So What Was the Logic of Forcing People to Get the Shot Against People’s Will?

From your own link:

However, it’s not a perfect science, and some years, the flu shot doesn’t match as well as we would hope. For example, in 2017, the flu strain mutated right in the middle of the season. As a result, millions of people got sick with the flu, and 80,000 Americans died, according to the CDC.

Get it yet. It only protects against the flu strain it is designed for.



"recent studies show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well-matched to those used to make flu vaccines".
The brightest people avoided it altogether and now have a lasting, natural immunity.

We can't fix gullible, either.

It's been decades since I tested for IQ but at one time, I tested at 140. That's enough to join the Mensa Organization. At 140, though, I get to carry the water buck for the really bright ones. You just get to deliver the water to me. And you'll probably screw that up as well. You are a MAGAt which means if you take the average of your group and say everyone above that is the brightest, the bar is set way too low. And it also emphasises that we can't fix stupid.
And before you get into the ‘nobody was forced’ BS, sure you could have refused.

You just lose your job, denied entry to places you wanted to go, denied new jobs, etc etc.
You could say this about every single thing your employer asks you to do.
Hospital workers for one.

Some school districts require it for their employees.
Hospital workers are not forced to get the flu shot. Only those who work in direct contact with patients are asked to. If they don’t they are required to wear masks during flu season.
Hospital workers are not forced to get the flu shot. Only those who work in direct contact with patients are asked to. If they don’t they are required to wear masks during flu season.

You must have worked at different hospitals than my wife.
It's been decades since I tested for IQ but at one time, I tested at 140. That's enough to join the Mensa Organization. At 140, though, I get to carry the water buck for the really bright ones. You just get to deliver the water to me. And you'll probably screw that up as well. You are a MAGAt which means if you take the average of your group and say everyone above that is the brightest, the bar is set way too low. And it also emphasises that we can't fix stupid.
Badger2's DNA is also Mensa. Where you're wrong: the virus constantly creates mutations, not just every two weeks. You're not educated enough in virology to be mouthing off about it.
And you know this for sure? Please post your medical degree information so that we can all flock to you for assistance.
A medical degree has exactly nothing to do with it. When a government pays out cash to the families of dead people and pays more to the hospitals for treating Covid patients, guess what happens?


The new payments will be $50,000 per COVID-19 admission, less than the $77,000 in an earlier round.

Medicare will pay hospitals a 20 percent “add-on” to the regular payment for COVID-19 patients. That’s a result of the CARES Act, the largest of the three federal stimulus laws enacted in response to the coronavirus, which was signed into law March 27.

If a relative of yours died from COVID-19, you may be able to get reimbursed up to $9,000 for funeral expenses. That's $2,000 more per person than the $7,000 upper limit announced in February. Starting this week, the Federal Emergency Management Administration began accepting applications from eligible families.

You could say this about every single thing your employer asks you to do.
Sorry, it was against the law for any employer to order my medical treatment done against my will when I worked.

Alas today we live in the age of fascist dictatorship.
A medical degree has exactly nothing to do with it. When a government pays out cash to the families of dead people and pays more to the hospitals for treating Covid patients, guess what happens?


The new payments will be $50,000 per COVID-19 admission, less than the $77,000 in an earlier round.

Medicare will pay hospitals a 20 percent “add-on” to the regular payment for COVID-19 patients. That’s a result of the CARES Act, the largest of the three federal stimulus laws enacted in response to the coronavirus, which was signed into law March 27.

If a relative of yours died from COVID-19, you may be able to get reimbursed up to $9,000 for funeral expenses. That's $2,000 more per person than the $7,000 upper limit announced in February. Starting this week, the Federal Emergency Management Administration began accepting applications from eligible families.

An aunt of mine was scheduled for surgery in 21 so they scheduled her for a Covid test before the surgery. Surgery was canceled so she never showed up for the Covid test.

She was informed by the testing facility she had Covid.
An aunt of mine was scheduled for surgery in 21 so they scheduled her for a Covid test before the surgery. Surgery was canceled so she never showed up for the Covid test.

She was informed by the testing facility she had Covid.
There are so many stories like this. My SIL is a hospice nurse and repeatedly saw people dying of cancer, heart disease and other terminal illnesses that didn't have covid but covid was listed as cause of death.
Sorry, it was against the law for any employer to order my medical treatment done against my will when I worked.

Alas today we live in the age of fascist dictatorship.
No. We live in an age of whiny-assed workers who don't have the balls to say "no", so they run to big daddy government to force those mean ole employers to do what they demand.
When your conviction is waning and your theory is weak, it bolsters you to force other to join.
That’s why.

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