Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.
He was a terrorist leader of a designated terrorist organization.

Why do you idiots keep calling him a foreign leader.

Why do YOU keep calling him a terrorist leader? He was the head of the Iranian Military and a hero to his people. He was NOT, as Trump has claimed, a wanted terrorist leader. He was a "terrorist leader" in the same way that Mike Pompeo was a "terrorist leader" when he was head of the CIA.

we are not iranians,,, we are americans and to us he was a terrorist leader as declared under Obama,,,
Now you believe Obama!!!
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Oh look, the NRA was designated as a terrorist group.

The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization

Does that make it factual?
its POV to some idiots since no NRA action has done anything but save lives,,,

Its all from your point of view. The British considered us terrorists because we didn't fight out in the open like they did. Did that make us terrorists?
Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.
He was a terrorist leader of a designated terrorist organization.

Why do you idiots keep calling him a foreign leader.

Why do YOU keep calling him a terrorist leader? He was the head of the Iranian Military and a hero to his people. He was NOT, as Trump has claimed, a wanted terrorist leader. He was a "terrorist leader" in the same way that Mike Pompeo was a "terrorist leader" when he was head of the CIA.

we are not iranians,,, we are americans and to us he was a terrorist leader as declared under Obama,,,
Now you believe Obama!!!

on this YES I do,,,
why are you calling him a liar??
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Oh look, the NRA was designated as a terrorist group.

The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization

Does that make it factual?
its POV to some idiots since no NRA action has done anything but save lives,,,

Its all from your point of view. The British considered us terrorists because we didn't fight out in the open like they did. Did that make us terrorists?
one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter,,,
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

So tell me, who has a better track record, USDA with the weekly salmonella outbreaks or U/L?

See if you can figure out why I ask...
So...You did not realize that Trump was a proper name? OR can you not bring yourself to even give him a modicum of respect by capitalizing his name? Are you familiar with American/English grammar? It's insulting to not capitalize a proper name of another human being.

I'm not sure that someone like Trump who so regularly call people names deserves any level of respect.

Oh? Do you hold the same standards for the little Goebbels in the party press and the unfunny hosts of the hate night shows?

Poor little snowflake. When people tell you the truth about your orange faced clown, do you cover your ears and cry "Lies!!!". You had no problem with Rush Limbaugh calling women who wanted their birth control covered by their health insurance (like the women in all of the other first world countries have) "sluts" or "feminazis". I'll bet you thought that was really funny. I'll bet your think it's funny to call Barrack Obama "Ears".

Sauce for the goose, Baby. Your disrespect for Democrats in the Oval Office, knows no bounds. But the moment you fools elect a lying, cheating, criminal who the rest of the world routinely laughs at, and you refuse to even listen to the truth about him, much less acknowledge it.

We always knew Trump would be a one term President, but we always hoped that he'd be impeached or voted out of office before people started dying. Well too late. The Urkainians, the Kurds, the passengers on the Ukranian Airlines flight that was shot down. The 35,000 Americans who die because of lack of access to health care. The body count is rising and Trump spends all of his time "investigating the investigators" who dared look into his election, his theft of public funds, or his abuses of power. His "enemies" are anyone who dares questions the decisions which daily add to the Trump body count.

The thousands of Americans gunned down every year while Trump panders to the NRA. and and his denial of funding and resources to help law enforcement deter right wing terrorists. Thousands more dying as Trump rolls back clean air and water regulations as even Trump's own appointees are sounding the alarm on his policies. Trump's EPA are even prepared to roll back regulations banning the use of same pollutants blamed for cancer deaths in the movie "Erin Brokovich".

Trump has no problem poisoning his own people, as long as it's profitable.

I'm not sure terrorist supporters like you ever tell the truth about anything. You say whatever will further the Marxist agenda.

Regardless, if you run around referring to the president as an "orange faced clown" then you lose any high ground to whine that "Americans are mean and call us Stalinists." So when one of you Stalinist loons wails that the President calls you scum names, we can only laugh at your traitor asses.

Oh and the lying little Schitt DOES have a pencil neck.

No matter, the fraud of an impeachment that was designed to corrupt our election has failed, You know as well as I that Trump will be reelected in a landslide.

Hopefully a lot of democrats are so distressed by it that they commit mass suicide.

I don't think that Donald Trump has a hope in hell of being re-elected. He'll be lucky to escape impeachment after this last fiasco. Even Republicans are scared of the damage he's done with this one. Matt Gates voted in favour of the Resolution to deny Trump the authority to start a war with Iran.

When you ignore the post and go straight to attacking the poster, you show your utter dearth of ideas. Worse for you, your purported insults say a lot more about YOU than they do about me. Stalin was an authoritarian dictator who murdered millions of his own people. That you associate anyone who disagrees with you with such a person shows the weakness of your beliefs.

You know in your heart of hearts that you were wrong about Trump but you hate having it rubbed in your face.

Well, you're delusional.

Stalin is the model of the democrat party. Look at the Star Chamber lying Schitt ran? Notice how Nadler and Nazi Pelosi announced the verdict before holding the Stalinist Show Trial in the house. The Stalinist party you follow is Totalitarian and dedicated to the utter destruction of the United States Constitution. Your party is engaged in civil war against America to institute the evil that you promote.

See, democrats are not the opposition party, you're the enemy. You don't seek an alternative manner of governing, you seek to rule with an iron fist.

Josef Stalin murdered 65 million of his own people, I believe you democrats would exceed that and would unleash a holocaust based on race in very short order if you gained sufficient power.

{“I am concerned that if we do not impeach this president, then he will get reelected,” Democratic Representative Al Green of Texas said this spring, explaining his support for impeaching President Trump, long before the phone call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the heart of the current saga. Given all the accomplishments of the White House to date, it is easy to see why so many Democrats share that sentiment with Green.}

Why Donald Trump will win 2020
I don't think that Donald Trump has a hope in hell of being re-elected.
I think you may be right. I know some people that voted for him and wouldn't again. One is even a conservative and probably wouldn't vote for some Dems (possibly depends on who), but that's still a vote lost in any case.

So, it's in the bag for Hillary then?

I think it's great you Stalinist only pay attention to your fringe left base. It's a winning strategy that you definitely should continue with....
He was a terrorist leader of a designated terrorist organization.

Why do you idiots keep calling him a foreign leader.
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.
No he wasn’t. Please get informed. I really hate ignorant people duped by a criminal government.
What would you call the leader of a designated terrorist organization who orchestrated the murder of hundreds of American soldiers via roadside IEDs?

Dimwinger Presidential material?
When we killed Soleimani, it was the equivalent of killing a General Colin Powell or our Secretary of Defense or Asst Secretary of Defense, is what was said on the News.

Or Osama bin Laden.

Think how sad you democrats would be if Bush had killed him before 9-11? Well, actually exactly as sad as you are over Soliemani....
He was a terrorist leader of a designated terrorist organization.

Why do you idiots keep calling him a foreign leader.
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Oh look, the NRA was designated as a terrorist group.

The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization

Does that make it factual?
No, your post makes you a blithering idiot. But we already knew that about you.
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.
He was a terrorist leader of a designated terrorist organization.

Why do you idiots keep calling him a foreign leader.
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
He was a terrorist leader of a designated terrorist organization.

Why do you idiots keep calling him a foreign leader.
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.
I’m surprised you’re so easily accepting of the government’s story. Cons questioned everything when Ears was potus. Now they question nothing.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.

You still haven't named the terrorist organization he headed.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.

You still haven't named the terrorist organization he headed.
I linked to it, ya blithering idiot.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.
I’m surprised you’re so easily accepting of the government’s story. Cons questioned everything when Ears was potus. Now they question nothing.
His terrorist ties are well documented and proven. The designation happened over a decade ago.

You being butthurt that Trump lit him up doesn’t change reality.

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