So, will Trump finally condemn White Supremacist Terrorism?

From the NY Times

Mr. Trump has taken those views to the center of American politics. He denounces immigrant gang members as animalsand complains that unauthorized migrants “pour into and infest” the United States. Illegal immigration is a “monstrosity,” he says,

Those are dehumanizing words

And his constant talk of "invasion" was echoed in the creep's manifesto

And Trump lumps all of them together creating the impression (intentionally) that they are all criminals

And blow your "Herr Lesh" shit out your ass you piece of right wing trash
Sure he will. Then by the next week, he’ll be telling Americans to “go back to where they came from” because they have different color skin. Sometimes I think he actually takes leave of his senses and thinks that people of color are of a different species.
Sure he will. Then by the next week, he’ll be telling Americans to “go back to where they came from” because they have different color skin. Sometimes I think he actually takes leave of his senses and thinks that people of color are of a different species.

Sometimes I think the left are a different species. How is it we can point out your lies repeatedly and you keep echoing them? Trump said nothing about anybody's skin color. Trump did voice his disgust with people in our own government cutting down this country all the time.
Sure he will. Then by the next week, he’ll be telling Americans to “go back to where they came from” because they have different color skin. Sometimes I think he actually takes leave of his senses and thinks that people of color are of a different species.

You just love to perpetuate lies. What an evil witch you are. You are mentally ill.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

Regarding the mass murders in eight days, Republicans have joined in a code of silence. They are avoiding the elephant in the room, the President's inflammatory, white supremacist rhetoric.

President Donald Trump: "This is mental illness."

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: "Prayers for the victims and their families." What a disgraceful comment from the governor of a state that was the victim of Trump's malicious, bigoted rhetoric. It's a bit too late for prayers. 21 are dead.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: "You can see the actions within video games." :roflol:

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: "I see a video game industry that teaches young people to kill.":roflol:

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz: "Pray they will bind together." Useless comment.

Vice President Mike Pence: "Praying for the injured and the families." What a joke. They are all a joke. These are the people who govern us? Good Lord.

However, I can see their problem. The leader of their party was instrumental in all this. It is the same problem Trump's fans have on this issue. All they can do is deny reality, lie, and try to waste time.
From the NY Times

Mr. Trump has taken those views to the center of American politics. He denounces immigrant gang members as animalsand complains that unauthorized migrants “pour into and infest” the United States. Illegal immigration is a “monstrosity,” he says,

Those are dehumanizing words

And his constant talk of "invasion" was echoed in the creep's manifesto

And Trump lumps all of them together creating the impression (intentionally) that they are all criminals

And blow your "Herr Lesh" shit out your ass you piece of right wing trash

Dehumanizing? It’s true! Gang members are worse than animals. I actually like animals. Illegal immigration is a monstrosity hence it is illegal. It is an invasion. Come here legally or stay out. Nothing he said was incorrect. Nothing. Herr Lesh. Denounce the Jew hatred of the Squad and I stop using that nickname on you.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

Regarding the mass murders in eight days, Republicans have joined in a code of silence. They are avoiding the elephant in the room, the President's inflammatory, white supremacist rhetoric.

President Donald Trump: "This is mental illness."

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: "Prayers for the victims and their families." What a disgraceful comment from the governor of a state that was the victim of Trump's malicious, bigoted rhetoric. It's a bit too late for prayers. 21 are dead.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: "You can see the actions within video games." :roflol:

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: "I see a video game industry that teaches young people to kill.":roflol:

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz: "Pray they will bind together." Useless comment.

Vice President Mike Pence: "Praying for the injured and the families." What a joke. They are all a joke. These are the people who govern us? Good Lord.

However, I can see their problem. The leader of their party was instrumental in all this. It is the same problem Trump's fans have on this issue. All they can do is deny reality, lie, and try to waste time.

People like you are just cancers. You divide this country.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

Regarding the mass murders in eight days, Republicans have joined in a code of silence. They are avoiding the elephant in the room, the President's inflammatory, white supremacist rhetoric.

President Donald Trump: "This is mental illness."

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: "Prayers for the victims and their families." What a disgraceful comment from the governor of a state that was the victim of Trump's malicious, bigoted rhetoric. It's a bit too late for prayers. 21 are dead.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: "You can see the actions within video games." :roflol:

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: "I see a video game industry that teaches young people to kill.":roflol:

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz: "Pray they will bind together." Useless comment.

Vice President Mike Pence: "Praying for the injured and the families." What a joke. They are all a joke. These are the people who govern us? Good Lord.

However, I can see their problem. The leader of their party was instrumental in all this. It is the same problem Trump's fans have on this issue. All they can do is deny reality, lie, and try to waste time.

So far I have yet to see evidence that Trump had anything to do with this. DumBama still outpaces Trump in mass gun murders. Where were you to blame him for all of them?
So far I have yet to see evidence that Trump had anything to do with this. DumBama still outpaces Trump in mass gun murders. Where were you to blame him for all of them?

Yep, after Sandy Hook Barry the Fairy promised us that was the last (plastic) straw....I believe there were over 70 multiple homicide shooting during the time he and Mike were taking craps in the Rose Garden.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people
Will Democrats finally condemn Pedophilia?
Of course we condemn it

You guys are the ones who elected Trump

So far I have yet to see evidence that Trump had anything to do with this. DumBama still outpaces Trump in mass gun murders. Where were you to blame him for all of them?

Yep, after Sandy Hook Barry the Fairy promised us that was the last (plastic) straw....I believe there were over 70 multiple homicide shooting during the time he and Mike were taking craps in the Rose Garden.

Also remember that our gun and violent crime rate were on a decline since the mid 90's up until DumBama's second term. Then it started going up again.
What was Barry up to here? The Rat Media claimed it was photoshopped but here's proof it wasn't....


Whisper campaigns are the worst form of political dirty tricks.
Deleted your bullshit pic eh, scumbag? How about Bush....did he "molest" his daughters too? Pre-teen girls often fall "in love" with their father"'s a stage they go through until they date their first boy. Freud called it the "Electra Complex".

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