So Where Does the 1st Amendment End?

What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
First Amendments let's people say what they want.
It does not say without consequences.

You should post your real name so that your employer can read your mentally insane rants and let see if you agree that people should be fired or expelled for what they say online!

You know like you wanting to kill people that go outside while pretending it is The Walking Dead?
My employer knows what I post.

Zombies are already dead.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
God you are dense..... What does saying something in your own bathroom have to do with a school denying graduation?

Read the thread title much?

I'll just come back after you've caught up.

The School wouldn't have expelled the students had they been minority and in fact the School along with you would have defended their free speech and expression while telling those that were upset how they are racist bigot krackers!

Expelling people over what they say online on their dime is stupid but you applaud it as long as White people are the ones being punished but wait when it happens to blacks and see how fast you go full nutter and scream racism...
Poor baby white people. They get pissed off when they get called out for being the racist fucks that they are. And those evil black people, not knowing their place & demanding equality.

You think equality is being allowed to say whatever you want while demanding others to stay quiet, so you have no clue about equality...

As I stated let it be a black person and let see how fast you call for their firing or being expelled and how quickly you will scream racism.

Also seeing you are for people being punished for what they write then feel free to post your name so people can inform your employer for the nonsense you post daily on here...

My bet is you will cry about how what you write should be protected and should never be held against you!
What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
First Amendments let's people say what they want.
It does not say without consequences.

You should post your real name so that your employer can read your mentally insane rants and let see if you agree that people should be fired or expelled for what they say online!

You know like you wanting to kill people that go outside while pretending it is The Walking Dead?
My employer knows what I post.

Zombies are already dead.

Post your real name and the name of your employer so people can call about you threatening to kill people that go outside...

Also Zombies are not real, and you comparing people going outside as Zombies shows the unhinged type of person you are!

So see you even hide behind a fake name so you can protect yourself from being fired...
What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
First Amendments let's people say what they want.
It does not say without consequences.

You should post your real name so that your employer can read your mentally insane rants and let see if you agree that people should be fired or expelled for what they say online!

You know like you wanting to kill people that go outside while pretending it is The Walking Dead?
My employer knows what I post.

Zombies are already dead.

See people that is my point those like Real Dave and Pogo have no issue spewing their hatred for the right or like Real Dave has done many times threaten to kill people while hiding their name but let say their real names were released and all their social media postings on other messages boards along with this one were given to their employer would those like Real Dave and Pogo still support their opinion their speech come with consequences?

Of course not and they will tell you that what they write is protected free speech...

I mean take someone like IM2 who spews racial hatred on this site and let have him post his name and where he works and let see if his employer keep him on and if not would you agree that he deserves to be fired for what he has written?

My bet is Real Dave will scream " it's protected speech " while saying those kids deserved to be expelled from school.

So if you believe your speech is protected while writing you consider those going outside as Zombies and should be killed while crying those kids should have been expelled for their stupidity, well your picture should be beside the word hypocrite!
People can say whatever the hell they want to. Sticks and stones. If people take exception to what was said it's up to them to marginalize the offender, not the government.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
Why are they denied a graduation?
Answer: for words spoken.
Not the sharpest pencil in the cup, are you?

Guess I'll just post it again -- What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?

You need a hint on this?

The language thereof:
"Congress shall make no Law...."

I've just word-searched the entire Constitution. "High Schools shall make no Law" was not found.

Here, horse. This is called "water".

Because a PUBLIC school is a government institution, brainlet. Do you need this in crayon?
The school has a responsibility to maintain a safe environment where all pupils can study free from violence and hatred. Having racists in the community is a direct assault on that. The school did the only thing it could do.

A school is a community and racism has no place in any civilised society.
All of our schools are closed.
What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
First Amendments let's people say what they want.
It does not say without consequences.

You should post your real name so that your employer can read your mentally insane rants and let see if you agree that people should be fired or expelled for what they say online!

You know like you wanting to kill people that go outside while pretending it is The Walking Dead?
My employer knows what I post.

Zombies are already dead.

See people that is my point those like Real Dave and Pogo have no issue spewing their hatred for the right or like Real Dave has done many times threaten to kill people while hiding their name but let say their real names were released and all their social media postings on other messages boards along with this one were given to their employer would those like Real Dave and Pogo still support their opinion their speech come with consequences?

Of course not and they will tell you that what they write is protected free speech...

I mean take someone like IM2 who spews racial hatred on this site and let have him post his name and where he works and let see if his employer keep him on and if not would you agree that he deserves to be fired for what he has written?

My bet is Real Dave will scream " it's protected speech " while saying those kids deserved to be expelled from school.

So if you believe your speech is protected while writing you consider those going outside as Zombies and should be killed while crying those kids should have been expelled for their stupidity, well your picture should be beside the word hypocrite!
The Left are enjoying the fact America has turned into a Chinese Jr tyranny.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
God you are dense..... What does saying something in your own bathroom have to do with a school denying graduation?

Read the thread title much?

I'll just come back after you've caught up.

The School wouldn't have expelled the students had they been minority and in fact the School along with you would have defended their free speech and expression while telling those that were upset how they are racist bigot krackers!

Expelling people over what they say online on their dime is stupid but you applaud it as long as White people are the ones being punished but wait when it happens to blacks and see how fast you go full nutter and scream racism...
Poor baby white people. They get pissed off when they get called out for being the racist fucks that they are. And those evil black people, not knowing their place & demanding equality.
I hope Trump denies you your SS payments for that hateful speech.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Just proving you can take the redneck out of the trailer park but you can't take the...well, you get the idea. It amazes me that people think you can just say anything you want and not have any repercussions. It doesn't matter if they were on school grounds or even it wasn't during school hours. They are deemed as representing the school. And if the school deems a certain code of conduct in violation, even if it's just bad publicity and press, see ya. You can't have it both ways here. Sure, you have the right to free speech. But there are limits. The school has every right not to tolerate it. This isn't a stupid thing said. This is upbringing. It's friggin 2020. Anyway, no big loss. These two don't look smart enough to even pass their GED.

Here's the relevant part of the article,
Carrollton High Principal David Brooks said that even if the video was recorded at home, “it doesn’t alleviate the students’ responsibility to uphold a high standard of behavior.”
They got nothing to sue on. Maybe they'll learn something from this but I doubt it.
So the government can deny you a drivers license for what you post on USMB?

States govern drivers licenses. What's with all the false equivalencies?
Make a fair comparison. For example.
The government can deny you a security clearance for posts and speech deemed a security risk to the United States.
A business can fire an employee for posts or speech detrimental to the businesses code of conduct.
Government is government. You’re advocating they take action against speech.

Point us to that section of the government that decrees Carrollton High School is part of it.

Umm... the fucking school board? You know... those people that are VOTED into office?

Man you are dumber than a box of rocks.

So you're actually sitting here pretending that Carrollton High School --- OR its board --- is "Congress"?

If getting their GED can still take place, how much of a punishment was really handed out?

God bless you always!!!


Astute point Holly. :thup:

What they did was eject the insidious element from their community for the well-being OF that community.
Nobody had their speech squelched in the first place.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
Why are they denied a graduation?
Answer: for words spoken.
Not the sharpest pencil in the cup, are you?

Guess I'll just post it again -- What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?

You need a hint on this?

The language thereof:
"Congress shall make no Law...."

I've just word-searched the entire Constitution. "High Schools shall make no Law" was not found.

Here, horse. This is called "water".

Because a PUBLIC school is a government institution, brainlet. Do you need this in crayon?

Oh really.

So Carrollton High School was chartered by Congress, was it?

The fact STILL is, nobody, neither the high school nor Congress, prevented these kids from posting the video. If they had, NO ONE WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT. :banghead:

The video EXISTS. Therefore no entity "prevented" it. Simple law of existence.
Poor baby white people. They get pissed off when they get called out for being the racist fucks that they are. And those evil black people, not knowing their place & demanding equality.
The pro-diversity crowd lost in 2016. Get used to it.
Amen. You show me diversity and I'll show you discord.
Show me a white supremacist & I'll show you an asshole. You people are such assholes.
People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!

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People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!


People yes, government no.

Kids did not break any law. And if they're not breaking the law, what they do in their free time, it's of nobody's concern, especially not concern of the government, or a school.

Government have no right to respond to your free speech. There is no law against being a jerk, racists, or simply stupid.
What does a school denying graduations have to do with the First Amendment?
First Amendments let's people say what they want.

Let's highlight the key noun there for the slow kids.

What does a school denying a graduation have to do with the First Amendment?
Glad you support the DMV revoking your license for that hateful post.

I don't know what your bizarro hangup is about DMVs ---- did they take your license away? But it's got nothing to do with this thread, does it.

Sadly for you I just renewed my license recently so by the time it comes up for renewal again I will have had my cataract surgery and will be able to actually see again.

I've been driving since the Johnson Administration. According to the history books that's over 150 years.

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