Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat


You are a FemiNazi. Your agenda is almost identical to Hitler's.....

1. state sponsored DNA discrimination
2. gun control/confiscation
3. state sponsored abortions
4. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public
6. state censorship of ideas/views you disagree with
Wow, now you’re focusing on capitalization? And I didn’t think your diversion tactics could get any more pathetic. Lmk if you ever want to get real and discuss the actual substance. I dont think youre ready though

So...You did not realize that Trump was a proper name? OR can you not bring yourself to even give him a modicum of respect by capitalizing his name? Are you familiar with American/English grammar? It's insulting to not capitalize a proper name of another human being.

I'm not sure that someone like Trump who so regularly call people names deserves any level of respect.

Oh? Do you hold the same standards for the little Goebbels in the party press and the unfunny hosts of the hate night shows?

Poor little snowflake. When people tell you the truth about your orange faced clown, do you cover your ears and cry "Lies!!!". You had no problem with Rush Limbaugh calling women who wanted their birth control covered by their health insurance (like the women in all of the other first world countries have) "sluts" or "feminazis". I'll bet you thought that was really funny. I'll bet your think it's funny to call Barrack Obama "Ears".

Sauce for the goose, Baby. Your disrespect for Democrats in the Oval Office, knows no bounds. But the moment you fools elect a lying, cheating, criminal who the rest of the world routinely laughs at, and you refuse to even listen to the truth about him, much less acknowledge it.

We always knew Trump would be a one term President, but we always hoped that he'd be impeached or voted out of office before people started dying. Well too late. The Urkainians, the Kurds, the passengers on the Ukranian Airlines flight that was shot down. The 35,000 Americans who die because of lack of access to health care. The body count is rising and Trump spends all of his time "investigating the investigators" who dared look into his election, his theft of public funds, or his abuses of power. His "enemies" are anyone who dares questions the decisions which daily add to the Trump body count.

The thousands of Americans gunned down every year while Trump panders to the NRA. and and his denial of funding and resources to help law enforcement deter right wing terrorists. Thousands more dying as Trump rolls back clean air and water regulations as even Trump's own appointees are sounding the alarm on his policies. Trump's EPA are even prepared to roll back regulations banning the use of same pollutants blamed for cancer deaths in the movie "Erin Brokovich".

Trump has no problem poisoning his own people, as long as it's profitable.

I'm not sure terrorist supporters like you ever tell the truth about anything. You say whatever will further the Marxist agenda.

Regardless, if you run around referring to the president as an "orange faced clown" then you lose any high ground to whine that "Americans are mean and call us Stalinists." So when one of you Stalinist loons wails that the President calls you scum names, we can only laugh at your traitor asses.

Oh and the lying little Schitt DOES have a pencil neck.

No matter, the fraud of an impeachment that was designed to corrupt our election has failed, You know as well as I that Trump will be reelected in a landslide.

Hopefully a lot of democrats are so distressed by it that they commit mass suicide.
No need, we just took our their commander. The rest are already targeted and they know so. That's why the feckless rocket attack and that's why the stupid Iran Muzzies shot down that plane by accident. They lost control of their own airways.
oh, ok, so you think it’s all over now? Those 4K troops being deployed are just taking a vacation?

No. I think they are in the hot dang desert, receiving / maintaining equipment, living in shitty quarter or tents, preparing for a major operation that is now not likely to happen this year, and wishing they were back in the land of the big PX. They are doing 12 plus hour days just in case I'm wrong. But would not be surprised at troop draw downs in coming months. They are doing their job, just like they always have done their jobs and always will do their job. I'm a twenty plus year man. I saw my own son off on a plane like they left on, just a few years ago. I know the score.
good I’m glad you understand the importance then. Our difference is that you trust Trump and I don’t.

i don't trust him. I don't trust any president and never have even when I was serving, I only acted in reliance. This whole little incidental series of events is not worth a crusade, denouncing. He often sucks, but over this incident, the sky isn't falling. You are a true ani-trump guy. I get that, but you are doing your side no favors on this thread, especially after, Iran shot down that airliner, and admitted it. You only make people on the left appear panicky, themselves, losing understanding of the real situation on the ground in the night.
im actually not a true anti trump guy and I’m not even denouncing the killing of Soleimani yet, I’m just asking questions and pointing out shadiness when I see it.

It gets soooooo old hearing the “TDS” and “you hate trump” replies when I’m being critical. Who gives a shit what I feel?!

That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.
That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.

Questioning Trump doesn't make one a Communist.

But single payer healthcare via VA Care for all does.
Guaranteed income does.
Taxpayer funded college does.
Revocation of civil rights in favor of a totalitarian state does.

the democrats are a Stalinist party. They hate Trump because he impedes their efforts to turn America into the old USSR.
That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.

Questioning Trump doesn't make one a Communist.

But single payer healthcare via VA Care for all does.
Guaranteed income does.
Taxpayer funded college does.
Revocation of civil rights in favor of a totalitarian state does.

the democrats are a Stalinist party. They hate Trump because he impedes their efforts to turn America into the old USSR.
Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)
That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.

Questioning Trump doesn't make one a Communist.

But single payer healthcare via VA Care for all does.
Guaranteed income does.
Taxpayer funded college does.
Revocation of civil rights in favor of a totalitarian state does.

the democrats are a Stalinist party. They hate Trump because he impedes their efforts to turn America into the old USSR.
Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)

the sausage you had for breakfast was not inspected by the government
That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.

Questioning Trump doesn't make one a Communist.

But single payer healthcare via VA Care for all does.
Guaranteed income does.
Taxpayer funded college does.
Revocation of civil rights in favor of a totalitarian state does.

the democrats are a Stalinist party. They hate Trump because he impedes their efforts to turn America into the old USSR.
Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)

the sausage you had for breakfast was not inspected by the government
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.
Trump didn't need a fresh plot to take Soleimani out. All he really needed was to site Soleimani's past atrocities against the US. There is no statute of limitations on terrorism and the penalty is death. Thank God Trump is President because it's hard to imagine any Democrat being able to handle the Presidency right now. KAG
That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.

Questioning Trump doesn't make one a Communist.

But single payer healthcare via VA Care for all does.
Guaranteed income does.
Taxpayer funded college does.
Revocation of civil rights in favor of a totalitarian state does.

the democrats are a Stalinist party. They hate Trump because he impedes their efforts to turn America into the old USSR.
Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)

the sausage you had for breakfast was not inspected by the government
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

they inspect the facility not the food,,,and all of it has nothing to do with socialism,,
That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.

Questioning Trump doesn't make one a Communist.

But single payer healthcare via VA Care for all does.
Guaranteed income does.
Taxpayer funded college does.
Revocation of civil rights in favor of a totalitarian state does.

the democrats are a Stalinist party. They hate Trump because he impedes their efforts to turn America into the old USSR.
Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)

the sausage you had for breakfast was not inspected by the government
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

they inspect the facility not the food,,,and all of it has nothing to do with socialism,,

Glad you realize it. Some later day right wing do not. Food/food processing inspection is another area, the president has suggested relaxing controls and standards.
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Questioning Trump doesn't make one a Communist.

But single payer healthcare via VA Care for all does.
Guaranteed income does.
Taxpayer funded college does.
Revocation of civil rights in favor of a totalitarian state does.

the democrats are a Stalinist party. They hate Trump because he impedes their efforts to turn America into the old USSR.
Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)

the sausage you had for breakfast was not inspected by the government
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

they inspect the facility not the food,,,and all of it has nothing to do with socialism,,

Glad you realize it. Some later day right wing do not. Food/food processing inspection is another area, the president has suggested relaxing controls and standards.

the inspections I dont have a problem with,,,its when they tell us what we can and cant eat, like raw milk and food from a non USDA facility,,,
Wow, now you’re focusing on capitalization? And I didn’t think your diversion tactics could get any more pathetic. Lmk if you ever want to get real and discuss the actual substance. I dont think youre ready though

So...You did not realize that Trump was a proper name? OR can you not bring yourself to even give him a modicum of respect by capitalizing his name? Are you familiar with American/English grammar? It's insulting to not capitalize a proper name of another human being.

I'm not sure that someone like Trump who so regularly call people names deserves any level of respect.

Oh? Do you hold the same standards for the little Goebbels in the party press and the unfunny hosts of the hate night shows?

Poor little snowflake. When people tell you the truth about your orange faced clown, do you cover your ears and cry "Lies!!!". You had no problem with Rush Limbaugh calling women who wanted their birth control covered by their health insurance (like the women in all of the other first world countries have) "sluts" or "feminazis". I'll bet you thought that was really funny. I'll bet your think it's funny to call Barrack Obama "Ears".

Sauce for the goose, Baby. Your disrespect for Democrats in the Oval Office, knows no bounds. But the moment you fools elect a lying, cheating, criminal who the rest of the world routinely laughs at, and you refuse to even listen to the truth about him, much less acknowledge it.

We always knew Trump would be a one term President, but we always hoped that he'd be impeached or voted out of office before people started dying. Well too late. The Urkainians, the Kurds, the passengers on the Ukranian Airlines flight that was shot down. The 35,000 Americans who die because of lack of access to health care. The body count is rising and Trump spends all of his time "investigating the investigators" who dared look into his election, his theft of public funds, or his abuses of power. His "enemies" are anyone who dares questions the decisions which daily add to the Trump body count.

The thousands of Americans gunned down every year while Trump panders to the NRA. and and his denial of funding and resources to help law enforcement deter right wing terrorists. Thousands more dying as Trump rolls back clean air and water regulations as even Trump's own appointees are sounding the alarm on his policies. Trump's EPA are even prepared to roll back regulations banning the use of same pollutants blamed for cancer deaths in the movie "Erin Brokovich".

Trump has no problem poisoning his own people, as long as it's profitable.

I'm not sure terrorist supporters like you ever tell the truth about anything. You say whatever will further the Marxist agenda.

Regardless, if you run around referring to the president as an "orange faced clown" then you lose any high ground to whine that "Americans are mean and call us Stalinists." So when one of you Stalinist loons wails that the President calls you scum names, we can only laugh at your traitor asses.

Oh and the lying little Schitt DOES have a pencil neck.

No matter, the fraud of an impeachment that was designed to corrupt our election has failed, You know as well as I that Trump will be reelected in a landslide.

Hopefully a lot of democrats are so distressed by it that they commit mass suicide.

I don't think that Donald Trump has a hope in hell of being re-elected. He'll be lucky to escape impeachment after this last fiasco. Even Republicans are scared of the damage he's done with this one. Matt Gates voted in favour of the Resolution to deny Trump the authority to start a war with Iran.

When you ignore the post and go straight to attacking the poster, you show your utter dearth of ideas. Worse for you, your purported insults say a lot more about YOU than they do about me. Stalin was an authoritarian dictator who murdered millions of his own people. That you associate anyone who disagrees with you with such a person shows the weakness of your beliefs.

You know in your heart of hearts that you were wrong about Trump but you hate having it rubbed in your face.
I don't think that Donald Trump has a hope in hell of being re-elected.
I think you may be right. I know some people that voted for him and wouldn't again. One is even a conservative and probably wouldn't vote for some Dems (possibly depends on who), but that's still a vote lost in any case.
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?

Dunno, let's ask Eric Holder.

He didn't answer my question about a foreign gvt leader.....

when did we kill a gov foreign leader???
When we killed Soleimani, it was the equivalent of killing a General Colin Powell or our Secretary of Defense or Asst Secretary of Defense, is what was said on the News.
Um, quotation marks are used when actually quoting someone..............not when making shit up, Schifferbrains Jr.
Um, quotation marks are used when actually quoting someone..............not when making shit up, Schifferbrains Jr.
Not when prefaced with a “such as” statement... then they became “finger quotes” to show the “example”. This is elementary stuff. You really don’t understand?
You didn’t preface it with “such as”, liar.
Grow up
That’s the best ya got when getting caught in a lie?
It’s clearly not a lie, you’re trolling and acting like a child.
You claimed you said something you didn’t.

That’s a lie, Sport.
Random sources... how about yourself? Can you send a link to the report you saw on the night it was happening?

The news was Solemini had plans to hit multiple targets now and in the future and had done so in the past. He is responsible for the killing of an American. How did you miss this? I also used 'random sources' just like you. Get your own link and stop being arrogant. All you care about is playing gotcha. Your reputation on this board is clear, you are a TDSer who will do anything to degrade this President. Frankly I don't give a fuck what Solemini (or however you spell it) was going to do. Our President was briefed and he told US the reasoning. Everyone agrees the guy was a mother fucker who reveled in torturing his victims as well. But I know, to you and your ilk think Trump is worse. You're a bunch of deranged morons.
i did hear that... it was super vague and didn’t make sense given the situation... was the strike on Soleimani a planned response to counter Iran’s raid of our embassy? Or Was it an imminent attack our intel agencies found out about that warranted immediate action?

Ok, let’s just cut through the crap and lay out what I think is obvious.

Trump was presented with many options on ways we could respond to the embassy attack. This hit on Soleimani was one of the options and was the one Trump went with. They then messed up by calling it an imminent attack which they said to try and excuse the fact that Trump acted without consulting congress.

Now the admin is in cover our ass mode which is why the story keeps changing. They aren’t being honest and straight forward about actions that are escalating armed conflict and risking lives.

do you have any proof they messed up by calling it an imminent attack???
in other words do you have proof there wasnt one??

and when did the story change??

and how have things escalated??? so far they have gone the other direction,,,
Escalation was reacting to an embassy attack with a drone bomb double kill involving a high ranking Iranian official which then prompted 4000 troops to be deployed, a stampede funeral where dozens died, the risk of losing our strategic position in the fight against ISIS, Missile strikes on our military bases wherein a commercial flight was shot down and nearly 200 innocent people died.

that’s the escalation and there are promises of more to come. Pay better attention
Killing a terrorist is on Trump.

All the terrorist attacks you listed are on Iran.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions
Trump owns killing a terrorist.

And that has you butthurt.

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