So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

The whole argument I hear for allowing immigrants is that they are coming here to work.

Immigrants who are a burden to the government should not be here.


Foreign countries are supposed to be sending America their finest citizens, not their shiftless and idle.

And the immigrants that they send us are supposed to be willing and able to do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.
The shiftless and idle are seldom the immigrants. It takes a hell of a lot of determination, and hard work to uproot and make things work in a new land.

Countries don’t send people. People choose to leave.
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

I don't understand why you libs think that Bums from around the world should be welcomed into the United States for the Deplorables to support them?

Let other countries support their own bums, hobos, winos and vagrants. We have enough native Americans who aren't pulling their own weight.

Who thinks that?
My problem would be why are we starting with deporting people who are legal, working, and not involved in crimes. there are drug dealers gang members & illegals working under the table & sending there money back home. feel bad for those who just want to feed there family's. rounding up & deporting is a big job & costs us millions, so why start at the top? because its easy, those who have homes & jobs or going to school are easy to find? to scared to go after the trash & are they only looking for Mexicans?

The baby-killer calling the greatest jobs president ever a piece of trash. Thats rich. YOU are the piece of trash. You want a bunch of blood sucking welfare parasites to stay here and drain the support system that is meant to help Americans in need? Fuck you loser.

Some one is pretty butt hurt. :lol: Try calming down a tad.

If some one gets some minor assistance to get on their feet, that doesn’t make them blood sucking welfare parasites you ignorant, self important, entitled twat. And we actually have laws that allow us to deport people who ARE a serious drain on the system and are unwilling to make a go at it. I have zero problem with that.

What pity these sentiments weren’t in effect when your ancestors invaded this continent. Maybe we wouldn’t have had to put up with you, and incur the cost of educating you, and taking care of you in your senility.

Have a good day :)
You're what? About Warren level indian? What exactly was the welfare program back when the Mayflower landed?
My problem would be why are we starting with deporting people who are legal, working, and not involved in crimes. there are drug dealers gang members & illegals working under the table & sending there money back home. feel bad for those who just want to feed there family's. rounding up & deporting is a big job & costs us millions, so why start at the top? because its easy, those who have homes & jobs or going to school are easy to find? to scared to go after the trash & are they only looking for Mexicans?

You don't get it. These are people who are NOT working. They are sitting at home drinking beer and watching Spanish language TV in their boxer shorts waiting for their check to come in the mail in their Section 8 apartment.

If someone is a failure, they can't make it here in the United States, sending them back home at least gives them a chance to make it somewhere else.

Taking on the world's Welfare Cases and bums is expensive and really should not be a policy of the government.

The baby-killer calling the greatest jobs president ever a piece of trash. Thats rich. YOU are the piece of trash. You want a bunch of blood sucking welfare parasites to stay here and drain the support system that is meant to help Americans in need? Fuck you loser.

Some one is pretty butt hurt. :lol: Try calming down a tad.

If some one gets some minor assistance to get on their feet, that doesn’t make them blood sucking welfare parasites you ignorant, self important, entitled twat. And we actually have laws that allow us to deport people who ARE a serious drain on the system and are unwilling to make a go at it. I have zero problem with that.

What pity these sentiments weren’t in effect when your ancestors invaded this continent. Maybe we wouldn’t have had to put up with you, and incur the cost of educating you, and taking care of you in your senility.

Have a good day :)
You're what? About Warren level indian? What exactly was the welfare program back when the Mayflower landed?

Even when my ancestors came to America in the early 20th Century, the expectation was that you would work. And when you came over, your relatives and community might help you get settled, not the taxpayers.

And if you got injured on the job- that's why immigrant communities set up the Knights of Columbus, the Greek Catholic Union, the Lutheran Brotherhood, etc. To help their members who may have had an industrial accident or come down with illness.
My problem would be why are we starting with deporting people who are legal, working, and not involved in crimes. there are drug dealers gang members & illegals working under the table & sending there money back home. feel bad for those who just want to feed there family's. rounding up & deporting is a big job & costs us millions, so why start at the top? because its easy, those who have homes & jobs or going to school are easy to find? to scared to go after the trash & are they only looking for Mexicans?
We are here to take our country back from liberals. Where liberals are taking us is not what the founding fathers expected.

The baby-killer calling the greatest jobs president ever a piece of trash. Thats rich. YOU are the piece of trash. You want a bunch of blood sucking welfare parasites to stay here and drain the support system that is meant to help Americans in need? Fuck you loser.

Some one is pretty butt hurt. :lol: Try calming down a tad.

If some one gets some minor assistance to get on their feet, that doesn’t make them blood sucking welfare parasites you ignorant, self important, entitled twat. And we actually have laws that allow us to deport people who ARE a serious drain on the system and are unwilling to make a go at it. I have zero problem with that.

What pity these sentiments weren’t in effect when your ancestors invaded this continent. Maybe we wouldn’t have had to put up with you, and incur the cost of educating you, and taking care of you in your senility.

Have a good day :)
You're what? About Warren level indian? What exactly was the welfare program back when the Mayflower landed?

Even when my ancestors came to America in the early 20th Century, the expectation was that you would work. And when you came over, your relatives and community might help you get settled, not the taxpayers.

And if you got injured on the job- that's why immigrant communities set up the Knights of Columbus, the Greek Catholic Union, the Lutheran Brotherhood, etc. To help their members who may have had an industrial accident or come down with illness.

The expectation hasn’t changed, immigrants still come to work, and they work hard. But the jobs they tend to get at the beginning at least don’t offer a living wage.

Communities and families still do a huge amount, and in fact one of the reasons given to keep at least some family based immigration is the ones that come here and already have some family here do better than those that don’t.

It isn’t so black and white as people like to portray it.

Interesting what you say about the various fraternities and groups too. My father grew up in a small PA mining town, every immigrant community had its fellowship group, church and bar. Very diverse. Do they still operate?
My problem would be why are we starting with deporting people who are legal, working, and not involved in crimes. there are drug dealers gang members & illegals working under the table & sending there money back home. feel bad for those who just want to feed there family's. rounding up & deporting is a big job & costs us millions, so why start at the top? because its easy, those who have homes & jobs or going to school are easy to find? to scared to go after the trash & are they only looking for Mexicans?
We are here to take our country back from liberals. Where liberals are taking us is not what the founding fathers expected.
You’ve talked to the founding fathers?
My problem would be why are we starting with deporting people who are legal, working, and not involved in crimes. there are drug dealers gang members & illegals working under the table & sending there money back home. feel bad for those who just want to feed there family's. rounding up & deporting is a big job & costs us millions, so why start at the top? because its easy, those who have homes & jobs or going to school are easy to find? to scared to go after the trash & are they only looking for Mexicans?

You don't get it. These are people who are NOT working. They are sitting at home drinking beer and watching Spanish language TV in their boxer shorts waiting for their check to come in the mail in their Section 8 apartment.

If someone is a failure, they can't make it here in the United States, sending them back home at least gives them a chance to make it somewhere else.

Taking on the world's Welfare Cases and bums is expensive and really should not be a policy of the government.

If that was true, I would agree with you, but they are going immigrants who use any form of aid, such as CHIP, or housing assistance. These are people who are working and paying taxes.
If I moved to Australia....will they support me? Nope.
New Zealand? Um..nope.
Mexico? Nada
etc etc etc

And as if that's not bad enough, the OP proudly proclaims the USA, "The World's worst nation", yet we are the ONLY nation that allows ANYONE on Earth to dump their load here and just for doing that they get free FULL citizenship. Croc of stupidity. Nobody else on Earth is THAT stupid.

According to the OP, we are a "Horrible" nation of haters...yet magically EVERYONE wants to run here.

Millions of violent criminals are pouring in with the few who come here to work. Americans are dying. Pensions earned will be lost. American children will go without so ILLEGALS can have... Does the OP care about AMERICANS? NO!

Do the Socialist, Communist Marxists care about Americans? NO!
Last edited:

The baby-killer calling the greatest jobs president ever a piece of trash. Thats rich. YOU are the piece of trash. You want a bunch of blood sucking welfare parasites to stay here and drain the support system that is meant to help Americans in need? Fuck you loser.

Some one is pretty butt hurt. :lol: Try calming down a tad.

If some one gets some minor assistance to get on their feet, that doesn’t make them blood sucking welfare parasites you ignorant, self important, entitled twat. And we actually have laws that allow us to deport people who ARE a serious drain on the system and are unwilling to make a go at it. I have zero problem with that.

What pity these sentiments weren’t in effect when your ancestors invaded this continent. Maybe we wouldn’t have had to put up with you, and incur the cost of educating you, and taking care of you in your senility.

Have a good day :)
You're what? About Warren level indian? What exactly was the welfare program back when the Mayflower landed?
Why? I am not the one demonizing immigrants and most of us do not trace back to the Mayflower or native tribes beyond minuscule amounts.

Why didn’t your ancestors stay where they came from?
My problem would be why are we starting with deporting people who are legal, working, and not involved in crimes. there are drug dealers gang members & illegals working under the table & sending there money back home. feel bad for those who just want to feed there family's. rounding up & deporting is a big job & costs us millions, so why start at the top? because its easy, those who have homes & jobs or going to school are easy to find? to scared to go after the trash & are they only looking for Mexicans?
There are finite resources for enforcement and prosecution. Seems to me priorities should be those who cause the because problems and who’s prosecution will have the most impact on society. Gang members, drug dealers, violent offenders, and employers who knowingly hire illegal workers.

Large scale raids like the recent ones don’t really do that, but they make the base feel good.
I was browsing the "must do" and "must have" in Canada, New Zealand, Australia. Dayum!
Why is the USA the only ones that are held to a higher standard?
Our ancestors came here from all over...yes. And it was a HARD LIFE for them, too. But they did it. They stopped off at Ellis Island, did what needed done, and became citizens. They were not given "free stuff" and many died in hovels. Those that didn't survived and became either successful or left footsteps for their childrens childrens children because the USA was the place to start new lives.
Nowadays? Those generations are now paying for these new immigrants. They are not paying for themselves. IF they are working LEGALLY and are no longer "immigrants", then sure. Help them. That's what taxes are help CITIZENS. However, if they are not working, are collecting food stamps and section 8, drive fancy cars, wear gold chains around their necks....well. No.
Interesting what you say about the various fraternities and groups too. My father grew up in a small PA mining town, every immigrant community had its fellowship group, church and bar. Very diverse. Do they still operate?

Most are still in operation as insurance companies. Although some still have barrooms and clubs- the ethnic communities in the neighborhoods have moved on. so in many Slovak Clubs, most of the patrons are non-Slovak and in many Slovene Clubs, many of the patrons don't know where Slovenia is.

They live near by, and are accepted as social members. Much like I am at the VFW.
If I moved to Australia....will they support me? Nope.
New Zealand? Um..nope.
Mexico? Nada
etc etc etc

And as if that's not bad enough, the OP proudly proclaims the USA, "The World's worst nation", yet we are the ONLY nation that allows ANYONE on Earth to dump their load here and just for doing that they get free FULL citizenship. Croc of stupidity. Nobody else on Earth is THAT stupid.

According to the OP, we are a "Horrible" nation of haters...yet magically EVERYONE wants to run here.

Millions of violent criminals are pouring in with the few who come here to work. Americans are dying. Pensions earned will be lost. American children will go without so ILLEGALS can have... Does the OP care about AMERICANS? NO!

Do the Socialist, Communist Marxists care about Americans? NO!

Hold on a second...are we in the same thread? I realize this is a necro thread and a year old, but where exactly did I say all these things you are claiming? It isn’t in my OP. Link please.
My ancestors did not come here to live hard lives to become a citizen, then pay for some schmuck that wants all that is offered as FREE.

Again, why is the USA the only country that is held accountable for riffraff???
Meanwhile....ever try to survive on 100 bucks a month? Not easy. But..hamburger and chicken wings go a long way. :D

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