Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

The War Powers Resolution:

(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.​

It warrants a careful reading.

There is no authorization of war against Iran, it's doubtful, at best, there is one for war against Iraq, and Trump's use of military force against Soleimani hinges on a "national emergency", meaning and ongoing or immediately imminent attack.

As stated by Pompeo, Soleimani allegedly "planned" attacks, but it's unknown on which targets, or when. Commenters must have been in an extraordinarily generous mood to call the "intel" "razor thin."

Also, had this been an intelligence-driven assassination, there would have been an equally intelligence-driven assessment of the consequences. There isn't even a rumor, much less information on the existence of such assessment, much less on the content of it. There is none, as you'd expect in case a president in way over his head shoots from the hip.

Any and all efforts to brand this a "national emergency" as created by an ongoing or imminent attack are patently ludicrous. Therefore Trump clearly used his office outside the authority he has, and in so doing he got the country to the brink of war. He had to suffer attacks on U.S. bases without responding to climb down from that.

Looking around, our Trumpletons are perfectly fine with such criminally reckless brinkmanship, the reasons for which are to be found in Trump's incompetence, his looking to his own political fortunes while conducting his public office, such as playing to his base and acting to appease rightarded Senators about to sit in trial.

At the time, there are two winners. One is Trump, having pushed impeachment off the front pages for a while. The other is Daesh, since the efforts against them are currently on hold, and the most brilliant organizer and strategist of the war against them was taken off the battlefield. Good job, Mr. President, but you got the rightards giddy over a foreign policy "solution" within their grasp - "shoot dead!"
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didnā€™t they say that right away?!

simple press release, ā€œTwo designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.ā€

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
...because saying that probably would have tipped their hand, making it easier for Iran to find out where their leak is. I cant imagine too many people were in the loop on the embassy plot, so it wouldnt be hard to narrow it down. Whoever fed them the intel was probably still being smuggled out of the country, so the US couldnt say it right away.

...or something similar to the above example.
im not following that logic. If there were imminent attacks planned the. We announced that we knew about them. Hands tipped. If saying it was embassy attacks was going to reveal sources then trump revealed them. Either way you spin it at this point it doesnā€™t look good
No, this guy was working on all kinds of shit. It would be hard to know who leaked without knowing the actual subject first.
Well then Trump compromises the source by revealing it was the embassies. If he didnā€™t reveal the source then that revelation wasnā€™t compromising intel. Logic doesnā€™t add up
YOUR logic doesnt add up.
How so?
Defense Secretary Esper ā€˜didnā€™t seeā€™ specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks
Defense Secretary Esper 'didn't see' specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks

When will you gullible rubes get it? You can't believe a word the pathological liar known as Trump says.
You either.
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with ā€œI believeā€. It was an obvious hedge.

arenā€™t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Canā€™t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isnā€™t hard!
Trumpā€™s ā€œimminent threatā€ is the new ā€œWMDā€: thereā€™s no evidence given for either.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think itā€™s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things arenā€™t true with a straight face?

no, itā€™s not TDS, is observing reality. You canā€™t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. Thatā€™s soooo weak

You make stupid statements like "do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child" which is nothing more than a hysterical statement and makes it obvious debate with you is futile because your mind is made up. Then you want to pretend to discuss issues......What a laugh that is.
Defense Secretary Esper ā€˜didnā€™t seeā€™ specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks
Defense Secretary Esper 'didn't see' specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks

When will you gullible rubes get it? You can't believe a word the pathological liar known as Trump says.
You either.
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with ā€œI believeā€. It was an obvious hedge.

arenā€™t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Canā€™t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isnā€™t hard!


Trump is in a position to know what the "intel" said. If he hasn't read it, his satraps told him. Hiding behind "I believe" while promulgating a false narrative is not a "word game", it's a lie. Calling it anything other than that is probably also a lie - at least a severe error in judgment.

And then you move to compound it all by asserting, "Dems do it to all the time too." No evidence.

That commitment to your version of both-sides bullshit takes a heavy toll. You aren't calling balls and strikes, Slade.
Lotsa Dimwingers still in mourning over this terrorist's death.
ā€˜U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday said he did not see specific evidence from intelligence officials that Iran was planning to attack four U.S. embassies, an assertion made by President Donald Trump in justifying the killing of Iranā€™s top general.


When pressed on whether intelligence officers offered concrete evidence on that point he said: ā€œI didnā€™t see one with regards to four embassies.ā€ā€™

Pentagon chief says no specific evidence Iran was plotting to attack four U.S. embassies

Meaning that Trump was lying about US embassies being subject to an imminent attack.
ā€˜U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday said he did not see specific evidence from intelligence officials that Iran was planning to attack four U.S. embassies, an assertion made by President Donald Trump in justifying the killing of Iranā€™s top general.


When pressed on whether intelligence officers offered concrete evidence on that point he said: ā€œI didnā€™t see one with regards to four embassies.ā€ā€™

Pentagon chief says no specific evidence Iran was plotting to attack four U.S. embassies

Meaning that Trump was lying about US embassies being subject to an imminent attack.
He also said he agreed with Trump's assessment.

Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with ā€œI believeā€. It was an obvious hedge.

arenā€™t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Canā€™t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isnā€™t hard!

"I believe" is not an obvious hedge to most people that don't suffer from TDS.
ā€˜U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday said he did not see specific evidence from intelligence officials that Iran was planning to attack four U.S. embassies, an assertion made by President Donald Trump in justifying the killing of Iranā€™s top general.


When pressed on whether intelligence officers offered concrete evidence on that point he said: ā€œI didnā€™t see one with regards to four embassies.ā€ā€™

Pentagon chief says no specific evidence Iran was plotting to attack four U.S. embassies

Meaning that Trump was lying about US embassies being subject to an imminent attack.
He also said he agreed with Trump's assessment.

He said he BELIEVES it too.... with no evidence...... well let's just crap in one hand and put everybody's BELIEVES in the other and see which hand fills up first! :rolleyes:
...because saying that probably would have tipped their hand, making it easier for Iran to find out where their leak is. I cant imagine too many people were in the loop on the embassy plot, so it wouldnt be hard to narrow it down. Whoever fed them the intel was probably still being smuggled out of the country, so the US couldnt say it right away.

...or something similar to the above example.
im not following that logic. If there were imminent attacks planned the. We announced that we knew about them. Hands tipped. If saying it was embassy attacks was going to reveal sources then trump revealed them. Either way you spin it at this point it doesnā€™t look good
No, this guy was working on all kinds of shit. It would be hard to know who leaked without knowing the actual subject first.
Well then Trump compromises the source by revealing it was the embassies. If he didnā€™t reveal the source then that revelation wasnā€™t compromising intel. Logic doesnā€™t add up
YOUR logic doesnt add up.
How so?
You DEMAND to know what happened and when he tells you, you now complain that he compromised the source. You just wont be happy no matter what he does.
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with ā€œI believeā€. It was an obvious hedge.

arenā€™t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Canā€™t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isnā€™t hard!

"I believe" is not an obvious hedge to most people that don't suffer from TDS.
All we want to know, is what made him BELIEVE that....?
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with ā€œI believeā€. It was an obvious hedge.

arenā€™t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Canā€™t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isnā€™t hard!

"I believe" is not an obvious hedge to most people that don't suffer from TDS.
All we want to know, is what made him BELIEVE that....?
What do you want him to publicly announce sensitive information? Thats sounds fucking retarded. Youre retarded for thinking they would release all the intel.
Defense Secretary Esper ā€˜didnā€™t seeā€™ specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks
Defense Secretary Esper 'didn't see' specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks

When will you gullible rubes get it? You can't believe a word the pathological liar known as Trump says.
You either.
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with ā€œI believeā€. It was an obvious hedge.

arenā€™t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Canā€™t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isnā€™t hard!
But what if he does believe it? Then he's not lying you just choose to see that.
All we want to know, is what made him BELIEVE that....?

No one briefed on the so-called "intel" confirmed the "four embassies" narrative, even though they could have, since Trump "declassified" the "intel". It was just Trump, with a camera shoved in his face, lying to save his arse. And then we see Trumpletons, ever on guard to trample the truth right into the ground wherever it emerges, nodding in unison, like the tools they are.


But what if he does believe it? Then he's not lying you just choose to see that.

It would be hilarious of the knee-slapping kind, if it weren't a matter of life and death.
All we want to know, is what made him BELIEVE that....?

No one briefed on the so-called "intel" confirmed the "four embassies" narrative, even though they could have, since Trump "declassified" the "intel". It was just Trump, with a camera shoved in his face, lying to save his arse. And then we see Trumpletons, ever on guard to trample the truth right into the ground wherever it emerges, nodding in unison, like the tools they are.

It would be hilarious of the knee-slapping kind, if it weren't a matter of life and death.
How do you know no one was briefed?
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think itā€™s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things arenā€™t true with a straight face?

no, itā€™s not TDS, is observing reality. You canā€™t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. Thatā€™s soooo weak

You make stupid statements like "do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child" which is nothing more than a hysterical statement and makes it obvious debate with you is futile because your mind is made up. Then you want to pretend to discuss issues......What a laugh that is.
Iā€™m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
Defense Secretary Esper ā€˜didnā€™t seeā€™ specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks
Defense Secretary Esper 'didn't see' specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks

When will you gullible rubes get it? You can't believe a word the pathological liar known as Trump says.
You either.
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with ā€œI believeā€. It was an obvious hedge.

arenā€™t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Canā€™t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isnā€™t hard!


Trump is in a position to know what the "intel" said. If he hasn't read it, his satraps told him. Hiding behind "I believe" while promulgating a false narrative is not a "word game", it's a lie. Calling it anything other than that is probably also a lie - at least a severe error in judgment.

And then you move to compound it all by asserting, "Dems do it to all the time too." No evidence.

That commitment to your version of both-sides bullshit takes a heavy toll. You aren't calling balls and strikes, Slade.
Almost every interview is see from politicians from both the left and the right contain tricky word games, spin, and weaves around direct answers. Those are tactics that politicians have made an art form out of. Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t see it.

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