Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

im actually not a true anti trump guy and I’m not even denouncing the killing of Soleimani yet, I’m just asking questions and pointing out shadiness when I see it.

It gets soooooo old hearing the “TDS” and “you hate trump” replies when I’m being critical. Who gives a shit what I feel?!

That is what they see and hear it. It's their shtick. The official approved knee-jerk reaction. Some of these people actually do think anyone questioning Big D, really is a communist, Marxist, traitor, etc. Some are totally gone, no doubt. I'm am just questioning your thread's continued value to the side you support on this particular issue, after the admission of responsibility by Iran. Sometimes current history mutes the value of what people consider to be "the good fight" on specific arguments. Trust me, he'll do something else to rail about, any day now. As the far right is totally out there, you must evaluate if didactic support of some particular issue of your general philosophy, doesn't make you and example of being "out there", just in the opposite direction, thereby defeating the purpose of your voice.
I appreciate your analysis. I didn’t start this thread to point fingers. Iran is full or corruption and responsible for many bad things. I started the thread because Trump has a credibility problem and issues telling the truth. And when he takes actions that escalate armed conflicts it’s important to stop the political games and be honest. We as citizens should demand it. The messaging from his admin about the imminent threat and strategic behind the actions being taken has been murky at best. Even if you support Trump and his actions you should be demanding better communication and transparency with issues like this.

Saying he has a credibility problem is a gross understatement, and he brought it on himself with his administration policy set by his personal lack of ethics, to lie on purpose, stand by it until death, repeat and spin often, have Trumpetts gargle and regurgitate the murky soapy water, in effort to: A. delight the base, B. Intentionally piss of the Left, so they will waste time, energy, angrily refuting to no avail, C. Divide the country and encourage fighting each other instead of him, D. Cause confusion, because in confusion there is opportunity. Quite stunning propaganda strategy really. Sometimes wonder if there was earlier Russian involvement years before, possibly when he was a democrat. Then again, he could just be an amoral lying, unstable asshole, all on his own. No matter. It is actually effective and working for him. Usually nobody can predict, so nobody can prepare, not even his crony staff. This is why impeachment kept him off balance so long. Unlilke Mueller report, he did not get 3 weeks to prep and spin the public before it came out. He was caught early in the caper, with his pants down. McConnell has him shored up now. He will survive at the cost of the Republican Party. I and others will vote no republican for national office until this ruling generation are dead and gone. Don't feel pregnant. Well over half the nation and most of the world knows he cannot be trusted. What you also have to worry about is due to the success of the policy, high level Democrats either are or will be looking to make use of it, even more after he's gone. Good poker player. Shitty President, because many of us brought up to shun and despise leaders of low moral character, but don't die on any one hill for too long. Wasted effort.
Well said... you should make an OP out of those ideas. Get more eyeballs on it.
Not it's first outing. Sometimes drawing radical heat, usual name calling etc. I try not to get pinned down on one hill too long. Engage at will, but Do Not Become Decisively Engaged with superior force enemy in the open, as it detrimental to the mission and personal psychology. Just my opinion, based on armor cavalry scout platoon tactics.
I have respect for elements of both ideologies. No love for any of the corrupt political parties but since we seem to only have two parties to choose from I gotta say how disappointed and disgusted I am with how the Republicans have tucked tail to Trump. I’d love to see a smart honorable Republican rise up and lead. This divisiveness is tearing our country apart.
This is an example of really ignorant thinking, but it’s common among partisans of the two crime families. If you aren’t with them, you’re a fucking dirty rotten traitor.

Can’t fix stupid.

I dunno, I watched the MSM elevate Soleimini to near sainthood. Didn't hear one TDSer object either.
99.9% of Americans never heard of the guy until Donnie murdered him in cold blood along with 9 others. A war criminal in any other time.
Nobody knows what trump said because he never testified and damn well better not if he wishes to remain in office. I heard the witness, and the republicans whine about the witnesses. Me thinks you might have voted for trump and are invested in him. I knew better to trust either of the two main party candidates. I am not invested either way. Good luck. McConnell will cover for him and wouldn't let him testify in a million years. The fix is in. Great. But nobody is fooled outside the committed hard right wing.

Which witness had evidence of a quid-pro-quo between Trump and the Ukraine? Boy are you brainwashed. BTW Trump is a proper name and should be capitalized. You just gave yourself away as a TDSer....again.
This is an example of really ignorant thinking, but it’s common among partisans of the two crime families. If you aren’t with them, you’re a fucking dirty rotten traitor.

Can’t fix stupid.

I dunno, I watched the MSM elevate Soleimini to near sainthood. Didn't hear one TDSer object either.
Well you aren’t listening then
Not it's first outing. Sometimes drawing radical heat, usual name calling etc. I try not to get pinned down on one hill too long. Engage at will, but Do Not Become Decisively Engaged with superior force enemy in the open, as it detrimental to the mission and personal psychology. Just my opinion, based on armor cavalry scout platoon tactics.

Yeah 'hit and run' tactic....Just like a good Jihadist.
Or like every cavalry tactic ever written in the last 2,500 years. Custer was not first to take good cavalry, lock them down against mounted forces and die in place. Just the only on to be thought of heroically by the public for it.
Nobody knows what trump said because he never testified and damn well better not if he wishes to remain in office. I heard the witness, and the republicans whine about the witnesses. Me thinks you might have voted for trump and are invested in him. I knew better to trust either of the two main party candidates. I am not invested either way. Good luck. McConnell will cover for him and wouldn't let him testify in a million years. The fix is in. Great. But nobody is fooled outside the committed hard right wing.

Which witness had evidence of a quid-pro-quo between Trump and the Ukraine? Boy are you brainwashed. BTW Trump is a proper name and should be capitalized. You just gave yourself away as a TDSer....again.
good night Leo. gotta go. anniversery night. 45 years. Have fun.
99.9% of Americans never heard of the guy until Donnie murdered him in cold blood along with 9 others. A war criminal in any other time.

99.9% never heard of Mohamed Atta either yet he is responsible for killing 3,000 innocent Americans on our own soil!!! So, you can stick that one up your Trump-burned ass.

There is no war so there is no 'war criminal' however, when pressed I would say Soleimini is the 'war criminal' because he killed hundreds of Americans, killed and tortured thousands of others.....which included drilling holes in his victim's heads to stimulate pain centers for more painful torture.
Nobody knows what trump said because he never testified and damn well better not if he wishes to remain in office. I heard the witness, and the republicans whine about the witnesses. Me thinks you might have voted for trump and are invested in him. I knew better to trust either of the two main party candidates. I am not invested either way. Good luck. McConnell will cover for him and wouldn't let him testify in a million years. The fix is in. Great. But nobody is fooled outside the committed hard right wing.

Which witness had evidence of a quid-pro-quo between Trump and the Ukraine? Boy are you brainwashed. BTW Trump is a proper name and should be capitalized. You just gave yourself away as a TDSer....again.
good night Leo. gotta go. anniversery night. 45 years. Have fun.

Congrats!! Been there too.
Not it's first outing. Sometimes drawing radical heat, usual name calling etc. I try not to get pinned down on one hill too long. Engage at will, but Do Not Become Decisively Engaged with superior force enemy in the open, as it detrimental to the mission and personal psychology. Just my opinion, based on armor cavalry scout platoon tactics.

Yeah 'hit and run' tactic....Just like a good Jihadist.
Or like every cavalry tactic ever written in the last 2,500 years. Custer was not first to take good cavalry, lock them down against mounted forces and die in place. Just the only on to be thought of heroically by the public for it.

The President of the U.S. is not the enemy. Why would one use military tactics?
I have respect for elements of both ideologies. No love for any of the corrupt political parties but since we seem to only have two parties to choose from I gotta say how disappointed and disgusted I am with how the Republicans have tucked tail to Trump. I’d love to see a smart honorable Republican rise up and lead. This divisiveness is tearing our country apart.

"Smart honorable Republican" or Democrat is an oxymoron. Trump is a RINO but not a Democrat in sheep's clothing but a real representative of geographic America...He used the Republican Party to his advantage mainly (IMO) because it more closely aligned with his economic and patriotic senses. I think a lot of career Republicans would like to see him go because he upset the DC corrupt money making schemes cloaked in useless legislation.
I have respect for elements of both ideologies. No love for any of the corrupt political parties but since we seem to only have two parties to choose from I gotta say how disappointed and disgusted I am with how the Republicans have tucked tail to Trump. I’d love to see a smart honorable Republican rise up and lead. This divisiveness is tearing our country apart.

"Smart honorable Republican" or Democrat is an oxymoron. Trump is a RINO but not a Democrat in sheep's clothing but a real representative of geographic America...He used the Republican Party to his advantage mainly (IMO) because it more closely aligned with his economic and patriotic senses. I think a lot of career Republicans would like to see him go because he upset the DC corrupt money making schemes cloaked in useless legislation.
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

So tell me, who has a better track record, USDA with the weekly salmonella outbreaks or U/L?

See if you can figure out why I ask...
USDA I haven't been food poisoned since little kid, eating elementary school Thanksgiving turkey and dressing in Kentucky.


USDA fails weekly. Tainted food constantly gets into our markets and restaurants.

Oh look, 11 days into the year and the USDA failed again.

Salmonella outbreak that sickened over 90 people linked to NJ company

U/L on the other hand is nearly flawless - because they are private and have a vested interest in making sure they do it right.
Better with than without. Well worth the money. Need more inspectors not less.

No moron, need to privatize like U/L. Government rarely does things well.
...Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?! ... Why in the world did they not do that?!

Because President Trump made a bet with, David Copperfield, that he could outdo David's miniscule magic memoirs? ...

Not it's first outing. Sometimes drawing radical heat, usual name calling etc. I try not to get pinned down on one hill too long. Engage at will, but Do Not Become Decisively Engaged with superior force enemy in the open, as it detrimental to the mission and personal psychology. Just my opinion, based on armor cavalry scout platoon tactics.

Yeah 'hit and run' tactic....Just like a good Jihadist.
Or like every cavalry tactic ever written in the last 2,500 years. Custer was not first to take good cavalry, lock them down against mounted forces and die in place. Just the only on to be thought of heroically by the public for it.

The President of the U.S. is not the enemy. Why would one use military tactics?
The country has no enemies except for those made up by the wealthy oligarchs. They want control of those countries too. They are a greedy bunch.

Yet sadly, many Americans like you are duped into supporting the Oligarchy, under the delusional belief it’s patriotic. The oligarchs love having poor young Americans do their killing and dying, they’re pyscopaths after all.
All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

and in this case he owns killing one of the worst terrorist in history,,,

Trump also owns all of the people who have died as a result of his decisions.

The 170+ people that died in the airline crash, they're just collateral damage. Just as the Kurds are collateral damage, and the Ukranians who died waiting for that military aid, are collateral damage. And the Americans who are dying as Trump degrades their water and air, they're collateral damage too.

sorry you cant blame him for that,,,
YES we can the sorry POS trump ""thought"" there was an attack coming ..there was a chance ?? Does any ah republican here know what an imminent threat is??? If not for president AH 176 people would still be alive
Nobody knows what trump said because he never testified and damn well better not if he wishes to remain in office. I heard the witness, and the republicans whine about the witnesses. Me thinks you might have voted for trump and are invested in him. I knew better to trust either of the two main party candidates. I am not invested either way. Good luck. McConnell will cover for him and wouldn't let him testify in a million years. The fix is in. Great. But nobody is fooled outside the committed hard right wing.

Which witness had evidence of a quid-pro-quo between Trump and the Ukraine? Boy are you brainwashed. BTW Trump is a proper name and should be capitalized. You just gave yourself away as a TDSer....again.

So I don't like liars. I was raised right. Grammar Nazi much?
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

and in this case he owns killing one of the worst terrorist in history,,,

Trump also owns all of the people who have died as a result of his decisions.

The 170+ people that died in the airline crash, they're just collateral damage. Just as the Kurds are collateral damage, and the Ukranians who died waiting for that military aid, are collateral damage. And the Americans who are dying as Trump degrades their water and air, they're collateral damage too.

sorry you cant blame him for that,,,
YES we can the sorry POS trump ""thought"" there was an attack coming ..there was a chance ?? Does any ah republican here know what an imminent threat is??? If not for president AH 176 people would still be alive

Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
...because saying that probably would have tipped their hand, making it easier for Iran to find out where their leak is. I cant imagine too many people were in the loop on the embassy plot, so it wouldnt be hard to narrow it down. Whoever fed them the intel was probably still being smuggled out of the country, so the US couldnt say it right away.

...or something similar to the above example.

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