Sodom and Gomorrah

The study also shows that Americans who make more money attend religious services more frequently, and that Americans who have been unemployed at any point in the past 10 years attend services less frequently. The study found that people who are married, who do not approve of premarital sex and those who lost their virginity later than their peers also attend services more often.
“While we recognize that not everyone wishes to worship, and that religious diversity can be valuable, we also think that the existence of a large group of less educated Americans that is increasingly disconnected from religious institutions is troubling for our society,” says Andrew Cherlin, co-author of the study and a professor of sociology and public policy at the Johns Hopkins University. “This development reinforces the social marginalization of less educated Americans who are also increasingly disconnected from the institutions of marriage and work.”

Church Attendance Falling Among Less-Educated Whites: Study
Allow me to put some common sense into the discussion, your worst enemy.

People with less education make less money, people with less money have to work more, that means there's a lot of good christians who can't go to church because they have to work.

Google IQ+atheism, I can assure you that you won't like what you find.
Yeah, why don't you read the results of the study, genius. That is not the consensus they came to. Not even close. Then take it up with the American Sociological Association.
I am not saying that Atheists are not charitable. All I am saying is that you can't find charitable organizations that were founded, funded, and are mostly staffed by Atheists. Atheism seems to result in a different kind of culture. Not necessarily a bad culture. Just a different one.

Although there are exceptions, I think in general atheists do not group or form organizations based on their lack of belief. Sharing a belief seems much more likely to draw people together. So it's really not an apt comparison IMO.

I beg to differ...I think if you went door to door in the most criminal neighborhood in the country, and went door to door, you would find that very few of the residents adhere to Christianity.

Atheism is the prevalent "religion" of the American uneducated, economically challenged, criminal class.

I'm not sure how that's relevant to my point, which was just that atheism, being a lack of belief rather than a belief in itself (unless we are talking about atheism in the sense of 'there cannot be a god'. If that's the case, you can disregard this), it isn't as likely for people to form groups because of it. What would be involved in a meeting? "Hey, I still don't believe in god." "Hi there, I still don't believe either." "OK, let's all go home!". :lol:
Atheism is the prevalent "religion" of the American uneducated, economically challenged, criminal class.

Wrong again. Actually, the better educated people are, the more likely they are to be atheists.

Times Higher Education - High IQ turns academics into atheists

Religiosity and intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2008, intelligence researcher Helmuth Nyborg examined whether IQ relates to denomination and income, using representative data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth, which includes intelligence tests on a representative selection of white American youth, where they have also replied to questions about religious belief. His results, published in the scientific journal Intelligence demonstrated that on average, Atheists scored 1.95 IQ points higher than Agnostics, 3.82 points higher than Liberal persuasions, and 5.89 IQ points higher than Dogmatic persuasions. [4
The American Sociological Society disagrees.
Big time:

“Our study suggests that the less educated are dropping out of the American religious sector similarly to the way in which they have dropped out of the American labor market,” says researcher W. Bradford Wilcox, a professor of sociology at the University of Virginia."

Church Attendance Falling Among Less-Educated Whites: Study
The American Sociological Society disagrees.
Big time:

“Our study suggests that the less educated are dropping out of the American religious sector similarly to the way in which they have dropped out of the American labor market,” says researcher W. Bradford Wilcox, a professor of sociology at the University of Virginia."

Church Attendance Falling Among Less-Educated Whites: Study

CHurch attendence is falling amongst everyone.

That doesn't mean they are becoming "atheists".

Why is church attendance declining? - Wyoming Tribune Eagle Online

A national survey by American Faith Communities Today from 2000 to 2005 showed the average percentage of churchgoers over 60 increased, while the 18-- to 34--year--old group decreased over the same time span. That trend remained constant between 2008 and 2010.

It mostly means that their lives are too busy now to waste a couple hours preparing for church, and an hour there, and an hour going home and getting dressed to do something practical. Esepcially when more and more of us have to work second jobs to make ends meet.
Well that's one theory.
Based on nothing except your nose hairs, but still a theory.
Well that's one theory.
Based on nothing except your nose hairs, but still a theory.

As is yours, but mine is based on common sense.

Here's the thing, old people like Church. They know they are going to die soon, and they are going to try their best to get in good at the last minute.

People who have lives to live don't have time.

Another point-

IN the last half decade, I've been too a bunch of funerals. When you hit my age, it becomes a more regular thing, unfortunately.

One was for my brother-in-law. Died unexpectedly of a heart attack at the age of 56. (Ironically, the same age my dad died at, and I'm sure my sister felt some deja vu.) Well, he did everything right by the eyes of the Church. got married there and stayed married to the same woman for 30 years. Sent both his kids to school, even worked for a parish as a handyman after he retired from his union job as a laborer.

Then you had my uncle. Died in his 70's. divorced my aunt (even though the Catholic Church says not to do that) for the trophy wife. But he gave the church a lot of money.

Guess which one got the really involved eulogy from the priest, and who got the "insert deceased name here" service?

That's why people don't go to church, pumpkin. Bunch of fuckin' hypocrites.
Just because I post doesn't mean that I am taking what you specifically say to heart, or that what you specifically say means anything to me. But, if you want to think that, by all means go for it. :lol: There are other people posting in here other than you, but I understand your ego is such that you think you're the center of attention here.

What makes you think you know the Bible better than I do? Because you pick out what you see holding up your idealogical point of view and then offer scathing review of them without really understanding the context or the time period? Okay... whatever you say there, Joe. :lol:

Oh, and your jealousy of my av is cute... Troy is the man, so I guess I can't blame you for that.. :)

Hey, if you're attracted to men, by all means... have at it.

But, yeah, like most Bible thumpers you are ignorant. This thread's been going on for three weeks now, and I'm still waiting for you to explain how a "righteous" guy offers his daughters up for gang rape and then had drunken sex with them himself... and this is the guy God saves.

God didn't save the people on 9/11, or my mom from Cancer, or anything like that.

I mean imagine if a big hand came outof the sky and caught those airplanes before they hit! Man. You'd have massive church attendence after that!

But he didn't.

Because he doesn't exist.
Just because I post doesn't mean that I am taking what you specifically say to heart, or that what you specifically say means anything to me. But, if you want to think that, by all means go for it. :lol: There are other people posting in here other than you, but I understand your ego is such that you think you're the center of attention here.

What makes you think you know the Bible better than I do? Because you pick out what you see holding up your idealogical point of view and then offer scathing review of them without really understanding the context or the time period? Okay... whatever you say there, Joe. :lol:

Oh, and your jealousy of my av is cute... Troy is the man, so I guess I can't blame you for that.. :)

Hey, if you're attracted to men, by all means... have at it.

But, yeah, like most Bible thumpers you are ignorant. This thread's been going on for three weeks now, and I'm still waiting for you to explain how a "righteous" guy offers his daughters up for gang rape and then had drunken sex with them himself... and this is the guy God saves.

God didn't save the people on 9/11, or my mom from Cancer, or anything like that.

I mean imagine if a big hand came outof the sky and caught those airplanes before they hit! Man. You'd have massive church attendence after that!

But he didn't.

Because he doesn't exist.

Yes, most women are attracted to men, Joe. :lol: But, if you want to talk to some who aren't, I'm sure that Sky would be more than willing to answer any questions you might have. :razz:

The story has been explained to you ad nauseam, it's you who doesn't seem to have the capacity for understanding. Not much I can do about that. God doesn't 'save' anyone from anything, lots of good people die every day. But death is a fact of life, it's the way it was intended. It's what you do with that life while you're here that counts. Where does God or even Jesus promise an 'ideal' life for a believer in the Bible? Neither of them do, as a matter of fact, they say just the opposite. There is nothing in the Bible to have given you the expectations that you seem to have of God, so apparently they only exist in your head. The promise is for eternal life after this life, there's no promise of a care free existence here at all.
Just because I post doesn't mean that I am taking what you specifically say to heart, or that what you specifically say means anything to me. But, if you want to think that, by all means go for it. :lol: There are other people posting in here other than you, but I understand your ego is such that you think you're the center of attention here.

What makes you think you know the Bible better than I do? Because you pick out what you see holding up your idealogical point of view and then offer scathing review of them without really understanding the context or the time period? Okay... whatever you say there, Joe. :lol:

Oh, and your jealousy of my av is cute... Troy is the man, so I guess I can't blame you for that.. :)

Hey, if you're attracted to men, by all means... have at it.

But, yeah, like most Bible thumpers you are ignorant. This thread's been going on for three weeks now, and I'm still waiting for you to explain how a "righteous" guy offers his daughters up for gang rape and then had drunken sex with them himself... and this is the guy God saves.

God didn't save the people on 9/11, or my mom from Cancer, or anything like that.

I mean imagine if a big hand came outof the sky and caught those airplanes before they hit! Man. You'd have massive church attendence after that!

But he didn't.

Because he doesn't exist.

That's right. If he existed, he would spend all his time kowtowing to you, individually, giving you everything you think you need and want.

Thank goodness, God knows what is best and right, and he sees to it we get it. If we like it or not.
That's right. If he existed, he would spend all his time kowtowing to you, individually, giving you everything you think you need and want.

Thank goodness, God knows what is best and right, and he sees to it we get it. If we like it or not.

Right. So all those people who died on 9-11 died because that's what God wanted.

See. that's easy. If you want to worship a psychopath.

I don't. Especially not imaginary ones.
You know Joe, if we mortals could figure God out, predict His every move or decision, know what he would do or what He was al about, He wouldn't be much of a God would He? He is God and we aren't. He sees and understands fully. We don't.

I am so sorry for your loss. I imagine most or all of us have lost loved ones, some in cruel ways, some long before they were 'supposed' to go. For me it is everybody in my mother and father's generation but one aunt who is still with us. This month was the anniversary of the death of my beloved cousin closer to me than any sister could be but who died suddenly and in her prime of life. And how we prayed and prayed for her to stay with us. It wasn't to be.

But I also believe the Bible when it says that a day to the Lord is like a thousand years for us. Our time on Earth is but a wink in eternity before the spirit moves on. I wish you could have comfort that your Mother was clutching that rosary. It brought her comfort, joy, and peace and she will tell you that herself sometime when it is your time to step into the next life.

Yes the Bible contains countless human errors and gives us a glaring image of human weakness and frailty. But there is one continuous theme that moves seamlessly from the Old Testament to the New Testament and that is God is with us and He sees us through whatever we have to face. And no matter how bad it seems now, it is never hopeless. Being angry with God is a very real part of the grief process. I think He handles that pretty well too.

Sorry, if something sounds retarded to me, I don't assume that there is some great wisdom I'm not getting. In fact, I find any such suggestions sort of insulting.

The bible is the scribblings of superstitious brozne age savages. Period.

Every "law" written before the ten Commandments, excluded the top hierarchy of that particular society; they had different rules. The ten Commandments were the first set of laws that were to be applied "equally". It made no difference who you were, the same laws applied to you. When Yeshua came, he also followed the "laws". He did not raise Himself above us, but came as an equal, and demonstrated that, though hard, it was possible to live according to the "laws". He even simplified the ten Commandments into two (for those that are intersted in "equality"), since then "men" have stretched and twisted those laws for their own purposes. So how is it that " .... scribblings of superstitious brozne age savages ..." made the greatest set of laws ever made?

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