Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

I agree, there are a ton of ā€œIFā€s and a series of statements that donā€™t make a lot of sense. This is why Iā€™m bringing them up. Fact remains is we dont have the actual classified intel. You can make a pretty educated guess about whatā€™s going on but itā€™s still based on assumptions not hard facts.

Mind boggling.

Their ever-changing rationales is not a hard fact? The conclusion they are lying is not amply justified by their ever-changing rationales?

That there is no plausible scenario that murdering Soleimani would prevent an "imminent attack" is not a hard fact?

That Soleimani's murder would increase, rather than decrease, the threat to Americans in the region, is not a hard fact?

Also, you are professing a standard of "hard fact" that intel even in the best of circumstances almost never meets, as you should know.

All told, you are just in denial. It would appear, the plainly inevitable conclusion that the Doofus got the nation to the brink of war, one accident away, without the first clue as to what he is doing, is just too painful for you to draw - for reasons defying understanding. In the case of subservient, know-nothing Trumpletons, I expect no less. In your case, as I said, it boggles the mind.
These people think they are slick and that we don't notice what they are doing. All they are doing really, is not destroying America but destroying their own credibility and exposing themselves as The Lawless Workers of Iniquity they are.
But Pelosi and Every Dem called The President an Imminent threat the "them" so this is why they impeached him.

Who is The Imminent Threat, Trump of Salami?
This thread isn't about what Dems said about Trump and itā€™s not about impeachment. Why canā€™t you just stay on topic?
The Topic is about What is and What IS NOT, and Imminent Threat.

Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

After Claims of an ā€˜Imminent Threatā€™ to Democracy, Democrats Opt to Play Political Games on Impeachment

As House Democrats relentlessly pushed their partisan impeachment at the fastest rate in American history, they were heavily scrutinized for the expedited timeline. In response, they argued President Trump posed an urgent threat to not only Democracy ā€“ but the next election.

Hereā€™s what they said about the necessity for a breakneck pace:

ā€œThey keep taking it to court and, no, weā€™re not going to wait till the courts decide. We canā€™t wait for that.ā€ ā€“ Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Nov. 11th, 2019

ā€œWe view this as urgent.ā€ ā€“ House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff on Nov. 24th, 2019

ā€œPresident Trumpā€™s actions represent a threat to our national security and an urgent threat to integrity of the next election.ā€ ā€“ House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler on Dec. 4th, 2019

ā€œAnd right now, Iā€™ve said this before, Iā€™ve never felt Democracy in our country was so endangered as it is under this President. So itā€™s critical.ā€ ā€“ Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick at a Tucson Town Hall on Nov. 7th, 2019

ā€œI swore an oath to place something above all of that, and the safety of this country, the integrity of our democracy, thatā€™s got to come first.ā€ ā€“ Rep. Tom Malinowski at a Wharton Town Hall on Nov. 23rd, 2019

ā€œWe are a system based on rule of law, that no man or woman is above or below those laws. Andā€¦ also, I thought recently of how fragile that system is.ā€ ā€“ Rep. Jason Crow at an Aurora Town Hall on Dec. 15th, 2019

But weeks after voting to impeach President Trump, Nancy Pelosi refuses to transmit the articles to the Senate. When asked about the timetable to address this ā€œurgent threat to the integrity of the next election,ā€ hereā€™s how Pelosi responded:

No comment from @SpeakerPelosi upon arrival to the Capitol when asked about timetable for transmitting impeachment articles to the Senate, per @jparkABC.

"Happy New Year!" she said to reporters.




Pelosi says we have no choice to drone 45. He is an imminent threat to our National Security, and Salami? Why, he was like Elvis Presley or Lady Di...

You can't make this shit up.

No thatā€™s not the topic. I started the thread, I know the topic. Stop trolling
Make America Bleed Again is the topic.
I warned you three times. Not your trolling gets reported
You are the one who is trolling your own thread refusing to DEFINE what an Imminent Threat is, in a thread that has Imminent Threat in it's title.

Report yourself Fool
The president holds only 1/3 the power of our full government, he is not King.... You do know that a president does not have the power of a king in our Democratic Constitutional Republic, right?

What democratic witch trials?

I've stayed away from my 24/7 watching the news since the assassination, because it brings back scary and bad memories of early childhood, when dad was deployed to a war zone for a year.... I feared day and night, I would never see him again....

The assassination and what it could all lead to, with all the news, beating war drums.... was just too much for me.... it triggered sad feelings from the past and worry for other military families, affected by what might happen to their family and loved one, that serves......

So, I've been staying off the NEWS as much as I can, and have been watching thoughtless things like Ancient Aliens and Return to Oak Island and The Price is Right! :D

So, what dem witch trials are you speaking about?

Our president Trump is no king indeed, he is the phenomenal God-Emperor of America.

Democratic witch trials:
- President Trump's shampeachment.
- Justice Kavanaugh's witchery accusations.

They really want a fact free society.

Good news for your trauma. Trump is almost certainly putting America first and bringing the troops home.
Since Obama left and Trump took over, Trump has added 20,000 troops to the middle east...

And drone attacks and civilian kills have gone up 400% since he took office....

He's telling you he's a man of peace, wants to bring troops home, blah blah blah, but does just the opposite..... :rolleyes:

In your last post you were complaining how he withdrew troops.

Now you are complaining how he as increased the presence.


Care, TDS is no joking matter. Remember to care also for yourself.

Whatever Trump does in regards to foreign policy, is always the exact thing he should NOT be doing. He should not have pulled the troops out of Northern Syria, abandoning the Kurds the USA was pledged to protect.

He should NOT be providing support or assistance to the Saudi's in their genocide in Yemen.

And he should NOT be ordering the assassinations of foreign government officials in foreign nations. He took the world to the brink of war over this and has utterly destroyed NATO and ALL of your strategic alliances in doing so.

Both in his withdrawal of forces in Syria, and in his assassination of Soleimani, Trump has exposed the troops of your NATO Allies to danger, without so much as a phone call to your allies as to what he was about to do.

Both Trudeau and Macron have taken Trump to task for putting French and Canadian troops at risk in his pull out from Northern Syria. The French and the Canadians have been working on the war against ISIS, and deserved better.

The US Troops apparently had advance notice of the incoming Iranian air strikes. The Canadian troops on that base, were not given the same information, and were left with their asses hanging out in the breeze. Then Trump says it's time for NATO to step up their game against Iran. Go fuck yourself.

Not once has Trump mentioned the 176 people who died because of all of his stupidity. They were little people. They don't matter. Just like the French and Canadian soldiers in Syria and Iraq, don't matter to Trump.

This is why Trump is completely on his own in this fight. We don't need friends like the USA. We're cheering for impeachment here. This lying scum needs to go.

Canadian leftist cat ladies SHOULD NOT be attempting to provide any American advice on how to do absolutely anything.

Especially one who is moronic enough to blame Trump for the fact that Iran butchered bunch of Canadians.

Total whackjob. You are a nobody with moronic opinions regarding things which don't concern you. Which part of that do you not understand?
I wonder if Truedouche after telling Canada Ayatollah Assahollah killed Canadians with Obama Bombs, if he later called Ayatollah Assahollah and apologized for Canadians being in the way of his murderous rage.

Sorry Ayatollah, Ay
Our People Ay, got in the way of your missile Ay.
Apologies Ay, for our Canadian People, Ay, getting Blood on your Airfield, Ay
Sorry for being such hosers Ay. We didn't mean to be an Imminent Threat, Ay
That's fine. I'm speaking to someone who never answers questions in you.

How come you keep doing things you chide others for?

Right, there is no point.

I was asked whether I was OK with others getting nuclear weapons. I said I was. I then was asked that 5 more times .

Again, what is the point?
And yesterday I asked you a lot of questions you never answered. Someone else noted you doing the same to them. Seems you are just forever misunderstood.

The person who's question I answered. They just didn't expect the answer I gave them.

When asked a vague question all you can get is a vague response also.
so when you don't like it when i answer your question with a is that any different?

I answered the question. All can have nukes if it forces us to mind our own business.
Dear nutbags,

Benghazi has been investigated. There was no evidence revealed that shows that the Obama administration lied about that attack.

What was revealed is that the Obama administration tried to relay as much info as possible as quickly as possible. And when they spoke of the video playing a role in the attack, that was the actual intelligence that they had at the time.

So, as you make excuses for the fact that Pompeo and Trump have lied to you about the reason they killed Soleimani, please try harder.

So they spoke out without validation first.

Validation takes time.

Trump takes time.

It's still not right.

Rinse and repeat.
There is a pretty big difference in these scenarios. Obama was explaining why they think the embassy was attacked. Trump was explaining why he made the decision to attack. See the difference?
yes - i do realize there is a difference. but in my mind, they flat out lied about the video. many involved directly in benghazi have posted for years how badly we reacted to that. whether you agree with them or not isn't the point - the point is we have a lot of people who were there who highly question what our gov did.

in this scenario, we're questioning why trump took so long to tell us why. this in my mind assumes we're owed an answer immediately. we seem to live in an instant gratification society whereby if we don't finish our wars by dinner, don't answer our question fully by the 9pm news, and the like, something bad is happening.

i think that is a shallow mindset not based in reality.

at least in this instance we don't have dead americans with their families asking us why we did nothing at all. we're busy now asking why we weren't told why we did what we did by the 9pm news.

to me this makes it a much smaller problem of finding out days later than finding out days later you were lied to.

see the difference?
But you do see in the reaction of events following the killing Soleimani there are 200 dead right? A couple dozen from the funeral and 176 in the plane that was shot down. Yes Iranā€™s fault. And also yes, a result of reacting to Trumps decision to kill Soleimani. The reaction was somewhat predictable... agreed?
and if they were going to blow up our base, and that was the reason for us to take action, what would we be bitching about then? that we did nothing when we had intel?

we seem to put our leadership into a position where they are responsible for doing things ONLY our way, yet we are far from consistent in how we judge the things they do.

military targets are taken out all the time. no one told iran to fire off missles near an airport. you're doing what you tend to do in giving one side a lot of latitude but not allowing the other side any at all. if irans reaction to our action was predictable, why can we not back up and say our reaction to their storming the embassy was predictable. and we can keep on going back and back and back and find out we're all to blame, i suppose. but that won't make anyone behave any differently. feel any less than how they do now. or did before.

so let me just focus on this point - if trump knew the attacks on the embassy were coming and he did nothing, would you be upset about that instead?

basically - from my POV - you're upset about whatever trump does and tend to funnel activity and responsibility of others to him. or just trump must be accountable for his actions, everyone else just reacting *TO* trump.

NOT an attack on you - but how i see and interpret your posting.

trump did something - look with a careful eye of scrutiny not applied to anyone else. this among all things is why i feel you are looking for reasons to look down on trump and give him no room you allow others.
Avoid topic...

donā€™t answer question...

TDS... snowflake... Libtard... but Obama...

Well, wasn't Our American President called an Imminent Threat?
Probably. All Presidents get called every name in the book. What does that have to do with what Iā€™m bringing up in this thread?
But Pelosi and Every Dem called The President an Imminent threat the "them" so this is why they impeached him.

Who is The Imminent Threat, Trump of Salami?
This thread isn't about what Dems said about Trump and itā€™s not about impeachment. Why canā€™t you just stay on topic?
The Topic is about What is and What IS NOT, and Imminent Threat.

Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

After Claims of an ā€˜Imminent Threatā€™ to Democracy, Democrats Opt to Play Political Games on Impeachment

As House Democrats relentlessly pushed their partisan impeachment at the fastest rate in American history, they were heavily scrutinized for the expedited timeline. In response, they argued President Trump posed an urgent threat to not only Democracy ā€“ but the next election.

Hereā€™s what they said about the necessity for a breakneck pace:

ā€œThey keep taking it to court and, no, weā€™re not going to wait till the courts decide. We canā€™t wait for that.ā€ ā€“ Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Nov. 11th, 2019

ā€œWe view this as urgent.ā€ ā€“ House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff on Nov. 24th, 2019

ā€œPresident Trumpā€™s actions represent a threat to our national security and an urgent threat to integrity of the next election.ā€ ā€“ House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler on Dec. 4th, 2019

ā€œAnd right now, Iā€™ve said this before, Iā€™ve never felt Democracy in our country was so endangered as it is under this President. So itā€™s critical.ā€ ā€“ Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick at a Tucson Town Hall on Nov. 7th, 2019

ā€œI swore an oath to place something above all of that, and the safety of this country, the integrity of our democracy, thatā€™s got to come first.ā€ ā€“ Rep. Tom Malinowski at a Wharton Town Hall on Nov. 23rd, 2019

ā€œWe are a system based on rule of law, that no man or woman is above or below those laws. Andā€¦ also, I thought recently of how fragile that system is.ā€ ā€“ Rep. Jason Crow at an Aurora Town Hall on Dec. 15th, 2019

But weeks after voting to impeach President Trump, Nancy Pelosi refuses to transmit the articles to the Senate. When asked about the timetable to address this ā€œurgent threat to the integrity of the next election,ā€ hereā€™s how Pelosi responded:

No comment from @SpeakerPelosi upon arrival to the Capitol when asked about timetable for transmitting impeachment articles to the Senate, per @jparkABC.

"Happy New Year!" she said to reporters.




Pelosi says we have no choice to drone 45. He is an imminent threat to our National Security, and Salami? Why, he was like Elvis Presley or Lady Di...

You can't make this shit up.

Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didnā€™t they say that right away?!

simple press release, ā€œTwo designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.ā€

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
This is the biggest lie going right here.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didnā€™t they say that right away?!

simple press release, ā€œTwo designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.ā€

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didnā€™t they say that right away?!

simple press release, ā€œTwo designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.ā€

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didnā€™t they say that right away?!

simple press release, ā€œTwo designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.ā€

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didnā€™t they say that right away?!

simple press release, ā€œTwo designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.ā€

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.
Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.

Permitted by who?
Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.

He was NOT a wanted terrorist. He was the head of the Iranian military. By your reconning, Gina Haspel is a "legitimate target" since she runs terrorist networks all over the world. P;ease note that George W. Bush has not left the United States since leaving the Presidency, because he's considered to be a "war criminal" in some parts of the world.

I shed no tears for the death of Soleimani, but I sat crying in front of the news reports of the 60 needless Canadian deaths that are "collateral damage" for Trump's wag the dog attack on the Iranians.

60 doctors, engineers, scientists, and leaders in their communities are lost to our nation and our people. Get this pathetic, weak and dangerous asshole out of the Oval Office before more people die as a result of his stupid and ill-informed, self-serving decisions.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.

Permitted by who?
The UN
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.

He was NOT a wanted terrorist. He was the head of the Iranian military. By your reconning, Gina Haspel is a "legitimate target" since she runs terrorist networks all over the world. P;ease note that George W. Bush has not left the United States since leaving the Presidency, because he's considered to be a "war criminal" in some parts of the world.

I shed no tears for the death of Soleimani, but I sat crying in front of the news reports of the 60 needless Canadian deaths that are "collateral damage" for Trump's wag the dog attack on the Iranians.

60 doctors, engineers, scientists, and leaders in their communities are lost to our nation and our people. Get this pathetic, weak and dangerous asshole out of the Oval Office before more people die as a result of his stupid and ill-informed, self-serving decisions.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia


Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the government of Iran has been training, financing, and providing weapons and safe havens for non-state militant actors, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups (Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)). These groups are designated terrorist groups by a number of countries and international bodies; however, Iran considers such groups to be "national liberation movements" with a right to self-defense in the face of Israeli military occupation.[1] The United States State Department has also accused Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias of terrorism against US troops, and Iran of cyberterrorism, primarily through its Quds Force.[2]

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

After the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran established the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to domestically promote the government's social policy. IRGC is accused of spreading its ideology in neighboring regions by training and funding "terrorist organizations". By 1986, IRGC had 350,000 members and had acquired a small naval and air force. By 1996, its ground forces numbered 100,000 and the naval forces numbered 20,000. They are believed to use the Quds Force to train Islamic militants.[3]

In 1995, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard held a conference with worldwide organizations accused of engaging in terrorism including the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Iraqi Da'wah Party, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and Hezbollah in Beirut for the sole purpose of providing training to these organizations supposedly to help in the destabilization of Gulf States and aid assistance to militants in these countries to replace the existing governments with Iran-like regimes.[4]

The United States State Department states that IRGC provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel. They also say that IRGC has given much support and training to terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance. They are also accused of aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq.[4]

United States designates IRGC as foreign terrorist organization
On April 15, 2019, the United States officially designated Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization.[5] This followed the earlier declaration by the U.S. President Donald Trump on April 8 that he would name Iran's elite IRGC a terrorist organization.[6]

Alleged activities in other countries

On 19 December 2018 Albania expelled Iran's ambassador to the country, Gholamhossein Mohammadnia, and another Iranian diplomat for "involvement in activities that harm the country's security", for "violating their diplomatic status and supporting terrorism."[7] The expelled Iranians were alleged to have plotted terrorist attacks in the country, including targeting MEK\PMOI event to silence dissidents.[8]

On 30 September 2015, Bahraini security forces discovered a large bomb-making factory in Nuwaidrat and arrested a number of suspects linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The next day, 1 October, Bahrain recalled its ambassador to Iran and asked the Iranian acting charge dā€™affaires to leave the kingdom within 72 hours after he was declared persona non-grata. Bahrain's decision to recall its ambassador came "in light of continued Iranian meddling in the affairs of the kingdom of Bahrain in order to create sectarian strife and to impose hegemony and control.[9][10]

On 6 January 2016, Bahrain said it had dismantled a terrorist cell allegedly linked to the Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah. The Bahraini interior ministry said the cell was planning to carry out a ā€œseries of dangerous bombingsā€ on the kingdom, and that many members were arrested including the group's leaders, 33-year-old twins Ali and Mohammed Fakhrawi.[11]

In July 2012, The Times of India reported that New Delhi police had concluded that terrorists belonging to a branch of Iran's military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were responsible for an attack on 13 February 2012, during which a bomb explosion targeted an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi, India, wounding one embassy staff member, a local employee, and two passers-by. According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may have planned other attacks on Israeli targets around the world as well.[12][13][14]

Iran does not recognize Israel as a state,[15] and provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.[16][17][18]

Iran supplies political support and weapons to Hamas,[19] an organization classified by Israel, the United States, Canada, the European Union, Egypt, Australia and Japan as a terrorist organization. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, has said "Hamas is funded by Iran. It claims it is financed by donations, but the donations are nothing like what it receives from Iran".[20] From 2000 to 2004, Hamas was responsible for killing nearly 400 Israelis and wounding more than 2,000 in 425 attacks, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2001 through May 2008, Hamas launched more than 3,000 Qassam rockets and 2,500 mortar attacks into Israel.[21]

President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy show respect to the victims of 1983 barracks bombing.
Main article: Hezbollah
During the 1980s and 1990s, a wave of kidnappings, bombings, and assassinations of Western targets, particularly American and Israeli, occurred in Lebanon and other countries. The attacks, attributed to Hezbollah, have included:

  • The 1982-1983 Tyre headquarters bombings
  • The blowing up of a van filled with explosives in front of the U.S. embassy in Beirut killing 58 Americans and Lebanese in 1983.
  • The 1983 Beirut barracks bombing of the U.S. Marine and French 'Drakkar' barracks which killed 241 American and 58 French peacekeepers. On May 30, 2003, a U.S. federal judge ruled that Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government.[22]
  • The 1983 Kuwait bombings in collaboration with the Iraqi Dawa Party.[23]
  • The 1984 United States embassy annex bombing, killing 24 people.[24]
  • The hijacking of TWA flight 847 holding the 39 Americans on board hostage for weeks in 1985 and murder of one U.S. Navy sailor
  • The Lebanon hostage crisis from 1982 to 1992.[25]
  • According to Middle East analyst James Philips, an August 1989 bombing in London was a failed Hezbollah assassination attempt on Indian-born British author Salman Rushdie, after the Iranian government put a $2.5 million bounty on his head over the novel The Satanic Verses.[26][27] Iranian officials have repeatedly called for Rushdie's death as recently as 2005.[28]
  • The bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina killing twenty-nine people in 1992. Hezbollah operatives boasted of involvement.[29]
  • The bombing of a Jewish community center in Argentina killing 85 people in 1994. Hezbollah claimed responsibility.[30] Argentine justice accused Iran of being behind the attacks because of Buenos Aires' decision to suspend a nuclear material delivery and technology transfer.[31]
  • The 1994 AC Flight 901 attack, killing 21 people, in Panama. Hezbollah claimed responsibility.[32]
  • The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing, killing 19 US servicemen. On December 22, 2006, federal judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that Iran was responsible for the attack, stating "The totality of the evidence at trial...firmly establishes that the Khobar Towers bombing was planned, funded, and sponsored by senior leadership in the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The defendants' conduct in facilitating, financing, and providing material support to bring about this attack was intentional, extreme, and outrageous."[33]
  • The 2012 Burgas bus bombing, killing 6, in Bulgaria.[34] Hezbollah is believed to have carried out that attack on its own accord, without any Iranian involvement or foreknowledge.[35]
Islamic Jihad is widely believed to be a nom de guerre of the Lebanese Islamist political movement and social service agency Hezbollah, which was founded in 1982 with many millions of dollars of aid and considerable training and logistical support from the Islamic Republic. Many believe the group promotes the Iranian agenda and that its goal is to overthrow the moderate governments in the area and create Islamic Republics based on that of Iran as well as the destruction of Israel.[36] Iran has supplied the militant organization Hezbollah with substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons (including long range rockets), explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid while persuading Hezbolla to take an action against Israel.[37][38][39] Hezbollah's 1985 manifesto listed its four main goals as "Israel's final departure from Lebanon as a prelude to its final obliteration"[40] According to reports released in February 2010, Hezbollah received $400 million from Iran.[38]

Its methods include assassinations, kidnappings, suicide bombings, and guerrilla warfare. It is believed to be one of the Islamic resistance groups that made suicide bombings common use. Other attacks credited to Hezbollah include:

  • Firing of hundreds of rockets into northern Israel on a daily basis and capture of Israeli soldiers in 2006.[41]
  • According to a senior U.S. intelligence officer, the 2005 assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri was carried out by Hezbollah at the direction of Iranian agents.[35]
Shi'ite Militias in Iraq
Iranian proxies killed an estimated 1,100 US troops in Iraq.[42] In addition, insurgents supported by Iran reportedly committed acts of terrorism.[35][43][44] The United States State Department states that weapons are smuggled into Iraq and used to arm Iran's allies among the Shiite militias, including those of the anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi army.[45]

During his address to the United States Congress on September 11, 2007, Commanding Officer for the United States forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus noted that the multinational forces in Iraq found that Iran's Quds force had provided training, equipment, funding, and direction to Shi'ite militia groups. ā€œWhen we captured the leaders of these so-called special groups ā€¦ and the deputy commander of a Lebanese Hezbollah department that was created to support their efforts in Iraq, weā€™ve learned a great deal about how Iran has, in fact, supported these elements and how those elements have carried out violent acts against our forces, Iraqi forces and innocent civilians.ā€[43]

In 2015, Michael Weiss and Michael Pregent accused the Popular Mobilization Units, an organization of 40 mainly-Shi'ite militias backed by Iran, of committing extensive atrocities against Sunni civilians in the course of their war against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, including "burning people alive in their houses, playing soccer with severed human heads, and ethnically cleansing and razing whole villages to the ground." Weiss and Pregent even suggested that "Iran's Shi'ite militias aren't a whole lot better than the Islamic State."[46]

Aggrey Adoli, police chief in Kenya's coastal region, said on 22 June 2012 that two Iranians, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi, believed to be members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force,[47] were arrested and suspected of being involved in terrorism. One of the Iranians led counter-terrorism officers to recover 15 kilograms of a powdery substance believed to be explosive.[48] The two Iranians allegedly admitted to plotting to attack United States, Israeli, Saudi, or British targets in Kenya.[47] In court, Police Sgt. Erick Opagal, an investigator with Kenya's Anti-Terrorism Police Unit, said that the two Iranians had shipped over 100 kilograms of powerful explosives into Kenya.[49]

It was later revealed that the targets included Gil Haskel, Israel's ambassador to Kenya. During a visit to Kenya in August, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon praised Kenya for its efforts in stopping Iranian terror threats against Israeli and Jewish targets. Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya all expressed concern with Ayalon regarding Iran's attempts to increase terror activity in Africa.[50]

Main article: AMIA bombing
On 18 July 1994, there was an attack on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which killed 85 people and injured hundreds. It was Argentina's deadliest bombing ever. Argentina accused Tehran in 2006 of being behind the attacks, and indicted several senior Iranian officials, including Hashemi Rafsanjani and Ahmad Vahidi, as well as Hezbollah's Imad Mughniyah.

Main article: 2012 Bangkok bombings
On 14 February 2012, a series of explosions occurred in Bangkok, Thailand. Thai authorities said that the bombings were a botched attempt by Iranian nationals to assassinate Israeli diplomats. Several Iranians were arrested and charged for the attacks, one of whom was badly injured.

In October 2018, France froze Iranian financial assets in response to an alleged bomb plot to be carried out against an opposition group at a rally in Paris. The plot was said to be against the National Council of Resistance of Iran, which styles itself as Iran's government-in-exile.[51] Assadollah Assadi, an Iranian diplomat in the Vienna embassy, was arrested in Germany in connection with the alleged plot to blow up a meeting of Iranian dissidents in Paris in June.[52]

In October 2018, Denmark said the Iranian government intelligence service had tried to carry out a plot to assassinate an Iranian Arab opposition figure on its soil.[53] The planned assassination was of an exiled leader of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz (ASMLA). Sweden extradited a Norwegian national of Iranian background to Denmark in connection with the foiled plot against the ASMLA leader.[52]

Alleged Al-Qaeda ties
Al-Qaeda leaders regard Shia Muslims as heretics and have attacked their mosques and gatherings.[54] In Iraq it considers Shi'i civilians to be legitimate targets for acts of violence.[55] The group has been designated as a terrorist organization by Iran and many other countries, and Iran has a hostile relationship with the group.[56] However, allegedly Al-Qaeda and Iran formed an alliance during the 1990s in which Hezbollah trained al Qaeda operatives.[57] Iran detained hundreds of al Qaeda operatives that entered the country following the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan; even though "the Iranian government has held most of them under house arrest, limited their freedom of movement, and closely monitored their activities," U.S. officials have expressed concerns that Iran has not fully accounted for their whereabouts, culminating in accusations of Iranian complicity in the 2003 Riyadh compound bombings.[56][58]

1998 United States embassy bombings
On November 8, 2011, Judge John D. Bates ruled in federal court that Iran was liable for the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. In his 45-page decision, Judge Bates wrote that "Prior to their meetings with Iranian officials and agents Bin Laden and al Qaeda did not possess the technical expertise required to carry out the embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam."[59]

USS Cole bombing
In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iran and Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iran was directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal judges had ruled that Sudan was liable for its role in the attack, but Contreras's "ruling is the first to find Iran partly responsible for the incident."[60]

September 11
Main article: Responsibility for the September 11 attacks
The U.S. indictment of bin Laden filed in 1998 stated that al-Qaeda "forged alliances ... with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezbollah for the purpose of working together against their perceived common enemies."[57] On May 31, 2001, Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "Officials of the Iranian government helped arrange advanced weapons and explosives training for Al-Qaeda personnel in Lebanon where they learned, for example, how to destroy large buildings."[61]

The 9/11 Commission Report stated that 8 to 10 of the hijackers on 9/11 previously passed through Iran and their travel was facilitated by Iranian border guards.[57][62] The report also found "circumstantial evidence that senior Hezbollah operatives were closely tracking the travel of some of these future muscle hijackers into Iran in November 2000."[62] After the commission called for "further investigation" into a possible Iranian role in the attacks, President George W. Bush demanded that Iran sever its ties with al-Qaeda, while saying that in his view, "There was no direct connection between Iran and the attacks of September 11."[63]

Two defectors from Iran's intelligence service testified that Iranian officials had "foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks."[64] By contrast, the 9/11 Commission "found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning for what later became the 9/11 attack. At the time of their travel through Iran, the al Qaeda operatives themselves were probably not aware of the specific details of their future operation." In addition, both bin al-Shibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed denied "any relationship between the hijackers and Hezbollah" and "any other reason for the hijackers' travel to Iran" besides "taking advantage of the Iranian practice of not stamping Saudi passports."[62]

Riyadh compound bombings
According to Seth G. Jones and Peter Bergen, the 2003 Riyadh compound bombings were planned by al Qaeda operatives in Iran, with apparent Iranian complicity.[58][65] In May 2003, then-State Department official Ryan Crocker provided information on the upcoming attack to Iranian officials, who apparently took no action.[35]
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.

He was NOT a wanted terrorist. He was the head of the Iranian military. By your reconning, Gina Haspel is a "legitimate target" since she runs terrorist networks all over the world. P;ease note that George W. Bush has not left the United States since leaving the Presidency, because he's considered to be a "war criminal" in some parts of the world.

I shed no tears for the death of Soleimani, but I sat crying in front of the news reports of the 60 needless Canadian deaths that are "collateral damage" for Trump's wag the dog attack on the Iranians.

60 doctors, engineers, scientists, and leaders in their communities are lost to our nation and our people. Get this pathetic, weak and dangerous asshole out of the Oval Office before more people die as a result of his stupid and ill-informed, self-serving decisions.
They are NOT collateral damage. By your reasoning, if the US defended itself against anyone, then the deaths that follow are attributed to the US.

Moral equivalence is a very poor response and lacks any clear reasoning.

There is absolutely nothing in this clown's history that would lead anyone of any real intellect to conclude that he was doing something other than furthering terror.
The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.

He was NOT a wanted terrorist. He was the head of the Iranian military. By your reconning, Gina Haspel is a "legitimate target" since she runs terrorist networks all over the world. P;ease note that George W. Bush has not left the United States since leaving the Presidency, because he's considered to be a "war criminal" in some parts of the world.

I shed no tears for the death of Soleimani, but I sat crying in front of the news reports of the 60 needless Canadian deaths that are "collateral damage" for Trump's wag the dog attack on the Iranians.

60 doctors, engineers, scientists, and leaders in their communities are lost to our nation and our people. Get this pathetic, weak and dangerous asshole out of the Oval Office before more people die as a result of his stupid and ill-informed, self-serving decisions.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia


Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the government of Iran has been training, financing, and providing weapons and safe havens for non-state militant actors, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups (Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)). These groups are designated terrorist groups by a number of countries and international bodies; however, Iran considers such groups to be "national liberation movements" with a right to self-defense in the face of Israeli military occupation.[1] The United States State Department has also accused Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias of terrorism against US troops, and Iran of cyberterrorism, primarily through its Quds Force.[2]

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

After the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran established the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to domestically promote the government's social policy. IRGC is accused of spreading its ideology in neighboring regions by training and funding "terrorist organizations". By 1986, IRGC had 350,000 members and had acquired a small naval and air force. By 1996, its ground forces numbered 100,000 and the naval forces numbered 20,000. They are believed to use the Quds Force to train Islamic militants.[3]

In 1995, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard held a conference with worldwide organizations accused of engaging in terrorism including the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Iraqi Da'wah Party, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and Hezbollah in Beirut for the sole purpose of providing training to these organizations supposedly to help in the destabilization of Gulf States and aid assistance to militants in these countries to replace the existing governments with Iran-like regimes.[4]

The United States State Department states that IRGC provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel. They also say that IRGC has given much support and training to terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance. They are also accused of aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq.[4]

United States designates IRGC as foreign terrorist organization
On April 15, 2019, the United States officially designated Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization.[5] This followed the earlier declaration by the U.S. President Donald Trump on April 8 that he would name Iran's elite IRGC a terrorist organization.[6]

Alleged activities in other countries

On 19 December 2018 Albania expelled Iran's ambassador to the country, Gholamhossein Mohammadnia, and another Iranian diplomat for "involvement in activities that harm the country's security", for "violating their diplomatic status and supporting terrorism."[7] The expelled Iranians were alleged to have plotted terrorist attacks in the country, including targeting MEK\PMOI event to silence dissidents.[8]

On 30 September 2015, Bahraini security forces discovered a large bomb-making factory in Nuwaidrat and arrested a number of suspects linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The next day, 1 October, Bahrain recalled its ambassador to Iran and asked the Iranian acting charge dā€™affaires to leave the kingdom within 72 hours after he was declared persona non-grata. Bahrain's decision to recall its ambassador came "in light of continued Iranian meddling in the affairs of the kingdom of Bahrain in order to create sectarian strife and to impose hegemony and control.[9][10]

On 6 January 2016, Bahrain said it had dismantled a terrorist cell allegedly linked to the Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah. The Bahraini interior ministry said the cell was planning to carry out a ā€œseries of dangerous bombingsā€ on the kingdom, and that many members were arrested including the group's leaders, 33-year-old twins Ali and Mohammed Fakhrawi.[11]

In July 2012, The Times of India reported that New Delhi police had concluded that terrorists belonging to a branch of Iran's military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were responsible for an attack on 13 February 2012, during which a bomb explosion targeted an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi, India, wounding one embassy staff member, a local employee, and two passers-by. According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may have planned other attacks on Israeli targets around the world as well.[12][13][14]

Iran does not recognize Israel as a state,[15] and provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.[16][17][18]

Iran supplies political support and weapons to Hamas,[19] an organization classified by Israel, the United States, Canada, the European Union, Egypt, Australia and Japan as a terrorist organization. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, has said "Hamas is funded by Iran. It claims it is financed by donations, but the donations are nothing like what it receives from Iran".[20] From 2000 to 2004, Hamas was responsible for killing nearly 400 Israelis and wounding more than 2,000 in 425 attacks, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2001 through May 2008, Hamas launched more than 3,000 Qassam rockets and 2,500 mortar attacks into Israel.[21]

President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy show respect to the victims of 1983 barracks bombing.
Main article: Hezbollah
During the 1980s and 1990s, a wave of kidnappings, bombings, and assassinations of Western targets, particularly American and Israeli, occurred in Lebanon and other countries. The attacks, attributed to Hezbollah, have included:

  • The 1982-1983 Tyre headquarters bombings
  • The blowing up of a van filled with explosives in front of the U.S. embassy in Beirut killing 58 Americans and Lebanese in 1983.
  • The 1983 Beirut barracks bombing of the U.S. Marine and French 'Drakkar' barracks which killed 241 American and 58 French peacekeepers. On May 30, 2003, a U.S. federal judge ruled that Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government.[22]
  • The 1983 Kuwait bombings in collaboration with the Iraqi Dawa Party.[23]
  • The 1984 United States embassy annex bombing, killing 24 people.[24]
  • The hijacking of TWA flight 847 holding the 39 Americans on board hostage for weeks in 1985 and murder of one U.S. Navy sailor
  • The Lebanon hostage crisis from 1982 to 1992.[25]
  • According to Middle East analyst James Philips, an August 1989 bombing in London was a failed Hezbollah assassination attempt on Indian-born British author Salman Rushdie, after the Iranian government put a $2.5 million bounty on his head over the novel The Satanic Verses.[26][27] Iranian officials have repeatedly called for Rushdie's death as recently as 2005.[28]
  • The bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina killing twenty-nine people in 1992. Hezbollah operatives boasted of involvement.[29]
  • The bombing of a Jewish community center in Argentina killing 85 people in 1994. Hezbollah claimed responsibility.[30] Argentine justice accused Iran of being behind the attacks because of Buenos Aires' decision to suspend a nuclear material delivery and technology transfer.[31]
  • The 1994 AC Flight 901 attack, killing 21 people, in Panama. Hezbollah claimed responsibility.[32]
  • The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing, killing 19 US servicemen. On December 22, 2006, federal judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that Iran was responsible for the attack, stating "The totality of the evidence at trial...firmly establishes that the Khobar Towers bombing was planned, funded, and sponsored by senior leadership in the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The defendants' conduct in facilitating, financing, and providing material support to bring about this attack was intentional, extreme, and outrageous."[33]
  • The 2012 Burgas bus bombing, killing 6, in Bulgaria.[34] Hezbollah is believed to have carried out that attack on its own accord, without any Iranian involvement or foreknowledge.[35]
Islamic Jihad is widely believed to be a nom de guerre of the Lebanese Islamist political movement and social service agency Hezbollah, which was founded in 1982 with many millions of dollars of aid and considerable training and logistical support from the Islamic Republic. Many believe the group promotes the Iranian agenda and that its goal is to overthrow the moderate governments in the area and create Islamic Republics based on that of Iran as well as the destruction of Israel.[36] Iran has supplied the militant organization Hezbollah with substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons (including long range rockets), explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid while persuading Hezbolla to take an action against Israel.[37][38][39] Hezbollah's 1985 manifesto listed its four main goals as "Israel's final departure from Lebanon as a prelude to its final obliteration"[40] According to reports released in February 2010, Hezbollah received $400 million from Iran.[38]

Its methods include assassinations, kidnappings, suicide bombings, and guerrilla warfare. It is believed to be one of the Islamic resistance groups that made suicide bombings common use. Other attacks credited to Hezbollah include:

  • Firing of hundreds of rockets into northern Israel on a daily basis and capture of Israeli soldiers in 2006.[41]
  • According to a senior U.S. intelligence officer, the 2005 assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri was carried out by Hezbollah at the direction of Iranian agents.[35]
Shi'ite Militias in Iraq
Iranian proxies killed an estimated 1,100 US troops in Iraq.[42] In addition, insurgents supported by Iran reportedly committed acts of terrorism.[35][43][44] The United States State Department states that weapons are smuggled into Iraq and used to arm Iran's allies among the Shiite militias, including those of the anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi army.[45]

During his address to the United States Congress on September 11, 2007, Commanding Officer for the United States forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus noted that the multinational forces in Iraq found that Iran's Quds force had provided training, equipment, funding, and direction to Shi'ite militia groups. ā€œWhen we captured the leaders of these so-called special groups ā€¦ and the deputy commander of a Lebanese Hezbollah department that was created to support their efforts in Iraq, weā€™ve learned a great deal about how Iran has, in fact, supported these elements and how those elements have carried out violent acts against our forces, Iraqi forces and innocent civilians.ā€[43]

In 2015, Michael Weiss and Michael Pregent accused the Popular Mobilization Units, an organization of 40 mainly-Shi'ite militias backed by Iran, of committing extensive atrocities against Sunni civilians in the course of their war against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, including "burning people alive in their houses, playing soccer with severed human heads, and ethnically cleansing and razing whole villages to the ground." Weiss and Pregent even suggested that "Iran's Shi'ite militias aren't a whole lot better than the Islamic State."[46]

Aggrey Adoli, police chief in Kenya's coastal region, said on 22 June 2012 that two Iranians, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi, believed to be members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force,[47] were arrested and suspected of being involved in terrorism. One of the Iranians led counter-terrorism officers to recover 15 kilograms of a powdery substance believed to be explosive.[48] The two Iranians allegedly admitted to plotting to attack United States, Israeli, Saudi, or British targets in Kenya.[47] In court, Police Sgt. Erick Opagal, an investigator with Kenya's Anti-Terrorism Police Unit, said that the two Iranians had shipped over 100 kilograms of powerful explosives into Kenya.[49]

It was later revealed that the targets included Gil Haskel, Israel's ambassador to Kenya. During a visit to Kenya in August, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon praised Kenya for its efforts in stopping Iranian terror threats against Israeli and Jewish targets. Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya all expressed concern with Ayalon regarding Iran's attempts to increase terror activity in Africa.[50]

Main article: AMIA bombing
On 18 July 1994, there was an attack on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which killed 85 people and injured hundreds. It was Argentina's deadliest bombing ever. Argentina accused Tehran in 2006 of being behind the attacks, and indicted several senior Iranian officials, including Hashemi Rafsanjani and Ahmad Vahidi, as well as Hezbollah's Imad Mughniyah.

Main article: 2012 Bangkok bombings
On 14 February 2012, a series of explosions occurred in Bangkok, Thailand. Thai authorities said that the bombings were a botched attempt by Iranian nationals to assassinate Israeli diplomats. Several Iranians were arrested and charged for the attacks, one of whom was badly injured.

In October 2018, France froze Iranian financial assets in response to an alleged bomb plot to be carried out against an opposition group at a rally in Paris. The plot was said to be against the National Council of Resistance of Iran, which styles itself as Iran's government-in-exile.[51] Assadollah Assadi, an Iranian diplomat in the Vienna embassy, was arrested in Germany in connection with the alleged plot to blow up a meeting of Iranian dissidents in Paris in June.[52]

In October 2018, Denmark said the Iranian government intelligence service had tried to carry out a plot to assassinate an Iranian Arab opposition figure on its soil.[53] The planned assassination was of an exiled leader of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz (ASMLA). Sweden extradited a Norwegian national of Iranian background to Denmark in connection with the foiled plot against the ASMLA leader.[52]

Alleged Al-Qaeda ties
Al-Qaeda leaders regard Shia Muslims as heretics and have attacked their mosques and gatherings.[54] In Iraq it considers Shi'i civilians to be legitimate targets for acts of violence.[55] The group has been designated as a terrorist organization by Iran and many other countries, and Iran has a hostile relationship with the group.[56] However, allegedly Al-Qaeda and Iran formed an alliance during the 1990s in which Hezbollah trained al Qaeda operatives.[57] Iran detained hundreds of al Qaeda operatives that entered the country following the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan; even though "the Iranian government has held most of them under house arrest, limited their freedom of movement, and closely monitored their activities," U.S. officials have expressed concerns that Iran has not fully accounted for their whereabouts, culminating in accusations of Iranian complicity in the 2003 Riyadh compound bombings.[56][58]

1998 United States embassy bombings
On November 8, 2011, Judge John D. Bates ruled in federal court that Iran was liable for the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. In his 45-page decision, Judge Bates wrote that "Prior to their meetings with Iranian officials and agents Bin Laden and al Qaeda did not possess the technical expertise required to carry out the embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam."[59]

USS Cole bombing
In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iran and Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iran was directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal judges had ruled that Sudan was liable for its role in the attack, but Contreras's "ruling is the first to find Iran partly responsible for the incident."[60]

September 11
Main article: Responsibility for the September 11 attacks
The U.S. indictment of bin Laden filed in 1998 stated that al-Qaeda "forged alliances ... with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezbollah for the purpose of working together against their perceived common enemies."[57] On May 31, 2001, Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "Officials of the Iranian government helped arrange advanced weapons and explosives training for Al-Qaeda personnel in Lebanon where they learned, for example, how to destroy large buildings."[61]

The 9/11 Commission Report stated that 8 to 10 of the hijackers on 9/11 previously passed through Iran and their travel was facilitated by Iranian border guards.[57][62] The report also found "circumstantial evidence that senior Hezbollah operatives were closely tracking the travel of some of these future muscle hijackers into Iran in November 2000."[62] After the commission called for "further investigation" into a possible Iranian role in the attacks, President George W. Bush demanded that Iran sever its ties with al-Qaeda, while saying that in his view, "There was no direct connection between Iran and the attacks of September 11."[63]

Two defectors from Iran's intelligence service testified that Iranian officials had "foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks."[64] By contrast, the 9/11 Commission "found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning for what later became the 9/11 attack. At the time of their travel through Iran, the al Qaeda operatives themselves were probably not aware of the specific details of their future operation." In addition, both bin al-Shibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed denied "any relationship between the hijackers and Hezbollah" and "any other reason for the hijackers' travel to Iran" besides "taking advantage of the Iranian practice of not stamping Saudi passports."[62]

Riyadh compound bombings
According to Seth G. Jones and Peter Bergen, the 2003 Riyadh compound bombings were planned by al Qaeda operatives in Iran, with apparent Iranian complicity.[58][65] In May 2003, then-State Department official Ryan Crocker provided information on the upcoming attack to Iranian officials, who apparently took no action.[35]
You're wasting your time. They won't read it or acknowledge it.

To them, America is the evil-doer in the world.
This is the biggest lie going right here.

The government lies so much there is absolutely no way of knowing what is a lie and what isn't.
Yes, it reminds me of a DNC committee meeting.

I would ask, but I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer or an honest opinion.

Just consider this with regard to the notion that this Iranian General was just going to a peace parlay.

In his entire adult life, he has taken no action that did not further terror against the world in general, and Isreal specifically.

He has always been a purveyor of terror.

I have NO clue where he was going. He has done nothing that other countries have no also done......including the U.S.
He has been a wanted terrorist for over 20 years. He was a legitimate target. He was not even permitted to be outside of Iran.

I shed no tear for his ending. The US was in the right to do this.

He was NOT a wanted terrorist. He was the head of the Iranian military. By your reconning, Gina Haspel is a "legitimate target" since she runs terrorist networks all over the world. P;ease note that George W. Bush has not left the United States since leaving the Presidency, because he's considered to be a "war criminal" in some parts of the world.

I shed no tears for the death of Soleimani, but I sat crying in front of the news reports of the 60 needless Canadian deaths that are "collateral damage" for Trump's wag the dog attack on the Iranians.

60 doctors, engineers, scientists, and leaders in their communities are lost to our nation and our people. Get this pathetic, weak and dangerous asshole out of the Oval Office before more people die as a result of his stupid and ill-informed, self-serving decisions.

there was a lot more than 60 people on that plane, and ignoring the rest while crying like a bitch about just 60 of them shows your bias and confirms your hatred for those different from you,,,

and what about the thousands that salami has already killed and planned to kill??
as I figured silence,,,

your TDS tantrum is noted and mocked for what it is,,,

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