Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Not it's first outing. Sometimes drawing radical heat, usual name calling etc. I try not to get pinned down on one hill too long. Engage at will, but Do Not Become Decisively Engaged with superior force enemy in the open, as it detrimental to the mission and personal psychology. Just my opinion, based on armor cavalry scout platoon tactics.

Yeah 'hit and run' tactic....Just like a good Jihadist.
Or like every cavalry tactic ever written in the last 2,500 years. Custer was not first to take good cavalry, lock them down against mounted forces and die in place. Just the only on to be thought of heroically by the public for it.

The President of the U.S. is not the enemy. Why would one use military tactics?
Strategy no tactics. Using it as a global application. They say war is politics by other means. He decided politics is war by other means, and his followers eat it up and war actions are mean to increase confusion exponentially. To him confusion is opportunity.
USDA was on the side of the package. They oversee the processing of meats. I was plant manager of a Freezer storage warehouse once upon a time, responisible for 24 hour freeze out. Those guys could be a pain, but necessary.

So tell me, who has a better track record, USDA with the weekly salmonella outbreaks or U/L?

See if you can figure out why I ask...
USDA I haven't been food poisoned since little kid, eating elementary school Thanksgiving turkey and dressing in Kentucky.


USDA fails weekly. Tainted food constantly gets into our markets and restaurants.

Oh look, 11 days into the year and the USDA failed again.

Salmonella outbreak that sickened over 90 people linked to NJ company

U/L on the other hand is nearly flawless - because they are private and have a vested interest in making sure they do it right.
Better with than without. Well worth the money. Need more inspectors not less.

No moron, need to privatize like U/L. Government rarely does things well.
Cheer up. I like the USDA, Interstate Highway system (ever evolving to the consternation of the masses), global positioning satelites, landing men on the moon and bringing them back, TVA, the National Weather Service, actually liked the National Transportation Safety Board, before they started bowing to Boeing for a while during their last fiasco. Government does some really good things. Not every problem or need is best served privately for profit. Moron, probably not. Derogatory republican-like little names do not impress. If you name me, you will not negate me.
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
...because saying that probably would have tipped their hand, making it easier for Iran to find out where their leak is. I cant imagine too many people were in the loop on the embassy plot, so it wouldnt be hard to narrow it down. Whoever fed them the intel was probably still being smuggled out of the country, so the US couldnt say it right away.

...or something similar to the above example.
im not following that logic. If there were imminent attacks planned the. We announced that we knew about them. Hands tipped. If saying it was embassy attacks was going to reveal sources then trump revealed them. Either way you spin it at this point it doesn’t look good
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
...because saying that probably would have tipped their hand, making it easier for Iran to find out where their leak is. I cant imagine too many people were in the loop on the embassy plot, so it wouldnt be hard to narrow it down. Whoever fed them the intel was probably still being smuggled out of the country, so the US couldnt say it right away.

...or something similar to the above example.
im not following that logic. If there were imminent attacks planned the. We announced that we knew about them. Hands tipped. If saying it was embassy attacks was going to reveal sources then trump revealed them. Either way you spin it at this point it doesn’t look good
No, this guy was working on all kinds of shit. It would be hard to know who leaked without knowing the actual subject first.
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.

your claims are your opinions lacking in reality and common sense,,

so calling you deranged is spot on,,,
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.
Why is it that whenever someone calls out your BS, you whine, cry, and beg them to stay out of your threads and put you on ignore?

Grow up.
Pompeo: I Lied About Soleimani 'Imminent Attacks'

Copyright © 2020 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

Trump's neoconservative Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is a man unafraid to admit to being a liar. In fact he seems to revel in his ability to lie to the American people.

Remember just a week ago when Pompeo told us that the US absolutely HAD to send in a drone to assassinate Iran's top general, Qassim Soleimani, while he was in Iraq on a peace mission because he was planning "imminent attacks" on US personnel and interests in the Middle East.

These claims were crafted to blunt any criticism of the blatantly illegal act of killing a top military officer of a country with which you are not at war in a third country (which forbade the attack on its soil) with which you are allied. Americans raising concerns about the murder of Soleimani were to be made to look unpatriotic if they objected: "you mean you WANT Americans die??"

That's how propaganda works.

Then when the smoke clears, you laugh it all off and admit it was all a lie. As Pompeo did last night.

Speaking on the Laura Ingraham program, Mike Pompeo admitted that the neocon idea of "imminent " and the normal idea of "imminent " are two very different things.

"We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where (the attacks might take place), but it was real," he told Ingraham.

But if you don't know when and don't know where (and presumably don't know how), on what basis did Pompeo and the Trump Administration sell the idea that he had to be killed immediately lest untold numbers of Americans be killed?

And how can we believe Pompeo that Soleimani was behind the initial rocket attacks on an Iraqi base housing US troops, that a US contractor was killed by Soleimani's forces at that base, and that Soleimani was behind the "attacks" (vandalism) on the US embassy in Baghdad?

In other words, if the central justification for the murder of Soleimani is an admitted lie, who in his right mind would believe the official version of the antecedents to the murder?

While proudly lying day and night, Pompeo professes to be a great Christian - at the same time he pushed Trump to murder the architect of the anti-ISIS counterinsurgency (Soleimani) that saved hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christian lives.

Something smells sulfurous about Pompeo...

Dude was a terrorist. UN sanctions said he couldn't leave Iran. He was in Iraq, just oversaw the attack on our embassy.

He got lit up. Dimwingers will be in mourning for months.

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

With all due respect, Slade, what you are describing is not "soooo weak", it's trolling. By way of devoting attention to the trolls, which makes up a majority of your posts, you are doing a grave disservice to your thread, empowering them.

You proceed as you please, of course, but your empowering them guarantees their presence here, a thoroughly cluttered thread, and their reappearance on your subsequent threads as well, since experience tells them you'll again devote your attention to them, and they are harvesting your anger. That's what they thrive on.
"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

Pompeo says 'we don't know when, we don't know where' Soleimani had planned 'imminent attacks'
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"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani," Pompeo told the Fox News host. "We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

Pompeo says 'we don't know when, we don't know where' Soleimani had planned 'imminent attacks'
You’d think this would tell the warmongers something, but they’re blind.
Saying he has a credibility problem is a gross understatement, and he brought it on himself with his administration policy set by his personal lack of ethics, to lie on purpose, stand by it until death, repeat and spin often, have Trumpetts gargle and regurgitate the murky soapy water, in effort to: A. delight the base, B. Intentionally piss of the Left, so they will waste time, energy, angrily refuting to no avail, C. Divide the country and encourage fighting each other instead of him, D. Cause confusion, because in confusion there is opportunity. Quite stunning propaganda strategy really. Sometimes wonder if there was earlier Russian involvement years before, possibly when he was a democrat. Then again, he could just be an amoral lying, unstable asshole, all on his own. No matter. It is actually effective and working for him. Usually nobody can predict, so nobody can prepare, not even his crony staff. This is why impeachment kept him off balance so long. Unlilke Mueller report, he did not get 3 weeks to prep and spin the public before it came out. He was caught early in the caper, with his pants down. McConnell has him shored up now. He will survive at the cost of the Republican Party. I and others will vote no republican for national office until this ruling generation are dead and gone. Don't feel pregnant. Well over half the nation and most of the world knows he cannot be trusted. What you also have to worry about is due to the success of the policy, high level Democrats either are or will be looking to make use of it, even more after he's gone. Good poker player. Shitty President, because many of us brought up to shun and despise leaders of low moral character, but don't die on any one hill for too long. Wasted effort.

Comrade; during the 1970's a movie was made about a New York City cop who refused to be bought. He wouldn't take bribes and didn't respect the criminals who bought off cops. This caused the brass to go after him, not the corruption, but him. Because the corruption was so ingrained and entangled that it was part of the culture and structure of NYPD. The department punished him, the press called him a liar, they took him to court and tried to criminally charge him, then promoted him, and when that didn't work they shot him and tried to kill him. One honest man could fuck up their entire operation.

The parallels are obvious, but Trump is a lot more dangerous than Serpico was, Trump is incorruptible. Joe Biden entered politics penniless and is now worth a couple hundred million. Barack Obama entered the presidency broke and left with so much wealth he bought a coastal estate on Martha's Vineyard. But Trump, he CAME INTO OFFICE RICH, you can't buy a rich man. He has to be destroyed, he's fucking the whole gravy train up. When he started poking around the embezzlement machine that is Ukraine this became real, Washington moves billions in taxpayer money through Ukraine and into the pockets of the Clintons, Obamas, Kerrrys, Bidens , McConnells, with paydays for the mid-level like Eric Ciaramella and Alexandra Chalupa.

Simply put, America has tried to take our government back from the corruption that is the swamp, and you won't have it.

Of course you think weekly salmonella outbreaks are proof the USDA keeps you safe....
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You’d think this would tell the warmongers something, but they’re blind.

Doesn't matter. Ideas spread. They can't stop em. Today more people are opposed to endless, wasteful military occupation all over the world than at any other time in history. Americans have seen the lies repeated by the military industrial complex, their representatives and mouth pieces in cable news entertaiment, and the intelligence agencies far too often. It's a conversation that's being had regularly.

This did not happen by accident. And they know it. It's a process of continuing growth...
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I don’t care about averages. If Trump and the Reps were so good for the first two years and if the Dems were so evil then there would be no pick ups and Reps would have held the majority.

The Republicans are no good, they never have been. A bunch of self-interested do nothing fools. The communist party leveraged this fact in a lot of Trump districts to fool people into voting for the communist running with the lie that they were "moderates" who would not elect Nazi Pelosi as speaker and spend their entire time and energy trying to preserve corruption by impeaching Trump.

They lied and will be shown the door in 2020. But it's gotten much worse than that, hasn't it? You communists have openly sided with Iran against America and praised an Osama bin Laden level terrorist, you've shit all over civil rights and American jurisprudence with your Soviet Star Chamber and Stalinist Show Trial, where you declared the verdict weeks before the circus was conducted. At this point I predict you Stalinists will lose 70+ seats in the house in November.

And then the Republicans will again squander their power and do nothing...
Saying he has a credibility problem is a gross understatement, and he brought it on himself with his administration policy set by his personal lack of ethics, to lie on purpose, stand by it until death, repeat and spin often, have Trumpetts gargle and regurgitate the murky soapy water, in effort to: A. delight the base, B. Intentionally piss of the Left, so they will waste time, energy, angrily refuting to no avail, C. Divide the country and encourage fighting each other instead of him, D. Cause confusion, because in confusion there is opportunity. Quite stunning propaganda strategy really. Sometimes wonder if there was earlier Russian involvement years before, possibly when he was a democrat. Then again, he could just be an amoral lying, unstable asshole, all on his own. No matter. It is actually effective and working for him. Usually nobody can predict, so nobody can prepare, not even his crony staff. This is why impeachment kept him off balance so long. Unlilke Mueller report, he did not get 3 weeks to prep and spin the public before it came out. He was caught early in the caper, with his pants down. McConnell has him shored up now. He will survive at the cost of the Republican Party. I and others will vote no republican for national office until this ruling generation are dead and gone. Don't feel pregnant. Well over half the nation and most of the world knows he cannot be trusted. What you also have to worry about is due to the success of the policy, high level Democrats either are or will be looking to make use of it, even more after he's gone. Good poker player. Shitty President, because many of us brought up to shun and despise leaders of low moral character, but don't die on any one hill for too long. Wasted effort.

Comrade; during the 1970's a movie was made about a New York City cop who refused to be bought. He wouldn't take bribes and didn't respect the criminals who bought off cops. This caused the brass to go after him, not the corruption, but him. Because the corruption was so ingrained and entangled that it was part of the culture and structure of NYPD. The department punished him, the press called him a liar, they took him to court and tried to criminally charge him, the promoted him, and when that did work they shot him and tried to kill him. One honest man could fuck up their entire operation.

The parallels are obvious, but Trump is a lot more dangerous than Serpico was, Trump is incorruptible. Joe Biden entered politics penniless and is now worth a couple hundred million. Barack Obama entered the presidency broke and left with so much wealth he bought a coastal estate on Martha's Vineyard. But Trump, he CAME INTO OFFICE RICH, you can't buy a rich man. He has to be destroyed, he's fucking the whole gravy train up. When he started poking around the embezzlement machine that is Ukraine this became real, Washington moves billions in taxpayer money through Ukraine and into the pockets of the Clintons, Obamas, Kerrrys, Bidens , McConnells, with paydays for the mid-level like Eric Ciaramella and Alexandra Chalupa.

Simply put, America has tried to take our government back from the corruption that is the swamp, and you won't have it.

Of course you think weekly salmonella outbreaks are proof the USDA keeps you safe....
You lost me at "he is uncorruptable". His words before and after this incident indicate otherwise. He has alway seemed corrupth, part of his charm to the Sons of Anarchy crowd of his followers. He doesn't exactly epitomize favoring Truth, Justice and the American way. Definitely does not have much to do with "truth". Has made moves that seam to obstruct Justice. His idea of "American way" is relative only to viewpoint of the committed followers.

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