So, will Trump finally condemn White Supremacist Terrorism?

Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

Trump: "Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?

"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

So, why you lie about what the President said?

That was a good statement

Too bad it took three days for someone to force it on him

Thank you for admitting that it was a good statement. Most of your fellow liberals are still lying about that.

What makes you think that he had to be forced to make it?
Stop your hating you silly goose. Whites are only one color. Its not their fault they are good at growing a society. So there. You have a rainbow of colors. A verible crayola crown box(64 color size) of supremacists coloring whites with false drawings and then spewing acid laced skittles on people. I know. the best paper to spew it with your nasty shades is white. Who knew? The self depreciating white colors scrawl on the paper first. Then color it over to prove they love everyone of the multiple rays of colorful light with the coming first of course. None of them that own all the paper give theirs up if you notice.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people
Actually, Trump condemns Democrats on a daily basis, dumbass...
In 2015, sometimes called "the year of the mass shooter", there were 372 mass shootings (4 or more shot) in the US in which 475 were killed. This includes non-white mass shooters.

In 2015, almost 6000 blacks were killed by other blacks.

Tell me again how White Nationalist mass shooters are the problem.
Will Trump come out and say it or will he tap dance and say ......Some of them are good people

He did condemn it.

But it matters not to the Fake News media. To them whatever he does is wrong, and they just accuse him of sending out a “dog whistle”. soon as the blacks/Obama/Squad/ etc condemn the THOUSANDS of murders committed by the BLACKS every YEAR---8 per DAY
I guess black lives don't matter to you???? they murder over 8 blacks every day---that means nothing to you?
Some of them are good people
He ruled out the white supremacists and you know it. You're lying by omission.

I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person
Some of them are good people
He ruled out the white supremacists and you know it. You're lying by omission.

I've personally shown that transcript to RW many times. He is purposefully and with full knowledge lying.

He is just a propagandist troll.

He called people who march with Nazis, KKK and White power groups .....fine people

They are not

This thing turned into a white power march....if you chose to stay
You are not a fine person

Nice walking it back. But we both know that the next time, you will just tell the lie again.

If what you claim is true, that people that were there and didn't leave, are "not fine",

then why did you lie about it just there? And will do so again?
So, will Trump finally condemn White Supremacist Terrorism?

Hey, you stupid shit-for-brains: Trump condemned it before, during, and after the election, and he condemned it AND Antifa after Charlottesville - which Democrats have NOT done by the way - and he just condemned all hate yesterday!!

Your head is so far up your fucking stupid ass that its unbelievable
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Will Trump ever say "radical white supremacists terrorist"?

Not likely...he can't afford to piss off any potential voters.

Seawycth. You are one of the most reasonable liberals here.

Yet, seriously, wtf?

When you of all people, state something like that, you are making the argument, that any form of discussion is useless.
Will Trump ever say "radical white supremacists terrorist"?

Not likely...he can't afford to piss off any potential voters.

Seawycth. You are one of the most reasonable liberals here.

Yet, seriously, wtf?

When you of all people, state something like that, you are making the argument, that any form of discussion is useless.

Why? You stated much worse about President Obama.

[URL=""]Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim[/URL]

Guess that makes you very not reasonable?
Will Trump ever say "radical white supremacists terrorist"?

Not likely...he can't afford to piss off any potential voters.

Seawycth. You are one of the most reasonable liberals here.

Yet, seriously, wtf?

When you of all people, state something like that, you are making the argument, that any form of discussion is useless.

Why? You stated much worse about President Obama.

Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

Guess that makes you very not reasonable?

You believe that being Muslim is worse than being a "radical white supremacists terrorist"?

Well, REpublicans generally don't.

My point stands.

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