Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)

Is there anything you don't think should be run by government?
He was a terrorist leader of a designated terrorist organization.

Why do you idiots keep calling him a foreign leader.
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.

Your beloved UN, whom you think are the world ruling body, say he is a a terrorist.

n March 2007, Soleimani was included on a list of Iranian individuals targeted with sanctions in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747.[115] On 18 May 2011, he was sanctioned again by the U.S. along with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and other senior Syrian officials due to his alleged involvement in providing material support to the Syrian government.[116]

On 24 June 2011, the Official Journal of the European Union said the three Iranian Revolutionary Guard members now subject to sanctions had been "providing equipment and support to help the Syrian government suppress protests in Syria".[117] The Iranians added to the EU sanctions list were two Revolutionary Guard commanders, Soleimani, Mohammad Ali Jafari, and the Guard's deputy commander for intelligence, Hossein Taeb.[118] Soleimani was also sanctioned by the Swiss government in September 2011 on the same grounds cited by the European Union.[119]

In 2007, the U.S. included him in a "Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism", which forbade U.S. citizens from doing business with him.[52][120] The list, published in the EU's Official Journal on 24 June 2011, also included a Syrian property firm, an investment fund and two other enterprises accused of funding the Syrian government. The list also included Mohammad Ali Jafari and Hossein Taeb.[121]

On 13 November 2018, the U.S. sanctioned an Iraqi military leader named Shibl Muhsin 'Ubayd Al-Zaydi and others who allegedly were acting on Soleimani's behalf in financing military actions in Syria or otherwise providing support for terrorism in the region.[122]}

Qasem Soleimani - Wikipedia

You just love terrorists. It's a democrat thing.
to fight the enemy, you must know the enemy. Trump knows the enemy more than the generals, folks!

Iran wants to start a fight. The United States will end it, my friends! This also should go for the democrats. They hate America just as much

If you’re not the lead dog the scenery never changes! It must suck not being an American!
Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.
You really are an ignorant dumbass.

Statement by the Department of Defense > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Release
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.
I’m surprised you’re so easily accepting of the government’s story. Cons questioned everything when Ears was potus. Now they question nothing.
His terrorist ties are well documented and proven. The designation happened over a decade ago.

You being butthurt that Trump lit him up doesn’t change reality.

Do you know how many terrorist groups and ruthless dictators your government has supported the last several decades? Do you know your government aligned with the general to fight ISIS...yet your government was instrumental in the development of ISIS. Your government tortures people In violation of numerous international laws. Your government is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, destruction of several nations, the covert murder of many heads of state.

Yet after all this, you really think your government has the moral authority to assassinate anyone?

WTF man?

Gee let’s think about that for a second. Either millions of Americans have been hiding their support for Bin Laden and other terrorist that are plotting to kill them... or you completely misunderstand the perspective of your political enemy’s and are choosing to lie about and belittle them for political trolling purposes.

I wonder what’s going on here!

What we know is that Hezbollah-democrats now OPENLY support terrorists attacking and killing Americans. Not just drones like you and bots programmed to disrupt debate like the rightwinger virus that has infected the board, but the Hezbollah leadership like Lousy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and of course the hoards of little Goebbels in the party press.

America sees what your doing. Because Ilan Omar (D - Boco Haram), Ratface Tlaib (D - Hamas). and Che Guevara Barbie (D - loony bin) run the party, they played to the radical, America hating left, people like you. What they don't grasp is that the middle wins elections.

You Stalinist pigs will lose 70+ seats in the house. We already know Trump wins reelection, which is why you ran with the fraud of the election hoax. The Americans keep the Senate picking up maybe two seats.
No, we don’t know that... you claim that in a very political and dishonest way. Thats it... Troll

Even you know that Trump will easily win reelection.

As for the house, you terrorist loving scum are going to get slaughtered.

You don't thing the Americans are going to run video of you supporting Soliemani come September, to remind voters of just what traitor scum you are? :thup:
Yeah yeah, you said the same shit during the mid terms and look what happened... you lost the house. A little advice. Stop trying to forecast things you don’t understand
I’ll never understand you warmongers.
Lame deflection.
He wasn’t a terrorist leader. You just admitted to being a dupe. Stop it.
Yes, he was. He led a group designated as a terrorist organization.

The fact you love him doesn’t change that.

Name the terrorist group that Soleimani was the leader of. Good lord, man, a google search will tell you who he was. The was the leader of an elite Iranian military group - the equivalent of the leader of the Seals. Soleimani was a hero to his people, and now Trump has elevated him to matryr status.

When people correct your lies about Soleimani, it is not because we're his fans, but because FACTS MATTER, and because this President and his followers are all just trying to make up shit as they go along. Trump has been trying to downplay the incredible stupidity of his actions by celebrating his death, but like Obi Wan Kanobi, when you strike him down, he becomes much more powerful as a matryr than he was a living leader.

Trump and Pompeo are also downplaying getting the USA tossed out of Iraq, but that's really happening too. Iraq won't be the only country you're "invited to leave". Your Middle Eastern allies know that terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East will be looking to attack Americans. And when that happens, their people will become "collateral damage", just like all those poor people on the Ukranian airliner who died.

More Americans have died in the wars spawned by 9/11, than died on 9/11. But what is never mentioned by Americans is that more than 100,000 Iraqis have died, and millions have been displaced in the power vaccuum ISIS wars, or been displaced by attempts to get rid of Assad in Syria.

And here's Trump, pushing for "regime change" in Iran. What does he expect will replace the Mullahs? Did he learn nothing from Iraq or the Arab Spring? In the 1950's and 1960's, when the CIA was pulling off all these regime changes, they had a "government in exile" waiting to go in and replace the old regime. These new governments were right wing authoritarian governments and were some of the most brutal and repressive regimes in history, but they weren't commies, by God.

W's big mistake in Iraq was he "lost the peace". He had no plan for what would happen after Saddam Hussein was defeated. None. The people were hungry, thirsty, broke, and Bagdhad infrastructure was in ruins not functioning when the Americans defeats Saddam's army. With no peace plan in place Bagdhadi's had no food, no water, no jobs, and no infrastructure. The Americans seemed to think that life would just go on in a large capital city with no government, no water, no food, no jobs, and no money.

Republicans have roundly criticized the Obama Administration for not taking control of the Arab Spring, and getting more "American friendly" governments in Egypt and Libya. Obama left the Egyptians and Libyans to their own devices and Republicans are still screaming about it, even though they refused to authorize American military action in Syria, and Obama respected that vote.

The current government of Afghanistan isn't strong enough to stand on its own. Once the last of the NATO forces leave, it will be as if you were never there, excited the hatred the "War on Terror" has engendered will live on, and poison relations between the Middle East and the West, for generations as yet upborn, as did the Crusades before them.

And for all of the killing and destruction of the last 20 years, the War on Terror has created MORE terrorists than there were when you started. The USA has utterly squandered all of the international good will the world gave you after 9/11, and now the world considers the USA to be the most dangerous country in the world, and the one most likely to start WWIII.

Your beloved UN, whom you think are the world ruling body, say he is a a terrorist.

n March 2007, Soleimani was included on a list of Iranian individuals targeted with sanctions in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747.[115] On 18 May 2011, he was sanctioned again by the U.S. along with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and other senior Syrian officials due to his alleged involvement in providing material support to the Syrian government.[116]

On 24 June 2011, the Official Journal of the European Union said the three Iranian Revolutionary Guard members now subject to sanctions had been "providing equipment and support to help the Syrian government suppress protests in Syria".[117] The Iranians added to the EU sanctions list were two Revolutionary Guard commanders, Soleimani, Mohammad Ali Jafari, and the Guard's deputy commander for intelligence, Hossein Taeb.[118] Soleimani was also sanctioned by the Swiss government in September 2011 on the same grounds cited by the European Union.[119]

In 2007, the U.S. included him in a "Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism", which forbade U.S. citizens from doing business with him.[52][120] The list, published in the EU's Official Journal on 24 June 2011, also included a Syrian property firm, an investment fund and two other enterprises accused of funding the Syrian government. The list also included Mohammad Ali Jafari and Hossein Taeb.[121]

On 13 November 2018, the U.S. sanctioned an Iraqi military leader named Shibl Muhsin 'Ubayd Al-Zaydi and others who allegedly were acting on Soleimani's behalf in financing military actions in Syria or otherwise providing support for terrorism in the region.[122]}

Qasem Soleimani - Wikipedia

You just love terrorists. It's a democrat thing.
Supporting the rule of law is now twisted into supporting terrorists.

Crazy. It’s a con thing.

Can’t fix stupid.
Gee let’s think about that for a second. Either millions of Americans have been hiding their support for Bin Laden and other terrorist that are plotting to kill them... or you completely misunderstand the perspective of your political enemy’s and are choosing to lie about and belittle them for political trolling purposes.

I wonder what’s going on here!

What we know is that Hezbollah-democrats now OPENLY support terrorists attacking and killing Americans. Not just drones like you and bots programmed to disrupt debate like the rightwinger virus that has infected the board, but the Hezbollah leadership like Lousy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and of course the hoards of little Goebbels in the party press.

America sees what your doing. Because Ilan Omar (D - Boco Haram), Ratface Tlaib (D - Hamas). and Che Guevara Barbie (D - loony bin) run the party, they played to the radical, America hating left, people like you. What they don't grasp is that the middle wins elections.

You Stalinist pigs will lose 70+ seats in the house. We already know Trump wins reelection, which is why you ran with the fraud of the election hoax. The Americans keep the Senate picking up maybe two seats.
No, we don’t know that... you claim that in a very political and dishonest way. Thats it... Troll

Even you know that Trump will easily win reelection.

As for the house, you terrorist loving scum are going to get slaughtered.

You don't thing the Americans are going to run video of you supporting Soliemani come September, to remind voters of just what traitor scum you are? :thup:
Yeah yeah, you said the same shit during the mid terms and look what happened... you lost the house. A little advice. Stop trying to forecast things you don’t understand
Lost the house? So? Avg mid term pick up in theHouse. Normally the Senate would lose 3-4 seats, but Republicans picked up 2.

Your “Blue Wave” was a popcorn fart.
oh, ok, so you think it’s all over now? Those 4K troops being deployed are just taking a vacation?

No. I think they are in the hot dang desert, receiving / maintaining equipment, living in shitty quarter or tents, preparing for a major operation that is now not likely to happen this year, and wishing they were back in the land of the big PX. They are doing 12 plus hour days just in case I'm wrong. But would not be surprised at troop draw downs in coming months. They are doing their job, just like they always have done their jobs and always will do their job. I'm a twenty plus year man. I saw my own son off on a plane like they left on, just a few years ago. I know the score.
good I’m glad you understand the importance then. Our difference is that you trust Trump and I don’t.

i don't trust him. I don't trust any president and never have even when I was serving, I only acted in reliance. This whole little incidental series of events is not worth a crusade, denouncing. He often sucks, but over this incident, the sky isn't falling. You are a true ani-trump guy. I get that, but you are doing your side no favors on this thread, especially after, Iran shot down that airliner, and admitted it. You only make people on the left appear panicky, themselves, losing understanding of the real situation on the ground in the night.
im actually not a true anti trump guy and I’m not even denouncing the killing of Soleimani yet, I’m just asking questions and pointing out shadiness when I see it.

It gets soooooo old hearing the “TDS” and “you hate trump” replies when I’m being critical. Who gives a shit what I feel?!

That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.
I appreciate your analysis. I didn’t start this thread to point fingers. Iran is full or corruption and responsible for many bad things. I started the thread because Trump has a credibility problem and issues telling the truth. And when he takes actions that escalate armed conflicts it’s important to stop the political games and be honest. We as citizens should demand it. The messaging from his admin about the imminent threat and strategic behind the actions being taken has been murky at best. Even if you support Trump and his actions you should be demanding better communication and transparency with issues like this.
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.
I’m surprised you’re so easily accepting of the government’s story. Cons questioned everything when Ears was potus. Now they question nothing.
His terrorist ties are well documented and proven. The designation happened over a decade ago.

You being butthurt that Trump lit him up doesn’t change reality.

Do you know how many terrorist groups and ruthless dictators your government has supported the last several decades? Do you know your government aligned with the general to fight ISIS...yet your government was instrumental in the development of ISIS. Your government tortures people In violation of numerous international laws. Your government is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, destruction of several nations, the covert murder of many heads of state.

Yet after all this, you really think your government has the moral authority to assassinate anyone?

WTF man?

If you believe any thinking person believes any of your incoherent, unhinged rant, you are dumber than you appear. And you appear extremely dumb.
You need to read Dragonlady’s post again, slowly. Nothing in it is false. Can you refute any of it, or did she turn you into Swiss cheese?
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.
I’m surprised you’re so easily accepting of the government’s story. Cons questioned everything when Ears was potus. Now they question nothing.
His terrorist ties are well documented and proven. The designation happened over a decade ago.

You being butthurt that Trump lit him up doesn’t change reality.

Do you know how many terrorist groups and ruthless dictators your government has supported the last several decades? Do you know your government aligned with the general to fight ISIS...yet your government was instrumental in the development of ISIS. Your government tortures people In violation of numerous international laws. Your government is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, destruction of several nations, the covert murder of many heads of state.

Yet after all this, you really think your government has the moral authority to assassinate anyone?

WTF man?

If you believe any thinking person believes any of your incoherent, unhinged rant, you are dumber than you appear. And you appear extremely dumb.
Refute anything I posted. Don’t be a wimp.
I answered he question if the first sentence, dumbfuck.

I didn’t read beyond that as I’m not interested in her dumbassery. She is ignorant on the fact he led a terrorist designated organization.
I’m surprised you’re so easily accepting of the government’s story. Cons questioned everything when Ears was potus. Now they question nothing.
His terrorist ties are well documented and proven. The designation happened over a decade ago.

You being butthurt that Trump lit him up doesn’t change reality.

Do you know how many terrorist groups and ruthless dictators your government has supported the last several decades? Do you know your government aligned with the general to fight ISIS...yet your government was instrumental in the development of ISIS. Your government tortures people In violation of numerous international laws. Your government is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, destruction of several nations, the covert murder of many heads of state.

Yet after all this, you really think your government has the moral authority to assassinate anyone?

WTF man?

If you believe any thinking person believes any of your incoherent, unhinged rant, you are dumber than you appear. And you appear extremely dumb.
Refute anything I posted. Don’t be a wimp.
No thanks. I don’t care enough about your moronic posts.

Can't believe I just spent nine fucking days arguing with Republicans who insisted that assassinating a nation's top general is perfectly sane and normal and fine.

No, idiots. No.

The words of Caitlin Johnstone and I couldn’t agree more.
I’m surprised you’re so easily accepting of the government’s story. Cons questioned everything when Ears was potus. Now they question nothing.
His terrorist ties are well documented and proven. The designation happened over a decade ago.

You being butthurt that Trump lit him up doesn’t change reality.

Do you know how many terrorist groups and ruthless dictators your government has supported the last several decades? Do you know your government aligned with the general to fight ISIS...yet your government was instrumental in the development of ISIS. Your government tortures people In violation of numerous international laws. Your government is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, destruction of several nations, the covert murder of many heads of state.

Yet after all this, you really think your government has the moral authority to assassinate anyone?

WTF man?

If you believe any thinking person believes any of your incoherent, unhinged rant, you are dumber than you appear. And you appear extremely dumb.
Refute anything I posted. Don’t be a wimp.
No thanks. I don’t care enough about your moronic posts.

Good. Now I know you’re an empty suit.
His terrorist ties are well documented and proven. The designation happened over a decade ago.

You being butthurt that Trump lit him up doesn’t change reality.

Do you know how many terrorist groups and ruthless dictators your government has supported the last several decades? Do you know your government aligned with the general to fight ISIS...yet your government was instrumental in the development of ISIS. Your government tortures people In violation of numerous international laws. Your government is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, destruction of several nations, the covert murder of many heads of state.

Yet after all this, you really think your government has the moral authority to assassinate anyone?

WTF man?

If you believe any thinking person believes any of your incoherent, unhinged rant, you are dumber than you appear. And you appear extremely dumb.
Refute anything I posted. Don’t be a wimp.
No thanks. I don’t care enough about your moronic posts.

Good. Now I know you’re an empty suit.
I don’t care. :banana:
Supporting the rule of law is now twisted into supporting terrorists.

Crazy. It’s a con thing.

Can’t fix stupid.

Rule of law my ass. We are a sovereign nation, not a vassal of the UN. The IED king slaughtered 4000 Americans, Our CiC took him out, the right thing to do.
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

So tell me, who has a better track record, USDA with the weekly salmonella outbreaks or U/L?

See if you can figure out why I ask...
USDA I haven't been food poisoned since little kid, eating elementary school Thanksgiving turkey and dressing in Kentucky.
Can't believe I just spent nine fucking days arguing with Republicans who insisted that assassinating a nation's top general is perfectly sane and normal and fine.

No, idiots. No.

The words of Caitlin Johnstone and I couldn’t agree more.

I can't believe you spent 9 days supporting and promoting a terrorist.

Must be a doper thing.
Yaeh, yeah, yeah, Take two midol and mail me $5.00. I live in Tennessee, get my electricity from TVA, which after expenses has annually turns in very large profits back into the Federal coffers. Sometimes a socialist policy works without anybody being a "communist". I kind of like the USDA inspection of the sausage I had for breakfast. That policy cost government money and does not directly return money to government and greatly impinged the rights of private enterprise to sell the cheapest product at the highest profit margin for the the entrepreneur. Totally socialist, but necessary to keep business regulated for the good of the masses, avoiding some of the Caveat Emptor in the market place. I am enjoying my military pension and health care for standing guard during the cold war, thank you very much. Big difference between communism and socialism. Socialism has been alive and sometimes an effective tool in this country since the first roads, public schools and other things contrary to private profit for common ascribed good in this country, clean back to the 1700s. The sky ain't falling, just partly cloudy. Relax. Have a bran muffin. :)

Is there anything you don't think should be run by government?

Me. I'm off the clock. Thanks :)
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

So tell me, who has a better track record, USDA with the weekly salmonella outbreaks or U/L?

See if you can figure out why I ask...
USDA I haven't been food poisoned since little kid, eating elementary school Thanksgiving turkey and dressing in Kentucky.


USDA fails weekly. Tainted food constantly gets into our markets and restaurants.

Oh look, 11 days into the year and the USDA failed again.

Salmonella outbreak that sickened over 90 people linked to NJ company

U/L on the other hand is nearly flawless - because they are private and have a vested interest in making sure they do it right.
Supporting the rule of law is now twisted into supporting terrorists.

Crazy. It’s a con thing.

Can’t fix stupid.

Rule of law my ass. We are a sovereign nation, not a vassal of the UN. The IED king slaughtered 4000 Americans, Our CiC took him out, the right thing to do.
I guess you don’t believe in the rule of law. Okay.

I’m sure you’ll love this...just give me a thumbs up.

The US has:

- 6,800 nuclear weapons

- Used nuclear weapons on civilians

- Over 800 military bases around the globe

- Invaded/destabilized over 80 countries since WW2

- Murdered and displaced millions of innocents since 2001 alone

But Iran needs to act like a normal country?

Forum List
