Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Almost every interview is see from politicians from both the left and the right contain tricky word games, spin, and weaves around direct answers. Those are tactics that politicians have made an art form out of. I’m sorry you don’t see it.

I guess, my argument could have been clearer. Of course, politicians spin. Who would dispute that? Trump lied about why he murdered ten men, getting the nation to the brink of war. I am sorry you can't seem to see the difference.
Trump didn’t murder anyone check your TDS diaper it’s full of shit.
I’m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
At this point it really doesn't matter because your arguments are all hysterical.
Would you call his name calling and online trolling mature or immature actions? Simple question
I call it giving to Democrat liars and traitors what they deserve which is no respect. Frankly I’d hang every damn one of those anti-American sleezeballs.
]ive never called him orange and being critical of his actions is just fine. It takes two to debate and when people like you always respond with the personal attacks then the debate and subject gets lost. I’m sure that’s probably your intent.

No, Orange Man Bad is a meme that perfectly describes what you try to pass off as 'debate'....There is no debating stupid opinions based on the fact you personally don't like our President. The facts are, the Democrats have 0 evidence that Trump did anything wrong even after 3 years of a stupid anal-exam by politically biased FBI and CIA agents. Now we have the 'phone call' wherein we received a transcript and there is absolutely 0 evidence of quie-pro-quo. In stark contrast, is Biden who clearly bribed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was prosecuting Biden's son. How many fucking lies do you have to believe to be a TDSer anyway? Wasn't Schiff's lying rendition of the transcript enough to tell you?
]ive never called him orange and being critical of his actions is just fine. It takes two to debate and when people like you always respond with the personal attacks then the debate and subject gets lost. I’m sure that’s probably your intent.

No, Orange Man Bad is a meme that perfectly describes what you try to pass off as 'debate'....There is no debating stupid opinions based on the fact you personally don't like our President. The facts are, the Democrats have 0 evidence that Trump did anything wrong even after 3 years of a stupid anal-exam by politically biased FBI and CIA agents. Now we have the 'phone call' wherein we received a transcript and there is absolutely 0 evidence of quie-pro-quo. In stark contrast, is Biden who clearly bribed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was prosecuting Biden's son. How many fucking lies do you have to believe to be a TDSer anyway? Wasn't Schiff's lying rendition of the transcript enough to tell you?
If you don’t want to debate the ideas presented then don’t enter the thread. Coming in to cry TDS and attack the poster instead of their ideas is a troll tactic and a waste of time. Do better or piss off
If you don’t want to debate the ideas presented then don’t enter the thread. Coming in to cry TDS and attack the poster instead of their ideas is a troll tactic and a waste of time. Do better or piss off

The Democrats have no evidence of any wrong doing by Trump. "Ideas" don't count. Did you miss that in my post while you cleaned your TDS diaper? Even the 'witnesses' at the clown impeachment inquiry said they had no real evidence of Trump asking the Ukraine to help him with the election. Please point out the EXACT place in the transcript where Trump EVER said that. That's the debate fool. You can't see anything but your hatred of Trump.
Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

This is very interesting. Our government takes out a top military commander in the leading terror sponsor of the world who has been attacking us left and right for months saying he was an imminent threat. End of story. I mean, with 7.8 billion people on the planet, they obviously had their reasons!

Had Obama or any other Democrat been in office, that WOULD have been the end of the story.

But they pressed: WHAT imminent threat? OK, he was planning to take out the embassy they had just attacked. End of story.

But no. In the continuing effort to rip this country clean apart, the Left have now resorted to actually DEFENDING Iran as the victim, not even a terrorist nation at all, our military a criminal element hell bent on war with anything that moves, and Trump the actual terrorist!

Democrats never cease to amaze. They'd be funny if they weren't doing so much harm.
]ive never called him orange and being critical of his actions is just fine. It takes two to debate and when people like you always respond with the personal attacks then the debate and subject gets lost. I’m sure that’s probably your intent.

No, Orange Man Bad is a meme that perfectly describes what you try to pass off as 'debate'....There is no debating stupid opinions based on the fact you personally don't like our President. The facts are, the Democrats have 0 evidence that Trump did anything wrong even after 3 years of a stupid anal-exam by politically biased FBI and CIA agents. Now we have the 'phone call' wherein we received a transcript and there is absolutely 0 evidence of quie-pro-quo. In stark contrast, is Biden who clearly bribed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was prosecuting Biden's son. How many fucking lies do you have to believe to be a TDSer anyway? Wasn't Schiff's lying rendition of the transcript enough to tell you?

I never supported impeachment nor do I support Trump constantly lying.
Some threat
Trump has upped the anti and now claims there were plans to attack FOUR embassies

Problem is......his own Defense Secretary knows nothing about it

Defense secretary Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot against 4 US embassies

Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot on US embassies

It's odd how it was noted that Trump gave approval for the killing but the defense secretary knew nothing about all of this.

So who filled him in?
Defense Secretary Esper ‘didn’t see’ specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks
Defense Secretary Esper 'didn't see' specific evidence of Trump claim that Iran planned embassy attacks

When will you gullible rubes get it? You can't believe a word the pathological liar known as Trump says.

They get it just fine, it just doesn't matter. They just KNOW These people are evil. No attribution of evil to them can ever be incorrect or merely self-serving - rather it is true by definition. And that's why what Trump was pulling out of his arse was true. Period. So, make that not just one, or four embassies, make it forty embassies under imminent threat, and the claim is just as true as the other ones.
I’m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
At this point it really doesn't matter because your arguments are all hysterical.
Would you call his name calling and online trolling mature or immature actions? Simple question
I call it giving to Democrat liars and traitors what they deserve which is no respect. Frankly I’d hang every damn one of those anti-American sleezeballs.

Democrats aren't the liars and they're not the one who is selling out the USA to the Russians.
I’m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
At this point it really doesn't matter because your arguments are all hysterical.
Would you call his name calling and online trolling mature or immature actions? Simple question
I call it giving to Democrat liars and traitors what they deserve which is no respect. Frankly I’d hang every damn one of those anti-American sleezeballs.

Democrats aren't the liars and they're not the one who is selling out the USA to the Russians.

whats that projection theory???

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Some threat
Trump has upped the anti and now claims there were plans to attack FOUR embassies

Problem is......his own Defense Secretary knows nothing about it

Defense secretary Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot against 4 US embassies

Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot on US embassies
From your link:

Esper said on CBS News' "Face the Nation" that the administration acted upon solid intelligence in deciding to kill Soleimani. He said, "There was going to be an attack within a matter of days that would be broad in scale – in other words, more than one country – and that it would be bigger than previous attacks."
Some threat
Trump has upped the anti and now claims there were plans to attack FOUR embassies

Problem is......his own Defense Secretary knows nothing about it

Defense secretary Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot against 4 US embassies

Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot on US embassies

It's odd how it was noted that Trump gave approval for the killing but the defense secretary knew nothing about all of this.

So who filled him in?
Knew nothing about it? What a pantload.

Esper said on CBS News' "Face the Nation" that the administration acted upon solid intelligence in deciding to kill Soleimani. He said, "There was going to be an attack within a matter of days that would be broad in scale – in other words, more than one country – and that it would be bigger than previous attacks."
I’m sorry, if I substitute immature for child would that be better?
At this point it really doesn't matter because your arguments are all hysterical.
Would you call his name calling and online trolling mature or immature actions? Simple question
I call it giving to Democrat liars and traitors what they deserve which is no respect. Frankly I’d hang every damn one of those anti-American sleezeballs.

Democrats aren't the liars and they're not the one who is selling out the USA to the Russians.

whats that projection theory???

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Bad news champ. Trump has to close his politically motivated investigation into Clinton because there was zero evidence to support the bullshit allegations y’all have been screaming about for years.
Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress
Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress

Trump authorized Soleimani’s killing 7 months ago, with conditions
Trump authorized Soleimani's killing 7 months ago, with conditions

It is disturbing to see how Trumpette's are being duped right out in the open............yet they choose to believe whatever rubbish is fed to them because..............Dear Leader.
"That decision explains why assassinating Soleimani was on the menu of options that the military presented to Trump two weeks ago for responding to an attack by Iranian proxies in Iraq, in which a U.S. contractor was killed and four U.S. service members were wounded, the officials said.

The timing, however, could undermine the Trump administration’s stated justification for ordering the U.S. drone strike that killed Soleimani in Baghdad on Jan. 3. Officials have said Soleimani, the leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force, was planning imminent attacks on Americans and had to be stopped.

“There have been a number of options presented to the president over the course of time,” a senior administration official said, adding that it was “some time ago” that the president’s aides put assassinating Soleimani on the list of potential responses to Iranian aggression."
So.........Trump was given the option of killing Soleimani months ago, it was advocated by advisers, he initially rejected the idea, then a US contractor was killed meeting the criteria for the assassination he established in his head, Trump gave the go ahead order, and the admin has been lying about the rationale ever since.
Some threat
Trump has upped the anti and now claims there were plans to attack FOUR embassies

Problem is......his own Defense Secretary knows nothing about it

Defense secretary Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot against 4 US embassies

Mark Esper didn't see specific evidence of Iran plot on US embassies

It's odd how it was noted that Trump gave approval for the killing but the defense secretary knew nothing about all of this.

So who filled him in?
Knew nothing about it? What a pantload.

Esper said on CBS News' "Face the Nation" that the administration acted upon solid intelligence in deciding to kill Soleimani. He said, "There was going to be an attack within a matter of days that would be broad in scale – in other words, more than one country – and that it would be bigger than previous attacks."

So why didn't the defense secretary know anything about it? Did you believe the White House when they went on shows like Face the Nation and stated that Benghazi was about a video?

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