So, why do I find myself on the side of the Democrats, against many of the Republicans, and obama?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
i mean, I understand the everything obama does is bad and everything he says is a lie, but on this trade deal, I find myself in my usual spot against the Idiot in Chief, but why are all these Democrats here?

Seriously though, this trade deal is a job and US Economy killer. I admit to not knowing all there is to know about it, but from what I do know, it seems bad.

Educate me. What am I missing?
i mean, I understand the everything obama does is bad and everything he says is a lie, but on this trade deal, I find myself in my usual spot against the Idiot in Chief, but why are all these Democrats here?

Seriously though, this trade deal is a job and US Economy killer. I admit to not knowing all there is to know about it, but from what I do know, it seems bad.

Educate me. What am I missing?
Its easy to educate a troll like you,you live in denial that our government is corrupt and is plotting against the american people wanting to believe everything is okay in america only seeing what you want to see in denial that both parties are corrupt that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats..:rolleyes:
Critical Alert Jeff Sessions Warns America Against Potentially Disastrous Obama Trade Deal

The first point lays out how the deal would result in a “consolidation of power in the executive branch,” a point in which Sessions takes to task those like Ryan who have argued that the deal would return more power to Congress.

“TPA eliminates Congress’ ability to amend or debate trade implementing legislation and guarantees an up-or-down vote on a far-reaching international agreement before that agreement has received any public review,” Sessions writes. “Not only will Congress have given up the 67-vote threshold for a treaty and the 60-vote threshold for important legislation, but will have even given up the opportunity for amendment and the committee review process that both ensure member participation. Crucially, this applies not only to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) but all international trade agreements during the life of the TPA.

“There is no real check on the expiration of fast-track authority: if Congress does not affirmatively refuse to reauthorize TPA at the end of the defined authorization (2018), the authority is automatically renewed for an additional three years so long as the President requests the extension.

“And if a trade deal (not just TPP but any trade deal) is submitted to Congress that members believe does not fulfill, or that directly violates, the TPA recommendations—or any laws of the United States—it is exceptionally difficult for lawmakers to seek legislative redress or remove it from the fast track, as the exit ramp is under the exclusive control of the revenue and Rules committees.”

In addition to those concerns about how the deal would not in fact empower Congress—it would instead weaken Congress—Sessions notes that Obama or any future president could redact or classify information from a report the president would be required submit to Congress to get fast-track trade approval if TPA is adopted.

“Moreover, while the President is required to submit a report to Congress on the terms of a trade agreement at least 60 days before submitting implementing legislation, the President can classify or otherwise redact information from this report, limiting its value to Congress,” Sessions writes. “Is TPA designed to protect congressional responsibilities, or to limit Congress’ ability to do its duty?”

Sessions also cites former AT&T CEO Leo Hindery, Jr., who wrote in a recent column for Reuters that since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and South Korea free trade agreements were passed and implemented, “U.S. trade deficits, which drag down economic growth, have soared more than 430 percent with our free-trade partners.”

“In the same period, they’ve declined 11 percent with countries that are not free-trade partners,” Hindery wrote, in the part where Sessions cites him, adding: “Obama’s 2011 trade deal with South Korea, which serves as the template for the new Trans-Pacific Partnership, has resulted in a 50 percent jump in the U.S. trade deficit with South Korea in its first two years.
This equates to 50,000 U.S. jobs lost. “


I guess Free Trade is good if you look at these graphs as Ski Resorts and like to ski..........Great downhill slopes..............

Gov't selling their souls and our nation for personal gain............
i mean, I understand the everything obama does is bad and everything he says is a lie, but on this trade deal, I find myself in my usual spot against the Idiot in Chief, but why are all these Democrats here?

Seriously though, this trade deal is a job and US Economy killer. I admit to not knowing all there is to know about it, but from what I do know, it seems bad.

Educate me. What am I missing?
Its easy to educate a troll like you,you live in denial that our government is corrupt and is plotting against the american people wanting to believe everything is okay in america only seeing what you want to see in denial that both parties are corrupt that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats..:rolleyes:
Handjob has slipped his restraints again!
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
This is the strangest damn legislative slap fight I've seen in a long time. It's creating bizarre political bedfellows, it has Pelosi turning on Obama, Paul Ryan siding with him, and we still don't know what this thing looks like from front to back.

It hasn't diminished my respect for professional politicians, since I didn't have much to begin with, but it sure smells weird.

Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
Big business said "we want this thing so support Obama" and they just did and somehow do not feel any shame about it after years of blanket obstructionism. We live in a plutocracy and republicans are it's most loyal foot soldiers. Welcome to reality.
i mean, I understand the everything obama does is bad and everything he says is a lie, but on this trade deal, I find myself in my usual spot against the Idiot in Chief, but why are all these Democrats here?

Seriously though, this trade deal is a job and US Economy killer. I admit to not knowing all there is to know about it, but from what I do know, it seems bad.

Educate me. What am I missing?
A brain....
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
This is the strangest damn legislative slap fight I've seen in a long time. It's creating bizarre political bedfellows, it has Pelosi turning on Obama, Paul Ryan siding with him, and we still don't know what this thing looks like from front to back.

It hasn't diminished my respect for professional politicians, since I didn't have much to begin with, but it sure smells weird.


Thank God I'm not the only one.
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
Big business said "we want this thing so support Obama" and they just did and somehow do not feel any shame about it after years of blanket obstructionism. We live in a plutocracy and republicans are it's most loyal foot soldiers. Welcome to reality.

Yeah well that's the kind of response I would expect from you. That is why I asked conservatives and not you. So tell me then why your hero president wants it.
i mean, I understand the everything obama does is bad and everything he says is a lie, but on this trade deal, I find myself in my usual spot against the Idiot in Chief, but why are all these Democrats here?

Seriously though, this trade deal is a job and US Economy killer. I admit to not knowing all there is to know about it, but from what I do know, it seems bad.

Educate me. What am I missing?
A brain....

i mean, I understand the everything obama does is bad and everything he says is a lie, but on this trade deal, I find myself in my usual spot against the Idiot in Chief, but why are all these Democrats here?

Seriously though, this trade deal is a job and US Economy killer. I admit to not knowing all there is to know about it, but from what I do know, it seems bad.

Educate me. What am I missing?
A brain....

You noticed that the GOP wants this deal also? If you have to ask what it is about, you can't afford it anywhey...
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
Big business said "we want this thing so support Obama" and they just did and somehow do not feel any shame about it after years of blanket obstructionism. We live in a plutocracy and republicans are it's most loyal foot soldiers. Welcome to reality.

Yeah well that's the kind of response I would expect from you. That is why I asked conservatives and not you. So tell me then why your hero president wants it.
If you oppose this trade deal just because Obama then you are on the right side of the debate for the wrong reasons.
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
Big business said "we want this thing so support Obama" and they just did and somehow do not feel any shame about it after years of blanket obstructionism. We live in a plutocracy and republicans are it's most loyal foot soldiers. Welcome to reality.

Yeah well that's the kind of response I would expect from you. That is why I asked conservatives and not you. So tell me then why your hero president wants it.
If you oppose this trade deal just because Obama then you are on the right side of the debate for the wrong reasons.

Jesus! Where did I say that you illiterate fuck? Can you answer my question nit wit?
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?
Big business said "we want this thing so support Obama" and they just did and somehow do not feel any shame about it after years of blanket obstructionism. We live in a plutocracy and republicans are it's most loyal foot soldiers. Welcome to reality.

Yeah well that's the kind of response I would expect from you. That is why I asked conservatives and not you. So tell me then why your hero president wants it.
If you oppose this trade deal just because Obama then you are on the right side of the debate for the wrong reasons.

Jesus! Where did I say that you illiterate fuck? Can you answer my question nit wit?
Truthfully I cannot fathom why Obama is so set on this thing but he is certainly not my hero. That's my honest answer, now, convince me that you would be against this thing if our president was a republican.
Not all politicians worry about re-election, and others are just ignorant and only support whoever gives them the biggest check.

Many Republicans and Democrats have broken ranks to oppose the deal, wouldn't be hard since because the procedure to pass it is undemocratic, and the provisions inside are going to screw over Americans.

I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of Obama, or any politician that votes for the TPP or TTIP, as they won't just be viewed as sell outs to corporate America, but heartless scoundrels by those hit worst by it - American workers and the poor.

Wonder how they hope to explain that millions of lost jobs, and millions cut off the internet, counts as a 'better America'. That's of course just the beginning as healthcare will become more expensive, and the cabal will sue to demand the electricity sector is reprivatized - so electricity will be twice or three times as expensive.
I've been against Free Trade since it's inception.................Since NAFTA and the deals with the WTO under Bush as well.............

That has never changed and for nearly 2 decades I've been arguing against both sides of this equation irregardless of party...........

I've always said don't fix something if it isn't broken...............The way we handled trade deals with foreign countries with the ratification on the Senate worked for over 200 years, so why the need for the change................

Of course those against me site fluctuations over time to show it not working, but on average it did work............

Trade agreements with countries that offer the american people no financial incentives to give them free trade, aka they don't have no freaking money anyway, can only drain currency circulation in our country................It puts money there instead of here, and lines the pockets of corporations who have left this country for lower labor costs and regulations.....................In the past, before all of the Free Trade they could expect tariffs on their products coming back in making it less desirable to leave, thus hopefully saving jobs here.............

The flip side is our products will cost more here as a result................but the loss of jobs make that immaterial when the wage standards here aren't higher due to better paying manufacturing jobs.

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