So vaccine question

It may take weeks after you get the vaccine to build an immunity, so you can get Covid after you get the vaccine. So mask up and isolate and social distance even after you get the vaccine.
Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses given about three weeks apart. Effectiveness wasn't measured until weeks after the final inoculation.

So it can be 2 months from first shot to full immunity.

And that immunity is not permanent. This is more like a cold virus and the immunity will break down over time. So, many decades of shots are coming.
This week, coronavirus has become the number one cause of death in the united states. More than heart disease, more than cancer.

You of course have the link? Let’s see proof of the claim.

COVID-19 was the leading cause of death in the U.S. this ... › news › covid-19-leading-cause-of...

6 days ago — That's more than the number of Americans who died from ischemic heart disease (10,724), tracheal, bronchus and lung cancer (3,965), and ...

That was just for one week. I do appreciate the link.
You won’t have a choice, your vaccine will take weeks to build your immunity just like it will take weeks to build others immunity. I’m safe for awhile because I just recovered but just like the cold virus you can get it again and again. From what I’m reading, the coronavirus is here to stay and you will need booster vaccines for many decades to come. From what I have read the herd immunity doesn’t work with this virus because it is more like a cold virus and the immunity will not last. That is why people have already had this virus more than once.
I don't see that it'll mutate in anyway the same rate. The cold virus isn't a virus, it's a vast collection of viruses. COVID 19 is still pretty much a single entity.
This week, coronavirus has become the number one cause of death in the united states. More than heart disease, more than cancer.
Lol. You’ll believe anything if you believe that.
More Americans have died of covid than died in battle in WW I or WW II.
From my understanding the feds have paid for the vaccine. Will they be giving it free to the public or do we have to pay the government for it?

Personally I don't even know if I want it. Certainly not in the first wave but what about the poor who want the injection?
They didn’t pay for the Pfizer vaccine. And moderna’s was private and government funding. That said, it should be given for free because it’s a national health emergency
Didn't the feds buy 50 million doses? That seems like paying for it to me?
No free lunch pay for it in taxes or pay for it at the doctors. Let's just hope it was not rushed
This week, coronavirus has become the number one cause of death in the united states. More than heart disease, more than cancer.
Lol. You’ll believe anything if you believe that.
More Americans have died of covid than died in battle in WW I or WW II.
OMG View attachment 427756
Yes it is funny, but also sad. We are surrounded by fellow Americans who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag.

We are Boondocking in the desert. Lots of fellow RVers around, but no one is nearby. Amazingly I’ve seen people walking around with masks on, yet no one is within a hundred yards of them.
That's fine with me. Just don't force me to take that shit. That's all I am asking.
Just sign this covid-19 waiver. And realize that people who opt out, can be precluded from participating in activities that require gatherings of more than 50 people. Or to even go out in public without a mask.

If the vaccine works, you got NOTHING to worry about, right?

Stupid fucking kuuuunt
You get that shit pumped into you and tell me how it works out.

I have a number of risk factors ... so I'll be getting the vaccine ... if you're young and healthy, go ahead and skip ... you may have already caught the bug and fought it off and are immune anyway ... I know I haven't, I can tell, I'm still breathing ...
Ya I might get it myself. Had not had the flu since 1990 but had some other flu last week. I guess age finally caught upto me. Kinda sucks but I guess it happens to us all eventually. Good news no work missed I was already on vacation
You get that shit pumped into you and tell me how it works out.

I have a number of risk factors ... so I'll be getting the vaccine ... if you're young and healthy, go ahead and skip ... you may have already caught the bug and fought it off and are immune anyway ... I know I haven't, I can tell, I'm still breathing ...
Ya I might get it myself. Had not had the flu since 1990 but had some other flu last week. I guess age finally caught upto me. Kinda sucks but I guess it happens to us all eventually. Good news no work missed I was already on vacation
state of the world...
You get that shit pumped into you and tell me how it works out.

I have a number of risk factors ... so I'll be getting the vaccine ... if you're young and healthy, go ahead and skip ... you may have already caught the bug and fought it off and are immune anyway ... I know I haven't, I can tell, I'm still breathing ...
Ya I might get it myself. Had not had the flu since 1990 but had some other flu last week. I guess age finally caught upto me. Kinda sucks but I guess it happens to us all eventually. Good news no work missed I was already on vacation
state of the world...
View attachment 427765
Not a sheep I will weigh risky on both sides after several people I know have already taken it then make a decision. I will take into account the emotional part of the decision. Finally getting sick and not feeling indestructible anymore is certain to have some mental consequences so I will be more careful with choices for the near future. I do not like feeling mortal. I always knew I was but did not feel it. Oh well change is constant.
I'm over 50, fat and pre-diabetic and have hypertension. Covid poses more of a risk to me than getting the shot.
And you know this how?
It's an informed opinion. I could be wrong, but lots of people with the same preconditions I have get very sick and die when they Catch Covid. I'm willing to take my chances with the vaccine. That being said, I might get hit by a bus before I have a chance to get vaccinated. Most everything we do in this world has a risk and none of us are getting out of this world alive. (Well, maybe if we sign up for the Mars trip).
You get that shit pumped into you and tell me how it works out.

I have a number of risk factors ... so I'll be getting the vaccine ... if you're young and healthy, go ahead and skip ... you may have already caught the bug and fought it off and are immune anyway ... I know I haven't, I can tell, I'm still breathing ...
Ya I might get it myself. Had not had the flu since 1990 but had some other flu last week. I guess age finally caught upto me. Kinda sucks but I guess it happens to us all eventually. Good news no work missed I was already on vacation
state of the world...
View attachment 427765
Not a sheep I will weigh risky on both sides after several people I know have already taken it then make a decision. I will take into account the emotional part of the decision. Finally getting sick and not feeling indestructible anymore is certain to have some mental consequences so I will be more careful with choices for the near future. I do not like feeling mortal. I always knew I was but did not feel it. Oh well change is constant.
tenor (1).gif
tenor (2).gif
You get that shit pumped into you and tell me how it works out.

I have a number of risk factors ... so I'll be getting the vaccine ... if you're young and healthy, go ahead and skip ... you may have already caught the bug and fought it off and are immune anyway ... I know I haven't, I can tell, I'm still breathing ...
Ya I might get it myself. Had not had the flu since 1990 but had some other flu last week. I guess age finally caught upto me. Kinda sucks but I guess it happens to us all eventually. Good news no work missed I was already on vacation
state of the world...
View attachment 427765
Not a sheep I will weigh risky on both sides after several people I know have already taken it then make a decision. I will take into account the emotional part of the decision. Finally getting sick and not feeling indestructible anymore is certain to have some mental consequences so I will be more careful with choices for the near future. I do not like feeling mortal. I always knew I was but did not feel it. Oh well change is constant.
I'm over 50, fat and pre-diabetic and have hypertension. Covid poses more of a risk to me than getting the shot.
And you know this how?
It's an informed opinion. I could be wrong, but lots of people with the same preconditions I have get very sick and die when the Catch Covid. I'm willing to take my chances with the vaccine. That being said, I might get hit by a bus before I have a chance to get vaccinated. Most everything we do in this world has a risk and none of us are getting out of this world alive. (Well, maybe if we sign up for the Mars trip).
WTF! We live in a police state. This story should enlighten the statist dupes among us, who believe in a virus hoax and fraudulent vaccine.

Florida Agents Raid Home Of Rebekah Jones, Former State Data Scientist

You get that shit pumped into you and tell me how it works out.

I have a number of risk factors ... so I'll be getting the vaccine ... if you're young and healthy, go ahead and skip ... you may have already caught the bug and fought it off and are immune anyway ... I know I haven't, I can tell, I'm still breathing ...
Ya I might get it myself. Had not had the flu since 1990 but had some other flu last week. I guess age finally caught upto me. Kinda sucks but I guess it happens to us all eventually. Good news no work missed I was already on vacation
state of the world...
View attachment 427765
Not a sheep I will weigh risky on both sides after several people I know have already taken it then make a decision. I will take into account the emotional part of the decision. Finally getting sick and not feeling indestructible anymore is certain to have some mental consequences so I will be more careful with choices for the near future. I do not like feeling mortal. I always knew I was but did not feel it. Oh well change is constant.
View attachment 427766View attachment 427767
Sorry bro I make my own decisions and will continue to do so in the future. I have not decided yet. You will not be deciding factor. Guinypigs who have already taken it will be. I am not worried the vaccine will kill me. God has made it clear to me that I still have agreat deal of suffering for him. Can't do that in a casket. I am primary care giver to my elderly parents so I am concerned about bringing it to them. It will all be all right it always is. You would not believe the shit I have survived I was there and still struggle to believe it myself.
You won’t have a choice, your vaccine will take weeks to build your immunity just like it will take weeks to build others immunity. I’m safe for awhile because I just recovered but just like the cold virus you can get it again and again. From what I’m reading, the coronavirus is here to stay and you will need booster vaccines for many decades to come. From what I have read the herd immunity doesn’t work with this virus because it is more like a cold virus and the immunity will not last. That is why people have already had this virus more than once.
I don't see that it'll mutate in anyway the same rate. The cold virus isn't a virus, it's a vast collection of viruses. COVID 19 is still pretty much a single entity.

The immune system weakens to the virus over time, thus the chance of you getting the virus increases over time. That is why people have gotten this more than once. It doesn’t need to mutate. The immune system to the virus weakens. So if that happens we need to continue to get boosters. Whooping cough, tetanus are two diseases where you get booster shots. Covid maybe the next one. Time will tell but that seems to be the way it is going.

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