Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

You make stupid statements like "do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child" which is nothing more than a hysterical statement and makes it obvious debate with you is futile because your mind is made up. Then you want to pretend to discuss issues......What a laugh that is.
I’m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with “I believe”. It was an obvious hedge.

aren’t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Can’t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isn’t hard!

"I believe" is not an obvious hedge to most people that don't suffer from TDS.
It isn’t a hedge? Then what do you think it is when the question as directly about the intel that they have and Trump says “I believe” and then his DOF says they don’t have Specific evidence of embassy attacks. how does your mind reconcile that?
im not following that logic. If there were imminent attacks planned the. We announced that we knew about them. Hands tipped. If saying it was embassy attacks was going to reveal sources then trump revealed them. Either way you spin it at this point it doesn’t look good
No, this guy was working on all kinds of shit. It would be hard to know who leaked without knowing the actual subject first.
Well then Trump compromises the source by revealing it was the embassies. If he didn’t reveal the source then that revelation wasn’t compromising intel. Logic doesn’t add up
YOUR logic doesnt add up.
How so?
You DEMAND to know what happened and when he tells you, you now complain that he compromised the source. You just wont be happy no matter what he does.
I’m not saying he compromised anything. I was just questioning the logic of the statements you were making and showing where I saw flaws.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

You make stupid statements like "do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child" which is nothing more than a hysterical statement and makes it obvious debate with you is futile because your mind is made up. Then you want to pretend to discuss issues......What a laugh that is.
I’m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
Combine em
ok then, would you please not troll my threads from now on? It’s not the kind of debate I’d like to engage in.
when have you debated anyone,,,all youve done is cry that you didnt get what you wanted and its trumps fault,,,

sorry jr but the rest of us know we will never get all of what we want from the government and we have gotten over it,,,
I’ve asked politely for you to stop trolling and I’ve engaged with you in an honest way... I only have one person on my ignore list because he went personal about my family... but if you do one more troll post then you will be the next to join. No more personal attacks, I’m bored with them and they waste time. I’m done... same message to you Nostra

did I have it wrong that your issue is that you didnt get enough info the day after the droning,,,and that the info in the days following seemed strange to you???
Thanks for the questions and for the respectful tone. You’d be correct that I took issue with how the administration explained their actions over the past two weeks. I’m not saying the actions were wrong but in times when actions are taken that escalate chances of armed conflict I think of our troops and their families and think it important to demand clarity from our leaders. I don’t think that is unreasonable or partisan or deranged.

I think he was very clear,,,but that requires me knowing more on the topic and not using my bias against him ,,,

the part that makes you deranged is your obsession to make him look bad,,,lets face it youve come up with some crazy shit,,,
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with “I believe”. It was an obvious hedge.

aren’t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Can’t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isn’t hard!

"I believe" is not an obvious hedge to most people that don't suffer from TDS.
It isn’t a hedge? Then what do you think it is when the question as directly about the intel that they have and Trump says “I believe” and then his DOF says they don’t have Specific evidence of embassy attacks. how does your mind reconcile that?
Until something like that actually happens, there is no way to be sure. So why are you being such a whiny biotch over the fact Trump wasn't definitive?
Defense Secretary Esper ‘didn’t see’ specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks
Defense Secretary Esper 'didn't see' specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks

When will you gullible rubes get it? You can't believe a word the pathological liar known as Trump says.
You either.
Trump did preface the embassy attack claims with “I believe”. It was an obvious hedge.

aren’t we all sick of these political word games?! Dems do it to all the time too. Can’t we call balls and strikes with this crap. Be straight and honest, it isn’t hard!
But what if he does believe it? Then he's not lying you just choose to see that.
He can believe anything he wants to justify any decision he makes. That’s the hedge and that’s why he used that phrase. That why when I hear people give answers like that I see spin and avoidance... not honesty and transparency.

im sure Bush would say he believed there were WMDs. Question is, is that the bar we want to accept for taking actions that could start a war?
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

You make stupid statements like "do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child" which is nothing more than a hysterical statement and makes it obvious debate with you is futile because your mind is made up. Then you want to pretend to discuss issues......What a laugh that is.
I’m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
Combine em
That gave me a chuckle :) nice one
No, this guy was working on all kinds of shit. It would be hard to know who leaked without knowing the actual subject first.
Well then Trump compromises the source by revealing it was the embassies. If he didn’t reveal the source then that revelation wasn’t compromising intel. Logic doesn’t add up
YOUR logic doesnt add up.
How so?
You DEMAND to know what happened and when he tells you, you now complain that he compromised the source. You just wont be happy no matter what he does.
I’m not saying he compromised anything. I was just questioning the logic of the statements you were making and showing where I saw flaws.
Bro, this isnt rocket science. If you tell the world everything he was up to, it outs the people who feed us intel. What is so hard to understand here?
ok then, would you please not troll my threads from now on? It’s not the kind of debate I’d like to engage in.
when have you debated anyone,,,all youve done is cry that you didnt get what you wanted and its trumps fault,,,

sorry jr but the rest of us know we will never get all of what we want from the government and we have gotten over it,,,
I’ve asked politely for you to stop trolling and I’ve engaged with you in an honest way... I only have one person on my ignore list because he went personal about my family... but if you do one more troll post then you will be the next to join. No more personal attacks, I’m bored with them and they waste time. I’m done... same message to you Nostra
did I have it wrong that your issue is that you didnt get enough info the day after the droning,,,and that the info in the days following seemed strange to you???
Thanks for the questions and for the respectful tone. You’d be correct that I took issue with how the administration explained their actions over the past two weeks. I’m not saying the actions were wrong but in times when actions are taken that escalate chances of armed conflict I think of our troops and their families and think it important to demand clarity from our leaders. I don’t think that is unreasonable or partisan or deranged.

I think he was very clear,,,but that requires me knowing more on the topic and not using my bias against him ,,,

the part that makes you deranged is your obsession to make him look bad,,,lets face it youve come up with some crazy shit,,,
maybe I’m a staffer working for Trumps campaign on here playing devils advocate trying to see how people respond to hot topics. Point being who gives a shit what you think my personal feelings and agenda is... you can either handle the debate or not and when you go personal you show that you can not. Try stepping it up and doing better by sticking to the substance. It will make you a better person
Well then Trump compromises the source by revealing it was the embassies. If he didn’t reveal the source then that revelation wasn’t compromising intel. Logic doesn’t add up
YOUR logic doesnt add up.
How so?
You DEMAND to know what happened and when he tells you, you now complain that he compromised the source. You just wont be happy no matter what he does.
I’m not saying he compromised anything. I was just questioning the logic of the statements you were making and showing where I saw flaws.
Bro, this isnt rocket science. If you tell the world everything he was up to, it outs the people who feed us intel. What is so hard to understand here?
oh I completely understand and respect that. I’m not suggesting any compromising intel get released. If you think I am advocating that then you are missing the point all together.
He said he BELIEVES it too.... with no evidence...... well let's just crap in one hand and put everybody's BELIEVES in the other and see which hand fills up first! :rolleyes:

Well we certainly have no basis to take what you believe as fact either. Geesh.....Give it a break already.
when have you debated anyone,,,all youve done is cry that you didnt get what you wanted and its trumps fault,,,

sorry jr but the rest of us know we will never get all of what we want from the government and we have gotten over it,,,
I’ve asked politely for you to stop trolling and I’ve engaged with you in an honest way... I only have one person on my ignore list because he went personal about my family... but if you do one more troll post then you will be the next to join. No more personal attacks, I’m bored with them and they waste time. I’m done... same message to you Nostra
did I have it wrong that your issue is that you didnt get enough info the day after the droning,,,and that the info in the days following seemed strange to you???
Thanks for the questions and for the respectful tone. You’d be correct that I took issue with how the administration explained their actions over the past two weeks. I’m not saying the actions were wrong but in times when actions are taken that escalate chances of armed conflict I think of our troops and their families and think it important to demand clarity from our leaders. I don’t think that is unreasonable or partisan or deranged.

I think he was very clear,,,but that requires me knowing more on the topic and not using my bias against him ,,,

the part that makes you deranged is your obsession to make him look bad,,,lets face it youve come up with some crazy shit,,,
maybe I’m a staffer working for Trumps campaign on here playing devils advocate trying to see how people respond to hot topics. Point being who gives a shit what you think my personal feelings and agenda is... you can either handle the debate or not and when you go personal you show that you can not. Try stepping it up and doing better by sticking to the substance. It will make you a better person

But you are not debating anything, you are doing nothing but basically stating 'orange man bad.'
Almost every interview is see from politicians from both the left and the right contain tricky word games, spin, and weaves around direct answers. Those are tactics that politicians have made an art form out of. I’m sorry you don’t see it.

I guess, my argument could have been clearer. Of course, politicians spin. Who would dispute that? Trump lied about why he murdered ten men, getting the nation to the brink of war. I am sorry you can't seem to see the difference.
Almost every interview is see from politicians from both the left and the right contain tricky word games, spin, and weaves around direct answers. Those are tactics that politicians have made an art form out of. I’m sorry you don’t see it.

I guess, my argument could have been clearer. Of course, politicians spin. Who would dispute that? Trump lied about why he murdered ten men, getting the nation to the brink of war. I am sorry you can't seem to see the difference.
How would you know if he lied? What evidence do you have to support that bold claim?
I’ve asked politely for you to stop trolling and I’ve engaged with you in an honest way... I only have one person on my ignore list because he went personal about my family... but if you do one more troll post then you will be the next to join. No more personal attacks, I’m bored with them and they waste time. I’m done... same message to you Nostra
did I have it wrong that your issue is that you didnt get enough info the day after the droning,,,and that the info in the days following seemed strange to you???
Thanks for the questions and for the respectful tone. You’d be correct that I took issue with how the administration explained their actions over the past two weeks. I’m not saying the actions were wrong but in times when actions are taken that escalate chances of armed conflict I think of our troops and their families and think it important to demand clarity from our leaders. I don’t think that is unreasonable or partisan or deranged.

I think he was very clear,,,but that requires me knowing more on the topic and not using my bias against him ,,,

the part that makes you deranged is your obsession to make him look bad,,,lets face it youve come up with some crazy shit,,,
maybe I’m a staffer working for Trumps campaign on here playing devils advocate trying to see how people respond to hot topics. Point being who gives a shit what you think my personal feelings and agenda is... you can either handle the debate or not and when you go personal you show that you can not. Try stepping it up and doing better by sticking to the substance. It will make you a better person

But you are not debating anything, you are doing nothing but basically stating 'orange man bad.'
ive never called him orange and being critical of his actions is just fine. It takes two to debate and when people like you always respond with the personal attacks then the debate and subject gets lost. I’m sure that’s probably your intent.
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
yep. Indeed. He wasn't Hitler, though, he had that going for him.
I’ve asked politely for you to stop trolling and I’ve engaged with you in an honest way... I only have one person on my ignore list because he went personal about my family... but if you do one more troll post then you will be the next to join. No more personal attacks, I’m bored with them and they waste time. I’m done... same message to you Nostra

The problem with ignore is that it doesn't do what you think it does. You still have your posts defeated, the rest of the board still sees you be made a fool of. It doesn't keep people from responding.
I guess I’m just not as concerned as you are with how the board see me... is that why you troll so much? Going after some kind of fictitious victory where your captive audience can cheer you on and your opponents can cry themselves to sleep? Is that the fantasy land you live in?! A little advice... grow up.

Come off it, I don't troll. I give some of the most thought out and in-depth responses on the site.

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