So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

Its simple immigrants who use public benefits get deported.

nah - it's really simple.

White RW's hate ethnic groups but dont have the balls to come right out and say it.

"Ethnic" immigrants are the only ones using public benefits?

That's a good point. Maybe they can start deporting poor, uneducated white Trump voters on SNAP & other assistance too.

Drain the Swamp! :cool:

If the Trump voters are non-citizens collecting government benefits, I'll support their deportation.

Non-citizens cannot vote
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

The American taxpayer would save approx 57.4 Billion Dollars a YEAR if the Welfare sucking Immigrants were dispatched ie. GTFO this according to figures from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Each immigrant costs American taxpayers 1,600 Dollars more per year than the Immigrant generates in return.

National Academies: Immigrants Cost State and Local Taxpayers $57.4 Billion Per Year

"Mass immigration is pushing huge costs on to state taxpayers for schooling, crime and welfare, says a new report by the prestigious, government-endorsed National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Each immigrant costs state and local taxpayers roughly $1,600 more per year than the immigrant generates in taxes, the report notes. In total, the current annual net cost of first-generation immigrants — including the cost of educating their children — adds up to $57.4 billion per year, much of which is paid by state and local taxpayers.

The per-immigrant cost is roughly equal to tax surplus paid by one native-born American, which ranges from $1,300 to $1,700, says the report, titled “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration.”

So each first-generation immigrant consumes all the leftover taxes from one native-born worker, after receiving various benefits from the state, according to the report."

National Academies: Immigrants Cost State and Local Taxpayers $57.4 Billion Per Year | Breitbart

Trump’s Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

"President Trump’s ban on allowing welfare-dependent legal immigrants to resettle permanently in the United States would likely save American taxpayers about $1,600 a year per immigrant."

Trump's Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

Before we have the but but but Breitbart, within the articles are included the links and graphs to the actual report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Not that this IMMENSE saving of BILLIONS of Dollars that could be better spent on Americans instead of WASTING it on Welfare sucking Immigrants matters to Leftists because not only do Leftists support the importation of such pointless and useless Immigrants because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism but Leftists also like to spend spend spend spend until they achieve near bankruptcy, ever better is the usual Tax and then Spend on totally self-defeating and illogical SJW programmes.

Two links from freaking Breitbart? LoL

What you Trumptards fail to understand that the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy. Additionally, MOST of them are working. With virtually 100% employment, what US citizen is going to want to break their back picking strawberries for 7 bucks an hour?

the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy.

Here in Chicago, we spend about $15K per year for each illegal alien kid in our school system.
No illegal aliens in Chicago are paying anything close to $15K per year in taxes.

Link or Bullshit - You choose

You want a link to public school spending in Chicago, or illegal alien tax payments?

Try 4 grand per student - NOT 15. (link fixed)
CPS to spend an additional $200 per student for the 2017-18 school year
Now admit that you pulled that number outta yer butt :)
Its simple immigrants who use public benefits get deported.

nah - it's really simple.

White RW's hate ethnic groups but dont have the balls to come right out and say it.

"Ethnic" immigrants are the only ones using public benefits?

That's a good point. Maybe they can start deporting poor, uneducated white Trump voters on SNAP & other assistance too.

Drain the Swamp! :cool:

If the Trump voters are non-citizens collecting government benefits, I'll support their deportation.

Non-citizens cannot vote

And citizens can't be deported.
The American taxpayer would save approx 57.4 Billion Dollars a YEAR if the Welfare sucking Immigrants were dispatched ie. GTFO this according to figures from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Each immigrant costs American taxpayers 1,600 Dollars more per year than the Immigrant generates in return.

National Academies: Immigrants Cost State and Local Taxpayers $57.4 Billion Per Year

"Mass immigration is pushing huge costs on to state taxpayers for schooling, crime and welfare, says a new report by the prestigious, government-endorsed National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Each immigrant costs state and local taxpayers roughly $1,600 more per year than the immigrant generates in taxes, the report notes. In total, the current annual net cost of first-generation immigrants — including the cost of educating their children — adds up to $57.4 billion per year, much of which is paid by state and local taxpayers.

The per-immigrant cost is roughly equal to tax surplus paid by one native-born American, which ranges from $1,300 to $1,700, says the report, titled “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration.”

So each first-generation immigrant consumes all the leftover taxes from one native-born worker, after receiving various benefits from the state, according to the report."

National Academies: Immigrants Cost State and Local Taxpayers $57.4 Billion Per Year | Breitbart

Trump’s Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

"President Trump’s ban on allowing welfare-dependent legal immigrants to resettle permanently in the United States would likely save American taxpayers about $1,600 a year per immigrant."

Trump's Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

Before we have the but but but Breitbart, within the articles are included the links and graphs to the actual report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Not that this IMMENSE saving of BILLIONS of Dollars that could be better spent on Americans instead of WASTING it on Welfare sucking Immigrants matters to Leftists because not only do Leftists support the importation of such pointless and useless Immigrants because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism but Leftists also like to spend spend spend spend until they achieve near bankruptcy, ever better is the usual Tax and then Spend on totally self-defeating and illogical SJW programmes.

Two links from freaking Breitbart? LoL

What you Trumptards fail to understand that the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy. Additionally, MOST of them are working. With virtually 100% employment, what US citizen is going to want to break their back picking strawberries for 7 bucks an hour?

the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy.

Here in Chicago, we spend about $15K per year for each illegal alien kid in our school system.
No illegal aliens in Chicago are paying anything close to $15K per year in taxes.

Link or Bullshit - You choose

You want a link to public school spending in Chicago, or illegal alien tax payments?

Try 4 grand per student - NOT 15.
Federal bill would give more rights to workers in unionized workplaces
Now admit that you pulled that number outta yer butt :)

You think Chicago spends $4K per student per year? Hilarious!!!

I wish, my property tax would be a fraction what it is now.
And what in your link supports your moronic claim?
nah - it's really simple.

White RW's hate ethnic groups but dont have the balls to come right out and say it.

"Ethnic" immigrants are the only ones using public benefits?

That's a good point. Maybe they can start deporting poor, uneducated white Trump voters on SNAP & other assistance too.

Drain the Swamp! :cool:

If the Trump voters are non-citizens collecting government benefits, I'll support their deportation.

Non-citizens cannot vote

And citizens can't be deported.

He could try - Trump could get rid of the ones he hates by executive order.
Of course, the courts would stop him immediately, same as they did his toddler caging.
Two links from freaking Breitbart? LoL

What you Trumptards fail to understand that the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy. Additionally, MOST of them are working. With virtually 100% employment, what US citizen is going to want to break their back picking strawberries for 7 bucks an hour?

the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy.

Here in Chicago, we spend about $15K per year for each illegal alien kid in our school system.
No illegal aliens in Chicago are paying anything close to $15K per year in taxes.

Link or Bullshit - You choose

You want a link to public school spending in Chicago, or illegal alien tax payments?

Try 4 grand per student - NOT 15.
Federal bill would give more rights to workers in unionized workplaces
Now admit that you pulled that number outta yer butt :)

You think Chicago spends $4K per student per year? Hilarious!!!

I wish, my property tax would be a fraction what it is now.
And what in your link supports your moronic claim?

Correct ... my number came from Illinois public policy page but my link keeps malfunctioning.


Cash-strapped and debt-ridden Chicago Public Schools plans to increase per-pupil funding by roughly $200 a student over last year’s budget.

Chicago Public Schools revealed July 20 that the district’s spending per pupil will increase by nearly $200 a student, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Officials also shared that the district expects 8,000 fewer students in the coming academic year. The district’s student population has steadily declined over the last several years.

CPS will increase its base allocation per student to $4,290 from $4,087 for students in grades four through eight, and will increase its per-student allocation to $4,590 from $4,372 for children in kindergarten through third grade. The district will allocate $5,320 for each high school student, according to the Sun-Times.

The increase announcement comes amid negotiations in Springfield over Senate Bill 1, an education bill that would require Illinois to adopt a funding system that’s been proven ineffective in other states and contains an annual $215 million pension bailout.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has said he will veto SB 1.

CPS is currently counting on a bailout from the state to cover mounting pension debt and costs for opening schools on time come September.

Recently, the district borrowed nearly $1 billion in high-interest loans to cover costs before the school year begins.

CPS has a history of financial mismanagement, which has left the district with a junk credit rating and more than $9 billion in debt.​
Naturalized citizens can have their citizenship stripped and then be deported.

Can Your U.S. Citizenship Be Revoked? - FindLaw

This is interesting - It'd be nice if we could deport home grown Nazis and Klansmen!

  1. Membership in Subversive Groups: Your citizenship may be revoked if the U.S. government can prove that you joined a subversive organization within five years of becoming a naturalized citizen. Membership in such organizations is considered a violation of the oath of U.S. allegiance. Examples include the Nazi Party and Al Qaeda.
the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy.

Here in Chicago, we spend about $15K per year for each illegal alien kid in our school system.
No illegal aliens in Chicago are paying anything close to $15K per year in taxes.

Link or Bullshit - You choose

You want a link to public school spending in Chicago, or illegal alien tax payments?

Try 4 grand per student - NOT 15.
Federal bill would give more rights to workers in unionized workplaces
Now admit that you pulled that number outta yer butt :)

You think Chicago spends $4K per student per year? Hilarious!!!

I wish, my property tax would be a fraction what it is now.
And what in your link supports your moronic claim?

Correct ... my number came from Illinois public policy page but my link keeps malfunctioning.


Cash-strapped and debt-ridden Chicago Public Schools plans to increase per-pupil funding by roughly $200 a student over last year’s budget.

Chicago Public Schools revealed July 20 that the district’s spending per pupil will increase by nearly $200 a student, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Officials also shared that the district expects 8,000 fewer students in the coming academic year. The district’s student population has steadily declined over the last several years.

CPS will increase its base allocation per student to $4,290 from $4,087 for students in grades four through eight, and will increase its per-student allocation to $4,590 from $4,372 for children in kindergarten through third grade. The district will allocate $5,320 for each high school student, according to the Sun-Times.

The increase announcement comes amid negotiations in Springfield over Senate Bill 1, an education bill that would require Illinois to adopt a funding system that’s been proven ineffective in other states and contains an annual $215 million pension bailout.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has said he will veto SB 1.

CPS is currently counting on a bailout from the state to cover mounting pension debt and costs for opening schools on time come September.

Recently, the district borrowed nearly $1 billion in high-interest loans to cover costs before the school year begins.

CPS has a history of financial mismanagement, which has left the district with a junk credit rating and more than $9 billion in debt.​


CITY OF CHICAGO SD 299 | Per Student Spending

Just under $15K in 2016...…...
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

The American taxpayer would save approx 57.4 Billion Dollars a YEAR if the Welfare sucking Immigrants were dispatched ie. GTFO this according to figures from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Each immigrant costs American taxpayers 1,600 Dollars more per year than the Immigrant generates in return.

National Academies: Immigrants Cost State and Local Taxpayers $57.4 Billion Per Year

"Mass immigration is pushing huge costs on to state taxpayers for schooling, crime and welfare, says a new report by the prestigious, government-endorsed National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Each immigrant costs state and local taxpayers roughly $1,600 more per year than the immigrant generates in taxes, the report notes. In total, the current annual net cost of first-generation immigrants — including the cost of educating their children — adds up to $57.4 billion per year, much of which is paid by state and local taxpayers.

The per-immigrant cost is roughly equal to tax surplus paid by one native-born American, which ranges from $1,300 to $1,700, says the report, titled “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration.”

So each first-generation immigrant consumes all the leftover taxes from one native-born worker, after receiving various benefits from the state, according to the report."

National Academies: Immigrants Cost State and Local Taxpayers $57.4 Billion Per Year | Breitbart

Trump’s Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

"President Trump’s ban on allowing welfare-dependent legal immigrants to resettle permanently in the United States would likely save American taxpayers about $1,600 a year per immigrant."

Trump's Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

Before we have the but but but Breitbart, within the articles are included the links and graphs to the actual report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Not that this IMMENSE saving of BILLIONS of Dollars that could be better spent on Americans instead of WASTING it on Welfare sucking Immigrants matters to Leftists because not only do Leftists support the importation of such pointless and useless Immigrants because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism but Leftists also like to spend spend spend spend until they achieve near bankruptcy, ever better is the usual Tax and then Spend on totally self-defeating and illogical SJW programmes.

Two links from freaking Breitbart? LoL

What you Trumptards fail to understand that the costs are far outweighed by the tax revenue these folks add to the economy. Additionally, MOST of them are working. With virtually 100% employment, what US citizen is going to want to break their back picking strawberries for 7 bucks an hour?

Says you who posts from The Huffington Post and The Daily Kos.

"Two links from freaking Breitbart? LoL"

Being a Leftist and therefore having low IQ Muppet reading comprehension problems, I already posted, but I'll repost it and like for ALL Special Needs Children I will enlarge the print and change to a Primary Red, NOT that you low IQ Muppets do actually READ, I think 99% of you are just Generated Computer Bots.

Before we have the but but but Breitbart, within the articles are included the links and graphs to the actual report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.
Link or Bullshit - You choose

You want a link to public school spending in Chicago, or illegal alien tax payments?

Try 4 grand per student - NOT 15.
Federal bill would give more rights to workers in unionized workplaces
Now admit that you pulled that number outta yer butt :)

You think Chicago spends $4K per student per year? Hilarious!!!

I wish, my property tax would be a fraction what it is now.
And what in your link supports your moronic claim?

Correct ... my number came from Illinois public policy page but my link keeps malfunctioning.


Cash-strapped and debt-ridden Chicago Public Schools plans to increase per-pupil funding by roughly $200 a student over last year’s budget.

Chicago Public Schools revealed July 20 that the district’s spending per pupil will increase by nearly $200 a student, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Officials also shared that the district expects 8,000 fewer students in the coming academic year. The district’s student population has steadily declined over the last several years.

CPS will increase its base allocation per student to $4,290 from $4,087 for students in grades four through eight, and will increase its per-student allocation to $4,590 from $4,372 for children in kindergarten through third grade. The district will allocate $5,320 for each high school student, according to the Sun-Times.

The increase announcement comes amid negotiations in Springfield over Senate Bill 1, an education bill that would require Illinois to adopt a funding system that’s been proven ineffective in other states and contains an annual $215 million pension bailout.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has said he will veto SB 1.

CPS is currently counting on a bailout from the state to cover mounting pension debt and costs for opening schools on time come September.

Recently, the district borrowed nearly $1 billion in high-interest loans to cover costs before the school year begins.

CPS has a history of financial mismanagement, which has left the district with a junk credit rating and more than $9 billion in debt.​

View attachment 209377

CITY OF CHICAGO SD 299 | Per Student Spending

Just under $15K in 2016...…...

Read top link and tell me why the chasm - You may be right .. Dunno

spending per student in chicago public schools

The President isn't racist in the least. The facts are that the Triple K is a liberal outfit- both historically as well as in the current era.

Let me recommend that you watch the classic Dinesh D'Souza film "Death of a Nation", without a doubt the greatest motion picture ever made.

We're not interested in books by convicted felons, but thanks anyway.

Mr. D'Souza was exonerated, if you missed that

Sorry but it doesn't erase his felony guilty plea.
Trump's pardon can't erase Dinesh D’Souza's guilty plea

And it just may backfire - Little punk Dinesh possibly could be tried again!
How Trump’s Dinesh D’Souza Pardon Should Backfire

Best thing of all? He still can't vote! :)

^^^^ Posts link from OPINION PIECE at Slate after doing the low IQ Muppet Snowflake Bedwetting about a Breitbart article that contained LINKS to an EXTERNAL REPORT.
You want a link to public school spending in Chicago, or illegal alien tax payments?

Try 4 grand per student - NOT 15.
Federal bill would give more rights to workers in unionized workplaces
Now admit that you pulled that number outta yer butt :)

You think Chicago spends $4K per student per year? Hilarious!!!

I wish, my property tax would be a fraction what it is now.
And what in your link supports your moronic claim?

Correct ... my number came from Illinois public policy page but my link keeps malfunctioning.


Cash-strapped and debt-ridden Chicago Public Schools plans to increase per-pupil funding by roughly $200 a student over last year’s budget.

Chicago Public Schools revealed July 20 that the district’s spending per pupil will increase by nearly $200 a student, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Officials also shared that the district expects 8,000 fewer students in the coming academic year. The district’s student population has steadily declined over the last several years.

CPS will increase its base allocation per student to $4,290 from $4,087 for students in grades four through eight, and will increase its per-student allocation to $4,590 from $4,372 for children in kindergarten through third grade. The district will allocate $5,320 for each high school student, according to the Sun-Times.

The increase announcement comes amid negotiations in Springfield over Senate Bill 1, an education bill that would require Illinois to adopt a funding system that’s been proven ineffective in other states and contains an annual $215 million pension bailout.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has said he will veto SB 1.

CPS is currently counting on a bailout from the state to cover mounting pension debt and costs for opening schools on time come September.

Recently, the district borrowed nearly $1 billion in high-interest loans to cover costs before the school year begins.

CPS has a history of financial mismanagement, which has left the district with a junk credit rating and more than $9 billion in debt.​

View attachment 209377

CITY OF CHICAGO SD 299 | Per Student Spending

Just under $15K in 2016...…...

Read top link and tell me why the chasm - You may be right .. Dunno

spending per student in chicago public schools

You kinda have to pay to maintain the buildings the illegal aliens students are in while
we're educating them. Also, some money comes from the State of Illinois, some comes from the Feds.
This is where the GOP takes a dangerous turn.

The discussion about illegal immigration is perfectly valid and reasonable, even though neither party is willing to address the biggest problem of all, the turning of a blind eye to American businesses that hire illegals.

But when you start going after LEGAL immigrants who are not (yet) cutting the mustard, it muddies the waters, weakens the argument and starts to look punitive.

As usual, Trump is playing strictly to his base, regardless of the consequences.

There is a difference between immigrant and refugee. Why is it good for the US to accept immigrants who will be on the dole before 5 years?
If they are going to stay here they should become citizens, IMO.

They will not be allowed to become citizens if they, or any member of their family, has used any form of public assistance.

One example is an immigrant father being denied citizenship because his daughter, who was born in the USA with a congenital heart defect, has used CHIP for her medical treatment.

This means that unless an immigrant makes enough money that they don’t receive earned income credits, food stamps or Obamacare, they can never become citizens and be subject to deportation.

With more than 40% of residents receiving some form of government assistance, nearly all immigrants would have received some form of public assistance at some point in their journey, and that immediately disqualified them from becoming citizens ever. Even if they are now successful or rich, having used Medicaid, food stamps or any form of public assistance, would bar them from citizenship.
If they are going to stay here they should become citizens, IMO.

They will not be allowed to become citizens if they, or any member of their family, has used any form of public assistance.

One example is an immigrant father being denied citizenship because his daughter, who was born in the USA with a congenital heart defect, has used CHIP for her medical treatment.

This means that unless an immigrant makes enough money that they don’t receive earned income credits, food stamps or Obamacare, they can never become citizens and be subject to deportation.

With more than 40% of residents receiving some form of government assistance, nearly all immigrants would have received some form of public assistance at some point in their journey, and that immediately disqualified them from becoming citizens ever. Even if they are now successful or rich, having used Medicaid, food stamps or any form of public assistance, would bar them from citizenship.

Cruelty and dickishness is all you Trumpanzees have left isn’t it?
If they are going to stay here they should become citizens, IMO.

They will not be allowed to become citizens if they, or any member of their family, has used any form of public assistance.

One example is an immigrant father being denied citizenship because his daughter, who was born in the USA with a congenital heart defect, has used CHIP for her medical treatment.

This means that unless an immigrant makes enough money that they don’t receive earned income credits, food stamps or Obamacare, they can never become citizens and be subject to deportation.

With more than 40% of residents receiving some form of government assistance, nearly all immigrants would have received some form of public assistance at some point in their journey, and that immediately disqualified them from becoming citizens ever. Even if they are now successful or rich, having used Medicaid, food stamps or any form of public assistance, would bar them from citizenship.

Cruelty and dickishness is all you Trumpanzees have left isn’t it?

Why don't you and all the other liberals sponsor a family each and start a Go Fund Me page for the poor little lawbreakers?

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