So, what do we tell all those DACA kids if Congress does nothing?

What do we tell DACA kids in 6 months if Congress does nothing?

  • Nothing, ignore them. Let them stay longer. Kick the can.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get....The FUCK.....OUT....(see gif)

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Give them amnesty.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Start war with the worst offender nation. (Mexico)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (and please be especific [Fez voice])

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
that said, we already have a congress that can't pass health care, tax reform or much of anything else these days. seems to be setting them up for failure to add yet another major initiative to their list in which to show an epic fail.
Why is it so mportant to deport kids who are going to school, working hard and were brought up inAmerica? Why the urgency?

Are you worried about culture? Are you just naturally a Nativist? Or are you essentially cruel?
Why is it so mportant to deport kids who are going to school, working hard and were brought up inAmerica? Why the urgency?
Deporting them isn't what's important, what's important is granting them legal status through proper Constitutional order instead of by Executive Branch proclamation.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that these people are here illegally and allowing a unilateral action by the Executive to substitute for duly passed legislation undermines the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Unless of course you prefer to be ruled by the arbitrary whims of autocrats instead of laws, in which case the above isn't important.
Why is it so mportant to deport kids who are going to school, working hard and were brought up inAmerica? Why the urgency?
Deporting them isn't what's important, what's important is granting them legal status through proper Constitutional order instead of by Executive Branch proclamation.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that these people are here illegally and allowing a unilateral action by the Executive to substitute for duly passed legislation undermines the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Unless of course you prefer to be ruled by the arbitrary whims of autocrats instead of laws, in which case the above isn't important.
And you look to the most inept Republican controlled congress to do the right thing? These are the same folks who, after seven years of braying like a scalded mule about the ACA could do absolutely nothing. These are the same folks who spent years opposing and have neglected governing. The congress can't agree on a lunch take out order, let alone raising the debt ceiling, settling tax reform, making Mexico pay for Trump's wall.

Trump, the grand huckster buffoon, told the hand wringing Republicans that he alone can do this. Meanwhile he has alienated the very people he should be relying on to further his agenda.

So, between the inept Republican congress and the more inept President, innocent Americans are hanging their very futures because ideologues see executive actions as unconstitutional.
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Why is it so mportant to deport kids who are going to school, working hard and were brought up inAmerica? Why the urgency?
Deporting them isn't what's important, what's important is granting them legal status through proper Constitutional order instead of by Executive Branch proclamation.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that these people are here illegally and allowing a unilateral action by the Executive to substitute for duly passed legislation undermines the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Unless of course you prefer to be ruled by the arbitrary whims of autocrats instead of laws, in which case the above isn't important.
Am doing you look to the most inept Republican controlled congress to do the right thing?
Nope I'm highly doubtful they'll do "the right thing", Congress has proven itself to be corrupt, incompetent and without concern for the welfare of the citizenry in that regard they are a perfect reflection of the current apathetic and uninformed partisan puppets also known as the electorate, however that still doesn't obviate the need for proper Constitutional order, unless of course one prefers autocratic rule to the rule of law.

So, between the inept Republican congress and the more inept President, innocent Americans are hanging their very futures because ideologues see executive actions as unconstitutional.
If you don't like our current inept Federal Politicians stop electing selfish miscreants from the two major political crime families and start holding politicians accountable regardless of the partisan bumper sticker they put on their names.

In the meantime "the dreamers" will reap what the brain dead citizenry has sown.

"The rule of law bakes no bread, it is unable to distribute loaves or fishes and it cannot protect itself against external assault, but it remains the most civilized and least burdensome conception of a state yet to be devised." -- Michael Oakeshott, On History
Why is it so mportant to deport kids who are going to school, working hard and were brought up inAmerica? Why the urgency?
Deporting them isn't what's important, what's important is granting them legal status through proper Constitutional order instead of by Executive Branch proclamation.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that these people are here illegally and allowing a unilateral action by the Executive to substitute for duly passed legislation undermines the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Unless of course you prefer to be ruled by the arbitrary whims of autocrats instead of laws, in which case the above isn't important.
Am doing you look to the most inept Republican controlled congress to do the right thing?
Nope I'm highly doubtful they'll do "the right thing", Congress has proven itself to be corrupt, incompetent and without concern for the welfare of the citizenry in that regard they are a perfect reflection of the current apathetic and uninformed partisan puppets also known as the electorate, however that still doesn't obviate the need for proper Constitutional order, unless of course one prefers autocratic rule to the rule of law.

So, between the inept Republican congress and the more inept President, innocent Americans are hanging their very futures because ideologues see executive actions as unconstitutional.
If you don't like our current inept Federal Politicians stop electing selfish miscreants from the two major political crime families and start holding politicians accountable regardless of the partisan bumper sticker they put on their names.

In the meantime "the dreamers" will reap what the brain dead citizenry has sown.

"The rule of law bakes no bread, it is unable to distribute loaves or fishes and it cannot protect itself against external assault, but it remains the most civilized and least burdensome conception of a state yet to be devised." -- Michael Oakeshott, On History
Immigration reform passed the senate with 62 (or 68) votes last time, but it died in the House because the Freedom Caucus of 40 members didn't want a vote ... they knew they'd lose.

It's not the voters who have created this fuckup
"So, what do we tell all those DACA kids if Congress does nothing?"


"On the way out, be sure to thank Obama
for the false hopes and Constitutional / Legal
violations under which he brought / allowed
you here in the 1st place."

Why is it so mportant to deport kids who are going to school, working hard and were brought up inAmerica? Why the urgency?
Deporting them isn't what's important, what's important is granting them legal status through proper Constitutional order instead of by Executive Branch proclamation.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that these people are here illegally and allowing a unilateral action by the Executive to substitute for duly passed legislation undermines the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Unless of course you prefer to be ruled by the arbitrary whims of autocrats instead of laws, in which case the above isn't important.
Am doing you look to the most inept Republican controlled congress to do the right thing?
Nope I'm highly doubtful they'll do "the right thing", Congress has proven itself to be corrupt, incompetent and without concern for the welfare of the citizenry in that regard they are a perfect reflection of the current apathetic and uninformed partisan puppets also known as the electorate, however that still doesn't obviate the need for proper Constitutional order, unless of course one prefers autocratic rule to the rule of law.

So, between the inept Republican congress and the more inept President, innocent Americans are hanging their very futures because ideologues see executive actions as unconstitutional.
If you don't like our current inept Federal Politicians stop electing selfish miscreants from the two major political crime families and start holding politicians accountable regardless of the partisan bumper sticker they put on their names.

In the meantime "the dreamers" will reap what the brain dead citizenry has sown.

"The rule of law bakes no bread, it is unable to distribute loaves or fishes and it cannot protect itself against external assault, but it remains the most civilized and least burdensome conception of a state yet to be devised." -- Michael Oakeshott, On History
Immigration reform passed the senate with 62 (or 68) votes last time, but it died in the House because the Freedom Caucus of 40 members didn't want a vote ... they knew they'd lose.

It's not the voters who have created this fuckup

Riddle me this, who elects the members of the House of Representatives? and who's supposed to hold them accountable for their actions or lack thereof?
"So, what do we tell all those DACA kids if Congress does nothing?"

View attachment 147783

"On the way out, be sure to thank Obama
for the false hopes and Constitutional / Legal
violations under which he brought / allowed
you here in the 1st place."

What is the virtue of deporting the dreamers? Why is it good?

Do you want to preserve the culture? The English language?

Will deporting them decrease your taxes? Create jobs? Improve healthcare? Increase domestic production? Will it bring you personal glee?
Why is it so mportant to deport kids who are going to school, working hard and were brought up inAmerica? Why the urgency?
Deporting them isn't what's important, what's important is granting them legal status through proper Constitutional order instead of by Executive Branch proclamation.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that these people are here illegally and allowing a unilateral action by the Executive to substitute for duly passed legislation undermines the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Unless of course you prefer to be ruled by the arbitrary whims of autocrats instead of laws, in which case the above isn't important.
Am doing you look to the most inept Republican controlled congress to do the right thing?
Nope I'm highly doubtful they'll do "the right thing", Congress has proven itself to be corrupt, incompetent and without concern for the welfare of the citizenry in that regard they are a perfect reflection of the current apathetic and uninformed partisan puppets also known as the electorate, however that still doesn't obviate the need for proper Constitutional order, unless of course one prefers autocratic rule to the rule of law.

So, between the inept Republican congress and the more inept President, innocent Americans are hanging their very futures because ideologues see executive actions as unconstitutional.
If you don't like our current inept Federal Politicians stop electing selfish miscreants from the two major political crime families and start holding politicians accountable regardless of the partisan bumper sticker they put on their names.

In the meantime "the dreamers" will reap what the brain dead citizenry has sown.

"The rule of law bakes no bread, it is unable to distribute loaves or fishes and it cannot protect itself against external assault, but it remains the most civilized and least burdensome conception of a state yet to be devised." -- Michael Oakeshott, On History
Immigration reform passed the senate with 62 (or 68) votes last time, but it died in the House because the Freedom Caucus of 40 members didn't want a vote ... they knew they'd lose.

It's not the voters who have created this fuckup

Riddle me this, who elects the members of the House of Representatives? and who's supposed to hold them accountable for their actions or lack thereof?
You have voters in 40-50 House districts who have fucked up this, and YOU want to blame everyone. That's the only cyberquarter from me today.
What is the virtue of deporting the dreamers? Why is it good?
It's called 'Preserving The Rule of law and the Constitution'.

Barak Obama himself declared he did not have the authority to do what he did...yet at election time he did it anyway. He crated a LAW through Executive Order. He bypassed the Legislative Branch of the United States Government in order to push his own agenda, violating Separation of Powers.

Democrats held a near-Super Majority control of Congress during Bush's last 2 years and during Barry's 1st 2 years. They had their opportunity to pass DACA into law through legislation. They did not get it done. Their F* Up!

So after missing their opportunity and still wanting to get it done, despite acknowledging he did not have the constitutional power to do so, Barry did what he often did - he violated the Constitution / Rule of law to get what Barry wanted.

Democrats in Congress are now in a dilemma. The GOP is making an attempt to draft DACA Legislation...but the Democrats have already vowed they are 100% committed to opposing EVERYTHING the GOP tries to do.

(Actually, there will be no obstruction here - the Democrats will help pass the new DACA legislation. IMO, though, they will be pissed that the 'credit' for DACA will be stripped from Barry if they go this route and given to the GOP, since they would be the ones replacing Barry's illegitimate DACA with a legal version. )
Deporting them isn't what's important, what's important is granting them legal status through proper Constitutional order instead of by Executive Branch proclamation.

Blatantly ignoring the fact that these people are here illegally and allowing a unilateral action by the Executive to substitute for duly passed legislation undermines the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Unless of course you prefer to be ruled by the arbitrary whims of autocrats instead of laws, in which case the above isn't important.
Am doing you look to the most inept Republican controlled congress to do the right thing?
Nope I'm highly doubtful they'll do "the right thing", Congress has proven itself to be corrupt, incompetent and without concern for the welfare of the citizenry in that regard they are a perfect reflection of the current apathetic and uninformed partisan puppets also known as the electorate, however that still doesn't obviate the need for proper Constitutional order, unless of course one prefers autocratic rule to the rule of law.

So, between the inept Republican congress and the more inept President, innocent Americans are hanging their very futures because ideologues see executive actions as unconstitutional.
If you don't like our current inept Federal Politicians stop electing selfish miscreants from the two major political crime families and start holding politicians accountable regardless of the partisan bumper sticker they put on their names.

In the meantime "the dreamers" will reap what the brain dead citizenry has sown.

"The rule of law bakes no bread, it is unable to distribute loaves or fishes and it cannot protect itself against external assault, but it remains the most civilized and least burdensome conception of a state yet to be devised." -- Michael Oakeshott, On History
Immigration reform passed the senate with 62 (or 68) votes last time, but it died in the House because the Freedom Caucus of 40 members didn't want a vote ... they knew they'd lose.

It's not the voters who have created this fuckup

Riddle me this, who elects the members of the House of Representatives? and who's supposed to hold them accountable for their actions or lack thereof?
You have voters in 40-50 House districts who have fucked up this, and YOU want to blame everyone. That's the only cyberquarter from me today
Yeah, I agree voters fucked this up, immigration has been an issue which has remained unaddressed for decades so there's lots of blame to go around.

I'm not blaming everyone just the morons that keep voting for the same old dog & puppet show Republicans and Democrats and then fail to hold dickweeds from their crime family of choice accountable for anything and instead spend their time making excuses for 'em (and voting for 'em over and over).

If the shoe fits, wear it , if not use it to beat some sense into your partisan lemming of a neighbor.

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