So What Happens If One Chooses Not To Wear One?

Take a knife and stab me in the heart, Tilly. That's what you've done in post 493.
I will do whatever it takes to save a child from suicide. I care about these kids and I salute the teachers who want to support them.
Many kids are depressed and even commit suicide because of bullying etc. So, why do you want to single out only one group? Is it a numbers game? That doesn't seem fair to the other depressed and suicidal kids. So oK. More badges.
You don't get it Tilly. YOu never will.
So you don't care about the other kids receiving public displays of support from teachers. Just one group. Nice.
I will do whatever it takes to save a child from suicide. I care about these kids and I salute the teachers who want to support them.
Many kids are depressed and even commit suicide because of bullying etc. So, why do you want to single out only one group? Is it a numbers game? That doesn't seem fair to the other depressed and suicidal kids. So oK. More badges.
Have you lost a family to suicide? I have. IT is the most excrutiating pain. I will do whatever I can to prevent anyone having that kind of suffering.

You don't understand, and worse, you aren't even trying to.
I'm pretty sure badge wearing isn't the answer.
Take a knife and stab me in the heart, Tilly. That's what you've done in post 493.
Then kids who are at risk of being bullied or microaggressed because they are Asian or Hispanic or black or different for some reason also deserve having teachers publicly show their support by wearing badges. It would soon become ludicrous.
No, it would become ludicrous. Ludicrous is your lack of concern for kids wih a 40% chance of dying from suicide.
Well, I understand you're not going to like this, but it's my opinion that that figure could be significantly reduced if kids got proper treatment for the issue instead of being encouraged and given hormones, often before they are even old enough to be sure of how they feel. There are also plenty of stories from people who regret that they accepted such treatment.
These views don't make me a hater, regardless of what you say, Dhara.
It sure does make you a hater. You call me a "militant activist", blow me off for caring about kids, and continue to posts ignorant shit like this post you just wrote.

God, I sure hope you NEVER have a family member who is trans. YOU WILL FUCKING PUSH THEM INTO SUICIDE.
If you're going to go off the rails at me, do at least get your facts straight.
YOU called yourself a militant activist. It never occurred to me that you are one.
Yes, I'm off the rails. I love my family and I am a fiercely protective mama. I am what you hate.
Stop being so dramatic just because I don't share your views. There is no hate in anything I'm saying. You are being completely irrational with me.
You are so ignorant and hurtful on this issue, Tilly. It deeply saddens me. You don't understand what these kids go through, and worse, you don't even want to learn.
I am a fierce Mama for my kids. I will do whatever it takes to help them grow up whole. NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE.
You can pretty much ignore these guys. They hate kids if they are not heterosexuals.
Agreed. It makes me sooo angry.
You believe I hate trans kids, or trans adults for that matter?
YES< you do.
Fine. You've decided to believe whatever you want just because I don't share your views. Have it your way.
I am a fierce Mama for my kids. I will do whatever it takes to help them grow up whole. NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE.
If you want them to grow up whole, encourage them to accept themselves as they are, rather than lop body parts off and have themselves pumped full of damaging hormones.
OMG< this is the most hateful thing yet.
It is also the view of many post op trans and many psychiatrists. Are they hateful too?
Instead of relying on articles, you refuse to talk to someone with a trans family member. Your loss, your ignorance.
You are so ignorant and hurtful on this issue, Tilly. It deeply saddens me. You don't understand what these kids go through, and worse, you don't even want to learn.

It deeply saddens me that you and Tilly are in this situation in this thread....please both of you just agree to disagree.
Instead of relying on articles, you refuse to talk to someone with a trans family member. Your loss, your ignorance.
Hey bitch! You didn't answer my question. Would you hide your brat knowing he had committed a crime, from the cops?
From the way you post about your 'precious little budding Caligula' I'm guessing you're going to be making that choice sooner or later.
We don[t see eye to eye on this. YOU don't have LGBT in your family. I do. Three generations.
You are so ignorant and hurtful on this issue, Tilly. It deeply saddens me. You don't understand what these kids go through, and worse, you don't even want to learn.

It deeply saddens me that you and Tilly are in this situation in this thread....please both of you just agree to disagree.
We disgree on this topic, whole heartedly. I'd like to help Tilly understand this issue better, but she is FIXED in her view.
Take a knife and stab me in the heart, Tilly. That's what you've done in post 493.
No, you are stabbing yourself in your heart.
You are ignorant and hurtful about this topic. I'm very sad. You don't understand and worse, you don't want to.

You don't even care how hurtful you're being.
I'm sorry you think I'm ignorant and hurtful for having different views to you. I'm not best pleased at how you are intolerant of differing opinions and how you've labelled me a hater of trans people and children.
So, I guess we're even.

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