. That is your specific example. This is not about a few individuals.

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