So, will Trump finally condemn White Supremacist Terrorism?

He ruled out the white supremacists and you know it. You're lying by omission.

I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

Nice walking it back. But we both know that the next time, you will just tell the lie again.

If what you claim is true, that people that were there and didn't leave, are "not fine",

then why did you lie about it just there? And will do so again?
Trump thinks some of those who march with the Klan are good people


I already acknowledged your walking back your lie.

Now, please answer my question. Why have you been lying about what he said?

The key with Charlottesville was what Trump did not say

Amid growing violence and constant media coverage, Trump stayed silent
It was only when facing increasing pressure, Trump issued his ambiguous statement assigning equal blame

When he was universally attacked for making such an offensive statement, he FINALLY issued a prepared statement condemning hate groups
bigotry and division is a dangerous political strategy.

It has been the primary strategy of the democrats since they owned slaves....

Dems owned slaves 150 years ago so we should ignore the threat of right wing extremism today

They lynched Blacks all the way into the 1960s, and now use their policies to hurt Blacks in democrat voting districts.
Hurt them?

By providing food, shelter and healthcare?

democrat slave owners did the same thing.......
I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

Nice walking it back. But we both know that the next time, you will just tell the lie again.

If what you claim is true, that people that were there and didn't leave, are "not fine",

then why did you lie about it just there? And will do so again?
Trump thinks some of those who march with the Klan are good people


I already acknowledged your walking back your lie.

Now, please answer my question. Why have you been lying about what he said?

The key with Charlottesville was what Trump did not say

Amid growing violence and constant media coverage, Trump stayed silent
It was only when facing increasing pressure, Trump issued his ambiguous statement assigning equal blame

When he was universally attacked for making such an offensive statement, he FINALLY issued a prepared statement condemning hate groups

Wrong...he condemmed the white nationalists...... and stood up for the normal people standing in the way of left wing history destruction.
bigotry and division is a dangerous political strategy.

It has been the primary strategy of the democrats since they owned slaves....

Dems owned slaves 150 years ago so we should ignore the threat of right wing extremism today

They lynched Blacks all the way into the 1960s, and now use their policies to hurt Blacks in democrat voting districts.
Hurt them?

By providing food, shelter and healthcare?

democrat slave owners did the same thing.......

How is helping people who need help the same as slavery?
He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

Nice walking it back. But we both know that the next time, you will just tell the lie again.

If what you claim is true, that people that were there and didn't leave, are "not fine",

then why did you lie about it just there? And will do so again?
Trump thinks some of those who march with the Klan are good people


I already acknowledged your walking back your lie.

Now, please answer my question. Why have you been lying about what he said?

The key with Charlottesville was what Trump did not say

Amid growing violence and constant media coverage, Trump stayed silent
It was only when facing increasing pressure, Trump issued his ambiguous statement assigning equal blame

When he was universally attacked for making such an offensive statement, he FINALLY issued a prepared statement condemning hate groups

Wrong...he condemmed the white nationalists...... and stood up for the normal people standing in the way of left wing history destruction.

He condemned them DAYS after increasing violence
After he came under increasing criticism
I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

Nice walking it back. But we both know that the next time, you will just tell the lie again.

If what you claim is true, that people that were there and didn't leave, are "not fine",

then why did you lie about it just there? And will do so again?
Trump thinks some of those who march with the Klan are good people


I already acknowledged your walking back your lie.

Now, please answer my question. Why have you been lying about what he said?

The key with Charlottesville was what Trump did not say

If that was true, you and other libs, would not always be lying about what he did say.

You lie, because you have to, to support your false narrative that Trump and the GOP are racist.

If you had real evidence to support it, you would be using THAT, instead of the "very fine people" lie.

YOu don't get to lie, and then, change the subject when called on the lie.

YOu want to discuss what he did not say? Some other time, start a thread on that, but don't bring it up as a defense, when you get caught lying again.


Nice walking it back. But we both know that the next time, you will just tell the lie again.

If what you claim is true, that people that were there and didn't leave, are "not fine",

then why did you lie about it just there? And will do so again?
Trump thinks some of those who march with the Klan are good people


I already acknowledged your walking back your lie.

Now, please answer my question. Why have you been lying about what he said?

The key with Charlottesville was what Trump did not say

Amid growing violence and constant media coverage, Trump stayed silent
It was only when facing increasing pressure, Trump issued his ambiguous statement assigning equal blame

When he was universally attacked for making such an offensive statement, he FINALLY issued a prepared statement condemning hate groups

Wrong...he condemmed the white nationalists...... and stood up for the normal people standing in the way of left wing history destruction.

He condemned them DAYS after increasing violence
After he came under increasing criticism

He condemned them, immediately, and more specifically when he got verified information.

That you attack him for that, just shows that your real motivation is something else completely.
It has been the primary strategy of the democrats since they owned slaves....

Dems owned slaves 150 years ago so we should ignore the threat of right wing extremism today

They lynched Blacks all the way into the 1960s, and now use their policies to hurt Blacks in democrat voting districts.
Hurt them?

By providing food, shelter and healthcare?

democrat slave owners did the same thing.......

How is helping people who need help the same as slavery?

“Need” and “Get” not the same. They don’t need help they get it because they are lazy.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

Will the Dims ever condemn Communist Cuba? Venezuela? China?

Some of them are good people

Not what he said. Not even remotely true.

RW knows that. He's even tacitly admitted it. But he keeps gong back to it, like a dog eating it's own vomit.

Because he CAN'T give up a single lie.

Because he knows that his entire world view is ALL LIES.

One ray of Truth, and he fears it will all come crashing down.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

Will the Dims ever condemn Communist Cuba? Venezuela? China?

Some of them are good people

Not what he said. Not even remotely true.

RW knows that. He's even tacitly admitted it. But he keeps gong back to it, like a dog eating it's own vomit.

Because he CAN'T give up a single lie.

Because he knows that his entire world view is ALL LIES.

One ray of Truth, and he fears it will all come crashing down.

He is angry because he is a failure in life so he blames the rest of the world for it.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

Will the Dims ever condemn Communist Cuba? Venezuela? China?

Some of them are good people

Not what he said. Not even remotely true.

RW knows that. He's even tacitly admitted it. But he keeps gong back to it, like a dog eating it's own vomit.

Because he CAN'T give up a single lie.

Because he knows that his entire world view is ALL LIES.

One ray of Truth, and he fears it will all come crashing down.

He is angry because he is a failure in life so he blames the rest of the world for it.

i don't know why he is so committed to a cause that he knows will be bad for America, Americans and the world at large.

We once had a long discussion about his view of the future. When I pointed that many reasons it would not work, he went mad, and that is why he is the way he is today.

I dont' know why he didn't just adjust his vision for the future.
Will the Dims ever condemn Communist Cuba? Venezuela? China?

Some of them are good people

Not what he said. Not even remotely true.

RW knows that. He's even tacitly admitted it. But he keeps gong back to it, like a dog eating it's own vomit.

Because he CAN'T give up a single lie.

Because he knows that his entire world view is ALL LIES.

One ray of Truth, and he fears it will all come crashing down.

He is angry because he is a failure in life so he blames the rest of the world for it.

i don't know why he is so committed to a cause that he knows will be bad for America, Americans and the world at large.

We once had a long discussion about his view of the future. When I pointed that many reasons it would not work, he went mad, and that is why he is the way he is today.

I dont' know why he didn't just adjust his vision for the future.

I have my doubts about RW, No one can be that stupid. He may actually be a conservative posing as a liberal to expose the liberal stupidity and lying that we hear every day. If I am right, then he is doing a service, if I am wrong, he is one of the dumbest humans on the planet.
Some of them are good people

Not what he said. Not even remotely true.

RW knows that. He's even tacitly admitted it. But he keeps gong back to it, like a dog eating it's own vomit.

Because he CAN'T give up a single lie.

Because he knows that his entire world view is ALL LIES.

One ray of Truth, and he fears it will all come crashing down.

He is angry because he is a failure in life so he blames the rest of the world for it.

i don't know why he is so committed to a cause that he knows will be bad for America, Americans and the world at large.

We once had a long discussion about his view of the future. When I pointed that many reasons it would not work, he went mad, and that is why he is the way he is today.

I dont' know why he didn't just adjust his vision for the future.

I have my doubts about RW, No one can be that stupid. He may actually be a conservative posing as a liberal to expose the liberal stupidity and lying that we hear every day. If I am right, then he is doing a service, if I am wrong, he is one of the dumbest humans on the planet.

Once I got him to discuss his vision of the future seriously and honestly.

When I pointed out, how it would obviously lead to racial strife and oppression, and destroy America,

he eventually broke and has given up on every making the case for any of his positions seriously or honestly,

because he no longer believes that they are for the good of society.

But he is still completely wedded to them.

He is not stupid. He is broken. He is actively working towards a goal he knows is bad for everyone.

And he doesn't know why.

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