Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
But what actions of the left drove people to put Trump in office. The left says NOTHING then pulls Kavanaugh, Russia, impeachment, not impeachment, yet when pressed, it's all justified.

Only "normal" justifications seldom spawn extreme actions such as Trump as president.

We were divided long before Trump. While Trump isn't closing the gap, he can't. That's our job. We stop being extreme, extreme leadership loses its allure. We cover one side or use the other to excuse it, we keep treading water.
I agree with your sentiments... we perpetuate the extremists. That’s what people tune into and what they like to discuss around the water cooler... that’s what the media focuses on and it’s what our politicians are feeding off of when campaigning and now while executing their jobs.

I dont know what turns it around to be honest. We need a leader that’s anti establishment like trump but one that displays characteristics of honesty and integrity, empathy, and cooperation to unify the left and right. Not the fringes, they are hopeless... but the middle which I believe most Americans fall under.
End of the day they need to come home and we need to build more bases here. That's real defense spending. Anything else is just inviting more blowback. The entitities enriching themselves want as much blowback as they can generate. Business literally booms when they achieve it. We've got close to a thousand bases all over the world. Most in the middle East. I call it waste. Of course they're gonna attack us. We'd do the same thing if some other country had our borders surrounded by their bases. It's common sense.
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
But what actions of the left drove people to put Trump in office. The left says NOTHING then pulls Kavanaugh, Russia, impeachment, not impeachment, yet when pressed, it's all justified.

Only "normal" justifications seldom spawn extreme actions such as Trump as president.

We were divided long before Trump. While Trump isn't closing the gap, he can't. That's our job. We stop being extreme, extreme leadership loses its allure. We cover one side or use the other to excuse it, we keep treading water.
i don’t think it’s as simple as actions from the left putting trump in office. Remember he won a republican primary against a sea of opponents. He won that because of the actions of establishment republicans and then faced a democratic opponent who’s actions in coordination with trumps masterful branding labeled her as a corrupt politician. I’d bet the farm that if Obama was able to run for a third term he would have wiped the floor with Trump.
I'm sure you'd bet that farm. People were wanting a change. Obama pushed the right for 8 years. Not the politicians, but the people and their values. I think it ould have been close but not confident enough to say who would have won.

But much like the whole popular vote thing... It doesn't work that way so it really doesn't matter. Or I could just as easily have taken the point had Obama won a 3rd term, we'd be no less divided than we are today.

Negating your initial point.
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
But what actions of the left drove people to put Trump in office. The left says NOTHING then pulls Kavanaugh, Russia, impeachment, not impeachment, yet when pressed, it's all justified.

Only "normal" justifications seldom spawn extreme actions such as Trump as president.

We were divided long before Trump. While Trump isn't closing the gap, he can't. That's our job. We stop being extreme, extreme leadership loses its allure. We cover one side or use the other to excuse it, we keep treading water.
I agree with your sentiments... we perpetuate the extremists. That’s what people tune into and what they like to discuss around the water cooler... that’s what the media focuses on and it’s what our politicians are feeding off of when campaigning and now while executing their jobs.

I dont know what turns it around to be honest. We need a leader that’s anti establishment like trump but one that displays characteristics of honesty and integrity, empathy, and cooperation to unify the left and right. Not the fringes, they are hopeless... but the middle which I believe most Americans fall under.
For us to stop being so extreme with each other. Stop the binary thinking that by definition IS the divide. We stop doing that shit, we don't have a need to have that reflected in our leadership.
Killing him is absolutely the right call.

That may very well be true.

But so is this statement by Pompeo after the fact...

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani" ...."We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

Based on that later admission alone, you have to go to Congress. Article II doesn't override Article I.

The war powers act provides 90 days for the president to act prior to going to congress. Trump followed the law. And Trump IS right, we all know it. If he had told Pelosi, she would have tipped Soliemani off.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.

your claims are your opinions lacking in reality and common sense,,

so calling you deranged is spot on,,,
The problem is instead of providing counter arguments against my deranged logic many just say TDS. That doesn’t mean a thing and it doesn’t prove anything... it’s just a meaningless emotional reaction. A trolling tactic

youve made it clear nothing matters but your POV,,,so as a rational thinking person and reading your comments I can see its pure TDS and nothing else,,,
and you’ve made that point at nauseam. So time to move on. I am fully aware that you think I’m deranged. You don’t need to keep telling me that. Make a counter argument to my points or don’t engage. Let’s stop acting like children and step it up a notch.
His "cut" is the political power he enjoys playing with for fun and profit. The monetary payoff comes afterward. Do you think they will break ground on Trump Moscow in 2021 or 2025?

Obviously not. He exposed it and tried to get Ukraine to prosecute some of the worst offenders.

Does it sink in that the Stalinists are impeaching Trump because he EXPOSED corruption? The crime isn't embezzling 3.2 million the way Biden did with his mule Hunter, no the CRIME is interfering with the kickback scheme.

Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?
Stalinists? Seat band is too tight in your tin hat, cutting off circulation.


The democrats are a Stalinist party, simple fact.

But you dodged the point like a good little hack; Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?
its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.

your claims are your opinions lacking in reality and common sense,,

so calling you deranged is spot on,,,
The problem is instead of providing counter arguments against my deranged logic many just say TDS. That doesn’t mean a thing and it doesn’t prove anything... it’s just a meaningless emotional reaction. A trolling tactic

youve made it clear nothing matters but your POV,,,so as a rational thinking person and reading your comments I can see its pure TDS and nothing else,,,
and you’ve made that point at nauseam. So time to move on. I am fully aware that you think I’m deranged. You don’t need to keep telling me that. Make a counter argument to my points or don’t engage. Let’s stop acting like children and step it up a notch.

so far your argument is that youre mad trump didnt loop you in on all the intel fast enough,,and I countered with who the fuck do you think you are that he should,,,

and also why would writing it all down instead of trump saying it on air would make any difference,,,

all this combined proves you are deranged and suffering from TDS,,,its time you get over it and move on,,,
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
But what actions of the left drove people to put Trump in office. The left says NOTHING then pulls Kavanaugh, Russia, impeachment, not impeachment, yet when pressed, it's all justified.

Only "normal" justifications seldom spawn extreme actions such as Trump as president.

We were divided long before Trump. While Trump isn't closing the gap, he can't. That's our job. We stop being extreme, extreme leadership loses its allure. We cover one side or use the other to excuse it, we keep treading water.
I agree with your sentiments... we perpetuate the extremists. That’s what people tune into and what they like to discuss around the water cooler... that’s what the media focuses on and it’s what our politicians are feeding off of when campaigning and now while executing their jobs.

I dont know what turns it around to be honest. We need a leader that’s anti establishment like trump but one that displays characteristics of honesty and integrity, empathy, and cooperation to unify the left and right. Not the fringes, they are hopeless... but the middle which I believe most Americans fall under.
For us to stop being so extreme with each other. Stop the binary thinking that by definition IS the divide. We stop doing that shit, we don't have a need to have that reflected in our leadership.
i think the binary thinking is part of it... binary thinking and lack of initiative to listen and engage with opposing views... but I think the main issue is how we engage. I actually think it’s healthy and good to have different views in a country. I want people to have strong values and defend their positions through vigorous debate, demonstrations, and rallies... that’s the beautiful thing about America. What’s dangerous and causing the destructive divide that we have today is the demonization of our political opponents, making them enemies and not fellow citizens with different perspectives, the spin and distortion of of talking points and the personal attacks being used to distract from debating the actual issues. “We can’t listen to that persons ideas because they are evil and deranged.” That’s how more and more people are engaging and that’s what’s fueling the fire.
BTW Trump is a proper name and should be capitalized. You just gave yourself away as a TDSer....again.
If that's TDS, you suffer from a terminal case of ODS...
Obummer was and is stupid.
Yeah I hear ya, I lived with the Kenyan for 8 years, it was not fun.
You know Slade3200 get people away from acting like this to each other.
I don’t think there is any way to get trolls to stop acting like trolls. You can either engage or not engage with them. I dip in and engage probably more than a should. I mean how does somebody call another person deranged for not capitalizing Trump but then call Obama Obummer in the next sentence?! It’s all absurd... can’t take the trolls too seriously. We really should do better at not letting them hijack these threads.
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.

your claims are your opinions lacking in reality and common sense,,

so calling you deranged is spot on,,,
The problem is instead of providing counter arguments against my deranged logic many just say TDS. That doesn’t mean a thing and it doesn’t prove anything... it’s just a meaningless emotional reaction. A trolling tactic

youve made it clear nothing matters but your POV,,,so as a rational thinking person and reading your comments I can see its pure TDS and nothing else,,,
and you’ve made that point at nauseam. So time to move on. I am fully aware that you think I’m deranged. You don’t need to keep telling me that. Make a counter argument to my points or don’t engage. Let’s stop acting like children and step it up a notch.

so far your argument is that youre mad trump didnt loop you in on all the intel fast enough,,and I countered with who the fuck do you think you are that he should,,,

and also why would writing it all down instead of trump saying it on air would make any difference,,,

all this combined proves you are deranged and suffering from TDS,,,its time you get over it and move on,,,
are you giving an honest recap of this or are you trolling?
His "cut" is the political power he enjoys playing with for fun and profit. The monetary payoff comes afterward. Do you think they will break ground on Trump Moscow in 2021 or 2025?

Obviously not. He exposed it and tried to get Ukraine to prosecute some of the worst offenders.

Does it sink in that the Stalinists are impeaching Trump because he EXPOSED corruption? The crime isn't embezzling 3.2 million the way Biden did with his mule Hunter, no the CRIME is interfering with the kickback scheme.

Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?
Stalinists? Seat band is too tight in your tin hat, cutting off circulation.


The democrats are a Stalinist party, simple fact.

But you dodged the point like a good little hack; Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?

Don't be a jerk
BTW Trump is a proper name and should be capitalized. You just gave yourself away as a TDSer....again.
If that's TDS, you suffer from a terminal case of ODS...
Obummer was and is stupid.
Yeah I hear ya, I lived with the Kenyan for 8 years, it was not fun.
You know Slade3200 get people away from acting like this to each other.

Not going to work. Bloodletting is the only thing that will end this.

The fact is that the democrats are a Stalinist party who seek to end the United States in favor of a globalist system where America is a vassal state of some world ruling body with a socialist authoritarian system of government absent individual rights with privilege assigned by group identification where the subjects are micromanaged by bureaucrats and social managers.

The Americans like being free, we like having civil rights, we like running our own lives. The Stalinists have no intent on backing down. The choice of the Americans is to either surrender or fight. Donald Trump was the answer that we intend to fight, to continue being a sovereign nation with independant borders and walls. We cannot be nationalist and globalist, it's one or the other. We cannot be free and slaves of the globalist cabal, it is one or the other.

It's gone too far, this is destined to end in blood.
His "cut" is the political power he enjoys playing with for fun and profit. The monetary payoff comes afterward. Do you think they will break ground on Trump Moscow in 2021 or 2025?

Obviously not. He exposed it and tried to get Ukraine to prosecute some of the worst offenders.

Does it sink in that the Stalinists are impeaching Trump because he EXPOSED corruption? The crime isn't embezzling 3.2 million the way Biden did with his mule Hunter, no the CRIME is interfering with the kickback scheme.

Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?
Stalinists? Seat band is too tight in your tin hat, cutting off circulation.


The democrats are a Stalinist party, simple fact.

But you dodged the point like a good little hack; Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?

Don't be a jerk

Still you dodge.

your claims are your opinions lacking in reality and common sense,,

so calling you deranged is spot on,,,
The problem is instead of providing counter arguments against my deranged logic many just say TDS. That doesn’t mean a thing and it doesn’t prove anything... it’s just a meaningless emotional reaction. A trolling tactic

youve made it clear nothing matters but your POV,,,so as a rational thinking person and reading your comments I can see its pure TDS and nothing else,,,
and you’ve made that point at nauseam. So time to move on. I am fully aware that you think I’m deranged. You don’t need to keep telling me that. Make a counter argument to my points or don’t engage. Let’s stop acting like children and step it up a notch.

so far your argument is that youre mad trump didnt loop you in on all the intel fast enough,,and I countered with who the fuck do you think you are that he should,,,

and also why would writing it all down instead of trump saying it on air would make any difference,,,

all this combined proves you are deranged and suffering from TDS,,,its time you get over it and move on,,,
are you giving an honest recap of this or are you trolling?
The problem is instead of providing counter arguments against my deranged logic many just say TDS. That doesn’t mean a thing and it doesn’t prove anything... it’s just a meaningless emotional reaction. A trolling tactic

youve made it clear nothing matters but your POV,,,so as a rational thinking person and reading your comments I can see its pure TDS and nothing else,,,
and you’ve made that point at nauseam. So time to move on. I am fully aware that you think I’m deranged. You don’t need to keep telling me that. Make a counter argument to my points or don’t engage. Let’s stop acting like children and step it up a notch.

so far your argument is that youre mad trump didnt loop you in on all the intel fast enough,,and I countered with who the fuck do you think you are that he should,,,

and also why would writing it all down instead of trump saying it on air would make any difference,,,

all this combined proves you are deranged and suffering from TDS,,,its time you get over it and move on,,,
are you giving an honest recap of this or are you trolling?
ok then, would you please not troll my threads from now on? It’s not the kind of debate I’d like to engage in.
youve made it clear nothing matters but your POV,,,so as a rational thinking person and reading your comments I can see its pure TDS and nothing else,,,
and you’ve made that point at nauseam. So time to move on. I am fully aware that you think I’m deranged. You don’t need to keep telling me that. Make a counter argument to my points or don’t engage. Let’s stop acting like children and step it up a notch.

so far your argument is that youre mad trump didnt loop you in on all the intel fast enough,,and I countered with who the fuck do you think you are that he should,,,

and also why would writing it all down instead of trump saying it on air would make any difference,,,

all this combined proves you are deranged and suffering from TDS,,,its time you get over it and move on,,,
are you giving an honest recap of this or are you trolling?
ok then, would you please not troll my threads from now on? It’s not the kind of debate I’d like to engage in.
when have you debated anyone,,,all youve done is cry that you didnt get what you wanted and its trumps fault,,,

sorry jr but the rest of us know we will never get all of what we want from the government and we have gotten over it,,,
and you’ve made that point at nauseam. So time to move on. I am fully aware that you think I’m deranged. You don’t need to keep telling me that. Make a counter argument to my points or don’t engage. Let’s stop acting like children and step it up a notch.

so far your argument is that youre mad trump didnt loop you in on all the intel fast enough,,and I countered with who the fuck do you think you are that he should,,,

and also why would writing it all down instead of trump saying it on air would make any difference,,,

all this combined proves you are deranged and suffering from TDS,,,its time you get over it and move on,,,
are you giving an honest recap of this or are you trolling?
ok then, would you please not troll my threads from now on? It’s not the kind of debate I’d like to engage in.
when have you debated anyone,,,all youve done is cry that you didnt get what you wanted and its trumps fault,,,

sorry jr but the rest of us know we will never get all of what we want from the government and we have gotten over it,,,
This is where he begs you to put him on ignore and stay out of his threads.:21:

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