So, will Trump finally condemn White Supremacist Terrorism?

White nationalism, the new liberal dog whistle. Lol.
Jews will not replace us


Wow, those tiki torches are scary.

I have the same ones for my pool.

So are the hate chants

Hate chants? What are those? You mean like Pigs in a Blanket, Fry Them Like Bacon. Or What Do We Want? Dead Cops. When Do We Want It? NOW!
Will Trump ever say "radical white supremacists terrorist"?

Not likely...he can't afford to piss off any potential voters.

Seawycth. You are one of the most reasonable liberals here.

Yet, seriously, wtf?

When you of all people, state something like that, you are making the argument, that any form of discussion is useless.

Why? You stated much worse about President Obama.

Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

Guess that makes you very not reasonable?

If you know anything about behavioral psychology you'll notice what his true faith is when stephanopoulos had to correct him.

Even if Obama were some "secret Muslim", so what? You think being a Muslim is the same as being a white Supremacist?
Some of them are good people
He ruled out the white supremacists and you know it. You're lying by omission.

I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

He didn't say that. You're twisting words like the media.
Yes he did say that

If you are marching in a white power are not a good person

About freaking time Donnie!

Like previous occasions, Donnie keeps quiet about condemning white extremists until he gets criticized on Fox

This time, it took him two days

It took two days because neither of the shooters where white supremacists. Now you're saying white extremists....which is true.....Democratic/Socialists......i.e.....Democrats.
Some of them are good people
He ruled out the white supremacists and you know it. You're lying by omission.

I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

Nice walking it back. But we both know that the next time, you will just tell the lie again.

If what you claim is true, that people that were there and didn't leave, are "not fine",

then why did you lie about it just there? And will do so again?
Trump thinks some of those who march with the Klan are good people


I already acknowledged your walking back your lie.

Now, please answer my question. Why have you been lying about what he said?
You believe that being Muslim is worse than being a "radical white supremacists terrorist"?

Well, REpublicans generally don't.

My point stands.

I believe being an extremist of any stripe is equally bad. You were one of those that got in Obama's shit for not saying "radical Islamic terrorist". It didn't matter what he did because he wouldn't say what you wanted him to say.

Why won't Trump say "white supremacist terrorist"?

I dont' know that he won't. He certainly has addressed the issue.

Obama's administration called the Fort Hood shooting, "work place violence".

Dude. That deserved pushback.

Trump has done nothing like that, to call for such pushback.
It was workplace violence. The guy shot up his workplace. At that moment that is all we knew.

Trump has barely given weak lip service to condemning white supremacists and only after public outcry.

Why won't Trump say "white supremacist terrorist"?

Rest assured
After days of criticism, Trump will finally condemn white supremacist killings
But, as usual, his first impulse is to ignore it

So even if he did, like he already has this morning, you will never be satisfied.

Your first impulse is to call the man racist. Even when he condemns racism in a public address to the whole country.

You'll never be convinced. Ever.

And even if he was convinced, he was never admit it.
Will Trump ever say "radical white supremacists terrorist"?

Not likely...he can't afford to piss off any potential voters.

Seawycth. You are one of the most reasonable liberals here.

Yet, seriously, wtf?

When you of all people, state something like that, you are making the argument, that any form of discussion is useless.

Why? You stated much worse about President Obama.

Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

Guess that makes you very not reasonable?

If you know anything about behavioral psychology you'll notice what his true faith is when stephanopoulos had to correct him.

Even if Obama were some "secret Muslim", so what? You think being a Muslim is the same as being a white Supremacist?

You are the one equating the two. Actually that being a muslim is "much worse" than being a "radical white supremacists terrorist"

Read your words, right above. Not ours. Yours.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

This is just sick and absurd. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You, who wants to keep the convenience killing of babies legal, have no business talking about anything involving public morality.

Crawl back into your sewer, please.
Some of them are good people
He ruled out the white supremacists and you know it. You're lying by omission.

I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

He didn't say that. You're twisting words like the media.
Yes he did say that

If you are marching in a white power are not a good person

What if you were led there under falise pretenses? As you well know happened to quite a number of people.

YOu filthy liar.
It's not White Supremacy Terrorism - it's Mentally Ill Terrorism.

Just sayin'.

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